Private Roleplay effigy [naerileen] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Do you hear the people sing?
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![]() ![]() #d11755
He'd return to his dwelling, shaking off his satchel to hang it neatly upon a mossy wall, vines jutted out this way and that to act as little hangers. It was the parchment papers he was busy looking over, treating with the utmost care. They held everything, chronicled thus far in El Dorado, with the collapse in government these would come in handy when they finally did begin to rebuild their society. With it were detailed retellings, member data and records, and old customs lost long ago. A repeat of data passed between his grandfather, to his father, and then to him. They'd thank him later, maybe even present him with a rank. A crooked smile crept up his maw, positively pleased with that idea. After all, the Roc of Wings deserved it. "Time to sort these new records, alphabetically of COURSE, my system is unparalleled. Organization is the key to order and proper rule." Long cawed toes gingerly gripped at papers moving bushel after bushel to place them neatly in their assigned areas. "When all this is over, I'll be praised for this knowledge." A swell of pride blossomed in his chest at the opportunity. "Griffin Councilman Itai, no no, Councilman Yehi Kevod! Has a proper ring to it." The hellion smirked. Large ears flicked at the slightest of sounds and vivid pink eyes blinked for a moment, hm? He'd step quickly from his little alcove of knowledge greeting the bright light of day as the sun shown down on their usually misty kingdom. "You choose the wrong target to sneak up on, come out." He gave a flick of his ear and snorted derisively, head held high and regal. "I can honestly say I wasn't expecting company." |
Almost Sparkles
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Naeri took the several rocks resting on her window sill and almost winced at the searing heat. Sitting in the sun for a whole day, collecting heat, perfect for all the snakes that she bred. The stones were special, capable of retaining heat for long hours at a time. But, they were from out of the territory, originating from territories where she could not go. Thus, she met her problem. She had more snakes than stones and certain serpents could not be housed together, so she needed more rocks. But it wasn't as if she could get the rocks herself. No, she needed someone else to; a Raven. But, to get a Raven to do something she had to get the respective Roc's approval for the expedition. It wasn't as if she disliked Itai; he was a useful ally to have, in times of both peace and war. Yes, he was the Roc of Wings, but he also kept such detailed records on individuals and events that came and went throughout the Syn Cardys tribe's history. But, for all his pros, the hellion had his cons. Sometimes, his records were too detailed. Naeri did not care for what the Phoenix from ten years ago ate for breakfast on a day in the middle of summer. That, and he could be tiring to be around. He was so high-strung, his nerves sometimes plucking at Naerileen's own. And she was usually a level-headed individual, even in the face of the worst situations. But being around Itai could get even her nervous. She couldn't deny the similarities between them though; both were determined to claw their way to the top. That made him a potential ally, but a dangerous one. Still, she needed to talk to him. The Aviari grabbed the gold bangles from nearby her nest, quickly preening her long, elegant shoulder feathers. She checked her earrings, making sure they were all still in before giving herself another once-over. Her fur was soft and silky as always, free of the knots that usually plagued it when she woke up in the mornings. All her sharp feathers were in place and there was no snake-shedding caught in any of them. Appearances were everything, even if Naerileen wasn't the vainest of individuals. But she knew that looking well-kempt did wonders for a reputation. As proved by Chad, who showed that poor appearances led to a reputation less than desirable. And he was an idiotic asshole, but that was beside the point. Making her way out of her room and toward the level where the Rocs' rooms were, the Aviari paused when she heard a voice. Itai was talking to himself. Really, she didn't find it surprising. "When all this is over, I'll be praised for this knowledge. Griffin Councilman Itai, no no, Councilman Yehi Kevod! Has a proper ring to it." She quirked a brow. So he aimed for Griffin, did he? Unsurprising as well. Naeri questioned her goals as well, trying to figure out what position, outside of those in the Zephyr, that would grant her the most influence on the tribe's fate. Turul or Griffin seemed the most appealing, Caladrius not quite fitting her desires. For now, however, the green-toned Aviari settled for pulling what strings she could grasp at from the Flock. She didn't want to draw attention to herself, not now and not for a while yet. When it seemed like Itai was done talking to himself, the snake breeder resumed her walking towards his room. She entered with her usual quiet, studying the chaos of the Roc's room. In her room, the sparse few trinkets--most of them being gifts from Lorcan that he found when walking around--were placed delicately and clearly maintained. But in Itai's room, it was an elegant chaos. How could he even walk? Focused on maneuvering her way around, she turned towards him when he called her out on her slight ruckus. "I do not sneak, Itai," she announced, vibrant violet eyes falling on the much-taller hellion. "I'm just a quiet individual." At his comment, she shrugged, withholding a reply. She took a step closer, nearly stumbling over something on the floor as she did so. Her feathers fluffed in surprise, usually smoothed back. Usually, she was more dignified than this. Regardless, she spoke with the same delicate tone from before, "Could I request a favor or two? Not without repayment, of course." Her eyes caught on something glittering nearby. Then again, most things in this room glittered. "You know those rocks that your Ravens have brought back once or twice..? Well, they work quite well at retaining heat for my serpents. But with my growing stock, I'm afraid I need more. Would it be too much trouble if you were to send an individual out to fetch some more?" she asked, phrasing her words carefully. That was not all, however. She still had more to ask of him. "That, and I'd like access to some of your more historical scrolls. I'd like to compile a detailed lesson of the tribe's history, traditions, and culture so that I might teach the newcomers." She spoke the last word with a distaste, brows scrunching for a moment. She didn't trust Miriam to teach them in a way that would be substantial, finding the Crystalline Dove far too prideful for her own good. She would give her bloodline too much praise, giving credit to those that it doesn't belong to. That, and having access to the files might let her catch a glimpse on what information that Itai had written in his damn scrolls. |
Do you hear the people sing?
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![]() ![]() #d11755
The look he shot her was amused, and almost snobbish? Head raising just barely as he looked her down from his muzzle, lifting a lip ever so slightly. "Not very quietly, might I add." He shook his ears, no one could ever sneak up on him. Why on earth were his ears so big? So he could hear everyone's secrets, probably. "Lucky you're not a raven, Naerileen, or else I'd have to ask you to rethink your line of work." He gave her a crooked smile, all too pleased with himself. Though he tilted his head, stepping around his room with ease, shoving a stack of texts back into place. He raised a brow at her, clearly interested in her request. Bah, Ravens. "Kaxlan looks after the ravens, I'm surprised you don't know that." He corrected, going back to sorting papers. "Though I can put in a word for you to her, it shouldn't be much trouble. Though this sounds like something that my vultures could handle as well, and it eliminates the middle man." He said absently as a long claw dragged against a numbered shelf. "How many do you need? And don't just say a few, you know how much I hate that, I want a number." Tail flicked and hit a mirror in just the right spot that it bounced light throughout the room till it landed on the perfect spot, another scroll was returned to its designated spot. Though the last bit made his brows furrow and he leaned forward with narrowed eyes, shadows clung to his face as he glowered at her suspiciously. "My scrolls? I suppose that can be arranged, though I don't know why Miriam or Crystal wouldn't be better for said lesson planning." He was alluding to something, but would never admit it, a claw tapped his chin thoughtfully. He stepped closer then, tail sweeping behind him and neck craning towards the Riverine female with a quizzical brow. "And what pray tell is in it for me? I'm not in the habit of doing favors, and you said you'd offer payment." After all, Itai would without a doubt be a painful gatekeeper, even if he deemed it fair. |
Almost Sparkles
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November 29, 2018, 12:43:22 AM
(This post was last modified: November 29, 2018, 12:43:58 AM by Naerileen.)
She lifted a brow, gazing up at him with a deadpan stare. She knew she shouldn't mock his bat ears, but he was practically setting himself up for it. When he commented on how she was unfit for the rank of Raven, she gave a venomous smile. "Then praise the Gods that I'm a Dove and Cardinal--not a Raven," she responded simply, voice sweet and mockingly bemused. "And blessings to the fact that we have someone as attentive as you as one of our Rocs," she added, smooth words soaked in honey as they rolled off her tongue. Oh, it was blatant sucking up. But sometimes, a situation called for it, and at the moment Naerileen simply wanted to draw a deal and then leave Itai until he called forth his favor. If he didn't request it before she even left. She watched him move, perplexed by it. How odd was the fact that he knew where everything was, where to put his paws so that he did not cause everything to take a tumble. Of course, her expression remained empty of this curiosity, hinted only by the insignificant tilt of her head and the slight purse of her lips. Ah, yes, Kaxlan did handle the Ravens. But Riverines were not friends of Obsidians and she was no friend of Kaxlan. She held little of what the other might want. Obsidians did not take companions and she doubted that the Roc of Ravens would accept the sorts of favors that Naerileen was willing to offer. "I do, of course. I find it almost insulting you think of me so daft," she accused him in a joking manner, although she wasn't the best at conveying when she was trying to be a bit amusing. "And, as for why I came to you rather than her: you are more efficient. I know I can rely on you to keep your word." A blatant lie, one hidden by the bat of her eyes. He would stab her in the back at a moment's notice and she would do the same. He would keep his word, yes, but only if it benefit him. However, she was content in letting him think she was dull, not just in appearance but in mind as well. Let him think that she trusted him. She was no fool, but she could certainly play one. "Seven. I have a bundle of eggs on their way to hatching but some shipments going out within the next few months to- hm, clients. Seven should hold me steady unless demand rises with some to spare as well. Is that alright?" she asked, careful with each word she spoke. Oh, the fumble was on purpose. Let him think that she trusted him enough to almost slip some confidential information. Let him think that she trusted him with her future business deals. Her words were not technically lies, though. It was information that she did not care for. Simple things like future clutches wasn't hard to find out, after all. He was moving again, frustrating the green-toned female to no end. He walked with such ease, as if he didn't think out each step carefully in his head before he took it. For a moment, watching the light shift, she was almost jealous. But then she was level-headed again, gazing at the Roc with blank eyes. "My scrolls? I suppose that can be arranged, though I don't know why Miriam or Crystal wouldn't be better for said lesson planning." She smiled. A careful gesture, hiding fangs that begged to be bared and dripping an unseen poison. Do you imply that I am not suited for my job, Roc of Wings? That despite my seniority, I am not as competent as two silver-laced chickens who claim to be my superiors? Itai could wield his words like a double-edged sword, that was for sure. But Naerileen was never one to easily back down. For all her fuming, she still smiled calmly. "Well, I trust your judgement. Perhaps once I take my leave, I'll fetch them so they can do it in my stead if you see them so fit for the task." If he wanted to deal with those ninnies, so be it. She'd find other ways to access her scrolls if need be. Then he stepped closer and the smaller wolf only peered up at him. "Up to you. A share of profits, a product of my fine breeding to be your newest companion, one of my aunt's feathers, even. As long as it's fair." Her smile softened, if only slightly, as she shifted some of the feathers between her shoulders that formed her almost cloak-like structure into a more comfortable position. The movement was a subtle one, a reminder of what she possessed that he did not. |
Do you hear the people sing?
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December 01, 2018, 02:30:37 AM
(This post was last modified: December 01, 2018, 02:32:14 AM by Itai.)
![]() ![]() #d11755
Ear flicked at her words, and the hellion smirked. Ah, finally someone who gets it, but he knew better. Riverines were just a step above the bottom feeders, their praise meant little, it would seem both Itai and Naeri were good at acting. The hellion would simply raise a brow and shrug, at her next few statements, clearly she was in the mood for buttering him up, how absolutely tactless she was. Such a Riverine thing to do as well, it was sort of comical, the Roc couldn't help but scoff at her. "Thaaaanks. It means soooooo much hearing it come from you, Naerileen." He shot her a glance, flicking his tail, she'd no doubt catch the sarcasm in his voice, after all he didn't exactly mask it very well. "Seven sounds reasonable, which clients , if I may ask?" Arching a brow, though he was nearly nose deep in a scroll, absentmindedly keeping the conversation going. Itai was after all a very nosy creature. Had he ruffled her feathers with his comment? He turned eyeing her with an almost amused expression plastered on his slender face. "It was just an observation, if you see yourself fit for the job then don't let me stop you." Tossing an extra satchel on a cleared space of table, and with that he began snatching and placing scrolls of paper into it without even having to really look. Though, when you've spent nearly all your life looking after this vast collection of information it was kind of a given at this point that he knew exactly were everything was. "Your aunt Ilhuicatl's feathers? No thank you, pass." Puh, Riverine feathers? If he wanted some of those dirty things, all he had to do with walk outside and pick one off the ground. His muzzle curled with disgust at the thought, and he then he watched her flex her own, he moved quickly then to push scrolls away from her. "Please don't move your feathers like that, I'd prefer not to have mites all over my scrolls, thank you." The lesser bloodlines were always so unkempt. There wasn't much she could offer him, that he didn't already have himself. "What do you rake in profit wise? The stones alone are probably worth more, but I'm feeling generous." The crooked grin spread up his slender maw. "The scrolls could be covered by a favor for later on, anything I want. No disagreeing, no trying to weasel your way out of it. How does that sound?" Bright pink eyes glinting, as a paw rested upon the satchel ready to slide it over or pull it back depending on her answer. |
Almost Sparkles
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She almost laughed at his sarcasm and had she known his thoughts, she certainly would have. She was her parents' ideal Riverine, their conditioning shaping her into her current form and also landing them deep beneath the earth. But their blood wasn't on her paws. No blood was spilled, after all. "Some new, some old. If they didn't give permission for me to discuss their information, I won't," she said simply, "For the right price, at least." She shrugged, then, blinking her amethyst eyes. For a moment she was almost offended that he wasn't paying much attention to her but then she reminded herself of her place. She was unimportant. A simple snake breeder, cardinal, and dove. The dull Riverine girl with an obnoxious younger brother and an aunt who outshined her in every way. Another face in the crowd; didn't she want that? She did, but not for long. She was just a tad irked at his almost amused reaction to her annoyance at his preference to her Crystalline colleagues. "Is it not obvious I value your opinion, Roc of Wings?" She really didn't. "I'll always be sure to take your words to heart." As if she'd give up her place as a dove simply because someone else thought her co-workers were better than her. She did not care for the Crystallines despite having been one of the doves that had given them their education as fledglings. She knew she was good at her job and the words of some bat-eared bastard wouldn't change that. Or so she told herself, shoving aside her insecurities to be dealt with later. She ignored his comment about her possibly having mites, refusing the urge to scoff. She would never let her feathers be subjected to that sort of treatment, or at least not again. When he mentioned the worth of her stones, she shrugged. "Not particularly. I believe they're a form of sandstone and are actually rather common in a nearby desert. Perhaps even a few deposits at the base of the cliffs. Unfortunately, I am a but a humble member of the Flock and in no position to fetch them myself." For once, she was relatively honest as she spoke. When he asked for a favor in return for access to his scrolls, Naerileen scowled. "I'm willing to give a decent-sized share of profits for the stones but I hardly think that's fair, sir. 'Anything you want?' I don't know what that could possibly entail and frankly, Itai, I'd rather get lost in Xiuhcoatl's Keep rather than give you that kind of power over me," she answered honestly, firm and just the slightest bit defensive. @waka |