Open Mice, Very Fast Mice | |||||||||||||
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10% Sweet Tea
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November 13, 2018, 02:59:44 PM
(This post was last modified: November 13, 2018, 07:02:24 PM by Pawprint.)
Beatrice kept to her cousin Akutan and her sister Rapture since she was nervous to meet others. Growing up in Nardir the only pups were her, her sister, and her brother and they were tight knit. They knew her. They understood her. They were family.
When she was in Inaria before, when the bad air (poison) forced them from their land, she remembered the small grey and striped wolf with the voice welcoming them. She only saw him once, but it left an impression in her mind. He was mysterious. He was...was...she didn't know. The words that came to her young mind were inadequate. He reminded her of her Grampa, who was no longer with her. He had a voice that was strong, wise, loving, confident, and...and... Powerful. The grey wolf sounded powerful. Curiosity that night took its toll so she slept a foot away from her family. When they fell asleep Beatrice rolled on her back--and started kicking her legs. The girl had fallen asleep outwaiting them! They she woke up with a start when something hit against her side. She flipped over, facing a familiar face. A mouse! She had seen it the last time she was in Inaria. It understood her. *Squeak squeak squeak,* she saluted the mouse. The mouse rubbed his face. It squeaked back at her. Beatrice was embarrassed. She forgot not all mice said hello the same way. Bad Beatrice! She tried again, babbling a bit before she squeaked her question out. Where is small grey wolf? The mouse froze. He shook his head and scurried off. Beatrice crept away from the den before dashing off after her friend. The land was beautiful at night, the purple trees shimmering from the moon rays. The distraction caused Beatrice to trip over her puppy feet and she fell over and tumbled into the bushes. "Ow." Her first word of the night. The mouse stood on her head and asked if she was okay. *Squee-ee?* *Squee-ee,* she answered. She stayed there as the mouse chastised her. She tried not to laugh at being fussed over, but it made her feel better to have some Inarian company even if it was a mouse. She argued back playfully as more mice watched from their holes at the scene. They started to approach them, but sudden movement made them scurry back. The two were oblivious that they had company.... (Silly post is silly. Come say hi to the wolf who speaks mouse!) |
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Queen Momma had said they had to check in every night. She never said they had to stay all night. Twitch had no guardian with her, no siblings that kept her out of trouble. In fact, no one had even technically stated she could even come. But come she had, and now she was in a mysterious, wonderful land that had, quite amazingly, been open wide for her inspection. Why on earth was she going to waste it doing something so common as sleeping? There were bugs here she'd never seen before. Most of them were hard to catch, but that didn't stop her from trying. This particular night saw the tiny hellion girl chasing a substantially interesting moth. It was big, bigger than ever she'd seen, and it flitted about with a tantalizingly slow wingbeat.
The cat-like pup bounced and hopped after her quarry, reflective silver orbs fixated skyward. She meandered through the trees, heedless of where she was going. Kids never worried about silly things like directions. With her attention cornered, she also wasn't paying any attention to where she was going. Up on her hind paws, she made a reach for the moth, spinning two-legged as it wound around her. Until she stumbled over something warm and fluffy that sent her sprawling into the litter. "Oof!" She yipped, having landed headfirst upside down. Her bottom end fell to earth a second later, and she flailed to roll over onto her belly. Then she got into a crouch, haunches up in the air and her long, feline tail snaking through the air. Her messy bangs flopping around two tiny ebony horns. Then she began to slow-motion shake, starting with a stiff cock and rattle of her head. This rippled robotically down her body, like gears were rearranging themselves beneath her skin. When the shiver reached her tail, it went wild, flashing through the air like a battle standard on the charge. In the darkness, her red markings looked dark grey, molding half of her into the shadows and sharply contrasting her skeletal face. A Cheshire grin crept across her face. She'd found something much more interesting than a moth. ![]() |