Closed  Among Tall Trees & Twolegs
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Agar he/him
Big dad
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(This post was last modified: December 18, 2018, 10:10:47 PM by Agar.)

OOC: Setting this up for Agar and Ginko to meet, but super up for any human type or creature-wanting-to-meet-humans to join :3 Let's meet people in a foggy wood! 

A rainy late morning and the fog was thick in the woodlands. The pine trees did enough to shelter its inhabitants from much of the rainfall but the same could not be said for the brook. The gentle stream had swelled, and it was enough for Agar to lose the trail of some thieving little critter that had been poking around his camp all too much.

But he was already out here, and with a bow and full quiver, so the large man stalked through the woods with careful eyes watching the soft ground below him. As soon as he stumbled on a trail of odd hoof prints, he stuck to it. The trail almost looked like goat prints, a damn treat if there was really one of those meandering around in the lowlands. It could turn a whole damn month around to get some good chevon. 

He stayed quiet as he stepped through the woodlands, bow and arrow held down but readied should his quarry try to make a quick getaway.
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Bloodbird someone
This user is violent, so I need gory details and gory role plays please!
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The she-wolf raised her head from the deer she’d hunt a few hours ago. A strange smell entered her nose and she shook her head.
Bird? No, she didn’t smell feathers. Mammal? No, she didn’t smell meat. Human?… maybe.
She didn’t know, but she certainly didn’t want to find out. She ripped off the back leg and jumped away, her paw landing heavily on the forest floor.
After a few minutes of resisting to gulp down the deer leg, she nested down and dug a hole near her spot and dumped the meet into the hole.
She rolled over onto her side, Bloodbird let her ears fall to her side.
Her eyes fluttered shut and she fell into the dark void known as sleep.
She awaited for morning to come and start kicking her away.
Ginko he/him
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(This post was last modified: November 15, 2018, 11:53:24 PM by Ginko.)

    He had known it was bad to go through other people’s stuff, but at one point the boy was just too hungry, and he was down on his luck for finding food. Hell, at this moment he would even eat meat, a food that he didn’t usually like and couldn’t take in large amounts (he wasn’t sure if his body actually rejected it or if he was just thinking that the eaten animals had some of the same parts as him and that was fucked up). Besides, this man was older and obviously knew what he was doing. It had been timing, he realized, as soon as he saw the trail his hooves left in the mud and muck. The young man moved faster, hoping that the further he got, the more time the rain had to ruin his prints.

    At some point he crossed a stream that was starting to get larger, and he was able to walk through it to hide his prints. It was like the scene from 101 Dalmations where they hide their tracks by walking on ice. It would have worked out fine, all would have been well and he would have gotten away, if not for some random rope grabbing onto him, pulling the beastly man by his right hoof into the air, and he could barely reach it. He let out a startled cry, talons digging at the ground to stop the swaying. A panic instantly rolled over him, as if he were a deer caught by a trap (he kind of was, after all). From where he was being held upside down, he couldn’t reach anything.

    He took a moment to take in his surroundings. Deer ears twitched as he took in the sounds. Drop of rain falling from leaves, the stream not too far off, the soft chirping of bird. Some panic truly gripped him as he heard footfalls, and the only logical conclusion was that it was the man he had stolen a few pieces of food from (it was only vegetables and fruit, he wanted to cry). Ginko had a slight moment, wondering if he could convince this hunter man that he was not the thief, even if his hooves matched the evidence. There was a chance he wouldn’t shoot once he saw what he was, too. Ginko gulped, thinking it over in a few seconds, and then called out, voice obviously filled with fear. “He-help! I’m stuck!” His voice was obviously not an animal, although it might not sound entirely human either. As he waited, he tried to keep his talons dug into the ground to keep from swinging around.

[Image: XP0fWDs.png]
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Bloodbird someone
This user is violent, so I need gory details and gory role plays please!
Posts: 33
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(This post was last modified: November 16, 2018, 01:57:18 AM by Bloodbird.)

The blank, black blanket was ripped from her bones as Bloodbird raised heard and and let her eyes slowly open. She jumped up and looked around
She'd been here too long already. Yes, this land was nicer than home and under any other circumstances she might have been glad to have arrived in a place that wasn't a barren wasteland that could barely support it's residents. The prey here was plentiful, the residents were probably all fat and happy with room to roam, grass to cushion their paws and just the most picture perfect lifestyle she could imagine. It was almost kind of sickening to think that just to the east was Bloodbird’s homeland where everyone had fought for generations over scraps, meanwhile this bountiful land had existed unknown to them. Or, had it been unknown? She had to have known there was somewhere for her to go in her exile from her family... Unless she'd just assumed that her brothers would die looking for land that didn't exist.

Scoffing, Bloodbird shook the thoughts from her head as whe wove she way through the pine trees. Whether or not her father wished her dead didn't much matter now- he wasn't going to be coming here anytime soon anyway. As the rose set up above the horizon the darkness retreated, yet at the same time it seemed like a faint darkness remained. Emanating from this strange, soggy land. Strange, but not the strangest she'd seen. She only wandered a little further before she managed to find what must be the only ground for miles that was high enough to not be muddy and damp from the recent rain.

Traveling sure did take it out of a wolf. She yawned loudly, mismatched eyes growing heavier with every passing moment. Bloodbird didn't know how long she'd been here alone at this point, but it felt like ages. It would just be another night of solitude, no big deal, she could set out and maybe see if anyone actually did live here in.She turned her head, her eye caught a movement on the forest floor. Her eyes widen. Someone else was here. 
“He-help! I’m stuck!”
“Oh, ahh. Oh-ohhkay! Don’t move!”
She ran over to the figure.
He was hurt, and she didn’t know who he was, nor did she know how to help.…
                                                                       .…She was lost and confused.…
Agar he/him
Big dad
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Agar paused where he was when he heard a cry out from the trees. He furrowed his brow, waiting and listening for the sound to come again, initially mistaking it for the cry of an injured rabbit. Instead the next shout was one for help. He could hear other voices out in the trees as well. Agar immediately went racing off, following the voices. As he drew closer he could hear the creaking of a stubborn young tree. He recognized the area. Was it a trap sprung? Slowing down, he approached with half an expectation to find a deer with its leg properly caught. 

Instead, as he pushed through the brush, his eyes came upon the sight of a trapped Ginko. As soon as he saw the human half, Agar was exhaling a long, disappointed breath. He opened his mouth, about to admonish the boy, only for him to spot the all-too-close wolf. She looked confused, but Agar wasn't about to sit idly and give her the benefit of the doubt. Surely she planned to eat the helpless hapless kid.

"Get away from him!" The man yelled. In a second he had his bow drawn taught. He didn't aim for the wolf directly, instead firing a warning shot into the grass near her paws. And frankly, rather close to Ginko by extension.
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Ginko he/him
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    Ginko had been around wolves before, having been chased and also befriended them. When the wolf came close, part of him panicked, mainly for how easy prey he must look like. Did humans and beasts thing alike? He wasn’t sure, and he wasn’t even sure how he thought. But as the she-wolf came closer, he kept his talons dug into the ground, his eyes on the wolf as he watched with caution. “Oh, ahh. Oh-ohhkay! Don’t move!” The wolf girl seemed confused on what to do, so the two were on the same page.

    ”Get away from him!” When the arrows hit the ground close to the she-wolf, Ginko let go of the ground, trying to pull his torso up towards his legs in fear, as if trying to curl into a ball. Of course, hanging from a leg made the position very awkward, and he started to sway again. A yelp escaped him, as he watched the older human man come closer, there was still that fear in the back of his mind that this guy would change his mind after he realized Ginko was the thief. Either way, after swinging too much from one way to another, he’d try to dig his talons back into the ground.

    “I!” He was going to say something, but words escaped him. “Please, mister, cut me down!” The blood was already starting to get to his head, and he almost felt like if he stayed like this too long, his stolen food might reappear. The beast boy ignored the wolf, assuming she could do little to get him down, while the hunter man most likely had a knife, and Ginko wasn’t even sure where the rope was tied - it could be in a tree or in the ground. Either way, he looked pretty pathetic and this was one hell of a way to meet two new people - well, person and creature.

[Image: XP0fWDs.png]
Bloodbird someone
This user is violent, so I need gory details and gory role plays please!
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The large man aimed right under her paw, but when she took a step forward to help the creature in the net, it hit her paw straight on. She yelped and tried to jump away, only to fall in defeat. Although it was only her paw, the man used a lot of force when firing the arrow at her that it went through her paw. She they there, whimpering and growling, trying desperately to get up. Bloodbird only made it a few tail-lengths away from her spot.
The man walked up to the creature in the net, Bloodbird starrred at both of them, making sure they didn’t try to pull another arrow on her. She managed to wiggle a few inches more before stopping. Her eyes became blurry, her ear rotated constantly. A dark glow clouded her vision, she let out a long sigh before she closed her eyes and was unconscious from fear and the loss of blood from her paw.

(Sooooooooo sorry)
Agar he/him
Big dad
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While Agar wouldn't hesitate on a hunt, he hadn't meant to shoot the creature this time. There was a short break in the harsh look on his face as he watched Bloodbird. Whatever the case, he expected her to lash out. He only glanced away when Ginko pleaded for his assistance, to which the man gave a small nod. When he put his attention back on the wolf, she was out cold. Agar's tense muscles relaxed, and turned back to the trapped stranger.

The first sound he made was another sigh as he looked at Ginko. He then stepped a bit aways before kneeling down to undo the counterweight. 

"I vill just take your capture as compliment to my trap. It vas meant to catch crafty fox--or opossum thief." He didn't sound so sure on the species yet that had been lurking around his camp, but his pondering at least didn't distract him from untying the rope. The weight of Ginko tugged the rope, but the man held tight just to stand and lower it some before plopping Ginko free a few inches from the ground.

He was then coming right over to the freed fawn, a curious look at the person before him. He really was strange looking and that opinion was fairly clear on Agar's face as he came close and pulled the rope free from the stranger's leg. He made very sure not to damage the rope, and was most certainly looking at the unconscious wolf as he undid the knot. He was debating tying up the beast before it could wake.

He muttered pensively, "I guess... volf meat might be too tough for even fox to steal."

(aw, Agar didn't mean to do that ;w; ah well. Ey unless someone else ends up joining, how about we get into a post order now ovo Ginko -> Bloodbird -> Agar,)
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Ginko he/him
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    Ginko’s frantic eyes follow the arrow that the giant man shot, watching it fly through the air. Part of him knew it was intended to just frighten the she-wolf, to just make her back off. But alas, he watched with some kind of panic in his heart as the arrow landed into the wolf’s paw, obviously hitting some kind of major vein. From where he was he couldn’t tell the damage, but saw as she walked forward, then became wobbly and fell over. The arrow must have hit some major artery, causing a great blood loss. If it wasn’t so hard for him to swallow (being upside down? panic?) he would have. He didn’t exactly like seeing creatures die.

    The large man watched the wolf, and then turned his attention towards the trap after Ginko begged to be let down. "I vill just take your capture as compliment to my trap. It vas meant to catch crafty fox--or opossum thief." Ginko was neither, that was for sure. He gave a sheepish smile, as if wanting to say ‘well, it worked well’, while also saying ‘I’m innocent please’. The man, very kind in Ginko’s eyes, let him down gently (although he gave a rather awkward thump with the last few inches). With the sudden change of being ride side up, he felt his head grow dizzy for a moment, and the boy sat still for a moment, letting his blood rush back to normal.

    The man looked at Ginko just about how he expected. The fawn mixed man was not a normal sight. He was mostly human, in some way, but he surely didn’t seem to carry that term far. He had considered himself a beast man, but was he really? He wasn’t ferocious, he wasn’t scary. Just...a creature. The man started to gently untie the ropes, and Ginko would drag his hooves close to him, rubbing where the rope had been taunt against his legs. "I guess... volf meat might be too tough for even fox to steal." Ginko felt some kind of disgust, but mainly for the fact that he could only stomach so much meat. But this man seemed like he probably lifted a cow and then ate it everyday. “Thank you.” He looked away from the unconscious wolf. “I, uh, I’m Ginko.” If Agar wasn’t too close, he would awkwardly get to his hooves, brushing off his pants. He’d look at the wolf, and then to Agar. “I don’t know her, in case you want to know.” If Agar had any plans for the wolf, he just didn’t want to be around.

[Image: XP0fWDs.png]
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Bloodbird someone
This user is violent, so I need gory details and gory role plays please!
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(OOC: my turn?)

Unconscious thinking:
Dreams… they were never Bloodbird’s favorite, but she never said she hated them. She just…well Bloodbird didn’t know.
Her eyes opened, a black void spread out around her. Only one other wolf sit winfront of her. A familiar sent washed over her like rain on a lily petal. Her eyes widened, and her lips parted slightly, a small sigh left her muzzle and a puff of “frozen words” could be seen. A large,sleek wolf could be seen. The wolf was a dark brown and black with a red muzzle,ears,paws,legs,and tail. Its blue eyes shone bright against the endless black
The she-wolf stood up in front of Bloodbird, and began to walk towards her. Bloodbird’s face seemed to spilt in half as a smile separated her face. Bloodbird ran towards the wolf, her paws barely touched the ground.
But it was too late, the she wolf began to disappear in small fragments. Before Bloodbird knew it, she was alone.…
She felt warm, salty tear roll down her face as she began to weep. She wanted the warmth of her mother. No, she needed it. But that didn’t matter now, because she was gone. The thought was enough to make Wishingwind sick to her stomach, her blood began to rise into her ears. Anger burned inside her like a forest fire.
She let out a loud snarl, her teeth shone white. Her claws extended and scraped the earth that was visible and not clouded by the dark void all around her.
Agar he/him
Big dad
Posts: 25
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(sorry, I just don't know how to respond really so this thread might be dead.. )
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