Private Roleplay  So Let the Memories Be Good For Those Who Stay [Kyra]
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Alexander he/him
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
Posts: 71
Pronouns: he/him

(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 01:02:23 AM by Alexander.)


"Toby? Why?"

The strain in her voice struck him as he stood there, half of a piece of honeycomb hanging from his mouth, the sticky substance dribbling down his chin. He tilted his head as he looked at her, golden green eyes holding her gaze before setting the honey down. Had he done something wrong? Had he...overstepped again? Or was it just...something else entirely?

Alexander shifted a bit, the confusion flooding his face as he tried to find the right words to answer her. He wasn't sure what the 'why' was about, but, something told him that it wasn't going to be good.

"Why what?" he finally asked, unable to think through their interactions and what had suddenly tugged at her so. Was it the honey?

"The honey?" came the confused voice of the golden prince as he blinked. He couldn't tell her it was because of...Buckshot...and what the strange significance was.

"I thought you might like it. I thought, uhm..." he said, blinking again; his face flushing under his fur.

"I thought maybe, I thought maybe, I could help you...uhm, get out of your den. Uhm. I wanted to--ahh...I'm sorry. Was this too much again?" The boy stammered his way through trying to over explain his reasoning for bringing her here to the garden and then taking her around to find and get honey. He'd done it- he'd made her uncomfortable again and whatever confidence he had managed to bubble up had deflated right back in to his old self.

Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you

Kyra she/her
Posts: 19
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 409

[Image: n0HcaK9.png]
K y r a,

Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me


She really didn't know what... Or she really couldn't comprehend why... he was being so nice. He was going... above and beyond any thank-you that mattered, or at least, above any kindness that anyone has shown her before. He asked nothing of her yet, no promises, not even encouragement. That touch before... wasn't unwelcome at all but he wasn't even looking for more. It confused her, she didn't know what to do with that idea.

"No... it's... not the honey, I mean not really, I guess it sort of is... Its just..." She tried to formulate what she was feeling and the words just weren't coming together properly. She looked away and sucked in her cheek, pressed her tongue against her teeth, and then gazed at the honey filling the grass.

"Why...Well... No one's really been this nice to me before. I mean, other than my dad, but thats really different, he's nice but I always feel like I'm still too much for him, or he gets annoyed at me sometimes, or at least exasperated. Maybe disappointed that I didn't end up a healer like my siblings. But..." She glanced up at him, confused wonder in her mismatched gaze, maybe this was just how he was, and she wasn't all that special.

"Are you..." She didn't really want to know if he was always this nice to everyone...
She shook her head, waving the whole conversation away.

"No, forget it. It's fine, I'm just... not used to it." She said as she dipped her head to finally taste the golden sweet honey. The sweetness surprised her and she paused trying to reform her fragmented and scattered thoughts flying everywhere.

"Oh hey, this, this is really good, Tobes!" She said and licked her chops. She tried to give him a sweetened smile as thank you but it didn't quite reach her eyes yet.  


Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon

Profile // #b01b0f
Alexander he/him
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
Posts: 71
Pronouns: he/him

(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 01:02:35 AM by Alexander.)


"No... it's... not the honey, I mean not really, I guess it sort of is... Its just... Why...Well... No one's really been this nice to me before. I mean, other than my dad, but thats really different, he's nice but I always feel like I'm still too much for him, or he gets annoyed at me sometimes, or at least exasperated. Maybe disappointed that I didn't end up a healer like my siblings. But...Are you...No, forget it. It's fine, I'm just... not used to it."

She stammered and attempted her best to explain herself. Alexander simply sat there and listened, smiling softly and nodding the whole time. Sure, he could see where she was coming from. After all, he had never been used to a pack accepting him and taking him in so willingly, even with all of his strange brain problems. Kyra hadn't even batted an eyelash when he'd told her that night when they met; she simply smiled at him and told him that he'd come to the right place and that she'd take care of him. And she had- boy had she done him a service that he knew would never be fully repayable. If anything, this was the bare minimum he could do. Yet the boy couldn't help but tilt his head and perk his ears when she attempted to ask a question, only diverting and bending down to take up the piece of honey at her feet. His smile faded- what did she want to know? Did she truly believe that he was royalty like the rest of them did? Did she want to know something....more personal and then negated it instead? Was she...was she worried that asking a question would in turn spiral them both down the avenue of apologies and overstepping boundaries? The flow of concerns and questions flooded his brain; he didn't like not knowing, and it was even worse that she felt uncomfortable to speak to him plainly. Was it because she thought she was below him and that he was some sort of...royalty that needed to have everything parsed? Perhaps it was merely that they were still young in their attempt at friendship- she'd said she wasn't good but wanted to try; and he couldn't fault her for doing her best, even if deep down it worried him that there was something lingering that she was uncomfortable talking about. Truly, he hoped he'd not pushed her too far and she was only showing pleasantries towards him because it 'was the right thing to do.'

"Oh hey, this, this is really good, Tobes!"

Golden green eyes snapped back to reality as she complimented the honey, and his tail began to unconsciously thump behind him. It was as if all at once the worries and fears and peeves that were building up had gone. Even though he didn't see the truth of her forced smile and attempt at appeasing; he was happy that she seemed happy, or at least like she seemed to be enjoying the honey.

"I am very glad you like it," he said with a smile, taking his own piece and eating it. It was sweeter than most honey, and it had a sort of...sour but still sweet flavor to it that made even his mouth water. The prince gave a contented sigh as he looked up to the sky, ears pinning down against his head. Ahh...he was about to be late. Alexander swung his head down to look at Kyra, a small smirk still playing on his lips as he licked the honey from his maw.

"I do apologize, Miss Kyra, to have realized how much time has passed us," he said, the smile fading a bit. He felt a little guilty that he'd let so much time begin to pass from their adventure, "and I must go back to meet with your father for today's lesson in...something." The boy grinned sheepishly, shaking his head at his failed attempt to remember anything about anything when it came to healing and herbs. But he was trying never the less, and that was what mattered most.

"May I...may I walk you back to your den before I go?" A bold question, but one that he felt needed to be asked. It would be rude to just leave her sitting in a garden all by herself, and it would be even ruder if he simply parted ways and let her find her own way home. Alexander knew that their adventure was going to be cut short, but, it was the least he could do to take her back home.

Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you

Kyra she/her
Posts: 19
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 409

[Image: n0HcaK9.png]
K y r a,

Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me


She smacked her lips together over the honeycomb, the waxy part was strange but not at all unpleasant. Much like... him. She hoped she didn't mess things up too bad with him.

She looked up to the sky to realize the time after he commented on it, just as a drip of honey dribbled from the corner of her mouth. I was almost midday already and she was already exhausted. It was probably several factors leading to her tiredness. She was so ready for a nap.

"Yeah," She licked her chops and nodded as she finished her piece.
"Yeah... That'll be nice." She said, trying to give him a warm smile. She had to admit, she had started the day in a fog and not wanting to do anything. She was glad he encouraged her to go. It was a nice change of pace and a sweet treat... and she didn't have to pretend around him that she was this sweet person. It didn't seem like he cared. Kyra was probably at her lowest point earlier this morning but he really helped bring a smile to her face and he wasn't asking for anything in return.

She let him lead her back, as he had led her there. She couldn't help already reminiscing how this visit had just gone and looked at him sideways. She didn't want to let him go. She wanted him to say her name like he did when this started. But she knew her wants and desires were far from her grasp. He couldn't be hers, she had a mess already and she didn't want to ruin him. Besides, look at her, she had commitment written on her forehead with her belly growing.

She didn't know if the father of her pups was going to come back, everything was still too fresh. She had yet to process everything fully but it was good to have this mental break, and feel someone's warmth again. She didn't know what she wanted at this point except... to see the alleged Alexander again. Maybe she could ask him to go on some more walks. They wouldn't have to talk, she just... wanted to see him more.

Ugh it was selfish, what would her father think. Her father would probably be disappointed that she was already so ready to move on. Well... Maybe not... She always had a hard time reading her father.

"Tobie?" She would ask as they would reach her den, "Thank you for this. I really needed it. Can we go for a walk tomorrow?" Kyra asked, tilting her head.


Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon

Profile // #b01b0f
Alexander he/him
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
Posts: 71
Pronouns: he/him

(This post was last modified: April 27, 2019, 01:02:46 AM by Alexander.)


The walk back was quiet, but not in that awkward way, or tense way when things went wrong or had an air of doubt about it. No, it was quiet but it was nice to walk along side a friend even if there was nothing to talk about. Yet as the pair reached Kyra's den, she broke that silence.

Tobie? Thank you for this. I really needed it. Can we go for a walk tomorrow?"

His ears perked as he looked at her, a small smile creeping upon his face. His heart was pounding in his chest- when had that started? He nodded, his tail beginning to wag happily behind him. Perhaps this was a success after all, especially if she wanted to hang out with him again.

"Of course, Miss Kyra. It would be an absolute pleasure to spend more time with you." he said in one smooth sentence, something he'd been unable to do at the start of their venture. "Thank you for coming with me today, and spending some time with me. It has been an absolute honor."

The smile only widened as he moved in and gently butted his head with hers.

"I will see you tomorrow. Same time. Perhaps we can go somewhere different."

He'd pull his head back after that, giving her a little wink before moving towards the entrance of her den.

"Have a wonderful day, Miss Kyra."

And just like that, he was back out the den, bounding towards Hakan's store for his lesson.


ooc: last post for this thread for alexander

Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you

Kyra she/her
Posts: 19
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 409

[Image: n0HcaK9.png]
K y r a,

Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me


Kyra... really liked the way he talked sometimes... It was very... its comfortably formal? She liked it.

He came in for a gentle headbutt, and she closed her eyes and breathed in his scent, wanting it to linger.

"I will see you tomorrow. Same time. Perhaps we can go somewhere different."

"Yes." She replied. Then he turned to go she watched after him, and for the first time in days, maybe weeks... maybe ever, she genuinely smiled warmly. Her heart felt full as she watched his retreating form. When... when had it ever felt like this? But as he disappeared and she turned to her own den, her face fell.

Don't dare to dream girl... He can't be yours... He's just a really nice friend...

ooc: Last post!

Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon

Profile // #b01b0f
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