Open  Devil is in My Grasp
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Erysichthon He/him
*pooto face*
Posts: 19
Pronouns: He/him

All Accounts Posts: 19
(This post was last modified: November 18, 2018, 05:00:12 AM by Erysichthon.)

He roamed alone again, as he often did. Keeping silent and watchful as he made his way toward shelter for the night. It came in the form of a deep and dark cave, one that Erysichthon was more than pleased to settle in. He moved into the cave and started exploring deeper and deeper into it. The further he went, the less he could see or hear. It wasn't long until he couldn't see anything at all, and sounds came in muffled or almost muted. Pawing out a spot on the floor, the beast lowered himself to find a peaceful rest in the depths of the cave. He wasn't sure if anyone would happen by, but he sure hoped they did. The devil could use a meal. 

He awoke the next morning to find a feather floating in front of his face. He looked at it in anoyance and with a small huff, he blew it away. He looked around, he noticed a fresh spring bubbling beside him, then he looked up. The  salagtight looks sucure enough …  
His thoughts ran away with them selves.

This was home
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