Private Roleplay vesuvius [miriam] | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Do you hear the people sing?
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![]() ![]() #d11755
In the rare occurrence he was ever chided at (which was extremely rare because Itai never did anything wrong ever), there was only one who was allowed to get away with it. The moment she came upon the scene the hellion diminished just a tad, eyes watching her movements like a hawk and ears listening to every soft spoken word. Though he outranked her, she had and would always out class him. In that instant he felt his head bow and his mouth clench shut. It was a learned thing, his bloodline a polluted mishmosh of hellion, it didn't span as far back as any of the aviari did, especially not as far back as the crystaline. Though his family served them, it was considered one of the highest honors, one he was certainly proud of. Now it was a family legacy to live up to, which he was more than sure he'd be capable of, but still something made him anxious at the idea. Curiosity struck them all when the trio had appeared in the mangroves, and with an aviari in tow as well. It was completely unheard of that any aviari would simply be in the outside world, and even Itai had cut his eyes at the dark blue hues. Immediately returning to his alcove to search over the files, taking a stack with him the morning after. This was an important discover, and there was only one other that would find it just as interesting as he did. (So he hoped.) Stepping carefully around the stone temples, eyeing the pyramids far away, the bird song of morning filling the air with noise as a light mist coated the ground. However, the Roc of Wings had found who he was looking for, stepping into the shade of a large elephant ear plant, dipping his head respectfully, if he bowed any lower his face would literally be against the ground. "I hope I'm not disrupting you, Miriam. I-I..." The words hesitated in his throat and he grimaced, not able to meet her gaze if she even cared to look at him. "I've found something worth noting in the scrolls, about that strange aviari." Claws pulled delicately at the parchment paper, unfurling the scroll so it laid before them, stained and weathered by time, on it was extensive information, but the name and most of the answers were smeared and burned away leaving it unreadable. "They've been annulled from these texts, there is no history of him being in the tribe... That I can kind in the very least, and I am extensive when it comes to these sorts of things." Itai wouldn't allow for a blemish to be smeared upon his family name, they've always been thorough in their work. "But with plumage like that, and the coloration, perhaps a Riverine? Dare I say even a Sapphire." Lip curled distastefully at that thought. |
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M i r i a m
The sight of the illusive Aviari came as a shock to them all, perhaps more so to those who recognized him. Miriam remembered seeing the dark Aviari only a couple times before, but it was enough to know that he had been here. He resided here in the past, until he didn't. No matter what others may see him as, she would know him as the Chiroptera, a shamed outcast of their home.
The Crystalline woman preened her feathers as her thoughts continued to mull over the dark feathered male, black lips pulling up every so often as his face appeared in her mind. Kai and Saline stayed close to the opalescent woman, feeling her frustrations sizzling in the humid air. Pink eyes caught sight of the small creatures gazing up at her in concern. Miriam paused in her task and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, loves. Mommy's just thinking." Their worried expressions didn't falter, so the woman decided to elaborate. She hated worrying the poor dears. "I'm just thinking about that...Chiroptera that came with those two average wolves, and how he had the audacity to show his face here again." Pastel feathers bristled on her withers, claws digging into the soil. The weasel and snake curled closer to the female, wishing to comfort her. Saline let out a small hiss at Miriam's words, and the woman nodded in agreement. "Yes. We will have to keep a watchful eye out for him again, along with those two other outsiders. We shall see how they perform. The others might have been welcoming, but that hospitality is not shared with me." Bending her head lower, she gave each of her companions a reassuring kiss. "We'll see if they hold up to our standards." Suddenly, she heard approaching footsteps. Rising to her feet, she lifted her nose in the air. The scent of the hellion from the meeting was somewhat unexpected, but not disappointing. She may look upon him with distaste toward his appearance, but he showed loyalty and intelligence, and that she could get behind. "I hope I'm not disrupting you, Miriam. I-I..." Ah, hesitation and stuttering, a sign of intimidation in the presence of greatness. She loved it. "I've found something worth noting in the scrolls, about that strange aviari." This made her ears twitch forward slightly in interest. Her lips formed a pleasant smile as she sat down facing him. She didn't turn her nose up at him, but she sat with regal poise, feathers fluffing up to show their full plumage. "You're not disrupting at all, Itai. What can I do for you?" Oh yes, she knew he outranked her (for now), but she wasn't going to let the opportunity of taking advantage of his respect toward her go to waste. She relished every moment of it. Now if only the others did the same.... "They've been annulled from these texts, there is no history of him being in the tribe... That I can kind in the very least, and I am extensive when it comes to these sorts of things. But with plumage like that, and the coloration, perhaps a Riverine? Dare I say even a Sapphire." "Interesting...," she murmured, craning her head forward to get a better look at the scroll. "Well done, Itai. We should always make a point of getting to know every individual that resides in this land." As if he didn't know that already, but at least he would know they were on the same page. He may be a hellion, but Miriam appreciated his work. He did research, something that unfortunately was lacking today. "I remember seeing him briefly in the past, perhaps a few years ago, but not once since then...not until he showed up recently." She listened to his speculations of what family he was from, and she nodded at his distaste toward the Sapphires. The Crystallines had always been at odds with the Sapphires. Honestly, she hoped he was from that family. Ahh the shame he would bring. It would be like music to her ears. "You know, it wouldn't hurt to ask around, for cataloging purposes, of course." She tacked the last bit on as she nodded toward the scroll. However, this would be perfect sway against the Sapphires. Heck, even Riverines if he turned out to be from that family. They weren't as bad, but no family was better than, or as royal as, the Crystallines. "Someone, or multiple people, probably wanted him erased from the tribe's history. Not that I blame them, of course. He abandoned our homeland. I certainly wouldn't want any relation with him after that." But she wouldn't let his family forget it. |
Do you hear the people sing?
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![]() ![]() #d11755
She said he wasn't disturbing her and yet, it was a feeling that he simply couldn't shake, so deeply ingrained within him. You are a nothing, especially in the presence of her. His inferiority had a name, and it was his own. An ear twitch and he felt uncomfortable, very much so. But he perked up just a smidgen (which was actually a lot because here he was looking like teacher had given him the only gold star), a grin curled upon his slender maw and he straightened significantly. Praise, how he relished praise, as if it were the only thing worth living for. "Of course!" The hellion exclaimed with a firm nod. He couldn't stress enough the importance of keeping tabs on everyone and if that information was lost their entire system would go down in flames (and I'm not talking civil war flames). "Especially with new individuals among us now." Large ears twitched. A brow would raised as he pulled a fresh scroll and charcoal from his satchel, delicate, clawed toes were quick to jot down her recount of this...chiroptera, he couldn't lie, there was a bit of him that loved using the slur for traitorous scum. It was like cussing, but not really, since he never dared say it aloud. If Itai ever hoped to become a council member, his record would have to remain spotless. No one ever heard of a council member cussing or using such speech, it was simply amoral. Obscene! "He's a fool to return to us, then again, he's lucky we're not savages." Unlike the outside world. Another nod as he glanced up from his writing, pausing for a moment as he looked at her. "I intend to, I'm glad we're on the same page, Miriam." Did other bloodline see it? Could they tell the sway the Crystalines had on the Roc of Wings? The clear bias he held for every single member of that ancient family. They were regal, beautiful, the epitome of greatness, even now in these circumstances. "How positively scandalous." He furrowed his brow, bright gaze shifting to the burns and smudges that marked the worn parchment paper. "Would a Riverine go through so much trouble though? Their line is hardly.... anything to speak on." Ugly, undignified. He leaned forward slightly, ears pulling back. "Why would he even return? What do you think he wants? He didn't come alone either, the two with him are literal giants." Much bigger than anyone else in the pack. "I thought it was in our best interest, to let them in, we'd have better odds against the two boys with the entire tribe rather than a few at the borders." That is if they caused any trouble, as a whole El Dorado had a spanner thrown in its works since the civil war, stagnancy in the ranks. "Not to undermine Aine, of course." Though he wouldn't bring up his written report on her conduct, haha. |
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M i r i a m
She loved seeing the Roc of Wings so submissive towards her. She reveled in it. It was unfortunate that someone of a lesser species managed to gain a higher rank before her, but no matter. That didn't change a thing. Having the praise and respect from a higher up only put her in the best position possible. With his groveling towards her, he could make her ambitious journey to rise through the ranks so much easier. As far as she knew, the Roc of Magpies position was still step closer to Griffin. Or perhaps Griffin right away, whichever came first.
But the very first thing to do was to continue grooming Itai's high esteem for her. "He's a fool to return to us, then again, he's lucky we're not savages." Miriam hummed in her throat at his response. True, they weren't the physical sense at least. "I intend to, I'm glad we're on the same page, Miriam." She cast a pleasant smile his way, a twinkle in her eye. "I am too, Itai. We make a good team, you and I." The Crystalline woman could care less about what others thought of the relationship between her and Itai. He could bow and kiss up to her all he wanted, and she would feed that desire. It benefited them both, honestly. A higher rank to put a good word in for her, and he a friend of the noble side of the tribe. A win-win, right? "How positively scandalous. Would a Riverine go through so much trouble though? Their line is hardly.... anything to speak on." Another hum in her throat as she thought on this. "Perhaps...or maybe they don't want anymore damage in their bloodline, seeing as how they are already indecent." Disgusting, the lot of them. Their ways were uncouth, so it would be no surprise if this Chiroptera was a Riverine. However, she wouldn't make a conclusion yet until she had proof. She's a professional, after all. "Why would he even return? What do you think he wants? He didn't come alone either, the two with him are literal giants. I thought it was in our best interest, to let them in, we'd have better odds against the two boys with the entire tribe rather than a few at the borders. Not to undermine Aine, of course." The blue and silver woman let out a chuckle at his last statement. "Of course not, she was only doing her job, after all." More than she could say for the others who were present. She got to her feet and began to slowly pace, mulling over his words. Miriam didn't like the strangers' presence, along with the traitor's, not one bit. It was suspicious, and she wouldn't relax until those boys proved themselves worthy to stay in this land, if ever. "I don't like them here," she stated simply, possibly cutting into Itai's idea of letting them in. Admittedly, it was a fine idea to let them through the border so they could keep a better eye on them. However, now they had access to all their resources, and worse, their life. "We don't know anything about these strangers. They could be even more cunning than they let on, here to gain the spoils of all we have before uprooting us." Her voice started taking on a growly tone, feathers starting to ruffle as she spoke, claws digging into the soil whenever she stepped. "That's the last thing we need right now so soon after the war. We don't need some snivellus youngsters snooping around our territory. Who knows, maybe they're spies sent by another tribe?" Her mind was racing, but she wouldn't let it show, not to Itai, not to anybody. No one would see her snap in a panic. The most they'd get is some throaty growls and ruffled feathers, and maybe a couple eye-daggers. "Then again..." She stopped, demeanor suddenly changing. A thought occurred to her that maybe she was getting ahead of herself. Her worries were just and logical, but so was Itai. He worked with his brain, a muscle that was sorely lacking in many bodies here. If they were to work together, she needed to trust him, as dangerous as that was. Her voice went from a hard growl to a soothing coo. "Perhaps you were right about letting them in. After all, we can have eyes on them at all times without worrying about them spying or planning some scheme beyond our borders." Miriam broke off from her pacing to approach the hellion. "And if they try to escape, we shall...reprimand them. After all, what's the rule Ravens have if they get caught? Death over betrayal, correct?" Halting just in front of him, she reached down to touch his head with her nose, yet another pleasant smile plastered on her maw. "Perhaps you were useful after all, Itai." Pray that you were. |