Closed Star and Stone - [Agar] [Done] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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November 19, 2018, 11:53:05 PM
(This post was last modified: December 10, 2018, 12:34:54 AM by Charley.)
Empty... Small brown hands checked the trap to see if it had been sprung before. No, it was just empty. With a sigh and a grunt she stood, bracing herself against a worn spear. Rivian hated this time of year. Soggy and cold, plants were laying down to rest. It was just roots roots and more roots, dehydrated berries, herbal teas, and more roots from now until the sprigs of fresh greens in spring. At least she usually had small game to eat but that had gotten a lot more scarce lately. She no longer had a wolf friend to hunt for them both anymore. Or a fairy lover to bring in more game and spill its blood on the dirt before eating it raw. He had left some time ago, promising to return. But it had been a year and she was sure he would never return. She had to figure this out herself or die trying. He had told her he hadn't been ready to take a bride when they met and she had always been scared that everytime he left it would be the last time she saw him.
It was. It was months before she finally accepted it. Time moved differently for the fair folk anyway. He probably left because she was too clingy. Regardless, she couldn't dwell on it. She could only look forward. It was nice while it lasted, but the future now wasn't built on extravagant dreams of castles and cloth. She came upon another trap and just stood there under the tree staring blankly at it. Set and waiting still. Not even nibbled on. The game had been getting sparser and sparser around these parts. The roots from her garden getting thinner and thinner each year. With a sigh she looked up from under her ragged leather hood into the canopy of the drippy forest. It wasn't quite cold enough for snow yet, but she could feel the bite on the wind. She picked up the trap and stowed it away. She'd have to go further into the woods to find better game, and it was already quite the walk from her ramshackle cottage. Soon she might as well start moving out and find a new place to call home. With winter so close though she knew setting out without a roof overhead was a death sentence. But it might be a death sentence to stay and perhaps starve to death before spring came. Such was the conversation every year, but, as she passed another empty trap to stow away in her bag, she felt like spring would just be too far away this time. Using her spear as a walking stick the tiny woman came to a gurgling brook. The autumn rains had filled it back to brimming from drying up during the summer. She paused and leaned over the water, she reached out with a naked hand and brushed the surface of the water. Bone death cold shot up her arm. She recoiled slightly, drawing her arm back. Then with a soft hum on her lips she reached back out, hovered over the stream then dove her hand straight in and came back out with a smooth bright white rock the size and color of a fresh white egg. Singing softly in a strange shamanic tongue she held it up to the mid morning light and traced the faint striations that ran through the white quartz. She then dug into a pocket and pulled out a dark smooth stone, it had a small round hole in it. She held them up together, trying to match the striations. Suddenly, she paused in her divining and slowly lowered her arms, holding her breath, the song dead in the air. She felt a distinct presence nearby, and its focus had shifted to her. Her hood was up and she couldn't tell if the thing was dangerous or perhaps just a large deer or moose passing by. She had no idea how long it had been there. |
Big dad
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Agar had scouted in a new direction from his little hunting camp. Upon heading into more open forests, he had expected to find bigger game; elk. The prey had no advantage anywhere with thick brush and one bull could make for enough food to easily feed Agar through the winter. A good big of large hide wouldn't be so bad to have either.
He didn't find the animals he was expecting. The woods felt quiet and still aside from the rabbit warrens he came across. Agar initially assumed it meant the wolves or sabers had already passed through here, cleaned up what prey they could, and that the herds would then have moved along. The man intended to pick up everything he had and follow, but he halted his plans when he found a man-made trap the day before. While he left the unsprung trap alone, Agar persisted in searching for more signs of humanity. It was too rare and precious to pass up finding another of his kind. There was no mistaking the sound of song traveling through the woods. It was gentle and hushed but certainly close. Agar followed the sound. He didn't bother with hiking quietly, and shortly after spotting the small figure near the brook, she stopped singing. He didn't speak up or move immediately, half-expecting the song to continue and him not planning to interrupt. As soon as the discomfort became clear, Agar announced himself. "Don't stop on my behalf." Once he spoke up, the large man stepped out into the open. He carried no weapon or equipment in hand and kept some distance from the little maiden while also moving towards the stream. As much as he was trying to give her space and appear non-threatening, he was also staring at her. The girl was a strange sight. She was neither hellion nor just. Typical human looking like he was. There was a clear look of bemusement on his face. |
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When the man spoke and sideled into her view she gasped at the size of him, she started and dropped her rocks, she rushed to catch them in mid air. She brought up the dark stone and held the small hole to her eye as if peering at him through it would help her see him. She clutched the white one with white knuckles and as he stared at her she would shift the rock back and forth from her eye as if to see if he changed, depending on if she was looking through the rock or not. When she was thoroughly satisfied the image didn't change she slowly brought the rock down from her face entirely and stood there awestruck.
With a weak and shaking arm she threw the white rock at him to hit him in the arm. Not hard enough to hurt or scare him but enough to make it bounce off him. She stared as it bounced and landed on the ground, watching the stone in the leaves for a moment in complete disbelief. Slowly her gaze lifted again to the larger northman. She had not seen a true human male in... years. Her already large green eyes were wide as she drunk in the braided beard and kind if bewildered eyes. He was certainly a true human then, he was looking at her like strangers usually did when she had been among people. Her people didn't typically have the white hair either, she had been set apart at birth. To be honest... His staring was comforting somehow when she had grown tired of it among her own people so long ago. It felt normal... She tucked a strand of her silver hair behind her ear, and pulled down her hood to reveal the loosely braided updo. She stood in silence until she could finally find words to speak. It had been so long she could barely get above a quiet tone, it cracked and squeaked from misuse, "I... haven't seen... people... in a long time." She said, cautiously stepping closer, "Can I..." She started to reach out, she just wanted to touch his sleeve. The rock made him real but she still couldn't believe he was really real. "You're a... Northman. Yes?" Her voice was getting stronger. |
Big dad
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There was a few assumptions Agar started with upon seeing the maiden. Her having a stranger reaction to him was not what he would have predicted. She kept looking at him through... was that just a rock? His expression only quirked with more confusion. Was the rare find of a human stranger really just a crazy woman?
She threw a rock at him. It bumped off his arm and plopped lamely on the ground. He looked down at his arm. And the rock. And then at the little nutcase. One brow was flared way up as he now looked at her expectantly. He was not the least bit surprised to learn it had been so long since she last saw people. It explained all of this thus far. As oddly as he might have gazed at her, he certainly didn't retract when she reached out for him. Her caution had him moving his arm just an inch towards her to actually press it against her hand. Hopefully that would be helpful for the little thing. He was pretty sure if she lashed out in some madwoman craze he could take her anyways. "Ehm." He didn't answer her question immediately, still letting what the girl was like sink in. "I am human, if dat is vhat you mean. Agar." He breathed out a frustrated grunt as he watched her, his brows creasing. Disappointed, he concluded, "you look like little princess, but.. you are alone. You don't come from anyplace?" |
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She softly gasped as her tiny hand came in contact with his massive arm and the supple leather gave a little. He was very real. He even tried to reassure her that yes, he was indeed human and if she got the trick of the language right he had given her his name as well, Agar. She mouthed "Agar" to herself. Had it been so long she had forgotten how humans talk to each other? It'll probably all come back as they kept talking.
When he grunted with frustration she flicked her eyes to his face and saw the disappointment and confusion in there. She stepped back as he asked his question. "you look like little princess, but.. you are alone. You don't come from anyplace?" He had asked in an interesting accent. She looked away from him, not sure how to explain. It almost stung when he mentioned princess, but not from his intention. It was from someone in the past that had called her royalty and let her dream and fly too high before abandoning her to the loneliness and crumbling shack after promising her a castle. "I..." She started, glancing around for the rock she threw at him, she found it, "No... I mean thank you... for the compliment, I mean. And..." She said as she bent down for her rock, holding it up for him to see, giving him a small apologetic smile, "And also... Sorry... for that." motioning to the rock. She had a hard time bringing her thoughts together in a cohesive sentence, she hadn't thought really in sentences for a time. She was still taken aback by him just being there, and she was speaking to him and it wasn't a dream or apparition. She was still considering that maybe she had already died and now she was wandering the afterlife, doing just what she had always been doing, except now she was talking to the inhabitants of this plane of existence. She was really starting to go batty wasn't she. She pocketed her rocks and shook her head, widening her eyes at the disbelief in herself. Get it together kid! He's here, your here, now what? "Oh mother help me..." She mumbled to herself taking a breath, trying to inwardly form a better connection from her brain to her mouth and gather her thoughts. She looked back at the man, feeling like a child at the feet of a giant, or great immortal god. But that was silly, though from her own experiences she had long stopped doubting the impossible. Her face was neutral mostly. "Yes... I am... Alone. I have been for a... while." she reached for his sleeve again, to reassure herself he was still there and not some ghost. "Rivian. My name is Rivian." As she spoke, it began to get easier to talk and she was feeling more relieved as she went, "I lost my first village to a fire... My family." She said looking distant, staring at the details of his sleeve and coat "My brother and I... we found and joined a new village. It was good." She looked up at his kind human eyes, though he was large she could read his heart. She wasn't at all intimidated by him. "Then that one was lost too while I was traveling. I came back... and it had been swallowed up by ash and rock. I haven't seen many... people... since." She couldn't help her eyes tearing up but she didn't look away as she looked up at him, so relieved that he was here. She didn't smile now, the grief on her face was old and sad, but it was an old friend, this grief was not fresh or bottled up just to explode. She made no move to wipe away her tears until he spoke. "And you? Are you alone?" She asked, desperate for him to say he had a village, or a tribe, or a caravan, or just a gathering of people. How she longed to hear the drums again, the crackle of a feast fire, the singing of celebration or welcome, to dance. She longed to dance again. |
Big dad
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She apologized for the rock and got a small acceptance followed by "it didn't hurt." Otherwise the man was quiet while she spoke, a pitying feeling growing in him while she did. She wasn't like him, she wasn't simply away from home with high hopes of finding a new one. Her home was destroyed--routinely destroyed. He had to bite back the urge to comment that she sounded cursed, she seemed far too out of it mentally to hear that sort of thing.
"Yes, uh... I am alone." He somberly answered. "I have met a few others like us, alone too." There was some part of him that was unsure about answering her truthfully, but he did so anyways. She seemed more in desperate need than him for social interaction. Apparently over the years he had squashed that gnawing starvation more than he had expected. Certainly enough to see the need for him to take control of this conversation and steer it far clear of the morbidity of a little girl losing her life twice to a blaze. He slipped his hand free from her grasp but only to plop it heavily down on her shoulder, patting her a few times with a drawled out "veeellll.." She had her rocks and spear and to his knowledge, that was all of her belongings out here. He kept his hand on her shoulder while starting to walk, guiding her anywhere away from the spot they had been standing. It didn't seem good for them to stay stiff and still, surely everyone was happier when they were walking? "No reason for us to go our separate vays, how about ve make grub together?" He offered a smile as he looked down at her. "Ve can talk more vith varm food. How does dat sound?" |
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He pulled his arm away from her but he placed a heavy hand on her tiny thin shoulder and started to steer her into walking with him. The offer of warm food made her stomach grumble and she grabbed her spear as they passed it stuck in the ground.
"That sounds amazing, thank you Agar." She said looking up at him, remembering her manners. It was like putting on an old favorite glove, civility. A little tight at first, some struggle, then a few flexes and it felt like a second skin, "I've come across so many strange creatures, I was so taken aback by someone so..." She hesitated to say normal, these creatures and wolves and hellions had become her normal. She almost fit in with them and here he was reminding her of a universe she had once only half belonged to. While Neo had felt like a dream, Agar felt like reality. Rivian had always had a foot in both worlds, and for a time she had almost gotten lost in the realm of fantasy, fairies and dreams. Here was Agar to bring her back to the world of... The world of what? Humans? He said he had come across a few others like her, but he and they were all alone too. There was no village to escape this world anymore. She was thrust into this existence and the world just kept on changing and getting wilder and wilder. She would have to go back to her cottage at some point, but she knew she couldn't stay there. And then here was this man who came out of the wood as if an answer to prayer. But he was still alone, like her. If there wasn't a village to join, maybe they should make one. One that involved and bridged all these worlds. Humans, canids, felidae, Hellions... "I have a small cottage that way, but I don't have much to share." she said pointing out of the woods towards the moors, "The game have been steadily declining here. I thought I was being careful with hunting and trapping but they may have just moved off." She mentioned trying to keep up some small conversation while they walked to where he was leading them. She was still a little rusty. |
Big dad
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She seemed to lighten up a bit. She looked up at him and he gave her a few more pats on the shoulder for reassurance. Agar wasn't really sure if he should take his hand away or not, especially when she reiterated how long it had been with a trailed off sentence. Maybe she got to speak with wolves and whatever else in these woods but there was that difference.
Then again, Agar spent very little time communing with the furrier things in the wilds. He was always just relieved when he met another like them, like Rivian, to walk beside. It'd be nice if that could stand to happen on nicer terms. Rivian was calm and unharmed, but she raised some troubles with these woods. After spending so many nights sleeping in hide tents, he could almost look forward to seeing the handiwork of a cottage. And yet. "I guess ve'll both have to move on from staying around here... Before snow sticks to ground." Agar conceded. Still, he walked where she had pointed. It wasn't like they could just go strolling off into the distance as they were right now anyways. "But~! On happy side!" Agar added with a lighter tone. He reached with his free hand into the bag at his waist. There was the rustling of objects in there before the man then pulled out a few strips of jerky. "Not exactly fine dining but I always come prepared!" He proclaimed confidently before offering the dried meat to Rivian. |
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November 25, 2018, 02:13:34 AM
(This post was last modified: November 25, 2018, 02:15:04 AM by Charley.)
Human woman // Young Adult actions - “speech” - thoughts
Agar seemed to like her idea of heading to the cottage and started to steer them in the direction she pointed. It wouldn't be too far. She nodded when he came to her same conclusion of moving on before the snow comes around. She liked the way he talked, it was very matter of fact, very... solid. And she enjoyed how he tried to turn to lighter tones when he brought out jerky for them. She paused as she gently took it from his large hand. She was struck by how he was so willing to share, she was sure he had just enough for himself and here he was, offering some to her. She looked up again to his face with large green eyes and a genuine thankful smile. She couldn't remember the last time she smiled, she even let out a half laugh at his comment about fine dining. She felt as light as a feather. "Thank you, I've had to eat my catch before I had a chance to smoke it lately!" She said lightly, still smiling. She bounced ahead of him, taking a bite of the jerky and relishing its saltiness. She led the way out of the woods, looking back at him to make sure he was still there, and smiling wider and wider every time. They reached the edge of the woods and the trees gave way to gently sloping moors. On a lonely hill, close to the forest, was a ramshackle falling down ancient stone cottage with a thatched roof made only this previous summer. A large old hide covered the doorway. It had been patched several times with smaller furs. On the Northside of the hill was a large garden slowly succumbing to the waning sunlight and colder nights. She led the way into the garden first, looking to see if she could find any gourds that where still good. "Here we are!" She exclaimed cheerfully pulling up a smaller pumpkin and using her knife to cut it free from the vine. She led the way inside and waved him to follow her with a quick, "Watch your head!" As she scrambled to cut and gut the gourd. Inside it was a dark one room hut around a central fire pit. She had several dried herbs hanging from the ceiling, sloppily made jars and jugs filled with all kinds of fermented juice. A central hole in the roof for the smoke to find its way out. She stoked the coals and added some some dry wood while she plunked the gutted and cut up gourd pieces into a pot, covered and hung it from a low spit and added several different herbs and spices. Soon the hut would grow warm and smell like roasted rosemary and lavender, oregano and thyme. She had even thrown in a small dash of salt she had to harvest from the sea shore earlier this year, she didn't have a lot of it left, the sea was just too far away. "There, it'll take a while to cook and get soft." She was excited to share her cooking finally, her previous lover had a strange aversion to plants and cooked meat. She never remembered really smiling around him. Around Agar though she couldn't stop. "Would you like a drink?" She asked ushering him to find a seat among the furs or stumps, "I have plenty of brews. I've been experimenting, my mother showed me how to brew and I've made this delightful one with grapes and strawberries. Or I have this warm grain brew I've made with dandelions and wheat. It's a little more bitter but it came out so much more smoother than my others grain brews." She was giddy, suddenly she couldn't really stop talking! "Or tea! I still have plenty of herbs to pull from, chamomile, and raspberry leaf, or I found this incredibly sweet plant, it almost tastes like honey! Honey has been so hard to come by around here. I was never much of a beekeeper." As she was talking a mile a minute, she was showing him the jugs of brews and letting him smell them, and she brought out a few dried leaves of the sweet plant she found for him to nibble and taste how sweet it was. She had an abundance of dried and fermented plants but her stores of more meal like vegetables and fruits was paltry. She would grab a wood carved cup and fill it with his drink of choice before sitting down, pouring herself a cup of the strawberry wine. ooc:
Big dad
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There was indeed only so much jerky to go around. He'd given her the majority of it, but made sure to save a bit for himself. It wasn't an amount to fill his belly, but a bit more energy should finding food out here really turn out barren. He ate one small piece of his share before storing the rest of it away for the time being. Hopefully they could get a few birds or something later.
But he also expected an entirely more dreary situation inside the humble hut she called home. He had to bow down a bit to enter, but immediately his nose was filled with the sweet scent of her productive busywork. He was taken aback, his brows popping up and the man at a momentary loss of words. Rivian sure wasn't, going on and on about exactly what he was smelling. For whatever lack of food there was, there was no shortage of beverage in Rivian's hut. He glanced around at her belongings before she had him sitting down and different spirits presented to him. He hummed as he took in the smell. "I can't remember last time I had strong drink." He remarked, nostalgia clear in his tone. He wasn't sure what she called her teas and spirits, but settled for one of the warm grain brew in the end. The wines smelled like a new experience to him but he couldn't pass up some gold-colored reminder of home. He let out a pleased sigh after his first taste of it. The satisfaction of the drink was followed by an odd look shot Rivian's way. He leaned forward, resting his free arm on one knee as he admitted, "I vould not have taken you for tiny brewmaster, Rivian." He gestured with one index and thump how small she was. An inch tall, apparently. "Your mother taught you vell. Vas dis vhat you did for a living in village?" |
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November 28, 2018, 06:37:10 PM
(This post was last modified: November 28, 2018, 06:38:41 PM by Charley.)
Human woman // Young Adult actions - “speech” - thoughts She was delighted at how well he seemed to be enjoying himself. She could hardly keep still as she swayed her legs back and forth in her seat and her cheeks were already sore from smiling so widely. She watched him carefully as he took his first sip of the dandelion beer and couldn't contain how much his enjoyment pleased her by tapping her feet on the floor in a giddy half step. Clutching her own cup to keep herself from clapping, hiding her smile so as not to look so childish and silly. She stoked the central fire some more, warming the hut and roasting the pumpkin to a nice soft consistency. She laughed loud as he mentioned tiny brewmaster. "Oh, thank you. She was the one who taught me how to mix flavors in brews and the different types. My teacher, the village shaman, he taught me how to make it for medicine. Apparently that's the easy part around here. I was the village healer, hence why I was gone when the volcano struck the last time. I was gathering ginger, turmeric, cumin and cinnamon from the tropical south. There aren't many merchants from there coming this way and my teacher had done a stint of learning from a master healer down there and my original tribe was a lot closer to the hot rain forests." She had started light and easy but the sadness and grief slowly crept into her voice near the end. But it was an old sadness now, something to be remembered, something to be held. She had lingered on it already before and had come to accept it as part of her life and loss. "A taste of my old home brought my new one to ruin. Well, not really of course. My brother and friend didn't want to come with me. They were too wrapped up in planning a wedding. Something in my soul told me to go and take what I could with me. And the last time no one listened to me either." Indicating she had known something was going to happen. Her voice was even as she added a few dandelion and nettle greens she had gathered that morning into the pot to steam. Once nettle was cooked it was harmless and incredibly nourishing to the body. She put the lid back on and turned to Agar taking another sip, the brightness and light from her features had dimmed, she felt compelled to finally tell someone her story. It gave her practice speaking anyway. "The village elders didn't want to listen to an apprentice's dreams of a fire destroying the village. Thinking it was just a call for attention. I was all but shunned by my tribe since birth." She grabbed a lock of her long white hair and nodded to it as an explanation before continuing, "Then after my brother and I had started to settle again I could feel the earth warn us of oncoming doom. But he brushed me off thinking I was jealous of his new relationship. I was hoping to come back and at least find something. But the land had changed so drastically that the village was just gone and everything was on fire. If I had been there I wouldn't have escaped either." It was hard to tell by her tone whether she counted her self lucky or not. She didn't know if being alone and alive was better or worse than being dead with her tribesmen. "So my job was healer, no one wanted to believe I could be a shaman. But I can read the signs, do my part to tell someone if it concerns them, but if they don't believe me, that's for them to decide." she said looking down and rubbing her fingers through the rabbit fur she was sitting on. "And you? What did you do in your village?" She asked after a moment, brushing her hair aside and wiping a tear in the process. ooc:
Big dad
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November 29, 2018, 09:26:12 PM
(This post was last modified: November 29, 2018, 09:27:04 PM by Agar.
Edit Reason: GRAMMAR smlmlsmdl
She grew sullen again, and for a moment Agar regretted bringing it up again, but Rivian had more to say. More details about the strange woman, about what had transpired and what she was truly capable of. She was much more than a hermit with herbs or a young brewmaster for sure. It drew a serious and contemplative look across Agar's face, but he stayed quiet and drank as she spoke.
It could almost give a man whiplash that she'd even follow it up by asking about his place where he had come from. He swallowed hard, cleared his throat and raised his hand just to brush away the question. Dismissively, he answered, "ah, I vas, mh, just young trapper back then. I vas no misunderstood oracle." The topic was clearly hard for her. Talking about himself might lighten the mood but who the hell could talk about something as trivial as learning to skin from pops when the person sitting next to them had just said what Rivian had said? He went quiet for a moment, just looking at her pensively. Speaking with weighty amazement he remarked, "you are someone very special, Rivian." The man had no plans to make the same mistake her previous communities had and proceeded to ask, "have you had more visions since den?" |
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December 02, 2018, 05:55:21 PM
(This post was last modified: December 02, 2018, 07:06:25 PM by Charley.
Edit Reason: Lol b tags i guess not really important
Human // Young Adult actions - “speech” - thoughts
She drew in a heavy breath and looked away into the fire at his oracle statement. Her wine forgotten in her hands. She watched the flames carefully as he uttered amazement and asked her if she had anymore visions. "Thank you..." She responded softly, humbly, then fell into a studied silence. Visions or curses? Apparitions of beyond the veil, dreams, or perhaps memories that were not her own? Visions of the possible, the impossible, the incoming, the never will be, or perhaps... What might actually come to pass? She had been alone so long she had lost sight of reality in some cases. She frequently felt like she stood with one foot across the threshold cavorting with ghosts and fairies. In one case more than just cavorting. But had she had true visions since then? She couldn't comfortably say with any enthusiasm or certainty, or how much she should reveal. Cautiously, she looked away from the fire before she could be entranced, and rested her rich emerald gaze on his kind face. She roved her spirited gaze over his beard, noting how carefully braided and clean it was. His ruddy aged skin blasted by many a harsh winter and hot summer. His kind and honest eyes were shrewd, though they had seen much of life they hadn't truly experienced and settled in it yet. She could tell his life was about to turn, to grow, to get much bigger than he had ever dreamed imaginable. It was not just chance that they had run into each other. He matched the size and energy of a figure that had started to appear in her dreams lately. Hence why she had thought he was an apparition at first. But she couldn't say she was expecting him, because she hadn't been. Her dreams had been cloudy, and it had never really worked like clear visions of the future. Maybe she could explain a little how it did work. She took a sip of her wine, remembering it again, drew in a deep and knowing breath and leaned forward, "Today at the brook where you found me, I asked if I would survive the winter if I stayed. The water was deathly cold when I touched it, when it should have held some of summers warmth still in its waters. I then asked what paths lay ahead of me, looking at options. I dove my hand in and I pulled this up." She said bringing out the white and clear rock, the same size and shape as a chicken egg but had striations and places of clarity like a quartz gemstone, she handed it to him to take a closer look at it. "Then, you, Agar, appeared behind me." She leaned back and waited to see what his response was. ooc:
Big dad
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While Rivian turned over thoughts in her head, Agar was practically on the edge of his seat. He already trusted her omens to never be underestimated, and her not giving an immediate 'no' had him waiting with anticipation. He watched her as she studied him, not uttering a word as he let her ponder.
When she explained what had happened earlier on, Agar looked at the rock with perplexity at first. There were signs for weather and herd movement he knew like the back of his hand, but rocks and their meaning were nothing he was familiar with. Still, he was fairly certain he knew what she had deduced, and the result was relief from the large man. "Together ve can make it." Agar stated with confidence. He didn't have any plans to ditch Rivian in the first place, but the idea that they were meant to work off one another, that it was how they would survive this harsh time, was nothing short of encouraging. "Tomorrow ve gather what ve can and head out. Maybe ve find game trails to follow." He sat back as well, taking a swig of his drink. Eyes closed and relaxed with his decision. Only flash his eyes open again a second later, clear his throat and awkwardly add, "dat is... If dat is vhat you think ve should do." Agar was definitely not used to answering to anyone, but it wasn't reluctance in his tone. It was obedience to the little oracle before him. |
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Human // Young Adult actions - “speech” - thoughts
The woman couldn't help the bright smile that creased her lips as he deduced her line of reasoning. She drank the rest of her cup. She loved his enthusiasm. It was infectious and she felt truly light for the first time in years. Hope sparked in her chest and it ached against her ribs. She stirred the meal in the pot as he made a decision for them both to set out. She quickly glanced around silently taking stock of what she had on hand to travel with when he then paused and readjusted for space to put in her two cents! "M-me...?" She unconsciously placed a hand to her breast, shocked that he had actually deferred to her and asked for her opinion. Not even Neo had treated her as such, though he had certainly been no humble gentleman to begin with. She had never dreamed there being a day where someone would take her seriously enough, respect her enough to ask her opinion, let alone a fully grown man twice her size with enough years on him to give him silver streaks! Her body shuddered as a response, she had no idea how to respond. She crossed her arms over her chest in a protective pose. The wooden spoon still in one hand. She faced him and still clutching her arm with the other she pointed the spoon at him and looked at him mischievously, "You are someone very special, Agar." She shot back at him with a smile, harking back to his own statement about her. She shook her head in disbelief, still smiling and not answering him properly yet, as she turned back to the pumpkin in the pot, a lightness and almost dancelike movement in her steps now, and served it up in an old wooden bowl. She didn't know what to do, she had been here in this musty old cottage and they both said they needed to move. The idea that he had just deferred to her though had filled her with a giddiness she couldn't quite comprehend. It felt powerful, a different power that she had never truly tasted before. And it spoke volumes of the man before her. She gave him the bowl and sat back down with one her self. A roasted and spiced pumpkin with steamed greens and herbs. "I think it is a sound suggestion." She said leaning back and spooning the meal with her hand. She had run out of ingredients to make bread, no grain silo here or small cats to keep out the mice, or large mill to work the grain into enough fine flour without being at work for days by herself. "I think..." She continued, turning her gaze to her meal, tilting her head to the side, "We could potentially make... fine partners." She said, bringing her meal to her mouth and liking her fingers suggestively, bringing her eyes back up with a question in them. ooc:
Big dad
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Rivian had no immediate response and Agar thought little of it. It was clear that her advice hadn't been considered all too often in her last interactions with humanity and even that was a while ago... Even if she did follow it up with a coy comment. She could think on what she wanted to add to the plan, there was soup to be had anyways. Agar gave a small "ah, thanks" as she passed him a bowl. Warm vegetable soup and spirits. He couldn't remember the last time he had that meal.
He had a few spoonfuls while she spoke with increasing confidence. Oblivious at first. Fine partners, yes, she could already make her own traps and if she didn't know how to use a bow he could teach her. Hunting as a pair, he couldn't remember the last time--OH, that's not what she meant! Agar watched, entirely still, as Rivian rolled her tongue over her fingers. It was abundantly clear what Rivian wanted. Partners. Her and him? The beautiful self-sufficient sight-seer wanted him to be her partner, her companion. It was sort of flattering and heartwarming. He almost felt like one day he could get wasted and laugh--or cry--about this, because while it took him a moment to let it all sink in, Agar was certain in how he needed to address this. "I'm, honored. Rivian." He started rigidly. Creased brow and strained smile, his expression was someplace in the crossroads of disbelief, nervousness, and seriousness. He set his soup and drink aside and gestured a hand towards her. "I mean it vhen I say you are special girl, dat is vhy you definitely. Do not. Need to settle for me. Or anyone else ve stumble on." He then glanced at the stone she had mentioned. There was a doubtful pause before he continued, wagering a guess while doing so. "If you think dat is vhat visions have shown, then who am I to disagree. But!" He shrugged, he tried to lighten his tone, "if fate has left decision to you den ve can search for someone special enough for you." He closed his eyes as he nodded with confidence at his own words. Strong arms crossed. "Da! Someone vorthy of oracle Rivian vould need to pass some tests!" |
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Human // Young Adult actions - “speech” - thoughts
Rivian turned away suddenly shy, smiling nervously as he turned her down. She watched him from the side as he earnestly gestured and replied stating somehow how unworthy he was of her. She couldn't help but shake her head and let out a incredulous nervous laugh, high with shame. "I fear it may be an impossible task, Agar." She said finishing her meal as she had continued to eat in silence when he went on, "You are far more worthy than you your self believe. I won't for a second believe I am some special oracle sent from the ether. I just want to live a humble life. I have been led to dream of nobility and wealth before, only to have it fall and rot at my feet as he left me here. I don't want to make anything more of myself than what I am." She started. She got up to clean her bowl with a stone and some warm water from a pot in the coals. "I am a healer. I don't care if I have fairy blood or visions-" She continued, a tone rising in her voice, "- maybe the stars aligned in some special way at the moment of my birth, maybe I have some ability, but I no longer care." Her moods and emotions would build and sway like the tides and currents of the ocean, "I just want a life with someone. I want a village, I want to help people mend their disputes, I want to watch children grow. I want to trade and sing and dance again!" She said getting rougher with the stone and bowl. The bowl was so old and worn that suddenly it cracked in two, spilling the water from her hands. Like a falling wave crashing on the coastal rocks she threw a piece of the bowl into the fire and crumpled onto the ground. She wrapped her arms about her legs and silently stared into the fire. The flames made her cheeks glisten as silent tears fell. She thought she had grown past this calamity, beyond the desperation, but one could only grow so much when you only have yourself to talk to. She brought a hand to her face, leaning into the pressure and closing her eyes to the fire. It was telling her lies again. "Don't promise me anything you yourself can't deliver, Agar. Not even to make me happy. Either help me find a better life than this-" She pulled her hand back and turned her gaze back to him, a serious tone and a challenge on her lips, "- or help me build it." If he didn't like those options then he could leave her here to die alone... ooc:
Big dad
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Agar's shoulders sank at Rivian's reaction. Of course she wouldn't be happy with what he said. Oracle business aside, she hadn't seen anyone in so long. It felt like her frustration absolutely dripped from her words. But it did not lure him more to the idea of making a family with her, if anything, he worried for her judgement all the more. Her visions were spot on but she was also hasty and desperate.
While his confident bravado had fallen, he still had a stern look for Rivian. Agar tried to assure her, exasperated. "I am going to help you, Rivian. I'm on your team." He exhaled through his nostrils, looking away as he thought for a second. He then stood up and headed for the exit, he demanded of her. "Stay. Put." Outdoors, he went immediately too the trees, searching the boughs. The pinetrees were closest and he had a pinecone in hand in no time. He then went for the trees that had been losing their leaves. He picked out an acorn. It took a little bit overall, it was getting darker outside but Agar was stubborn to make some sort of hopeful gesture made clear and genuine to the girl. When he had his two items, he headed back in. Shaking off the cold quick, he returned right back to Rivian and knelt down. He started with a weighty "now," as he took her hand in his. "I vant you to take little acorn--it is you--and pinecone--it is me. I vant you to keep them, and vhenever ve meet someone new, ve add a new seed to dat growing little town in hand." He prodded her fingers with his thumb. "And I vant you to sing vith me vhen ve go because ve better have a song everyone knows words to once you have too many seeds to hold!" He offered a smile, one somewhat desperate in its own right in the face of the girl's long-spent solitude. "And I swear to you ve fill your hand! As I trust your abilities, trust my patience as hunter and my wit as tracker. I'm going to help you." He breathed calmer and cupped his hand over hers. "And vhen hand is full, if you really still vant pinecone most, den ve date." |
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December 08, 2018, 05:57:42 PM
(This post was last modified: December 08, 2018, 05:58:05 PM by Charley.)
Human // Young Adult actions - “speech” - thoughts
She pulled her sleeve to wipe the tears from her eyes as he told her he was on her team. She looked up as he stood, his demand of stay put shot an arrow of all too familiar words through her heart and made her freeze. He left on whatever task he had his mind to and she turned her gaze to the fire again. It was telling her lies. It had to be. The shapes and flickers within the flames was telling her he was coming soon. To be ready or to run for an arrival or upheaval. She just shook her head, yeah, ok, they were setting up to leave soon. But she had seen hide nor tail of her fairy husband in over a year. He could not be coming back anytime soon, and possibly if he did, hopefully she would be long gone already. Agar came back and kneeled down next to her, placing a pine cone and an acorn in her hands. Her body involuntarily shivered as he went on about finding new people and adding new seeds to represent them, and singing a song. New tears filled her emerald eyes as he cupped his hand over hers, her body shuddering with hope, and joy and a jumble of emotions she couldn't quite comprehend. "And vhen hand is full, if you really still vant pinecone most, den ve date." He said in his warm accent, a sob broke through and she leaned her head into him, shaking with the release of tension. This, this, this. This was something she could grasp, it wasn't imaginary castles, promises of fine dining and jewelry. No fancy words of how special and precious she was. This was something tangible. "Thank you." She wispered holding the seeds close to her. ooc:
Big dad
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She leaned her head onto him and uttered her gratitude while shaking. With no wordy reply, Agar wrapped one arm around her back and pulled her into a hug. Rubbing and patting her back, before pulling back lest it linger too long. He didn't want to lead her on, but that didn't mean she didn't deserve any human contact. He held his hands on her arms a little while longer, patting gently.
He spoke up then, intentionally trying to keep the girl's mind on comforting thoughts as he insisted, "but you'll have to name village, I vas never good namer." Agar really wasn't. In the decades he had gone it alone, Agar wasn't sure he ever really liked one town name he imagined up. Still, it was always nice to think about. Hopefully it'd work just as well even for Rivian. After that remark, Agar drew back again and stood. His eyes wandering to Rivian's living space. While meat was scarce she really had collected plenty of other things. The man silently prayed they would be able to bring every herb here. Part of him wanted to sit right back down and finish his vegetable soup. He was sure she had more than an armful of ingredients in this little house of her's that he had never even had before in all his years. "Vould you like me to help vith packing...?" He offered. |