Private Roleplay i'll be fine, i'm alright, it’s my body | ||||||||||||||||
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Don't wanna mess with me
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![]() ![]() #317873 Mind was still reeling, and legs wanted nothing more than to keep moving. She'd been going for what felt like days, which was probably more accurately a couple hours, children didn't really have a concept of time or how it worked in high tension situations, Shuck was no different. The only thing that was certain was she had put a considerable distance between herself and Inaria. Chest heaved and legs buckled under her finally, and the youth gave a haggard, breathy exhale. Pain rippled throughout her storm wrapped form, and she grimaced bitterly at the blood that smeared against her pale shoulder and slicked the smokey black of her neck fur down. The wound wasn't awful, it'd heal, and she wasn't worried about that, the pain sucked, but she could manage. The last reserves of her energy were spent tiredly dragging herself atop some tree roots to rest and regain her strength. Bitterly watching a colony of ants worked in and out of their little dirt hill, the girl was furious, downright seething. That wasn't how it was supposed to go down. However, she knew if she stayed that big brown fucker would have killed her in one hit, just like he'd done to those two bitches. That black and blue twat though, that one was MINE! That familiar voice had nothing to comment, it was quiet for now, just her and the birdsong of this unfamiliar forest. Shuck felt cheated, muzzle wrinkling angrily, attempting to move her paw to swat down on the ants, but the energy just wasn't there. "fuck fuck fuck fUCK FUCK FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKK!!" The girl screamed loud enough to disturb the birds, the forest falling silent, she'd be alone again. Or so she thought. |
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"You look lost, little lamb." Came her silky smooth voice; one that had once been intended to woo the political allies of her Father's old empire. Now the tricoloured woman used it to soothe the remains of what had been a mighty tempest; but both of them knew that wasn't true. Neither Satis nor Shuck were that naive - the comment was a taunt, one of many little needles prodding and poking, looking for that soft spot where it could stab. But why? Maybe because Satis was bored and wanted some entertainment, and a tired adolescent with a foul mouth and a tendency to get into trouble was easy pickings. Maybe, if Shuck was as dangerous as she so wished to be, the two could spark a rivalry that could span their lives and give Satis something to live for. Maybe Satis had seen what had happened on the borders on Inaria, the clusterfuck that had sparked her interest and led her to tailing this little gremlin through the forest. "It's dangerous," She slunk out from the shadows, the dirtied white skin of Sigil was rotting away but still tied to Satis' body. All that was left was pieces hanging here and there, dragging across the ground, whilst the eyeholes in the pale white face had widened, revealing more of the piercing red of the murderer that approached. "But you already know that, don't you?" She smiled, sickly sweet and condescending, towards the teenager. I've killed before and I could do it again. Wouldn't that be fun? "Ants are so boring to kill," She glanced down to the continually moving trail of the creatures, weaving their way around Shuck's paw. "You strike me as the type of girl who would rather aim much higher." Always poking, always prodding, this time for more information, more targets, more opportunities to cause chaos. (Satis had her own that she could offer the violent storm - she had caught wind of her Mother, not long ago). "You want to kill someone, don't you?" Those red eyes flashed up to stare straight into Shucks; unblinking and following her every move. "It's an itch, and it gnaws away at you. I know what that is like. Maybe someone wronged you, maybe they deserve it, maybe you're just bored. Maybe, for example...that woman who tried to drown you." Perhaps we could help each other out. |
Don't wanna mess with me
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![]() ![]() #317873 Her chest rattled on as her breathing began to steady, but that anger, that bloodsucking fucking anger hadn't, and when her ears pulled back to the cooing sound of another the storm's lips peeled back too. A row of sharp off white teeth, glistening with spit as they ground together in annoyance. Wild eyes cut a glare right for the slinking form of this strangers, this red eyed bitch. Shuck didn't exactly answer the female's first reply, rather her response was to growl and snort like a mad bull, saliva pooling behind clenched jaws. Beady reds slunk from the shadows and Shuck narrowed her eyes at a smell of rot, a shaggy white coat that was clearly not the other's own. Though the red eyed female went on talking, but all Shuck could be focused on was the pelt that was wrapped around her body. Someone else's pelt. "Wait, shut the fuck up for a second. Is that a dead ass person you're wearing?" Her body wouldn't permit her to stand, even though she was struggling to try to. "HOLY SHIT YOU TALK SO FUCKING MUCH!" The storm's ears pulled back, there were all kinds out there in the real world, but they all seemed to just talk one big loud of shit. Shuck sighed loudly at the other's words, cutting her eyes as she mentioned what had happened some hours ago. "You saw that shit? Where the fuck were you hiding? In the fucking shadows???!!" The girl bristled at this, muzzle wrinkling as a growl rumbled within her throat. "She wasn't the one I was after, she just got in the fucking way." The girl mumbled, settling if only just a bit. "He's a greasy pale fucker, and I'm gonna ring his fucking throat and rip off his fucking head." Swing him by his fucking bangs, but let's be real it gotten to be way beyond just Sterling now hasn't it, kid? The look the storm gave the shadowed woman was one of promise, one that she'd make sure to keep when she could stand. I'm gonna KILL THAT UGLY MOTHER FUCKER. "So what the FUCK do YOU want?" Shuck's head rose unafraid and clearly ready to bristle up again in anger. A foolish thing, but chaos was dumb and stupid, and it did as it pleased. "I'm Shuck, now who the FUCK are YOU?!" |