Acceptance thread a new day | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Almost Sparkles
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Here it was.
Moyra let her gaze travel around the mystical thicket of trees she stood before and took a deep breath. She felt like she had been walking for ages. She had lost track of how long it had been since she began her journey to Nardir, and she had taken a hit in build over her trip. Finding food was difficult when she didn't have her mother around to help her. Or her friend. She missed both of them dearly, and had tried to bring her friend along but he didn't want to be a part of a pack. A wave of brief sadness came over her, and she let the crystal she had found along the way drop from her jaw. It didn't last long, as another wave of pride and excitement took over. This was what she hoped would be the start of the rest of her life. She took comfort in the idea of how proud her mother would be of her. Moyra let her legs fold under her small frame. She wasn't quite sure what to do next, as she hadn't ever been near a pack border or interacted with someone from a pack. Too afraid to call out and disturb someone, she decided the best thing to do would be to sit and wait for someone to pass by. She remembered her mother saying how packs patrolled their own borders, so maybe she would find a patrol. She used her paw to roll the crystal in front of her and admired its shininess as she waited. The purple color of the crystal matched the scenery surrounding her. It matched her own pelt too, she discovered to her own delight. Moyra found herself getting distracted by the territory and made an attempt to prick her ears as to hear any better. Not much luck, but she thought she perhaps smelled another creature drawing closer. |
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![]() K y r a,
Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me actions - “speech” - thoughts
The crimson red woman was much more subdued as of late. She padded the borders, she never thought she would one day have this much responsibility thrust upon her. At first she nearly missed the new presence and scent at the edge. Before the other girl came into view Kyra was pulled out of her inner world to look up with mismatched eyes. For a second her heart dropped thinking it was him come back, but no it was someone new. Sitting in the same spot he had that night. Without a word she walked with purpose and stopped on the exact spot her paws had frozen before and narrowed her eyes at the other girl. "You didn't call, you sneaking in after you rest?" She asked bluntly. Kyra was a formidable looking female, her gaze was steely, her jaw tense, her strength evident, her stance square. She hadn't been keeping up on her grooming so her fur was a bit of a mess. She looked thin from not eating much, but her belly was just showing its pregnant status. Though her mask was on to put on a strong front, grief etched her features like a tattoo. In hindsight, looking at this purple girl before her, she really didn't need to put on her scary face so hard.
ooc We're friendly I promise! She's just the resident GRUMP right now.
Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon |
Almost Sparkles
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Moyra's head snapped up when she heard the stern tone of a red she-wolf interrupt her daydreaming. Purple ears folded back softly, slightly unnerved by the seemingly defensive disposition of the Nardiri lady.
I-no, I wasn't sneaking, Moyra stammered timidly. Aqua eyes glanced up at her as she stumbled over an apology, I'm sorry. I've never tried seeking out a pack before. She didn't want the other wolf to turn her away because she went about acceptance the wrong way. Moyra just didn't know how it was supposed to work. She supposed it was naive of her to assume they let just anyone walk into their territory. A small pit formed in her stomach; it hadn't crossed her mind that they wouldn't let her join. She rose slowly to all fours, taking note that the Nardiri was not much older than she was. In fact, Moyra was slightly larger believe it or not. As far as dire wolves were concerned, she was a runt. My mum used to speak highly of Nardir. My grandfather fought among your... she paused for a moment, trying to recall what her mother had said Nardiri named their fighters. Nothing came to mind in the moment., she finished, clearing her throat softly. |
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![]() K y r a,
Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me actions - “speech” - thoughts
Kyra kept her eyes narrowed and watched stoically as the leggy girl stood and stammered her naivety. The border guard looked her up and down. She was fairly young, a pretty purple color and... A familiar shade of eye color... She didn't move a facial muscle as the girl claimed her mother had mentioned nardir and how her own grandfather had fought among their own ranks. If her eyes hadn't already been narrowed with suspicion that would have garnered a suspicious look. She didn;t look like she had warrior blood, but those eyes had a specific blood tie that could prove her point. Silently she looked down at what the girl had been playing with, a crystal. Oh this kid was going to fit in just fine. Dad'll like her, heck she might even make Arik run for his money and change his current course since she's so cute and already crystal minded. She'd probably be great friends with Little BlueFur. "So your mother said stuff about us. Grandad was a Nardiri. What's your name and why are you only coming now?" She asked roughly, almost incredulous. There was a part of her that wasn't at all interested, but she really actually wanted to be interested. She wanted to take this kid under her wing and take her to Queen Mercury right away. She felt like she was watching herself from a distance, seeing someone else ask these questions. Yeah she was a rough type, but it was like this cold woman had stolen her body from her. She was tired again. She decided it was because of her belly.
ooc We're friendly I promise! She's just the resident GRUMP right now.
Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon |
Almost Sparkles
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Moyra cocked her head ever so slightly to the left, straining to listen carefully to the Nardiri as she spoke. At this point, she would be too nervous to ask the red lady to repeat herself for fear of being yelled at. Although yelling could be helpful when it came to Moyra's partial deafness.
Well...I'm not sure. I...I guess because we were comfortable just the two of us, she explained softly, kneading some soft ground between her toes. Moyra blinked a few times and took a breath, She's gone now, and I thought it might honor her in a way if I came here. It still didn't sound right. She was gone. She was gone. Moyra had mulled those words over in her mind, repeating them over and over until the words sounded foreign to her. It still didn't feel real, and she couldn't find herself able to react to the incident yet. Perhaps she didn't know how, or perhaps she was still processing it. Either way, Nardir just felt right. This place is in my blood, she continued, perhaps a bit louder than need be. She lost track of her voice sometimes since she couldn't hear it as well as she used to. I'd like to learn more about it and try to find a place I can contribute to. Moyra looked at the stoic female again, remembering suddenly she had asked for her name. Oh...I'm Moyra, she added quickly, subconsciously pawing at the crystal out of anxiety. |
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![]() K y r a,
Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me actions - “speech” - thoughts
If Kyra had felt more present and less tired she would have cracked a smirk at the girls cute head tilt.She caught the girls discomfort and anxiety, and difficulty saying what had happened to her mom. Admitting that she felt like she was honoring her by coming here finally made Kyra's facade shift a little as she finally opened her eyes with less suspicion and more of a gentle understanding. "Come." She commanded, it was a little more warmer than her previous demeanor, though it still had the rough shard of chill to it only remarking on her own discomfort and mental state. She turned briskly to lead the girl into the packlands. She spoke as she lead her to the Castle. "You walk among family now. I'm Kyra. Before you are released to wander you need to meet Queen Mercury, she will finalize your acceptance. Then, if she allows you to stay, you should probably meet my father at some point, Hakan. He's a healer. He also likes to meet the newcomers and give them a check up. Depending on what the Queen says she'll tell you about ranks and who you should head to next." Though she had set aside her menacing mask, she still held a monotone tone of voice, pure business. Kyra led the purple girl into the packlands. Under a large rock arch that would always make Kyra pause on the way to the borders. It didn't now, she walked right on through, not stopping to let Moyra gawk. The red woman then led the girl through a pass in the tall hills and on their left a cliff face would reveal a honeycomb of dens and holes at various levels. Several members could be seen either at the lake on the right, or lounging by their den on the cliffside. "Welcome to the Castle. Ignore him." Kyra said flicking her tail at a particular leggy and vibrant blue male that no doubt had whistled or shouted something hecklish. That though made Kyra smirk just an imperceptible amount. "Newcomer!" She announced loudly to those within earshot, mostly to get Mercury's attention, She guided the new lady to the bottom of the ramp. "Merc, you in there?" Kyra called casually as she made her way up to the patio, it held a marvelous view of the lake and the packlands. Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon |
Almost Sparkles
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November 18, 2018, 01:37:37 AM
(This post was last modified: November 18, 2018, 01:44:17 AM by Moyra.)
![]() m o y r a,
You’re a child in the garden
You’re growing up I’ll watch you bloom And your dreams are not forgotten You’ll be a woman soon Moyra couldn't help but let a sweet smile cross her face as the red she-wolf told her to follow along. Happily, she picked up her amethyst and padded lightly after her, doing her best to keep up but still absorb her new surroundings. She couldn't help but be overtaken by the beauty of the land around her; nature never ceased to amaze Moyra. Her mother had taught her to respect it because ultimately, it could make or break a life. Especially living as rogues as she did. Kyra, she repeated in her airy tone, somewhat obstructed by the stone in her mouth. Pleasure to meet you. As Kyra spoke of a Queen Mercury, Moyra strained again to listen. She couldn't make out every word, as she was trailing a pace or two behind her and couldn't see her lips. Queen Mercury. Acceptance. Kyra's father. Moyra figured she understood the gist and decided against mentioning her loss of hearing just yet. She didn't want to inconvenience anyone. I understand, she affirmed, nodding. The two crossed under an impressive archway made of stone. Moyra being somewhat easily distracted, stopped momentarily to admire the natural structure. Noticing that Kyra had kept going, Moyra trotted quickly in pursuit of her new packmate. She couldn't wait to explore Nardir once she was acclimated among the pack. Kyra said something about ignoring someone, but Moyra didn't know to whom she referred. Perhaps she missed what was said. Shrugging lightly, she continued behind Kyra into the busy area of Nardir. Now it might be harder for her to hear, as she could feel the vibrations of many voices in the air around her. She did, however, hear Kyra announce her presence to those nearby. Moyra watched as she approached a den and seemed to be getting someone's attention; her Queen's she assumed. Moyra, not wanting to look like a threat or too anxious, sat down and curled her tail over her delicate paws, waiting for the Nardiri queen to emerge. Suddenly remembering she was holding a gem, she set it at her feet. Perhaps to offer as a gift to her new queen should she be welcomed in. ooc yay! she's almost in!
forest graphic © m-adking / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © the new day // greta van fleet
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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"Newcomer!" The call was crisp and clear, giving Merc plenty of time to be prepared for Kyra to come... well, it wasn't polite to say stomping up the ramp, calling "Merc, you in there?" as she came. Ah, Kyra. Wonderfully direct, but not really one for formality. Too late to correct that now, the facade had already shattered. The furs that were usually folded away in her den were spread out on the patio, giving it a comfortable seating vibe. And Kyra was right, it did have a wonderful lakeside view. She really should talk to Buckshot about flowers... "I'm here, Kyra." She called back, inviting her up. They would find the Dark Moon seated comfortably on one set of furs, the others open and waiting. It was unlikely Kyra would be long, but she did have a report to give. Unlike when Stella had come back to them, the girl that followed along behind the red Bear's heels was a stranger. All the more reason Kyra should have remembered *titles*. But considering the stress Kyra had been under lately, and the last time she had climbed this ramp, Mercury gave her a silent pass and didn't bring it up. It was unlikely to matter anyway, once they got this underway. First, introductions. Then Kyra would give the facts and her opinion as to Moyra's eligibility, and so on. Ritual for ritual's sake. ![]() ☿
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![]() K y r a,
Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me actions - “speech” - thoughts
With a dip of her head, Kyra sidestepped to reveal a lithe purple swan of a wolf. Not like she had when she brought "Tobie" to the council and blocked their view of him. She then nodded her head to Moyra to come forward. "Queen Mercury, this is Moyra." She said, formally introducing them. She had forgot to use the title when addressing her before, but somehow it clicked in her head that for a more formal ritual like this it was better to. She would need more reminding later if Queen Mercury wanted Kyra to address her differently. The Bear was still getting used to formalities, and her recent stress, like the queen surmised, was still trying to overtake the woman, despite Kyra's best efforts to ignore it. "She hadn't called when I found her on the border, says her grandfather was a guard here back in the day." She continued in a monotone drifting to a comfortable fur. She was on standby to escort Moyra to her next destination, might as well make herself comfortable. She had become a lot more tired lately, but thankfully she had gotten a little of her appetite back and she wasn't constantly losing her meals in the bushes as much.
Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon |
Almost Sparkles
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November 18, 2018, 07:56:51 PM
(This post was last modified: November 21, 2018, 12:45:06 PM by Moyra.)
![]() m o y r a,
You’re a child in the garden
You’re growing up I’ll watch you bloom And your dreams are not forgotten You’ll be a woman soon Moyra peered inside the lovely chamber, taking note of the plush furs scattered about.Upon a bed of them, an elegant looking she wolf--Queen Mercury, she presumed--was lounging. Moyra wondered if she was going to be allowed to have fur beds too, although she had grown accustomed to sleeping on solid ground seeing as she hadn't known anything else. After gazing around in a bit of a distracted awe, Moyra turned her attention back to the Queen. The young girl liked the dark lady's neck adornment, it added to the regal persona that was already evident. It's a pleasure, she said softly after Kyra introduced her. Flicking her ears back bashfully, Moyra felt a wave of embarrassment as Kyra pointed out how she hadn't called out at the border. She hoped that didn't count against her in someway, she had honestly not known that was the proper thing to do. Clearing her throat softly, Moyra spoke, paying attention to controlling the volume of her voice so she didn't yell and make even more a fool of herself. I'm sorry for neglecting to call out...I didn't know I was supposed to, she said, lowering her head a bit and looking up at the Queen in a way that likely resembled a guilty child. She noticed Kyra had moved toward one of the vacant furs, but Moyra remained where she was in front of Queen Mercury; she didn't want to offend anyone by being too casual or comfortable in a place that wasn't officially her home. ooc~
forest graphic © m-adking / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © the new day // greta van fleet
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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RP Post Goes Here "Queen Mercury, this is Moyra." "It's a pleasure," Mercury dipped her head in a slight return greeting instead of replying back and interrupting Kyra. The Red Bear seemed to have remembered her manners, as she switched to adding the honorific. Mercury brushed off the lapse from earlier as a simple slip. It was clear that Kyra was trying. The Dark Queen wasn't about to be a stickler for every little detail. "She hadn't called when I found her on the border, says her grandfather was a guard here back in the day." Kyra padded around the furs and selected a place. If she happened to fall asleep, Mercury would pretend not to notice. the Red Bear was working too hard, but Mercury wasn't about to chide her for it. She knew what busy tasks could do for a troubled soul, and Mercury had no right to tell Kyra not run herself into the ground to push away her problems. It was a trait they shared. What the Dark Queen would do, would be speak with Hakan. He would draw the line. And he would be a much better wall than officialdom. "I'm sorry for neglecting to call out...I didn't know I was supposed to," Putting aside her busybody thoughts, Mercury looked Moyra over. She seemed out of her element, like she had never seen anything like this. New to pack life? And yet her grandfather was Nardiri... That was curious. "You say your grandfather was Nardirian?" The Queen inquired politely. An invitation to share her story. If Moyra had consistent information, The Dark Moon would choose to believe her. If she was making it up, She'd slip. Not that Mercury really expected her to be lying. What purpose would that serve? But Mercury had grown up in Nardir. If Moyra's grandfather had been in the pack during her reign, she would remember him. ![]() ☿
Almost Sparkles
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![]() m o y r a,
You’re a child in the garden
You’re growing up I’ll watch you bloom And your dreams are not forgotten You’ll be a woman soon Moyra let herself relax slightly as the Queen nonverbally returned her greeting. Pack life seemed interesting, but very different, so far. The ideas of ranks and hierarchy weren't familiar to the young girl; she had only heard stories about how the wolves who ran with packs operated. It seemed almost unreal to be so close to joining one, now. She was excited but also nervous that she would be unable to adjust. Moyra was used to, for the most part, doing as she pleased. She wasn't sure what kind of rules were in place in Nardir, but despite her wondering, it still felt right for her to be here. Mercury inquired about her grandfather and Moyra focused her attention back on the real world, drawing her imaginings of pack life to a momentary close. Purple ears flicked upward a bit as she took in the Queen's question. Yes he was, she answered with a nod. She took a few moments to gather her thoughts and to remember the information her mother had told her about her grandfather. Moyra shifted her weight, her paws sore from her travels; she didn't wish to be rude and sit in front of royalty, however. Even though Kyra had made herself comfortable, Moyra knew she was still a guest at this point and probably couldn't take the same actions. His name was Phallum, Moyra continued. My mother told me he died in a war...Gesshoku? ooc~
forest graphic © m-adking / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © the new day // greta van fleet
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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"Yes he was." She paused, clearly trying to remember. Mercury waited. "His name was Phallum, my mother told me he died in a war...Gesshoku?" "I see. And your grandmother?" The timetable made sense. The Gesshoku Conflict happened when her parents had been young. Many Nardirians had lost their lives in that bloody battle, and many more were left scarred for life. Some had been taken, some had fled. A great tragedy in their history. Mercury thought it was sensible that this girl, a generation removed, was overall ignorant of Nardir. Add to that the pack's upset in this generation alone, well, a lot of members fell through the cracks. It was more a confirmation that Moyra's story was consistent. It didn't really matter who her grandmother was. It mostly mattered how the girl answered. ![]() ☿
Almost Sparkles
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![]() m o y r a,
You’re a child in the garden
You’re growing up I’ll watch you bloom And your dreams are not forgotten You’ll be a woman soon Moyra didn't know many of her relatives outside of her mother. Of course she knew of her grandfather but she had never met him. She wished she had, maybe her and her mother could have lived in Nardir. Maybe her mother would have been able to survive if she had gotten the medical help she needed. I'm not sure, 'mam, Moyra replied, shaking her head with a sigh. I wish I knew more of my family, but I really only knew my mother. Everyone else was...just not there, she added, not sure if the information was really needed, but she didn't want to have the Queen thinking she was making things up. Maybe she could learn more about her own lineage by living among Nardirians; maybe some of the elder citizens knew her grandfather and could tell her stories about him like her mother had. ooc~
forest graphic © m-adking / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © the new day // greta van fleet
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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Mercury watched Moyra's posture as she spoke about her family. The usual nervousness of a new member was there, but she didn't sense any delay that would indicate she wasn't being truthful. She was young, probably younger than Mercury. If her mother had been barely a child after Gesshoku, it would stand to reason that she also would not remember much. "I'm not sure, 'mam, I wish I knew more of my family, but I really only knew my mother. Everyone else was...just not there The Queen nodded her head in understanding. Nardir's history spanned three generations of her family. Things that happened during her grandparent's time were things Mercury had only heard in stories. First from her grandparents themselves when she was young, then from the elders who remained. The second reigning generation, Kokutan and Kyril and their Queen, Shenandoah, had a short, but conflicted time on the throne. Plagued with both natural disasters and outside threats. Even these, Mercury only knew from others. It did not surprise her that Moyra was likewise ignorant. "The Gesshoku Conflict occurred during the reign of my sire and dam, before my conception." Mercury stated. "If you would like to hear more about the Gesshoku, Adolph is the elder you should speak to." Having given that piece of advice, the next order of business was to place Moyra. It was possible the girl would just want some time to herself. After all, Alexander had expressed as much. But having an idea of what skills she could offer was always a priority. If she was unskilled, she would need a mentor. "And what of you? Now that you have found Nardir, what do you hope to accomplish?" ![]() ☿
Almost Sparkles
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![]() m o y r a,
You’re a child in the garden
You’re growing up I’ll watch you bloom And your dreams are not forgotten You’ll be a woman soon Moyra listened intently when Queen Mercury spoke about the historic conflict in Nardir's history. Already, the young she-wolf held an immense respect for the Queen. She seemed very wise and Moyra felt like Mercury was someone she could look up to. In all honesty, she wasn't sure who she wanted to be. Perhaps she would go find the wolf named Adolph; learning more about her own bloodlines was part of the reason she had for coming to Nardir. Moyra shuffled nervously as the Queen asked the question regarding what she wanted to do now that she was here. Well...I'm not sure, really, Moyra stammered softly. She hesitated a moment before the next sentence, but figured it would be best to get the issue of her deafness into the open before it caused problems. I think something that doesn't require a lot of combat would be suitable...I'm very hard of hearing, you see. Practically useless when it comes to fighting. Perhaps she could learn how to be more useful with her fighting skills, but even still the idea didn't sit well with Moyra. She hated conflict of any kind and strove to avoid it at all costs. However, she knew enough about herself to understand that her role may lie somewhere on the sidelines when it came to battling. For whatever reason, fighting and warfare associated themselves with pack-life in Moyra's mind. Not in a good or bad way, it was just the image she had. Heroic wolves fighting to defend their families and friends. It was more of an honorific thought rather than a negative one. I'd enjoy something like healing, I think, Moyra added. I like helping people, and herbs have always interested me a great deal. ooc~
forest graphic © m-adking / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © the new day // greta van fleet
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![]() K y r a,
Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me actions - “speech” - thoughts
The Red Bear of a wolf had propped her head up on the side of Mercury's balcony so she could gaze out over the side with half lidded eyes. She was half listening to the interview until it it came to what the girl was interested in doing and how she could contribute. She kept her attention on the down-low though, barely flicked her ear as the subject changed. Until the girl said she wanted to be a healer then Kyra spoke up without moving or showing any other indication she was remotely interested. "Oh goody, someone else for Dad to fawn over." She huffed.
Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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"Well...I'm not sure, really. I think something that doesn't require a lot of combat would be suitable...I'm very hard of hearing, you see. Practically useless when it comes to fighting. I'd enjoy something like healing, I think. I like helping people, and herbs have always interested me a great deal." Oh goody, someone else for Dad to fawn over." "Kyra..." The Dark Moon side-eyed her. The tone of her voice was steady, but a slight inflection warned The Red Bear she was getting very close to over the line. "Makes an excellent suggestion. Hakan has just retired from his duties as our lead healer. I believe he would do well to judge your aptitude." Nothing in her tone reflected she was a tad disappointed in Moyra's interests. While she appreciated and valued the gentle nature of her people, she wished she had more power to defend them. Still, she would accept what was offered, and perhaps the peace and gentleness would foster its own quiet strength. Getting to her feet, Mercury looked down at where Moyra was seated. "For now, pick a den that suits you. Once you are settled, Kyra can guide you to Hakan for your appraisal. When you are finished, if you would like to seek out Adolph to recount the Gesshoku tales, you may ask for directions to his's family den. He is usually found with his grandpups." ![]() ☿