Cloudburst (Machati)
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Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

Reese was running swiftly across the open grasslands. Between the mountains, the forests, and the streams. It was early fall. The dying summer sun was sinking lower and lower in the horizon earlier and earlier each day. The leaves had begun to turn, the grasses had dried and as the brown tri color dire ran through the grasslands it whispered past him like a thousand hushed voices.

A song in his head was calling him home... home home home... Into the mountains, into the trees, under the moon. For now though the time was just before evening. Dusk was on the precipice of overcoming the mid afternoon. He ran and ran and ran until his tongue was lolling and he was out of breath. He had to find some water soon.

Licking his chops he glanced at the darkening sky. A soft emerald gaze drank in the last vestiges of summer. Maybe he'll stay in Nardir until spring.

He slowed his running, he wasn't as built for endurance as his heftier sister. He was made best for tight spaces, weaving and dodging, escaping. He came to a stop and put his nose to the wind looking for a scent or sound of water. He cast his eyes to the sky again to see if he could spy a bird hovering over a nearby river or lake.


Marvel she/her
Posts: 11
Pronouns: she/her


There was a perfect breeze not too far up into the sky. It followed the stretch Marvel would take from the pond all the way back to the treeline. A bird could travel fast and with little effort, and Marvel intended to take advantage to eat someplace nice. The walleye she had wasn't the biggest talons could catch but it was meal enough for her. Wings outstretched and soaring, she passed over the grasslands with little intention to stop.

But from down below anyone could see that as the enormous eagle passed, her head cocked. One eye pointing directly down, even as she passed the one thing of interest. Marvel was having a double-take. A brown fur coat blended in well in the grasslands, short of a few pale marks flecking across his back. It took her a moment to register what she had just passed.

Marvel said something to herself. It wasn't entirely comprehensible at a distance but was something along the lines of an enthused "oh wow!" 

The long shadow of the bird turned over the grass, leaving the winds and slowing down as she headed right back towards the canine she had spotted down below. She circled overhead, slowly climbing down from her height and towards the wolf. Only one foot was extending down as she came closer to the grass, the other leg stayed close to her body, holding the green fish away from the dirt.

"You really are a wolf!" She exclaimed cheerfully as she came to land. One extended wing close to the beast before drawing back to her body. 

Her head was cocked as she looked at Reese, delighted. "Right? A wolf? Are you going for the gophers?" Her head twisted away momentarily, looking some way off in the grasslands, presumably where these gophers must reside--just for her attention to come shooting right back to Reese. "Because I think they've all gone to hibernate already! They really sleep so much--can you imagine? Oh, but you do look tired too--!" 

She talked fasted, excited. She leaned in a little as she did so, getting a good look at the creature next to her. She practically interrupted herself as she chirped, "wow, look at you! I've never met a wolf before!"
Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

The wolf gasped as a huge shadow passed over him and then the thing that owned that shadow came back as if to pick him up like a pup.

He was about to dash into the long grass when the huge flying beast crested the glide and came down to rest, talking and hovering over him a mile a minute. He had never seen such a massive bird, it was was taller than Byakko of all people! The human rivian wasn't even s tall as this thing was! And it was marveling at how he was a wolf?? Wasn't he LUNCH to this thing??

"Uh... Ye-yeah... I'm a... wolf." He never thought he'd say those words before. He was half on his haunches, a paw upraised, nigh cowering under the feathers of this golden beast, his mouth half agape in awe.

He glanced at those massive talons and found a fish in the claws. Fish?? Water?? He looked back up to that incredible sharp beak.

"I'm uh... not gophers... Looking for uh... water, really." He was talking to the biggest thing on the planet. It was big enough to EAT him and by the moon he sat there talking to it!

ooc: @machati I'm not sure if you get notifications if I post, that's why I'm taggin you. Thankfully I get notifications since I started the thread! <3

Marvel she/her
Posts: 11
Pronouns: she/her


When Reese confirmed what he was, there came an intrigued "oooh" from the bird. Her head turning the other way to inspect him all the more. Once he mentioned looking for water, she snapped out from her curiosity with a sharper "oh! Yes!" She held up the talons that held her fish as she replied, "I know where there's water!" 

She hopped to turn a little, stretching out her neck some to take in her surroundings. "Yeah, yeah, you aren't too far off from a pond actually! It's just, uh" She propped out a wing only to hesitate where she was pointing. "You know what? I can just show you the way, that's what I should do!" 

While prattling a little about the plants he should see to know they're there, she hobbled awkwardly on one leg until she finally lifted back off. She flied as slow as she could and kept low, but well out of the way of smacking her newfound furry friend. She arched her head down, watching him more than where she was going.

"So what got you so lost from water?" She happily questioned him. "Are you--oh! Are you looking for a place to start a pack?" 

(You're good, I'm subscribed!)
Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

As his sense of DANGER DANGER started to wane away it was getting replaced by the intriguing sensation that he just made a new friend, strange as she was! He like how cheery she was and water! She was just going to lead him to water! What luck! The moon was looking out for him even though she wouldn't rise for some time.

He laughed as she launched herself into the air, envious that she could do that so easily. His fur was swept back as her wings burst the air around them. He ran under her, following her lead and laughed as she asked him why he was lost from the water, and if he was starting a pack!

"Stars no!" He shouted up at her while running, "I've been trying to find my family! Nardir! Look out!" He shouted, weaving to the side to avoid a tree coming quickly toward them. He laughed if she swerved in time, but he would be concerned if she crashed.

((I seem to be a little short lately! lol!))

Marvel she/her
Posts: 11
Pronouns: she/her


"Oh so--ah!" Marvel swerved to avoid the incoming treeline. She swung her head right back up and furrowed her brow some, intent on focusing her eyes on the trees and nothing else. Her long wings weren't meant for weaving through thick forests, she did have to be careful. It quieted her for a moment.

But just a moment. Then she was squawking again as if she hadn't missed a bit.

"You lost your family! That's terrible!" She consoled, but quickly bubbled on the bright side. "It's good you went looking for them though! I've tried waiting around for family--!" Marvel nodded, then sucked in a stiff breath. "They sure don't come."

The trees didn't go on too long but as it started to thicken the closer they got to the water source, Marvel landed. She hopped along a few steps but eventually conceded in getting her fish a little dirty at the good price of helping Reese out.

"I don't know if I've heard of the Nardir--but ah!" She yawped, "--I guess I don't know any other wolves, nevermind a whole family of them!" 

She had a look of wonderment, eyes wide and beaming as she inquired, "what is a wolf family like?" 

(you fine<3 )
Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

Reese was out of breath so all he could do was shake his head while he smiled at her enthusiasm and naivety. She was a breath of fresh air! Hah!

When the water came into sight he had to drop back to keep himself from passing out and eventually joined her again at an even pace at the lakeside. After a good drink and licking his chops he chuckled and shook his head again.

"Hahaha... Nono." He started, water still dripping from his chin when he turned back to her, "I didn't really lose them, just struck out on my own for a while. I knew where they were, well now I don't really. Well sort of, I think they all finally went home home. So I'm hoping to meet up with them again. My family is rather small, it's just my parents and sisters really, but the pack is called Nardir." He said, then gave his fur a good shake.

"Hoo! You fly fast! My legs feel all flimsy like leaves!" He wobbled over to the base of a tree and fell in a heap. "The Nardir pack is typically a bunch of moon worshipping pacifists. They take in refugees and the like. At least, that's what I remember. They could have changed. They been through the rigor, I grew up knowing a lot of the history." Reese had been born outside of pack borders. They had just lost their lands. When he was older they had just regained some new territory but he wanted to strike out on his own some more. He never thought of himself as a loner though, making friends along the way. Spent time with a human, talked to a bunch strangers. He always felt like he'd go home one day and rejoin them.

"I'm hoping to go visit and say hello." He said, grooming the travel dust out of his paws. They were sore.

Marvel she/her
Posts: 11
Pronouns: she/her


Marvel hummed a few "ohhs" as Reese explained the situation better. While he drank, she dipped her fish into the water a few times to wash it off, tittering as he mentioned his legs. She made a small comment about not knowing how to slow down on the flying so well. She continue to trill playfully as she joined him under the tree, hopping over to him on one foot. 

While he explained what his pack was like, she gobbled up her fish in a single bite. She was certainly listening, she kept making sounds like she wanted to comment about something but it was entirely muffled. Just before she ate the fish whole, she clipped off a good meaty potion of its tail and let it fall into the grass. She contently swallowed what she had in her gullet before picking up the uneaten portion in her talons and extending the leg towards Reese.

"I didn't know wolves worshiped things in the sky! I thought only birds and bats did that! And flying squirrels, of course." She babbled as soon she properly could. Nodding a little as she agreed, "they do sound like good wolves, a good family and saying hello sounds like a good idea!" 

She was quiet for just a second before twisting her head around to look back at the water. She didn't see any other wolves though and doubtfully questioned, "but um, is... is this the right place?"
Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

Reese easily took the tail portion quickly offering gratitude, fully feeling comfortable with the large bird. She was so bubbly and nice! He had no feeling like she harbored any ill will toward him at all, like eating him. The thought probably hadn't even entered her giant bird brain that was probably bigger than his.

He laughed while he munched on the fish, "Yeah yeah! We have stories and all kinds of things! They are good people! That's why I'm heading that way."

He sat there munching the fish with her as she started looking around and asked him with a bewildered look if this was the right place. Man was this bird bird brained!

"Oh! no!" Reese said licking his chops after finishing his meal, "No no. They have a territory. Man you really don't know anything about wolves! So uh... Around here there's a bunch of different packs. We all delineate our territories from each other with scent and patrols. There's Nardir somewhere in the mountains, has a big fat lake in the middle of it and some waterfalls here and there if I remember how mom described it, surrounded by mountains. Then Inaria is a different pack, if you saw some purple trees on one of your flights you probably flew over Inaria packland. Then there's Tortuga and Alteron and other groups come and go around here. Out here though in-between packs it's all neutral and free lands. Say have you see a big valley with a huge lake in it? I don't actually know exactly where it is. I've just been wandering trying to find it and here you are, with a birds eye view!" He said thumping his tail in excitement. His legs were still rubber though and would need a good rest before setting off again. It was getting to be night time and he was tired.

Marvel she/her
Posts: 11
Pronouns: she/her


Marvel nodded with fervor at the remark regarding her wolf knowledge. They were definitely a new thing to really delve into, but one she was most certainly excited about. He described the different packs a little and the land in particular that marked the Nardir. She hummed and scanned the horizon, pensively scratching one talon into her feathers while she tried to remember what she had seen. 

"I've seen lots and lots of lakes but I guess I never looked for valleys before, I don't know if I ever saw it." Even if she wasn't the sharpest beak in the flock, Marvel was aware of where she, by herself, could start looking. There were long mountain ranges. It'd take a while but she could scan around for sure, but the poor wolf would be left waiting if she intended on making any distance. She pondered it a little longer, with little "ehm"s and "uh"s. 

Finally she pointed a wing out into the increasing darkness. "I think I saw purple trees that way? If you... hrm..." She sounded terribly unsure. It really was getting dark. Marvel was certainly no owl, and the long legs of the bird slowly lowered as she came to the conclusion that there'd be less and less she could help with in the night. It took her a while before she glanced at Reese again. 

While her energy had cooled in the face of the setback, she was still quite cheerful as she looked at the wolf. 

"I think in the morning I can get you way up and you can point out which way we go!" She suggested, nodding again at her own suggestion. "Yeah, yep, if you could see from up there then that'd work!" She paused for just a second before blurting out, "I'm Marvel by the way!"
Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

It didn't seem that she could remember if she had seen it yet, and she was wracking her brain to figure out a way to help him. He was wracking his own brain on it too and came to the same conclusion that if she took flight to find it he'd be left waiting and not able to tell her if that was it.

He was about to suggest waiting till morning anyway when she concluded the same! Then suggested... that she take him... up there... to see for himself... He stared at her wide eyed for a moment and tried to get his brain around it. Would she clutch him in her claws? Wouldn't that hurt? It'd be terribly uncomfortable. Then he thought about what his sisters face would look like if he came home on the back of this giant eagle! Oh man! What a face! She'd be dumbfounded for sure! Either of his twin sisters! That'd be quite the entrance!

Then the bird blurted out her name and he felt so stupid! "Marvel! I'm so sorry we haven't exchanged names! I'm Reese! I got so distracted by not being eaten by you and finding water I lost all my manners! I've never been so high before! Do you think I could ride on your back? Could I hang on? Do you have to hold me in your claws? What if you drop me? If I see it would you fly straight there?" He asked thumping his tail and squirming his legs on the ground. If he had the energy to stand he'd be talking in circles and jumping and barking at her. Her attitude was infectious and he felt more excited than alarmed at the prospect of falling to his death.

Marvel she/her
Posts: 11
Pronouns: she/her


Reese was the one with a lot to excitedly question now. Marvel blinked and her feathers frayed out as his inquiries, even if she was still smiling. Some of them surprised her.

"On my back, Reese!?"  Marvel squawked loudly,  "What if you slipped off my back! I've never had someone up there before! Oh wow, I don't know if I'd be able to catch you! You'd have to really  hold on!" 

She laughed nervously and shook her head a few times. "No, no, no, nah. I think I should do it with my talons, I think I can--just--" She had stuck a leg out from underneath her. Not too close to Reese but she had closed one eye and cocked her head as she sized up where she'd be able to hold him. "Like on your hip and maybe halfway around the shoulder? Yeah, yeah... riight there...!" 

It was very clear she was guessing what to do. Just as quick as she questioned where to put her foot on him she added with a heartier chortle, "I've never carried someone big like you before! You're a lot bigger than even a bunch of rabbits! You've gotta be like two whole warrens or something!" 

She continued to laugh, her feathers settling down again as she rested her talons back underneath herself. She wiggled a little as she settled in and assured him, "we'll have to see how fast I can fly with you anyways, but I think you'll like it! I've got strong talons! We can fly you up just a bit to start and see if you can see where to go--we'll take it one step at a time from there!"
Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409
(This post was last modified: November 27, 2018, 05:37:14 PM by Charley.)

Male // Young Adult

actions - “speech” - thoughts
He chuckled as she explained how ridiculous a wolf riding on the back of a giant eagle would be. He watched as she stretched her leg out and he eyed her vicious looking claws as she eyeballed how best to hold him. Reese was shaking his head and widened his eyes as he looked away for a moment. Chuckling nervously as she said he weighed more like two whole warrens of rabbits.

"Maybe I'll have a light breakfast tomorrow." He said smirking but suddenly he was unsure of the idea of being held so high up in the clouds. He'd never flown before. But he was starting to get excited at the prospect of seeing his dad and the pack again so soon. If all goes well tomorrow they could swoop in together! Maybe land right in the middle of a gathering! Wouldn't that be wild! Howling on his way in to let them all know he was coming in for a landing! He was chuckling and shaking his head at the idea of it.

"I'm excited. I think it'll be fun." He said, settling down to sleep, "Lets see what the morning holds, oh and thanks again for the fish." He didn't know if he'd be able to sleep, the image of them swooping in on a grand entrance was just too good.


He opened a bright green eye as the sun warmed his brown and cream speckled pelt. What a day this'll be! He stretched his legs out and was sure the big bird would be up before him. Sunrise and all. His tail was already starting to wag as he thought about seeing his parents and sisters again, maybe he could charm the socks off Queen Alana while visiting! He wondered how old Byakko was doing. He was fully expecting a warm welcome, not knowing a lot of his information was outdated. All these thoughts were running through his head as he lapped up some of the fresh water.


Marvel she/her
Posts: 11
Pronouns: she/her


Before the two finally fell asleep, Marvel was all agreements. She nodded profusely to his excitement and shrugged off the mention of the fish with a "don't mention it!" When they quieted and fell to sleep, Marvel sat quietly and thought over again and again what it would be like to finally meet a wolf pack. At some point during the night, she winked an eye open just to peek again at the canine beside her. He was no where near as tall as her but Reese was still her size. A whole pack of animals her size! She couldn't wait. 

Morning came and Marvel was up early. She wasn't where she slept, she was seemingly gone--or just off the ground. Reese was bigger than anyone she had carried before and when she woke, she got straight to wing stretches. By the shore there was two fish left out, most definitely gored by the birds talons and abandoned for Reese to have. It was among the victims of Marvel's aerial exercises, the rest had been Marvel's breakfast. 

The fish were merely the warmups. The bird had moved on to larger things before Reese had woken up. When he went to drink, she was carrying a hollowed log. She didn't know if it weighed as much as he did, she imagined not, but it had a thick diameter. She practiced turned and gaining altitude without scratching it. There were a few mistakes present but she felt like she had gotten better quickly. 

The fact that the log was a stand-in for Reese could be made extra apparent by the fact that Marvel was not flying silently. While she was far up and hard to hear clearly, she was absolutely keeping up her usual cheerful gobbledygook like she had the day before. She stopped with a sharp squeak when she noticed her new friend below, moving about. Marvel dropped the log immediately in the water and came flying right over to the wolf. 

"Reese!" She beamed. "Good morning! How are you doing?" 

She landed close by but immediately strutting closer. She nudged him a little with one wing as she heartily exclaimed, "are you feeling it? Are you ready to fly??"
Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

Dire Mix // Young Adult

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He had noticed and ate the catch of gored fish set out for him before he had bent his head to drink. Ever thankful of his new mighty bird friend!

As he was drinking he saw the mirror image of her in the sky, reflected in the water, carrying a great log, and before he could react she dropped it into the water with a great splash. He braced himself for the water laughing and enjoyed the shower. While she landed the wolf shook the water out from his fur.

"Yeah! I'm good! Refreshing! I'm ready now! You were practicing?" He asked, wagging his tail. His fur was sticking up all over the place. And he gave another shake to get the weight of the water off. He was so ready to begin, the way she had held that log looked like she was really trying to get this right and wanted to make sure she didn't hurt him. He would let her pick him up and adjust himself the way she asked while they looked around high overhead.


Marvel she/her
Posts: 11
Pronouns: she/her


The canine was wagging his tail, and Marvel's eyes were clearly following it for a bit there. It wasn't something she was used to, and without thought she wiggled her tail as well. It was only for a second before Reese shook the water off himself and her own feathers ruffled out in response. She composed herself quickly and tittered. 

"Yeah! I think I've got the hang of it!" She answered confidently. She had her wings stretching out now and she once again stepped away from Reese. As she did so she did inform him of one shortcoming, "I don't think I can pick you up and take off yet, but I'll come in slowly okay? Just stay like, pretty still and you'll be up there with me in no tiimmme!" 

Her words drew out at the end as the large bird took to the sky.  Strong wings blowing the grass back as she took off. Marvel headed out a little before heading upwards and curving back around for Reese. She was taking aim and once she felt she had it, she was coming back out with talons flexing. 

Sure enough she wasn't picking up too much speed. She wasn't trying to swipe up a fish before it could flee, she just needed enough momentum to haul him up to where the trees no longer weakened the winds. Still, when Marvel snapped up Reese it was still somewhere in the lines of taking a decent punch as the soles of her feet smacked into his side. One near the hip and the other on the shoulder. 

The sharp talons only touched the fur near Rees' hip as she held him tightly there with the narrow of form doing all the work. At his shoulders, she had her foot cocked oddly to make sure the talons weren't touching him for longer than liftoff. Most of his weight was resting on her hallux, with her other digits just caging in his form. He had enough room to move his forelegs and neck around, just at the expense of feeling like there was a tight leathery belt on his lower half.

But sure enough she had lifted him off the ground. She took a few heavy breaths and flapped those wings hard, she was slower with him for sure, but she still lifted him up higher and higher. Once she had some altitude, just keeping status quo became easier. Sure, she was slower with a wolf but with the help of the breeze she didn't need to keep up any exhaustive exercise. 

Up above and with her breath back, she cawed out to him, "how you doing down there?? Don't tell me if you're dead!"
Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

Dire Mix // Young Adult

actions - “speech” - thoughts[/color]

Reese watched her rise higher and higher and he couldn't help but gulp down some anxiety. As she came in for him he looked straight ahead and stood as still as he was able.

Then with a great WHOOSH the wind was knocked out of him and he gasped for breath as he was suddenly carried into the sky, higher than any wolf on four legs had gone! If he hadn't already lost his breath in the impact the view would have stolen it anyway! The air was quite a lot thinner up here and he was getting light headed with the lack of oxygen, but she seemed to have adjusted a little lower and he finally caught his breath on an up current from the ground.

"Wow!" He finally said, hoping she could hear him, "Its a wonder you ever come down out of the sky with this view!" He said looking around. He could see the purple trees of Inaria far away, he could see the coast and island of Tortuga, he could see the great plains and rich dense forests, and he could almost pick out every packland he knew of. With a lot of areas he had never visited before! He focused on his goal, home. He needed to see his sister, his family. What he had learned from Akutan just never felt like the full story.

"Lets fly through the mountains!" He said using his paw to point in the direction, forgetting that she wouldn't be able to see him point. He hoped to find a large valley, with a huge lake, completely surrounded by mountains on every side.


Marvel she/her
Posts: 11
Pronouns: she/her


The bird's head cocked as soon as she heard Reese's voice. Initially muffled by the winds but with her ear pointed down at him could pick up his words as he marveled at their surroundings. The bird certainly felt pride, she had a broad beak smile. She'd puff her chest out if she weren't flying with a wolf.

"Okay~" Marvel practically sung out at his request. She dipped one side. Her head twisted greatly to see his paw. She could originally just catch the movement barely, but she spotted the movement with some good effort. Once she knew where he wanted her to go she squawked amiably. "Oh-Yep! Yep that's just dandy!" 

Her dipped movement turned into a more graceful turn, and the bird soared off in the direction of the pointed mountains. 

"It'll take a bit! I think we'll have to rest a few times, but we'll check every corner for your family!" Marvel thought out loud. Her tone wavered for a moment, it sounded admittedly exhausting, but it picked right up again as she considered his family. "It's worth it! I can't wait to see the looks on their faces--oh, they'll wag their tails, won't they? Reese, that tail wagging is too cute!" 

Marvel jabbered on as they journeyed.
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