Open treasure in the ashes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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the feathered prince
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The feathered man had been their saving grace, a silver-lined guardian angel who'd found the two boys lost on their murder mission. Too much time had gone by, their rendezvous with Shuck long-passed, and in inner panic had gripped Kukulkan as the stranger happened upon them. His gentle nature and, let's be honest, his bird companion had won over the trust of the two brothers. Their desperation made it easy for them to follow him along as he offered a safe place, somewhere beyond the teeth of monsters in shadows, just waiting to find two barely-yearlings lost in the woods. And so they went south. The air became warmer, the winds filled with a salty taste, and the vegetation thicker, bigger, more wild than he ever could have imagined. Gemini seemed much more tame compared to these jungles, and then came the waters. Rune had led them to a pass that was flooded, as he was told it always was. The three swam across - it was shallow enough where his legs could reach to the bottom if need be, thankfully. Tangled and coarse tree roots twisted through and up the waters, before wrapping around themselves to create a myriad of trees. Mangroves, he learned. And they were rampant here. Small monkeys and a plethora of birds so exotic, so loud and excited, bounced around in their branches up above. How extraordinary. It seemed forever, but it hadn't been by the time Rune brought ashore his two refugees, deemed his nestlings despite them both being larger than him already. The bird beast ushered the two along gently, lovingly, though the strangeness of it all caught Kukulkan off-guard, amazed. The trees here grew so tall, so twisted, they almost seemed alive. He'd never imagined such a density of green. But a wall of cliffs, wet with dripping waters and moss, stood in their way, similar to the wall within Gemini though terribly taller. This way, Rune had whispered, and honestly K had hesitated - they were headed into a dark cave tunnel inside the cliffside. But still they followed. Countless twists and turns, graceless tripping, bumping into walls, and trekking upwards clumsily on invisible steps, the three emerged from their sheer black tunnel to a blinding light. It was a maze, you see, Rune had told them. A maze to keep others out, others who weren't supposed to be there. In the monsoons those tunnels were flooded, ensuring their security. Elsewise they were guarded, though this time they weren't. Lucky for the two brothers, but worrisome for the feathered stranger. A dense jungle opened wide to them, a symphony of scents and sounds that were glorious and terrifying, exhilarating and seductive. A grin spread from ear to ear on Kukulkan's toothy face, his crooked ear flickering as his head, turned to the canopies, turned left and right and left again. He missed Rune's worried murmurings, and whatever Croc's reaction might have been. Instead the boy raced ahead, an unfiltered, gleeful laughter echoing off the trees, filling the air and his heart alike. Long legs carried him deep into the jungles, enthralled by everything around him. There were others, he knew, he'd heard, Rune'd said. There were others, and Kukulkan was so eager to meet them. This wasn't just going to be his new home. This place... this place was perfect. Perfect to begin his mother's dream. His destiny. Entering a clear-ish section of the territory, Kukulkan skidded to a messy halt, kicking up vegetation and debris before throwing his head back and letting loose a booming howl. A summons. A decree. I'm here. I'm ready.
ooc: any pre-existing ED characters can post. those wishing to post who are outsiders can assume to have directly followed the three through the tunnels, unless you'd like to wait until after ED is settled and the borders are officially opened. otherwise it's assumed no outsiders know the way through the tunnel systems.
text speech: #a5300d
the feathered prince
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November 14, 2018, 04:27:04 AM
(This post was last modified: November 14, 2018, 05:08:10 AM by Kukulkan.)
Do you hear the people sing?
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![]() ![]() #d11755
While the country was swathed in turmoil, Itai thought it was the perfect opportunity for a change in leadership. There was a certain disorder to war, not matter what kind, that he couldn't get his mind around. He hated it, and worst of all his country suffered all the more for it. It could be said (by himself) that he'd make the perfect leader, HOWEVER, he never had the people's votes or the gumption to do so (another thing he couldn't understand). The system was clearly failing them. But on this day a change was riding the winds, a howl of summons and he'd scramble to get his things in order, the satchels on either of his sides brimmed with scrolled parchment paper, and sharpened pieces of coal to the finest point, perfect for scrawling. It was a blessing for him (curse for them) that he'd be the first to meet them. It wouldn't belong until the party of three saw the lanky hellion and that vibrant pink eyes would land upon them. Halting and giving the trio an inquisitive stare before rearing up and balancing on his hind legs rather comfortably. Long clawed toes gripped a long piece of parchment paper and the other held fast to a charcoal pencil. Ahemming loudly as his attention finally was turned back towards them. "Greetings! My name is Itai Yehi Kevod, though there is no such need for those sorts of formalities so you may simply call me Itai. I am the Roc of Wings and soon to be hopeful, esteemed council member." His words dripped with charisma and superiority. He'd eye their aviari companion for a bit longer, how odd, he wasn't one to ever forget a face or name, but that coloration of the feathers, hmm. No matter! "You've come to El Dorado at a rather precarious time, but as it is I who is your welcoming committee and also welcoming auxiliary! I see no real trouble in it." Pride blossomed in his chest, though there was a hint of unease in his voice just barely noticeable. "Now! If you could give me your names, ages, time of birth, height, weight, gender, star sign, mother and father's name, detailed medical history, how many are in your family, favorite color, favorite food, aspirations, favorite type of weather, a detailed recount of where you were living previously, and I'll mark it down!" He motioned to the scroll of paper, eyes alight and a grin stretched across his slender maw, oh yes, he was completely serious. |
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(Land claim granted, your boards are active! Please post here if you have any further updates for your boards, as well you can post information about your pack so it can be added to the monthly rotation.
Enjoy!) |
He / Ze
King of the Clouds
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November 14, 2018, 12:39:00 PM
(This post was last modified: November 14, 2018, 06:19:45 PM by Lorcan.)
Perched in one of the massive jungle trees, high above and overseeing the tunnel exit, Lorcan licks his teeth. He doesn't intercept them-- there's not enough riding on this rank to get him on the ground with three intruders-- but one's an Aviari, anyway. Cautiously, he hops between various branches, descending the trunk until a vine older than he is drapes between this tree and the next. The canopy is like a maze of its own. Claws clicking lightly against a rock, the Riverine watches the threesome go from over his shoulder, heading a different way. "Naeri," he chirps, calling his sister out of the woodwork. (He always knows where to find her-- she's all he has.) A little louder, "Come on, Naeri. Something's happening." It's not every day they get guests. A howl rings out not a second later, from the direction he saw them head. Fuckin' called it. Interest piqued, he growls dramatically and takes off after the announcement. She's either right behind him, or can follow the sound herself. Doesn't matter anyway; he doesn't really need the backup now that the whole pack's coming. He catches sight of Itai, standing right between him and the newcomer, a small snarl as he circles out from behind. It only deepens when he catches Rune in his gaze. He's an Aviari, alright, but Lorcan's never met him. That means he's from outside El Dorado. Lorcan nearly seethes something snippy before he glances at the other two, and his whole face changes. Distaste to interest, a grin that spreads to meet the excitement on at least one of their faces. He's only a little younger than Lorcan, and already taller. He straightens up to cope as best he can, ideas coming together. "C'mon, they just got here," he casts to the hellion, slinking out from around him, closer to those two. "Welcoming party first, fill out your forms later, okay?" He can be a suck-up when it really serves him, but Lorcan couldn't care less what Itai thinks. He barely bothers feigning respect for his own boss-- and oh, she's gonna be pissed that he beat her here. Blue eyes dart from Kukulkan to Croc and back, smile widening all the while. "Hey," he drawls, soft grin, charming when he wants to be. "Name's Lorcan." |
Almost Sparkles
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November 14, 2018, 07:06:57 PM
(This post was last modified: November 18, 2018, 11:39:35 AM by Aine.)
![]() Speech: #339966
Word came not from the sounds of a howl in the air but from a whisper in the trees. Newcomers have arrived; intruders at the border. They aren't alone. Aine had been deep within the packs territory settling out minor disputes between houses as the Roc of Eyes tended to do in the days post the civil war aftermath. She was no leader, but she was a Sentry through and through. It was her job to make sure the pack was safe- even if it meant being safe from itself. It was a minor dispute amongst some children but she was nevertheless one to make sure that all was well when it came to showing the children that fighting was not going to be tolerated; there had been enough bloodshed seeped in to the pack's soil. There didn't need to be any more. Yet as the word came from a Lark on patrol of new comers at the edge of their land, the Roc couldn't help but stop her post in ending a childish dispute and bounding to the border. Her mind was racing- who could have been here? How did she only just find out about this? Where were her recruits and why were they not ready to accept anyone who was sitting at the border? There would be answers to these questions and there would be hell to pay for it. The first figure she saw was one she knew; Itai. Her ears lowered as she rushed to the group, eyes catching hold of another. They were talking to three strangers, and her blood was beginning to boil. "You've come to El Dorado at a rather precarious time, but as it is I who is your welcoming committee and also welcoming auxiliary! I see no real trouble in it. Now! If you could give me your names, ages, time of birth, height, weight, gender, star sign, mother and father's name, detailed medical history, how many are in your family, favorite color, favorite food, aspirations, favorite type of weather, a detailed recount of where you were living previously, and I'll mark it down!" "C'mon, they just got here. Welcoming party first, fill out your forms later, okay?" The Aviari lept to the sides of her fellow pack mates, letting out a guttural snarl to the both of them. Who did they think they were?! There were steps; there were actual accountable steps that needed to be taken for any new member looking to join the pack. Yet here these two were! Welcoming in strangers they didn't know! Without doing any kind of research in to their character! What if they were here to harm the pack?! "How come I was not made aware of this sooner?!" came the exasperated tone of the Roc of Eyes as she stared at her fellow pack mates who frankly should have known better, eyes wild as she stared not at the newcomers but at her fellow pack mates. Were they crazy? "This is, unacceptable!" Aine breathed out as she tried to catch her breath, turning from both Itai and Lorcan to the three new comers. "Excuse me," she said in a much gentler tone to them, "I apologize for my...delay, and the clear lack of common sense from my fellow comrades. I see you all have...introduced yourselves?" Her tone grew thinner as she went on, the softness in her voice flattening out as she looked to the group of wolves that clearly should not have been gathered at the border, but yet here they were. She gave a disgruntled noise of disapproval at how the situation was playing out, but she couldn't help but think somewhere deep down that there must have been some reason for it. The civil war had plagued them so hard that the sight of any new comer was a distinct relief even if she didn't outwardly show it. She turned once more to chide her pack mates, clearly ignoring the newcomers. It wasn't their fault that they had stumbled upon this hot mess of a pack, and it surely wasn't their fault that her team was so lax about patrolling the borders that any wolf thought they could just come in and welcome strangers in to the pack. "There are protocols for new members," she growled lowly through gritted teeth, watching them both with eyes narrowed, "this was not your place to do this. This could be another--" Aine paused and looked back to the three at the border. "It doesn't matter now, does it?" she grumbled, ears lowered as she looked out to the horizon, "The tides will be coming in soon. I suggest if you wish to come in then you do so." The Roc of Eyes turned to look at her fellow Roc, a low rumble growing in her chest. "We will discuss this at a later date." |
Almost Sparkles
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November 14, 2018, 09:37:28 PM
(This post was last modified: November 15, 2018, 12:51:13 AM by Naerileen.)
As she walked through the trees, Naerileen was careful where she placed her delicate paws. While she was careful, though, she was swift, carrying herself like a bird on a breeze as she followed her brother from a distance. She was always watching, gazing outward from the shadows and keeping tabs on those she found of interest. Especially her younger brother. He was an idiotic fool, incompetent at his work but somehow still keeping his job. She made sure that she had ties with specific members of the tribe, determined to keep her younger brother out of trouble lest he drag her down with him. That, and she cared for him. Though that was secondary when it came to her reputation and standing in the tribe. Still, she came at his call, dark green form slipping between the leaves with a subtle grace. She was quickly close by him, violet eyes looking toward her brother inquisitively. Then, she followed his gaze and surprise mottled her features when she spotted the newcomers. How odd. Newcomers were far and few, rarely finding their way into the tribe's territory before they were tangled in the mangroves and drowned. The trio that came here was even more interesting when the female noticed that an aviari led the way, one that was almost familiar if she were honest. She leaned forward from her perch, studying the aviari with inquisitive eyes. Oh, she knew him. That one odd fellow who left those many years ago when she was just gaining her feathers, having not been accustomed to her body and still clumsy and foolish. His name was Rune if she recalled correctly. But names did not matter when the only proper word her mind supplied for him was chiroptera. A traitor with the blood of Sapphires running in him, a traitor who brought shame to his family that still persisted today. The others- did they know of his betrayal? How he forsook his family and culture for what? Regardless of his reasons, he was still a traitor. And traitors were not welcome, especially their strange companions as well. As far as she was concerned, he was an outsider. And outsiders were outsiders for a reason; they belonged outside of the tribe's borders. Looking toward Itai, the female aviari sat on her branch. The hellion spoke, ever prim in his speech as he usually was. Really, she couldn't expect anything else from him. He was so tedious, though he was detailed with his records so Naeri couldn't complain. Well... He could be too detailed. Sometimes, there were facts that Naeri couldn't care to see why they were included in the records. Regardless, it was better than records that were practically blank, no longer than a few sentences. Still, she couldn't see how their favorite colors and favorite foods or whatever else he asked for could possibly serve the tribe. Regardless, it was not her place. After all, she was only a dove and cardinal. She was no lark. She nearly directed a few sharp words at her brother when he leapt down from their shared perch, gritting her teeth so that she remained silent. For now, she would be a silent observer from the trees, studying the outsiders with pale pupils. She spread out on the branch, lowering her head so she could get a better view from the shadows, nothing but a wolfish silhouette with feathers and eyes the color of heliotrope. Everything, from her feathers to her delicate frame, was bird-like. All but for her eyes, as cold and calculating as those of a snake as she watched the scene unfold, quirking a brow at the arrival of Aine. Oh, things were getting interesting. |
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M i r i a m
It hadn't been that long since hell broke loose beneath the jungle canopy. Looking upon the peaceful scenery now, one would not think to suspect that only a few months prior, blood and tattered feathers littered and bathed the soil with the mistakes of a former empire. Life had been extravagant, full of vigor and fruitfulness, until those peasants decided to take matters into their own hands.
No matter, this is the world they created now, broken and tattered, like the feathers they stripped from her and her family. Those heathens better be proud of themselves. Renewed pastel feathers had just finished growing on the graceful body slipping through the dense foliage. This now beautiful blue hued spectacle was a nice shade of crimson a few months ago, with barely a plumage to grace her hide. How dreadful it was to walk around featherless. True, she hadn't been the only one to have lost so much during the war, but the fact that she had to be seen in such a repulsive state was just unacceptable. No eye should look upon her in such a ghastly state. Gods help her when molting time comes. Suddenly, a foreign pronunciation stopped her in her tracks. Miriam's ears perked forward, pastel pink eyes slanting at the unknown voice. A foreigner. Pink tongue slid along her lips as she thought of confronting this outlander. Even though minds thought it best to accept others from outside their lands, she still thought it repugnant. Those featherless, naked beings held no purpose here. Turning her gaze toward her two small companions, she cooed in a gentle voice, "Come, my dears. There is an intruder we must...greet." Her weasel and her snake, Kai and Saline, were the most precious aspects of her life. Though she wouldn't admit it, it tugged at her heartstrings to see her blue-scaled friend curled up in the pelt of her late ferret draped around her neck. Another casualty of the war. She wouldn't late the same thing happen to her remaining compatriots. Gods help whoever bestows the same fate on either one of them. Turning back toward the source of the announcement, she gracefully hurried to meet it. Once she was close, she slowed her pace, and remained hidden in the shadows to make sense of the scene in front of her. Black lips curled at the sight of the hellion, tediously listing off the ridiculous amount of information required of the newcomers. Well, perhaps not all of it was required, just excessive. Then there was Lorcan, the ever cocky youngster, followed by Aine as she tried to bring some sense to this equation. Ah yes, an Aviari with her feathers in all the right places. They needed more of that. However, what struck her more was the sight of the notably featherless strangers and the traitor. He was barely older than her, and she didn't know him well, but she remembered seeing the dark Aviari (if he even still deserved that title) around the territory a few times before his disappearance. Humming in her throat, she looked each of them over, blood boiling each second she remained in the dark. Well now, this would not do. Her beauty and grace were meant to be seen in the light. Time to make her presence known. "Indeed, we can't just invite anyone into our home, can we?" She announced herself in response to Aine as she stepped from the thick undergrowth, ruffling her feathers to make them more pronounced as they gleamed in the sunlight. Miriam stepped lightly, swaying her tail back and forth methodically as she moved. Silver accessories glimmered in the rays seeping through the canopy, an unlucky individual perhaps being blinded by the glare if they were in the wrong spot. She was Crystalline, and even though these youngsters didn't know it, she would make herself come across as royalty, because, let's face it, she is. "It's not often that we get new visitors here." The word "visitor" was given more diction than her other words. Yes, we haven't accepted you yet, have we? Not really. Graceful steps did not cease as she came closer, until she was circling these new...naked bodies. "You see, we need to be sure that whoever resides within these trees has an air of...common sense," Her voice lost its airy gracefulness at her last words, a pointed stare aimed at Lorcan and the hellion who's ears never seemed to end. "The souls that inhabit this land need to have resourcefulness and moxie, as well as reverence toward our Gods and ancestors," Pink eyes moved to glare at Rune over the youngsters. "In other words, you must prove yourselves worthy of residing within these hallowed trees. Prove to us (to me) that you are capable of all these things." Finishing her full circle around the three visitors, she halted in front of them, a hum emanating from her throat as she craned her neck forward, bringing herself closer to the young ones' faces. Pink eyes were piercing as she gazed into orange. "Show us you are worthy." You are not. |
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November 15, 2018, 09:53:18 PM
(This post was last modified: December 11, 2018, 12:10:01 AM by Crocodile.)
![]() Crocodile’s mind still wandered to thoughts of him, the murderer. But they had left Inaria behind, no longer under their purple leaves and instead following some strange wolf with feathers. Even though Croc felt weird about following, it was all they had. The two older pups were lost and this Rune guy was really all they had for the moment. He had a feeling he wouldn’t be meeting back up with Shuck anytime soon. As long as Kukulkan went forward, so would the gree brother. There was no point in trying to turn back and find his family, he was lost. If this is who he was stuck with, so be it. After all, he liked Ku, and didn’t mind being lost with him. The land was weird, had a more untamed sense to it, but as they traveled he noticed a few more lizards joined the party. Croc kept his mouth shut - well, quiet, he actually sometimes opened his mouth for the lizards to crawl around in - and decided he would show Ku later on. The Gemini ones were green and green yellow, the Inaria ones purple, and these one were red and red/yellow. The more lizards that joined him, the more colors seemed to be added to him. It made this travel worth it, and he sometimes would give a little content growl is anyone looked at him or checked on him. The brothers were lead through some maze, and Crocodile’s monster eyes watched the water and listened as Rune explain their use. Everything about this place was interesting, and wasn’t sure what to truly expect. From the darkness the trio emerged, and Ku was already excited, while Crocodile hung back, looking at the leaves and sky. When Ku took off in a run, Croc started a steady trot, not wanting to be left behind. Without warning, Ku stopped and let out a summons. He looked at his brother with a questioning gaze, but said nothing. Whatever was planned, he’d follow. Soon many creatures started to arrive, and Crocodile had to keep himself from fluffing up. He picked up that they were now in El Dorado, and not everyone seemed exactly welcoming. From what he understood from their words, there were...forms?...they had to fill out. Most seemed focused on Ku, and Croc would hang back, trying not to get too much attention. They were all loud, and he wasn’t sure what to make of it all. The silver furred woman with pale eyes circled them, and Croc could feel himself getting edgy. Everyone else had seemed weirdly inviting, but she didn’t. She stopped in front of them, wanting them to prove their worth. Crocodile would step up beside his brother, ready to throw down if Ku was. |
Almost Sparkles
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m o x i e//
He was good at not being seen, it was a gift bestowed to him for the lack of dazzling feathers that his- kinfolk so fucking gladly strutted around with. The fact that he was most likely the smallest guy around helped quite a bit too. He could fit under branches, and brush that the larger Avirai had to go around. This made it easier for him to follow around the enormous fucking crowd that seemed to move in droves to the call of someone who had either made it through the maze, or- well that was really the only option here wasn't it?
He stayed hidden in the shadows for a while, watching as more and more of his kinfolk showed up to greet these two large non-aviari, and the other- Chrioptera, as the others would label him, who had come back. Moxie recognized him, though he couldn't remember his name. But his yellow eyes, moved form these two large wolves, to the others who had gathered. Itai, the fucking brown noser was there, and of course he was, trying to get in the good graces of the oh so high and mighty elites. He huffed out his nose, and rolled his eyes as more came, and spoke. Moxie stayed silent, running judgment of them all through his head as they all spoke. It wasn't until Miriam spoke of resourcefulness, and well- his name came up, probably unintentionally, probably fate- that he finally came out of hiding to put in his two cents. After all, what was she but a crafter and a caretaker? What usefulness did she posses that could judge these new wolves to their paradise? Aine, the Roc of Eyes, he could trust with that judgment, but not of that from one who held such stature, He was a Jay afterrall, a protector of this fine land. Jays and Larks worked together. "Roc Aine, I have an incredible fucking Idea! Since Miriam wants these two, fine, young, large, gentleman to prove themselves, why not have them wrestle her. A battle of strength, since we have enough wit and fucking intelligence here to sustain us all.. Prove their obvious fucking strength to us, and to her." Moxie hissed out, the crest on his head raising with every. word. he spoke. If they had wanted to do harm, they obviously would have, look at them, they were fucking HUGE. Rune trusted them, and although he had left, he was still Aviari. He'd trust Rune's judgement before Miriam's any fucking day of the week. Yes, he'd probably hear it later form Aine, and a few others about speaking out of turn, but god DAMN, someone had to knock Miriam down from her pretty fucking perch. |
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November 25, 2018, 05:20:01 PM
(This post was last modified: November 25, 2018, 09:49:35 PM by Valravn.)
|↕| el dorado |↕|
man with no country; Jay & Raven
The beady eyes of Fi met his with a slight tilt of the head, the small black snake studied his frown for a moment before expressing her concern. Valravn licked his teeth inside his lips, pulling a slight face and looking at the soft serpent. " Don’t fret it, Fi. I’ve just been doing some thinkin’ lately about the whole “Riverine” thing y’know." Fi knew him well enough to understand the scowl now and gave him a slight nod before moving herself back up to rest in his feathers. The moderate sized man lifted himself from his resting place then, trying to do so delicately enough as to not dislodge his companion (or worse, startle her into gripping around him. She was no constrictor but even still she had a grip). He continued to ponder for a second about seeking out his father, or his aunt maybe, he believed that it was Ihuicatl, but the thoughts slipped back away when the summoning call of a strange voice caught his attention.
As a Jay he was immediately on alert, purple eyes narrowing as he told Fi to hold on before breaking into an elegant stride. Valravn might not know every single member but he was fairly certain he knew those that had the right to summon him well. So instead the large, icy colored Aviari man thundered through the jungle, black snake entangled in his scruff and feathers. As he moved through the woods she began to slither along his back, moving to wrap up in the feathers along his rump instead. Since he was a Jay (among other things) he always had to be prepared to take an attack and he feared that if she was near his neck she would be brutalized so if he didn’t leave her somewhere safe, he expected her to be out of the way. Fi was persistent though and wanted to help him, depending on the situation he sometimes had to to shake her off and hope she stayed back. Thankfully as he arrived the Roc of Eyes and several other members, at least one other Jay, was already there. The Raven-slash-Jay ruffled his feathers up to look even larger than he already was as he moved silently into the situation. A couple of randoms in the crowd, two Rocs, Moxie, two strange children, an unknown Aviari, and Miriam. Val felt the bitterness of dislike creep onto his tongue but his face continued to remain its typical stoic grimace. The Roc of Eyes was reasonably angry, spiting about like a child who had just tasted a lemon for the first time. Valravn licked across his teeth beneath his lips again, looking over at Fi who had returned to her spot near his face; perking brows mirrored each other both equally humored. Itai was a creature of his own special distinction, interesting with a pleasant demeanor that was unusual here, the Raven almost felt bad to see so many try to chastise him. But Val knew better than to say anything, the Roc wasn’t in that position for nothing and he was certainly solid enough to handle it. The icy toned beast was inclined to remain silent and observe the scene, studying the unknown Aviari but fate had decided otherwise. In their ever appalling nature, a loud Crystalline woman brought it upon herself to be judge, jury, and executioner. Humorous given that as far as Val knew, Miriam was in no rank or position to be giving suggestions to the Roc of Eyes about appropriate vetting. The older woman harped on and on and Valravn couldn’t help but crack a horribly derisive grin in her direction, letting out a soft snck, snck, snck chuckle. Fi seemed equally amused and flashed her tongue out playfully to her companion. He was about to make a funny face to the black snake when Moxie spoke up in reply to Miriam. Oh it only got better! Valravn was familiar with the Obsidian man, a fellow Jay. He had expected to make friends with the dull colored creature but much to his surprise, even his bastard bloodline was too good for the friendship of Moxie. Instead the insult left a horribly awful taste in Valravn’s mouth and he avoided the Obsidians all together because of the situation. There was much dread and turmoil within himself that he found Moxie’s suggestion both humorous and acceptable. After fighting with himself for a few short seconds the bastard let a large toothy grin surface, a soft chortle not escaping past his teeth, rumbling deep in his throat. ”That hardly seems fair to poor Miriam.” Val isn’t to the rescue. ”Should these boys pluck her, the ravished beauty might wither away into nothingness at the insult.” The urge to place his paw on his forehead dramatically was fought away. After letting out a snort, he looked to the Roc of Eyes. ”I’m sure the Roc is capable of determining how to vet our strangers... and returning... Aviari.” The last word was spoken heavily, with distrust. Valravn had never seen Rune and refrained from using the term “friend”, eyeing the dark man cautiously, this was a true stranger. Val was a Raven, he was familiar with those authorized to go in and out, he didn’t know this one. There was a sinking suspicion though, that this man was the one who had compounded on his hurtful childhood. He made no indication of his thoughts though, instead returning to his stoic expression, waiting for one of the Rocs to say something. He’d offer the pair a nod, ‘I’m ready to escort them away if you want.’ |
[c r y p t i d]
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the feathered prince
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Oh my goodness. Rune had mentioned family, the indigenous of the lands and while K should have assumed they'd be at least somewhat similar to the feathered boy, it would be a lie to say he wasn't overwhelmed. The strange scents took root in their strange residents: spitfire creatures of small stature but glorious presentation. Orange-red eyes oogled and dazzled at the appearance of the first - a lithe, graceful serpentine male, with fur as flowing as a fox. That wide, mesmerized smile on the fringe mutt's face didn't falter for a second as this... Itai... something or other rattled off question after question. For a short second he inhaled, ready to answer, until he let out a chortled laugh at the thought of trying to name everyone in his family. As if that were possible. "Aw shit man, nice t'meet ya Itai! I'll have to uh, get all that written down somewhere so I can think about it, ya?" Before he could speak more, others emerged. Lorcan, who seemed to empathize with K on the overwhelming entrance Itai had made. And another one directly after, this one apologizing on behalf of her friends, though K failed to catch her name. He'd dip his head politely to her, his smile still there. Still wide. This was all so intoxicating, he felt high in the clouds. Another one this time, larger than the others, but just as dazzling with her iridescent feathers, though she had more than the others. K beamed as she approached, though he quickly caught on to her disapproving words, her judgement, and felt a quick pang of worry in his chest. Mother had made it seem so easy, in her stories of conquering. Would it not be so here? The young male turned to cast his brother a quick glance, and felt assurance as Croc leaned closer to him. They would stand together, no matter what. She spoke of gods, of worth and of tests. He absorbed this quickly, reeling back his hyper-excitement for a moment, for the sake of the situation, and cleared his throat. "Of course, miss. I'd be more than willing t--" Another one chimed in, suggesting K and Croc fight this... Miriam. Uh... He'd side-glance over to the girl, the sheer ridiculousness of the suggestion washing over him. Others came. More suggestions. All seemed to center around Kukulkan and his brother throwing down with these tiny natives. This wasn't the glory he'd anticipated... "Well er... is there maybe a more... appropriate way? D'yer leaders usually go through some sort'er test? Some sorta ritual, some rite of acceptance?" There was a sincere, genuine curiosity in his eyes, as his words rolled softly off his tongue. He'd glance from Miriam, to Aine, to the others, his body maintaining his bold, daring excitement while his voice loaned a subtle calm. "Our ma built her own empire, 'n taught me ev'rything. I can help ya, I'll do whatchya need." His offer for help was naive, unaware of the severity of this land's necessity for such. "I ain't afraid." If you bring it, I'll win it.
ooc: thank you to everyone who's joined! it's not necessary to reply if you don't wish to, but we can keep it going for those who want. c:
text speech: #a5300d
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M i r i a m
It would be an understatement to say she was disappointed.
As soon as that Obsidian showed up, he was, unsurprisingly, ready to suggest a brawl. Miriam let out an exasperated sigh, yet the blood underneath her feathers was simmering. Fighting was all that dull-feathered Aviari could think about. Turning her head toward Moxie, she held a pleasurable, albeit bitter, smile on her maw. "Ah Moxie, thinking with every muscle but the one that counts. I wouldn't expect anything more from you." Her voice was calm and pleasant, yet laced with venom. This delinquent just proved her point anyway, so no more breath would be wasted on him. The woman turned back to the two boys, but before she could say anything more, another voice piped up. ”That hardly seems fair to poor Miriam.” Cool eyes turned to meet the bastard. She didn't expect others to greet her with welcoming smiles and open arms. She had grown accustomed to their criticizing gestures and biting witticisms. They hardly affected her anymore, and she didn't mind the less-than-ideal treatment. They envied her, just as she pitied them. The woman would keep telling herself this, because in her mind, it was true. Oh how they wished to be as perfect as her, but would never attain such perfection, especially this bastard in front of her. His parents doomed him to a life of condemnation. How selfish. ”Should these boys pluck her, the ravished beauty might wither away into nothingness at the insult.” At this, she simply bestowed the same pleasant smile she gave to Moxie. If they wanted a rise out of her, they would have to do a lot better than that. "Who wouldn't?" she began, shrugging her shoulders. Miriam used this to her advantage, giving the two boys an education while also taking a jab at Val and everyone else who tried to ruffle her feathers. They should learn their place. "The feathers of an Aviari are of utmost importance to us in the tribe. Without them, you are nothing, scorned to a life of shame for having no plumage, especially for those who solely count on their plumage for their place in this tribe." She cast a side-eye toward Val, knowing that if he lost his feathers, he would feel the same way. A bastard on top of being featherless. What a disgrace. "perhaps..." A meek voice...a very meek voice. Miriam turned to the girl, eyes piercing. Come girl, either have some confidence, or keep your mouth shut. "perhaps miriam wouldn't be the best option for a fight, she said we wanted proof of their strength. Aine is more than capable for deciding for herself, our suggestions are not necessary." A smirk appeared on the woman's face, eyes narrowed as she continued staring at the submissive girl. "At least someone around here pays attention, although I did say they need to show more than just strength." How narrow-minded of them all to only focus on the word strength. No wonder they were stuck in their current state. "Well er... is there maybe a more... appropriate way? D'yer leaders usually go through some sort'er test? Some sorta ritual, some rite of acceptance? Our ma built her own empire, 'n taught me ev'rything. I can help ya, I'll do whatchya need. I ain't afraid." The woman's eyes narrowed, looking down at the boy in contemplation. Brave words spoken from one so young. Although, it was notable how he only said the word leader. Not so fast, young one. You're not a leader yet. However, it was then that an idea struck her, and her feathers fluffed up in eagerness. His words hit a tune in her mind, something she didn't think of until now. Her smile never faltering, she spoke again, louder this time to make sure everyone in the vicinity heard her. No time to let Aine make a verdict, not now that Miriam had an illustrious idea. Besides, Roc Aine would probably put it off 'till later, saying they should take them in for the time being. No, they needed to hear this grand idea. "As I said before, you must show us that you are worthy of residing here through more than mere strength. You must show that your minds are durable with all the qualities I listed before, and then some. There is one way you can show us, and our gods, that you are capable of joining us." Pause for effect. "I propose right of passage by Trial." If he were to pass, there would be no arguing with the gods. However much she disdained outsiders coming in, Xiuhcoatl's word was law. But first, let's see how he does. |