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links to art/aesthetic goes here when he has one lol
Fuckface the rat was yelling at him again, but there was no need. The rodent scurried around his feet again and suffered the consequence of getting stepped on multiple times - not that it phased the Jay; in fact, it seemed like it was a normal occurrence. Believe it or not, the maroon male was actually moving relatively quickly for someone of his size, because he was a man on a mission. He caught a whiff of someone that he didn't want to miss. "Miriam," He called out with a jovial tone, springing up on the woman without giving her much options for escape. Chad had his target, and she wasn't going to weasel her way out of this one, and he strutted closer to her. "Look at you, youuuu sexy bitch." He winked, suddenly lifting a front paw up to wrap around the woman and pull her against him in a friendly hug. "You fuckin' Crystalline women are just stunning, honestly." His mangy rat ran up beside him, still making noise. His smile dissapeared, frowning down at the gross little rodent before one of his back legs shot out and kicked the little shit away from him. "I'm fuckin' busy you needy fuckin' git." He made no mention of the abrupt fart that slipped out the moment he went to kick, and if he had his arm around Miriam, he'd give her a little shake (while still keeping her uncomfortably close) as he turned his attention back to her. "Now, here's what I'm fuckin' thinking. You are a beautiful, elegant woman with a set of feathers that're gonna be in my dreams for weeks," His eyes flicked to the iridescent crest atop her head for a moment. "And I'm a big strong fuckin' man and the best fuckin' Jay in this place." He laughed, waggling his eyebrows at her (or at least, the best wolf equivalent). "I think you and me should get to know each other, eh?" You sexy crystal bitch, you. |
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M i r i a m
It's hard work to maintain perfection. Not everyone possesses the fortitude to retain such beauty, especially if they were born incapable of ever having beauty, the poor sods. They will never know the feeling of looking at themselves in a gently running stream and feeling proud of how utterly perfect they look...ruffling their feathers to see them shimmer in the sunlight, seeing their coat glisten, jewels twinkling...ah well, some were just less fortunate than others.
The blue-hued woman gazed adoringly down at her reflection in the glimmering waters of the Sparkling Springs, ruffling her feathers before dipping a paw in the cool waters. Lowering her head, she ran her soaked paw over the crest of feathers on her crown, rising once again to shake them out, water droplets spinning in every direction. Preening herself was an every day activity of hers to the point where it was a necessity. There couldn't be one day where she missed this routine. Each pastel feather must shine in the sun's rays, and even if it were a cloudy day, they must be so pure and pristine that it almost looks as if they are emitting their own light. Her blue coat must not be any other color other than the finest blue, silver jewelry must be blinding to the eye, and, let's not forget most of all, her precious late ferret's coat, Cyprus, must remain white as snow. An ear twitched as she heard the tiny paw pads of Kai and the soft slithering of Saline approaching. Casting her eyes down, she gazed at her pets with a loving adoration that no else gets the pleasure of receiving, except herself of course. "Hello, my sweets. You both look ravishing as usual." Indeed, because they're her companions after all. She taught them well. In response, Kai nuzzled up to one of her forelegs while Saline gave a pleasant hiss. Miriam extended a foreleg out to the blue serpent, allowing her scaly friend to slither up toward her withers, making herself comfortable in Cyprus' fur. A sudden breeze brushed past the trio in that instant, and with it came a disturbing scent. So disturbing it was, that it set the Aviari's fur and feathers on edge. And the worst part was getting closer. No. "Miriam." No no no... "Look at you, youuuu sexy bitch." Please Gods no. He was there, strutting closer and closer toward her, and she barely had time to react. Before she knew it, his stench was surrounding her as she felt a greasy paw wrap around her and force her closer to the dreadful odor, an audible 'oof' escaping her maw. Saline let out a hiss at his intrusiveness, Kai making to hide on the other side of the woman. Miriam's pink eyes were like daggers as she locked eyes with him, black lips pulling up to show pristine white teeth. She was not even going to regard that wink of his. "Get away from me you slimy-" "You fuckin' Crystalline women are just stunning, honestly." Should she be flattered, or utterly disgusted? Also, why was it the nauseating individuals that took it upon themselves to flirt and get touchy-touchy with her? Why couldn't it be someone remotely handsome and of her caliber? Yes, he has a full set of plumage, but that didn't mean jack if he didn't take the time to make himself presentable. To make matters worse, after rebuking his vermin, the most ghastly of smells erupted from Chad's buttocks, even worse than his body odor, if that were even possible. Miriam could swear she was experiencing tunnel vision as the foul stench entered her body. "Now, here's what I'm fuckin' thinking. You are a beautiful, elegant woman with a set of feathers that're gonna be in my dreams for weeks," No, actually, just stop talking. More odors are escaping from your mouth. "And I'm a big strong fuckin' man and the best fuckin' Jay in this place." Oh Gods here it comes. "I think you and me should get to know each other, eh?" It was almost laughable that he thought his rank would seal the deal. Honestly, did he even know who she was? A Crystalline wasn't going to settle for just anyone out on the streets (especially for someone who apparently had no sense of smell or knack for personal hygiene). If she were able to, she would place a paw against his hide and shove herself away, shaking herself out if she managed to escape. All that hard work for nothing. Now she would have to re-due all that tedious cleaning. She had half a mind to bite that smirk right off that mangy, flea-infested face. "And why, pray tell, would I ever decide to be with an Aviari with no sense of personal hygiene?! It is utterly disgraceful." With a huff, she began preening her feathers again, trying to rectify Chad's mistakes made upon her lovely appearance. Her blood was boiling at this dim-witted FULL BREED (what a disgrace), yet an idea came to mind. Turning back to face him, her tail twitched at what she was about to say, but obviously someone as desperate as him would not relent easily, so how about an education. Time for beauty school, boy. "You have a full set of feathers, something that is fairly...attractive in our blood." Using that word alone when speaking to him made her insides shrivel. "What is not attractive, is letting them go into such...disrepair. It is honestly deplorable." She turned her nose up, trying not to gag. "Do you even know what we Crystallines look for in a companion? We seek cleanliness, cleverness, intelligence, eloquence, and strength, all of which you clearly lack." The last word was biting, meant to be a jab in an attempt to belittle his manhood. You're in over your head, boy. |
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links to art/aesthetic goes here when he has one lol
She pushed away from him and wriggled out of his grasp, and he chuckled at the sight. "Baby, don't be like that." There was no hiding the fact that he was watching her every move, catching a cheeky glance at the plumage on her bum when she wasn't looking. That smug grin never left his face, and his belly wobbled as he stepped towards her again. "And why, pray tell, would I ever decide to be with an Aviari with no sense of personal hygiene?! It is utterly disgraceful." "That's the smell of a real man, babe." He strode up beside her once again as she cleaned herself, completely oblivious to her growing rage (or perhaps, he didn't give much of a shit). "You're gonna get to know all of my other various qualities, don't you fuckin' worry, cutie." What he learnt very quickly about the sexy crystal bitch, however, was that she liked to chatter about things that weren't really all that important. Chad, however, was a master at completely blanking through lectures. "You have a full set of feathers, something that is fairly...attractive in our blood." His grin only widened at this. "What is not attractive, is letting them go into such...disrepair. It is honestly deplorable. Do you even know what we Crystallines look for in a companion? We seek cleanliness, cleverness, intelligence, eloquence, and strength, all of which you clearly lack." "I'm already many of those things, you fuckin' sexy piece of work, you. But I get what you're sayin'." His grin didn't falter - in fact, it seemed like none of Miriam's attempts to make him feel shame had worked at all. Was Chad really capable of feeling shame and embarrassment? I think everyone already knows the answer. "You surprise me, Miriam." He leans in towards her, holding back his grin into an equally smug smile. "Here I am, being a fuckin' proper gentleman and taking things slow, and you," His tongue flicks out and wipes against the bottom of his nose. "You fuckin' fiesty, fine-ass temptress - You already want to do a bit of social grooming, eh?" His paw looks to wrap around her again, but this time he wants to pull her to the ground beside him as he flops onto his side, shallow water splashing everywhere as he lands. If she managed to dodge him, or (equally as likely) immediately got up and moved away from the Jay, he would simply lay before her, giving her another wink. "Preen me, you cheeky bitch." He said with nothing but affection in his voice. The feathers around his head flared a little, as if to emphasize the point. God, how could anyone refuse him? |
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M i r i a m
"Baby, don't be like that."
His response to her rejection would not be graced with an answer. He was undeserving of that privilege as soon as he called After sending her vocal jab like an arrow in his direction, she continued cleaning herself as he spoke, eyes closed and body posture as haughty as it could be. "That's the smell of a real man, babe." Oh please. More like the smell of an ass going through the stages of decay. The woman still disregarded his voice with no response, focusing solely on ridding herself of his putrid stink. "You're gonna get to know all of my other various qualities, don't you fuckin' worry, cutie." She inwardly gagged at his words, feathers involuntarily bristling. This male honestly had no muscle in that head of his, did he? If he did, it obviously hasn't been flexed in a while. How could he possibly think she was the slightest bit interested in him? Clearly he was desperate, or just an asshole. What a waste of feathers. "I'm already many of those things, you fuckin' sexy piece of work, you. But I get what you're sayin'." Surely not. Pink eyes finally glanced up, but he was not met with surprise or hopefulness. Instead, he would initially be met with a grimace, fangs bared slightly in distrust. However, it wasn't until she saw his expression that her lips curled in disgust. His face clearly showed that none of what she said had soaked in, and that made her flush red in anger underneath all that blue-toned fur. "You surprise me, Miriam. Here I am, being a fuckin' proper gentleman and taking things slow, and you,..." What. "You fuckin' fiesty, fine-ass temptress - You already want to do a bit of social grooming, eh?" WHAT? Miriam barely had time to react before he was pulling her down to the ground, Kai leaping back in surprise and Saline slither-tumbling off the woman's back. She landed with a splash into the shallow water, all her fine work suddenly saturated. However, as quickly as she had landed, she hastily scrambled to her feet again, shaking out her fur and feathers with a loud "UGH!" Quickly moving away from the hooligan, she briskly began wiping mud off her paws and belly, loudly proclaiming noises of repugnance and indignation. She suddenly turned toward him, opalescent feathers puffed out and tail raised, eyes like pink, pretty daggers. "Preen me, you cheeky bitch." "Of ALL the insufferable, egotistical, arroGANT, BIG-HEADED, DIMWITTED, HALF-BAKED, IGNORANT-" Weasel and snake rushed in between Miriam and Chad before approaching the enraged woman. Kai put his paws on one of her forelegs, looking up at her imploringly. Saline slithered up her other leg and to her ear, hissing softly. The Crystalline woman had been about to strike, the distance between her and the male decreasing drastically before her sweethearts managed to stop her from making a huge mistake. Upon listening to her companions, her demeanor softened, tensed muscles gradually relaxing. She was still flustered, but they had a point. With a sigh (albeit mixed with a growl) she conceded to their advice. "You're right, my darlings. A proper lady and council-woman would never stoop so low." Shaking herself out, she raised herself up to her full height, positioning herself further above this...thing. "It would be in your best interest to pursue someone in your own class, Sanguine." (Gods help that poor soul.) A pause and a raise of her nose (as if it could go any higher). "And unlike you, I have a wealth of self-care, and therefore would never willingly put myself anywhere close to your...being." There was honestly no good word to describe his physique. Even that word sounded like a compliment. "You're just not my type, boy." She had the forethought to lower her tail before turning around, having every mind to leave the vicinity. Of course, she was anticipating being stopped by the walking corpse in case he wasn't done with his witless games, and kept her ears turned out to the sides, listening for his approach. Kai and Saline watched the Sanguine male with disapproving glares. If he could, Kai would make the "I'm watching you" sign with two clawed fingers. |