The Shadows of this world stole me away...(Re-Acceptance?) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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One day you will realize, The stars you are chasing shine bright deep inside you, But will you ever let it shine from within, And cast all of your fears aside? You'll see the light, but until that day comes actions - “speech” - thoughts
Into their arms... But I belong in yours....
Stellairria had no idea when it happened but, she'd one day found herself alone. She had be scared, confused, she felt like a cornered animal. This was in the past though. This time away from her crutch, from the soft familiar faces.... It had not turned her heart to ice, no no, it had willed her to recover. Recover she had, the once thin, unstable, sickly wolf was filled out once more, granted she was still rather timid, still one to jump at sudden movement, noise.... She did still have horrible nightmares and in colder weather or if she pushed too hard, she did have a nasty limp thanks to that injury she'd gotten so long ago. That has also healed up quite nicely. Of course, the thing that scared her the most was the idea that He had moved on, found another Light to shine within his dark world, a new face to bring him joy. She felt a pang in her chest as she lay in a meadow, gazing up at the night sky, at the moon and the stars that danced about in the sky. She missed him, missed the X Clan, missed Puffin, Terebellum, Alana, Julek.... She missed faces she couldn't put a name to and as mentioned before.... She missed... Him... The one wolf who never gave up on her, who did all he could for her, who fought for her, whom she'd hurt, who forgave her. She swallowed, her sky-blue gaze upon the near full moon, black tipped ears falling back in sorrow as she finally whispered his name. “Ticonderoga...” The golden wolf laid her head down on her paws and closed her eyes, she had a lot of traveling to do when the sun rose, she needed to sleep. Needed to keep hope alive. She had finally caught scents she knew, especially his, they were faint at first but, growing stronger and stronger as she traveled, letting the wind and spirits guide her home... Or at least she prayed each night to Mother Moon before bedding down that she be guided home.... She rose with the morning song-birds, she moved with a sense of grace and calm. She was determined to get there, determined to get home.... Or at least to the only group she could honestly call home. Each step brought her closer, each scent on the breeze having her heart skip a beat. Stronger, and stronger they grew... Stronger.... The landscape wasn't as she remembered it, she found herself traveling steep hills, found herself moving toward a... A valley? The sun was setting again as she crested a large hill, or was it a small mountain? Either way, she was tired, limping, but.... She found herself looking over something in the distance, something stunning and beautiful. As the setting sun painted the sky, it so too painted the rivers and lakes that dotted the landscape, taking her breath away and leaving her in a state of shock and awe. This was.... This was beautiful, too beautiful for words. She needed to rest though, she figured she had another good day or two of traveling to do. “Mother Moon.... Please.... Please let this be them... I miss them greatly, I would like to go home..... I need to go home, be home....” Came the soft pleading prayer in a whisper as she drifted off. She was tucked away in a small thicket, hidden safely and boy was she tired. The sun was well up by the time she woke and began moving again, that limp lingering now but, she was determined and so felt like she was... So close. So very close to being home. Stella didn't stop now, she pushed and pushed hard, having to hold up her left hind leg now and again just to rest it. She'd have a hard time having to do a lot of hunting, that was for sure, ah well, she'd find her place again... If they let her back in. Stella wasn't sure how it had gotten so late but, it was dark by the time she'd reached the strong scent border. She could... Smell... Akutan..? Yes!! That was Akutan! She wanted to run over the border, run deep into the pack lands and find Ticon, find the X Clan but, she knew better. She put weight back down on her left leg again, dancing in place some, feeling a strong ghust of wind push from behind her, sending out her scent. Well, may as well announce herself in song too! The golden wolf tilted her head back, letting out a melodic howl that some would know, her song ringing out in a light lullaby into the night sky. She looked to the moon as she shown her silver glow down over Nardir. “Thank you... Thank you Mother Moon, thank you!” She breathed out, letting out another call, just in case everyone was asleep or didn't believe their ears the first time, it wasn't urgent, it was more of an 'I'm here.... I'm home....' Stellairra stood quietly now, the only thing she could hear was her heart pounding in her ears, the only thing she felt was hope.... The one thing she wanted to see was Ticon but, she would be glad to see Akutan too, or any of the border patrol .... But last she knew, Ticon was a border guard, least he was in the Nardir that she'd once lived in. I'm home Ticon... I'm home... I'm so sorry I was gone so long.... Please be here... Please remember me.... I want to see you again, I want to see your smile, hear your laugh, hear your voice.... I want to see you so badly.... Thoughts played out in her mind, how would she apologize to him for being gone for so long? How would she make it up to him? Would he even want her to? She swallowed, her ears dropping a bit, she was getting achy.... Slowly the small golden wolf lowered her rump to the ground, curling her tail about her paws as she patiently waited, her gaze once again upon the stars. Before she knew it, she found herself humming, even singing words on and off. “A thousand blades unto the sky... Reach out and link our worlds, yours and mine... Let the tide rush over you.... And one day I know we shall meet again... My Dearly Beloved......”
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Resident Changling
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Ticon heard the call and knew immediately who was at the border. He wasted no time is racing for the border, heart on his sleeve, and eager for the coming reunion. When he got there, his face broke out into a smile when he saw Stella. "And there you are at last. I had almost given up hope." he said, coming forward to sit on his side of the border. He looked his mate over. She seemed different. Good different. She looked in better health all around. Nothing about Ticon's posture, beaming grin, and overall sense of ease was an indication that he was mad at her. If anything, his relief and joy at seeing her permeated the very air.
"I missed you, love." *Blah, short* |
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One day you will realize, The stars you are chasing shine bright deep inside you, But will you ever let it shine from within, And cast all of your fears aside? You'll see the light, but until that day comes actions - “speech” - thoughts
She was still humming as the drumming of paws grew louder, the scent lingering and growing stronger had her pulse picking up as well. She felt her heart in her throat when she finally looked toward the sound, seeing him approaching and fast. She wiggled, a loud whine escaping her as she fought the urge to just leap forward and press close to him. She had been gone a while and rules were rules, this was a completely different territory and yet.... Yet now it didn't feel so different.... "And there you are at last. I had almost given up hope." He spoke seeming to try and hide his excitement, she felt her heart skip a beat and the urge to just press into his chest and nuzzle close was growing stronger. HEr ears dropped a bit, head hanging some, she'd been gone far too long.... “So was I.” She would admit, swallowing. She drew in a calming breath, exhaling slowly, that dazzling sky-blue gaze of hers meeting that chilling glacier-blue of his. “I think it was for the best though,” She began, voice soft, almost uncertain... Had it been for the best? “I woke up alone, somehow I guess I got separated from you all, maybe I wandered off in a delusional state with fever? It's anyone's guess really.” She let out a soft chuckle. “I had to learn how to live again.... Without help... Without a crutch to lean upon..... I.... I'm sorry it took so long.” The last bit a whisper. "I missed you, love." She felt a weight drop, he hadn't moved on, he's waited, waited all this time..... All. This. Time. Her throat felt dry as she stood, taking a timid step forward, paws right on the border. Her ears dropped, posture seeming pleading in a sense. “I've missed you too Ticon.... I've missed you so much.... I....” She just smiled, tail wagging a bit as she lifted her head back up some, though her ears still held a bit of a droop to them. “I want to come home.” She spoke soft as ever. “I want to be by your side.... I want to help you see your dreams come to life.... I... I just want to see you happy.” She had a paw lifted, as if wanting to step forward, her body leaning into it, though a bit skewed as she was still feeling throbbing aches in her left hind leg, it was a bit swollen but, that was her fault for pushing so hard to get home. “Ticonderoga...” She breathed out his name with a soft smile, a sense of relief washing over her. He was here, he was really here, she was here, they were talking, she finally could see it... She'd been blinded by worry and anxiety until now. The golden wolf set her paw back down, tail wagging all the more as she looked him over, feeling that old warmth from what felt like ages ago returning. She couldn't stop the excited whisper that soon left her lips and she meant it. “I'm home.”
coding © vixxie's codes
Resident Changling
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November 11, 2018, 03:50:11 PM
(This post was last modified: November 11, 2018, 03:50:59 PM by Sekirei.)
Ticon listened as Stella explained what had gone on since they were separated. His tail thumped more and more as he kept listening. By the time she was done, his tail was wagging hard. "Yes, you are. Home again. Now to get you by my side." he said. Taking a deep breath, the dire's icy blues closed for a moment. "Okay, you brought me up to speed on what happened with you. You look to be in good health and doubt you picked up any enemies that could cause us problems. Really all I can ask is what you plan to do for Nardir now that you're back. I forgot what sort of rank you had wanted to try for so perhaps something has changed?" he asked.
Stella had a lot to get caught up on and he knew he had to warn her about the Clan's current state, particularly in regards to Akutan who had been hit the hardest, and what had changed both with them and the pack as a whole. He also wanted to share his plan with her. With him focusing his service on Kyra for the time being, Ticon wanted to get her in the loop and plan for their future concurrently with his self-appointed mission while Akutan recovered. |
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One day you will realize, The stars you are chasing shine bright deep inside you, But will you ever let it shine from within, And cast all of your fears aside? You'll see the light, but until that day comes actions - “speech” - thoughts
"Yes, you are. Home again. Now to get you by my side." He began, tail wagging and hard. Though that deep breath and exhale had her worried. Oh dear, this seemed a bit hard for him. Though.... She knew he was only doing his job, he did have to assess her after all. This thought had her own wagging falter a bit though, she perked up as he spoke once more. "Okay, you brought me up to speed on what happened with you. You look to be in good health and doubt you picked up any enemies that could cause us problems. Really all I can ask is what you plan to do for Nardir now that you're back. I forgot what sort of rank you had wanted to try for so perhaps something has changed?" Before her eventual downfall? Welll hmmm.... What rank had she held? She canted her head in thought, left ear flopping a bit as she raked her brain for anything she could really remember. She knew she'd messed up trying to help out.... That was the start of it all, then she backed off on having a rank which in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea. “Admittedly, I don't remember what the rank was called but I do know I would travel to other packs as a sort of ambassador? I know something happened, I messed up and bad, which was when all the issues started and when I shut out the world and hid in my own sick mind.” She swallowed nervously, offering him a small smile. “I could likely aid in patrolling the border though, I see myself in a more gentle role, a care taking role, be it pups or the ill and injured, granted I've much to learn but, even so. I know I can be of actual use to Nardir and to you.” If given the chance that is.... Though she didn't add that part in. She met his chilling gaze, her ears dropping a bit as her heart thumped in her chest. She was feeling worried, but why? Surely Ticon wouldn't chase her off, drive her out.... Right? “I saw the valley a few days ago from a high point... It was so beautiful in the setting sun, I hope... To see more with you.” It wasn't that she was trying to guilt him, she just.... Missed him, she was trembling now as she continued to fight that urge to rush the short distance to him, shower him in affectionate kisses and cuddles. She had to wait, waiting was something she was normally very good at but, in this case... The struggle was real.
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Resident Changling
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Ticon was oblivious to her ill ease. "If caring for the ill and pups is your calling, the healers are hurting for more help. It's just Hakan and Sarajevo right now. I think you'd be good at it. You're a gentle soul." he said. He looked over his shoulder at her words at seeing the valley from a high point. "Believe it or not but this place is where Nardir first came from. This was where Akutan was born and where the pack was driven out by Asylum. You can feel the history here. Akutan was so excited when he learned Mercury, Alana's sister, decided to bring the pack back to its first home. A lot's changed since you disappeared...but I don't exactly blame you for that. I've...been dealing with a lot regarding Akutan himself so I have an idea of what it's like to see a wolf warring with their own mind." he explained.
He looked back at his sunshine. "There's a lot to fill you in on. How about you come over here? I don't see any reason to continue the interview since I've pretty much covered all the bases and I'd rather not keep you on the outside longer than necessary." he said. Whenever she joined him, Ticon would just bury his nose in her fur and inhale deeply, renewing her scent in his memory. She felt really soft and he thoroughly enjoyed the feel. She put him at ease. Though he had stepped back from the Clan as a whole to watch and wait, Ticon wasn't immune to the strain that felt by the Clan adults. He probably felt it a bit worse since he was powerless to help them. But his determination to see things through was strong. With Stella back with him, he felt better supported in his current endeavor even though she was still in the dark about what had transpired recently. He intended on filling her in of course but her presence took a lot of weight off his shoulders regardless. He no longer felt like he was taking this on his own anymore. |
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One day you will realize, The stars you are chasing shine bright deep inside you, But will you ever let it shine from within, And cast all of your fears aside? You'll see the light, but until that day comes actions - “speech” - thoughts
"If caring for the ill and pups is your calling, the healers are hurting for more help. It's just Hakan and Sarajevo right now. I think you'd be good at it. You're a gentle soul." Her ears perked right up, her attention on him fully. Only Sara and Hakan? Those poor souls. She found herself shuffling a bit at his praise, even if he didn't realize it, he was really boosting her confidence all the more. "Believe it or not but this place is where Nardir first came from. This was where Akutan was born and where the pack was driven out by Asylum. You can feel the history here. Akutan was so excited when he learned Mercury, Alana's sister, decided to bring the pack back to its first home. A lot's changed since you disappeared...but I don't exactly blame you for that. I've...been dealing with a lot regarding Akutan himself so I have an idea of what it's like to see a wolf warring with their own mind." She felt her heart sink, Akutan was always so strong.... Something must of happened... What though? What event could have triggered the stubborn wolf like that? Though when he explained this was the heart and soul of what Nardir was, she felt her own heart skip a beat. This was... This was the original home of the Nadiri wolves? This beautiful, stunning valley had been taken form them once. Asylum, she'd heard... Whispers of them before and Mercury, Alana's sister? So where was Alana then? Her expression was quite a thing to watch as the thoughts flickered about, sorrow, curiosity, confusion, worry. "There's a lot to fill you in on. How about you come over here? I don't see any reason to continue the interview since I've pretty much covered all the bases and I'd rather not keep you on the outside longer than necessary." Those words snapped her out of that thought haze and within second a happy yelp escaped her as she surged forward, pressing close. She was wiggling with how hard her tail was wagging, ears laid back some, nose pressed into his fur as he did for her. She breathed him in, pressing ever closer to him, nuzzling and soon licking at his face affectionately. She was home, for real now. She was with Ticon, she could now do what she seemed to do best, stay home and help others. The golden wolf nuzzled in close to Ticon again, tucking her head under his chin, her nose again buried in his fur as she breathed him in. She was one happy wolf right now. After a bit, she let out a soft sigh, looking up at him with a gentle smile. “Maybe.... Maybe I could talk to Akutan..... I know what it's like to be at war within your own mind.... It... It might help him to have someone who has likely been through something similar... Is he at least eating and drinking water?” She questioned curiously though, she couldn't hide the worry in her tone. She was sure either Sara or Hakan were taking care of him but, being only two healers, their time was probably stretched very thin. “We should head further in, you can tell me what's going on while we walk? Sound good to you?” That bright smile of her was painted across her features and she was up on her fours, giving his cheek a lick before taking a step around him and further into Nardir, looking to Ticon with a nod. It might shock a few to sudden see Ticon's bright shadow, she likely wasn't going to leave his side in his free time, providing she wasn't instantly bogged down with work that is!
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Resident Changling
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Stella had responded with gusto and Ticon let her shower her affection. “Maybe.... Maybe I could talk to Akutan..... I know what it's like to be at war within your own mind.... It... It might help him to have someone who has likely been through something similar... Is he at least eating and drinking water?” she asked after a bit. "Well, yes and no. He took a pretty bad hit both physically and mentally. First, Byakko passed away from old age. Then Akutan and a small group were exploring the place when they came across a bear. He got a few hits in but he got injured and had to be pulled. His mate, Kyra, is expecting pups with him. She, well, the pregnancy hormones got the better of her and she kind laid into him about not telling her when it was apparent Byakko was dying. That, combined with numerous different stressors, finally made him snap." Ticon said.
He started walking at her suggestion and set a leisurely pace. He was in no hurry to rejoin the pack, wanting his alone time with his sunshine. He wasn't sure how to broach the fact that in his haze, Akutan had lashed out at Sara and forced Ticon to intervene. He also wasn't sure how to bring up the fact that Kyra had laid into him very publicly so anyone who was nearby had seen the attempted attack, which fractured Akutan's mind even further. It was a huge mess and the clan patriarch had finally hit rock bottom. "I suppose you can give it a shot but I should warn you that he's been out of it for a while. He hasn't said a word since he lost his mind and whenever he's awake, he's just staring out into space. The pack's been doing him a big favor by letting him sit quietly where he's at and letting him heal his injury in peace." he mused. He looked at Stella. "You know, I think the whole reason Akutan completely lost it is because he doesn't really have anyone who actually understands him. I've worked for him long enough to know that once an idea gets into his head, he can't let it go so it festers. He's so broken right now that he thinks the entire incident is being held against him and only him. Kyra was the instigator, sure, but he tends to blame himself for the actions of others because of how he reacts in kind. I can't help him...but maybe you can. You missed the entire thing and you've been where he's at right now to some degree. You're probably the only one he's going to feel safe around for the time being." he then said. |
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One day you will realize, The stars you are chasing shine bright deep inside you, But will you ever let it shine from within, And cast all of your fears aside? You'll see the light, but until that day comes actions - “speech” - thoughts
She was happy walking with him, each step taking her further into safety, closer to family and friends current and future. Being so close to Ticon, she could feel a bit of unease from him and she brushed against his side best she could, he was a good foot or so taller than her after all. Something was on his mind, she figured he would tell her once he was ready, until then she would keep up with the lazy pace, of which she was very thankful for.... The last thing she needed was to stress her leg more and have to hold it up, that would worry him. "Well, yes and no. He took a pretty bad hit both physically and mentally. First, Byakko passed away from old age. Then Akutan and a small group were exploring the place when they came across a bear. He got a few hits in but he got injured and had to be pulled. His mate, Kyra, is expecting pups with him. She, well, the pregnancy hormones got the better of her and she kind laid into him about not telling her when it was apparent Byakko was dying. That, combined with numerous different stressors, finally made him snap. I suppose you can give it a shot but I should warn you that he's been out of it for a while. He hasn't said a word since he lost his mind and whenever he's awake, he's just staring out into space. The pack's been doing him a big favor by letting him sit quietly where he's at and letting him heal his injury in peace." She stumbled in shock at his words, though recovery was quick. Oof.... Yeah, that would.... That would certainly break a wolf mentally indeed. Her ears fell back as a concerned expression crossed her features. If it was obvious Byakko, may his soul rest peacefully, was so close then why was it Akutan's sole responsibility to be a mockingbird and scream the condition of the elder to the world? If those close and within the Clan did not noticed then they were not meant to notice, each creature wanted some sense of peace when passing or coming close... Byakko struck her as the type to want to keep his ailments hush hush so he could pass peacefully and not stress so many wolves into getting worked up into a worried frenzy over him. Ticon would likely know her enough to tell she was working all this information over and while yes, she was saddened by the death of the Elder she'd grown close to, she was more concerned about the seemingly toxic relationship that Akutan found himself in. Was this.... Kyra, yes that's the name Ticon had said.... Was she really a good fit for Akutan? Pregnant or not, with your mate hurting physically and mentally, one should try to keep outbursts like that to a minimum, at least in public. She frowned some as she moved, making sure to keep in contact with Ticon as to not wander off while she lost herself in thoughts. So he was healing from physical injury, struck with heartache, lashed out against by his mate... All while having to juggle the stress of the Clan, his rank, and an upcoming litter? Yes, she could understand the anxiety, the fear, the overwhelming sinking feeling. "You know, I think the whole reason Akutan completely lost it is because he doesn't really have anyone who actually understands him. I've worked for him long enough to know that once an idea gets into his head, he can't let it go so it festers. He's so broken right now that he thinks the entire incident is being held against him and only him. Kyra was the instigator, sure, but he tends to blame himself for the actions of others because of how he reacts in kind. I can't help him...but maybe you can. You missed the entire thing and you've been where he's at right now to some degree. You're probably the only one he's going to feel safe around for the time being." His words rang out, adding to her reeling mind. Well, he wasn't wrong. She was absent for all this family drama and Akutan himself had seen her as a walking skeleton with a fur cover. He'd seen her at a low though, Ticon had been there to see her at her absolute lowest, if not for him she'd of fallen for good... A chill ran down her spine at that thought. In fact, the thing that she kept reaching for in her solitary recovery was the idea of being with Ticon again and strong enough to stand firmly at his side. “Once I get settle din and talk to Hakan and Sara to see where they need some extra help, I'll see about talking to Akutan. I think... I think it would be best for everyone if when I do go talk to him, it be in complete privacy.” She let out a soft sigh, seeming a bit nervous of the idea herself but, she had a point that would soon be made. “You said it yourself, I'm probably the only one he'll actually trust enough to open up to right now. I wasn't there for all this heartache and drama, though I've survived being at a depression low as you well know. I am not sure how long it will take or if he'll even fully recover from this, to be struck with so much back to back to back, he's a strong wolf for only spacing out and laying quietly. That kind of stress drives many to scratch or chew, in most cases it leads to starvation and dehydration due to the lack of willpower to even want to exist.” She winced at her own words, spoken from experience, ouch. “I promise I will do what I can to get him back on his paws.” She said in a firm, determined tone. Stella brushed against Ticon's leg again, letting out a little chuckle. “This... Kyra, has she ever openly attacked Akutan before or has it just been verbal? Have the verbal assaults only been while she's been pregnant or did they start before?” She questioned curiously as they walked along. “Any idea on if Sara or Hakan have tried to make infused water with chamomile and lavender for her? To see if that helps calm her nerves?” She was trying to put the pieces together already. She swallowed, looking up at him. “When you have time.... And think you can handle it... I would like to see Byakko's resting place.” Her chest felt tight, she never got to say goodbye.... She shook her head lightly, that limp of hers really showing, though she didn't seem to notice it at the given moment. She was so used to it at this point. Honestly, it was a wonder she didn't lose the leg and that it had healed as well as it did. There were a few rough spots up near her hip where it was clean fur was missing due to scarring, though thankfully her coat was fluffy enough to kind of balance and hide the spots. Though further down her leg where it was thinner, the marks showed, the quake had done a number but, thankfully her skin and fur were both fairly pale so it really had to be something someone was looking for to see. “You said earlier that Mercury was the one that took lead and brought the pack home? What happened to Alana and Julek? To Puffin and Sansa...? Did everyone vanish when the earth shook? ” That was honestly the last major event she remembered, the earthquake. Of course with how banged up she'd been, it'd be a hard thing to forget. She had missed so much and so many things were new, though the change was welcome and she... She was at peace. There was a flicker of hope in her heart for Akutan now, if he saw she'd learned how to stand on her own again.... Maybe... Maybe it would give him the courage to do so himself.
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Resident Changling
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“Once I get settle din and talk to Hakan and Sara to see where they need some extra help, I'll see about talking to Akutan. I think... I think it would be best for everyone if when I do go talk to him, it be in complete privacy.” Stella agreed, thinking over what she had been told. "It wouldn't straight away. Best give him space for a bit. I've been keeping an eye on him from a distance and he's not all there. But I think I'll be able to tell when he's actually watching others, as opposed to the thousand yard stare. When I see a difference, I'll let you know. In the meantime, you'll be settled in and training with Hakan." Ticon said.
“This... Kyra, has she ever openly attacked Akutan before or has it just been verbal? Have the verbal assaults only been while she's been pregnant or did they start before? Any idea on if Sara or Hakan have tried to make infused water with chamomile and lavender for her? To see if that helps calm her nerves?” Stella then asked. "Not to my knowledge. She and Akutan hooked up when Sara's pups were born. I forgot to mention she became a mom. Anyway, this would've been the first time. If she hadn't been pregnant herself, I think she still would've been a bit miffed that Akutan didn't say anything but not to that extreme. Her pregnancy carries a bit of risk for reasons I can't disclose. But that being said, I spoke with Hakan after the fact and we both agree the two don't really know each other that well. Aku's always been the kind of wolf who gets laser-focused on whatever is happening. Byakko was his father figure after all and he's known Death since his grandfather's passing. When Death comes a-calling, everything else ceases to matter to Aku. Had Kyra known him better, she would've known that fact." Ticon explained. He gave Stella a lopsided smile. "In the end, what's done is done. Hakan's taking primary care of him for the time being. Sara's not herself either. After everything went down, she just walked away from it all. I think she and I need time on our own to sort things out for ourselves. So I'm going straight the source. I'm Kyra's assistant for the time being while Akutan heals and Sara sorts herself out. We all just need time." he finished. It was then that he noticed her limp and he wondered what had happened. It was no mystery how he had missed it before. Stella had been hiding it, probably out of habit than any real desire to deceive. He'd bring it up soon but for now, he knew the conversation was going to continue. “You said earlier that Mercury was the one that took lead and brought the pack home? What happened to Alana and Julek? To Puffin and Sansa...? Did everyone vanish when the earth shook?” his lady asked. "Things got pretty hectic when the earthquake hit. It actually opened up underground caves we took to calling the Tendrils. But then we realized that poisonous gasses had been released so the pack hightailed it out of there. Far as I know, Puffin went his own way but he's still alive. I don't know what happened to Sansa. Some were lost in the quake. I don't know who. We fled to Inaria to recover and Alana decided to stay there, stepping down. Mercury had come back by that time and when she took over, she decided it was time for Nardir to reclaim their homeland. This place." Ticon explained, his tail indicating the forest around them. He slowed to a stop and looked down at the small she-wolf. "I...I want to talk about us, Stella. For a while, after we scattered from the old territory, I was wondering where you had gone. I feel bad that I didn't try to find you after all that so I'm sorry. You got hurt and I wasn't there. I probably don't deserve to ask this after my own failures but I hope...I hope I'm still the one in your future. I make my own Clan with you if you'll have me." he said before pointing at her leg with his nose as an indication that he had noticed her limp. His icy blues were hopeful. |
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One day you will realize, The stars you are chasing shine bright deep inside you, But will you ever let it shine from within, And cast all of your fears aside? You'll see the light, but until that day comes actions - “speech” - thoughts
The moon and the various hidden creatures of the night were the only witnesses to the pair walking among the shadows and moonlight, deeper and deeper they traveled, their soft voices back and forth. Stella was thinking but, focused on him, focused on what he was saying trying to put the pieces together. He was her second heartbeat and missing piece of the puzzle that was her life, she'd never lose him again, never. "It wouldn't straight away. Best give him space for a bit. I've been keeping an eye on him from a distance and he's not all there. But I think I'll be able to tell when he's actually watching others, as opposed to the thousand yard stare. When I see a difference, I'll let you know. In the meantime, you'll be settled in and training with Hakan." “Of course, I wouldn't want to push to much too soon. A delicate mind is a very very serious matter.” She agreed with him fully, she knew he'd be able to tell when the time was right, he know Akutan better than most, the two were like siblings. “I will admit though, having someone close, within running distance should something happen... It would be nice.” Just a howl away was what she was getting at, while it would leave she and Akutan in complete privacy, that knowledge would ease her, knowing just a howl or a scream would send someone running. "Not to my knowledge. She and Akutan hooked up when Sara's pups were born. I forgot to mention she became a mom. Anyway, this would've been the first time. If she hadn't been pregnant herself, I think she still would've been a bit miffed that Akutan didn't say anything but not to that extreme. Her pregnancy carries a bit of risk for reasons I can't disclose. But that being said, I spoke with Hakan after the fact and we both agree the two don't really know each other that well. Aku's always been the kind of wolf who gets laser-focused on whatever is happening. Byakko was his father figure after all and he's known Death since his grandfather's passing. When Death comes a-calling, everything else ceases to matter to Aku. Had Kyra known him better, she would've known that fact. In the end, what's done is done. Hakan's taking primary care of him for the time being. Sara's not herself either. After everything went down, she just walked away from it all. I think she and I need time on our own to sort things out for ourselves. So I'm going straight the source. I'm Kyra's assistant for the time being while Akutan heals and Sara sorts herself out. We all just need time." She shuddered, The Darkness, The Black Wolf, Death.... She knew all too well that each pack, clan, individual believed what they wished when it came down to it, saw death how they wished it, in Stella's case, Death was little more than a pitch darkness that seemed to swallow the world in wide angry jaws. She listened, her ears perking up as he mentioned Sara having pups. Well, she had missed a lot indeed. “I'll have to congratulate her, as well as maybe check in on her first after talking to Hakan it seems.” She fell quiet as he continued to explain things to her, so Kyra was upset Akutan hadn't mentioned anything about Byakko but, even so.... She was Akutan's mate yes? Shouldn't she have been one close enough to notices the changes in the aging Byakko herself? OR... Was she blind? No no, even so a blind wolf could smell death days before the final rattle breath was taken. “From the sound of things, they rushed into that relationship too fast... At least to be at the level of being parents... Once Akutan is well and starting to get back into the swing of things, maybe having someone act as a councilor between them could prove useful... So they can talk out problems with a neutral party around who isn't afraid to tell one or the other their being to harsh or, put their paw down if things begin to get out of hand.” She was rambling a bit but, that was one of the beautiful things about this wolf, she often thought out loud while in the comfort of those closest to her. That was a sign of trust from her, one of the biggest and brightest in fact. "Things got pretty hectic when the earthquake hit. It actually opened up underground caves we took to calling the Tendrils. But then we realized that poisonous gasses had been released so the pack hightailed it out of there. Far as I know, Puffin went his own way but he's still alive. I don't know what happened to Sansa. Some were lost in the quake. I don't know who. We fled to Inaria to recover and Alana decided to stay there, stepping down. Mercury had come back by that time and when she took over, she decided it was time for Nardir to reclaim their homeland. This place." Tick, tick, tick, click. Poisonous gas.... She faintly remembered a choking sensation in the care of the Halos, remembered pain being moved, they'd kept her drugged.... Was there an attack on the way to Inaria? She couldn't remember, everything was so hazy. Whatever medications those old Halos had been using, it was strong and it certainly kept her out of pain and consciousness for that matter! Her ears dropped a bit as he spoke of Alana stepping down. “I'm kind of sad to hear that but, I do hope she is doing well and happy. I hope all who may have stayed in Inaria are happy.” She smiled faintly, wondering just how many of the Nardiri became Inarians when Alana decided to stay. How much of the once Royal Family was left from King Julek and Queen Alana? That must have been rough on Mercury though, having her sister stay behind while she set off the reclaim their home, a home Stella could only assume was where Alana and Mercury were born, as well as many of the Nardiri she'd come to know. Stellairria felt him slowing, her pace matching his and honestly she was thankful for the little break. Once they stopped, she shifted her weight more to the right and centered on her front. Sky-blue gaze tilted upward, meeting that beautiful icy-blue. She felt her heart skip a beat, what was he about to do? HE looked so longing and nervous, even before he spoke... Though she didn't have to wait long, thankfully. "I...I want to talk about us, Stella. For a while, after we scattered from the old territory, I was wondering where you had gone. I feel bad that I didn't try to find you after all that so I'm sorry. You got hurt and I wasn't there. I probably don't deserve to ask this after my own failures but I hope...I hope I'm still the one in your future. I make my own Clan with you if you'll have me." Her ears were ringing, her chest felt tight, throat dry. He... He wanted to what? She swallowed as he motioned toward her leg and her ears dropped, well she knew he'd eventually notice. “You were though, Ticon... You're the one that dug me out, pulled me free... Carried me to the Halos.... You didn't fail, no... If not for you I'd-” She winced, cutting herself off, shaking her head. No, no dwelling on that horrific thought. She took a calming breath, looking ot him with a soft smile. “You always were, even if I was too blinded by pride to see it.” Came the soft reply. “When I woke up, I was terrified, I was alone, the only thing I could think of was finding you. Day by day, I struggled with my own mind, my own inner demons, The Darkness was even in my dreams a few times but, it couldn't claim me, not yet.” Her voice cracked now and again. “As far as you knew, I was safe... I am sure.. Though by the time anyone figured out what was going on it was likely assumed we were all gone. You couldn't have known any better, nor would you of had any idea where I was.” She leaned against him in a comforting sense, tilting her head up to gently nuzzle his shoulder. “You were my Light in the Darkness, Ticon.... You were my hope, you are my future and you've always held my heart in your gentle jaws.” She moved to stand in front up him, facing him as she looked up at him with a rather gentle smile, tail wagging a bit. “What shall we call our Clan then, my dearly Beloved?” She questioned ever so softly, stepping forward to snuggle up against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, giggling as she listed to the different rhythms that drummed out as his emotions rolled about. By this point she was pressed close, her nose buried in the thick fur of his neck as she held him in a sense, in a rather tender embrace. She'd stay there until he moved, comforting and reassuring, she was not leaving ever again, she would not be without him and he without her. Now it seemed, they had more to discuss, learn, and explore. She was looking forward to every second of this new chapter and adventure.
coding © vixxie's codes
Resident Changling
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“You were though, Ticon... You're the one that dug me out, pulled me free... Carried me to the Halos.... You didn't fail, no... If not for you I'd-” Stella said before wincing a bit. She looked up at him. “You always were, even if I was too blinded by pride to see it. When I woke up, I was terrified, I was alone, the only thing I could think of was finding you. Day by day, I struggled with my own mind, my own inner demons, The Darkness was even in my dreams a few times but, it couldn't claim me, not yet. As far as you knew, I was safe... I am sure.. Though by the time anyone figured out what was going on it was likely assumed we were all gone. You couldn't have known any better, nor would you of had any idea where I was." she explained.
Ticon felt better, knowing she was right. “You were my Light in the Darkness, Ticon.... You were my hope, you are my future and you've always held my heart in your gentle jaws. What shall we call our Clan then, my dearly Beloved?” she asked, stepping forward to lean into his chest. The monochrome wolf smiled down at the top of her head. "Sun Clan. Because you were the sunshine I was looking for in the wrong she-wolf. Alana..." he trailed off. Stella would get the meaning. The former Queen was his longstanding crush since he had first arrived. His words carried a certain weight that would tell Stella that all it had ever been was a crush and that he had always known he never had a chance, even if Julek hadn't been in the picture. Stella was first in his mind and heart. This small Arctic wolf had fully wrapped the larger Dire in sunshine and gave him hope for a future of his own. "Are you able to walk? I'd like you to meet Mercury and Hakan. I'm also hoping we could have some fun bouncing puppy names off each other." he said, with a grin. Then he backpedaled a bit. "Not that I'm expecting us to have kids right away of course. No pressure or anything. I watched Sara and Buckshot bounce names for their litter and hoped to be able to do that myself eventually. And I wanted to start planning a little for what happens after this whole mess with Akutan, Kyra, and Sara is straightened out. Winds, I think I just dug myself into a deeper hole." he said with a cheesy, embarrassed smile. Yeah, Stella was the only one he could be stupid around with no fear. |
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One day you will realize, The stars you are chasing shine bright deep inside you, But will you ever let it shine from within, And cast all of your fears aside? You'll see the light, but until that day comes actions - “speech” - thoughts
"Sun Clan. Because you were the sunshine I was looking for in the wrong she-wolf. Alana..." She was thankful he couldn't see the cringe when he spoke. Alana, his crush, everything he thought he wanted when he had it right here with her the entire time.... Like her with Gates. Oof, Gates, lets not bring that up and say we did or at least bring it up after she'd settle din and gotten fully relaxed at home. Sun Clan though.... She smiled with a soft giggle into his fur. Would this Mercury be willing to let them start a new little Clan within the pack? Much had likely changed since the X Clan was founded but, there was always hope. They really should be moving but, she was so comfortable here, so close, so warm.... Her ears twitched as he voice rang out, heh, seemed he could read her mind still. "Are you able to walk? I'd like you to meet Mercury and Hakan. I'm also hoping we could have some fun bouncing puppy names off each other." She pulled back slowly, looking up at him confused for a moment. Puppy names? So soon? He seemed to realize what was said and she chuckled as he back peddled and explained a bit better. "Not that I'm expecting us to have kids right away of course. No pressure or anything. I watched Sara and Buckshot bounce names for their litter and hoped to be able to do that myself eventually. And I wanted to start planning a little for what happens after this whole mess with Akutan, Kyra, and Sara is straightened out. Winds, I think I just dug myself into a deeper hole." The small arctic moved back to his side, looking up to him as she nodded with a smile. 6“I can walk, might be a bit slower than your long strides but, I can walk.” She confirmed her tone gentle as ever. “Names are always a good thing to talk about, one can learn a bit about their partner by tossing names back and forth.” She added with a giggle, and a nod letting him know he could continue to walk and lead them home. She was kinf of quiet for a bit, a sign she was thinking, likely about what all he'd been saying. Hakan and Mercury were indeed something of importance to him, especially with him seeming set on her meeting both at some point soon. Akutan, Kyra, and Sara were a whole different beast all together, parts of which, Stella would likely face head on by herself to ease the weight on Ticon's shoulders. “You seem to have taken up the lead of the X Clan with Akutan being out of it, while I can't wait to talk to Mercury about our own idea,” She paused in her words, as if trying to find just the right thing to say. “Perhaps we should focus on building the strength of the X Clan back up first, starting with the true Patriarch and his mate, should the Patriarch feel unsuited for his duties, I believe his mate should by all means be able to step up and lead while he recovers. How much does Kyra know of the history of the X Clan? ” He'd likely be able to tell where she was going with this, it could work if they approached it right and if all parties worked together. Stella herself didn't know too much, just a few stories between Ticon and Byakko. Sky-blue gaze drifted upward as a break in the canopy brought in star and moonlight, a shooting star darting by, causing her to smile with a nod. Had that been Byakko? Maybe, maybe not, either way she felt so many ancestors smiling down upon the pair, as if a deep wound had begun to heal. “Hakan should be the first you introduce me to I think, since we've a bit to discuss and some work to do before forming our own Clan. Though I very much would like to meet Mercury soon as well, I'm by no means saying to put it off for moons.” She kept close to him while they moved slowly through the misty woods, she was sure they were stunning by day but, by night they were a bit.... Well they were scary alright? They reminded her of The Darkness and she wasn't ready to see that again just yet. How was she going to explain that one to Ticon? That she'd faced Death and been granted a second chance by Life? A chill raced down her spine followed by a light shudder, her ears dropping for a moment before perking back up. When the time was right, she'd bring it up to him, see if he knew of any stories similar within the X Clan, speaking of. Now that she was back, would The Darkness and The Black-Wolf now seemingly merge into one horrific beast? A massive wolf of shadows with wide jaws that could swallow a wolf whole? Her eyes widened at the thought which, she swiftly forced to the back of her mind. Nope. Nope, nope, nope,, nope. “Chara is a pretty name,” Came her soft voice. “I like the name Poppy too, Jasmine, Lilly, Rose... Starla.” She rattled off a few, a giggle sounding. Oh! This was rather fun! “Mother's name is Allure, father's is Zenpin. I have a sister named Arri and two brothers, Theodore and Currus” She explained, maybe giving some insight that in her family, names were something that seemingly just rolled well or sounded nice and unique. No special theme, not crazy rules, just names that fit the little personality being shown shortly after birth. She smiled thinking of her family, idly wondering how everyone was doing. Thinking of her father she felt a pang of longing, she missed him the most of all. “Sunflowers are my favorite.” She murmured with a soft smile. “Father used to bring me one or two whenever I fell ill. I remember the first time I saw one, the blossom was bigger than I was.” She laughed with a warm smile. The golden arctic wasn't sure exactly how easy the large blooming sunflowers were to find here but, any would do, she so dearly loved sunflowers of all sorts from the smaller ones to the massive ones. A yawn drifted from the small wolf, her already slow pace seeming to ever so slightly and steadily slow further. She knew she was tired but, she didn't know exactly how tired she was, oops. Stellairria let out a giggle as she leaned against Ticon while they walked. “Does the Clan still den in the same area?” She questioned curiously, walking on slowly. Such a stubborn little wolf.
coding © vixxie's codes
Resident Changling
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“You seem to have taken up the lead of the X Clan with Akutan being out of it, while I can't wait to talk to Mercury about our own idea. Perhaps we should focus on building the strength of the X Clan back up first, starting with the true Patriarch and his mate, should the Patriarch feel unsuited for his duties, I believe his mate should by all means be able to step up and lead while he recovers. How much does Kyra know of the history of the X Clan?” Stella asked. They started walking again and Ticon was able to shorten his stride a bit in consideration.
"I haven't really taken up the lead in the Clan at all. I'm just an assistant. I stepped back to refocus and observe how things proceed. As for Kyra's knowledge of Clan history, not much, from what I've seen. She probably knows how the rite of succession works but that's about it. Sara's oldest daughter, Rapture, was the firstborn of her litter so she's set to succeed Akutan when he either dies or steps down, whichever comes first. It's possible the role defaulted to Sara for the time being since she's the oldest blood relative to their grandmother after him. That blood tie is really important to them. Far as I can tell, this hasn't happened before in their recent history and it was never considered. X was a strong wolf and so was Byakko. Akutan's a bit more fragile. Given how little Kyra knows of his true nature, I'd wager she didn't get into further detail about their history. She was born after the pack was forced out of this place so it had more or less scattered then. So she didn't exactly grow up with him and seen him at his highs and lows. It is what it is and the damage has been done. He just needs time." Ticon explained. "Clan leadership is more of a figurehead role than an active one. The leader speaks on the family's behalf but other than that, it's no different than most other families." he then added. “Hakan should be the first you introduce me to, I think, since we've a bit to discuss and some work to do before forming our own Clan. Though I very much would like to meet Mercury soon as well, I'm by no means saying to put it off for moons.” Stella then said. "This is true and he might even be able to help that leg." Ticon agreed. After a bit, the yellow she-wolf started musing and throwing names out. Ticon chuckled. "I wonder if Merc would be okay with it if we named a girl Shenandoah after her mom. I rather like the name and I'd like to pay tribute somehow. Not sure what I'd name a son." he mused himself. “Does the Clan still den in the same area?” his lady then asked after mentioning sunflowers and noticing her pace was slowing a bit. "With the return to this place, they immediately reclaimed an area of trees that circle a boulder and have also reclaimed a willow by a river where they've buried some of their dead before Asylum came. I've made my home nearby since I wish to continue my service still." he replied. He paused again and looked down at her. "But if you're starting to fall asleep on your paws, we can find a place and we'll meet Hakan and Mercury in the morning." he suggested. |
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One day you will realize, The stars you are chasing shine bright deep inside you, But will you ever let it shine from within, And cast all of your fears aside? You'll see the light, but until that day comes actions - “speech” - thoughts
She noticed his shortened stride and smiled a bit, finding it easier to keep pace with him now as they walked. She wasn't too sure where she was going just yet but, she did know she trusted the male at her side leading her along. Ticon would never put her in danger, right? Of course he wouldn't! Stella's ears perked up as he spoke, drinking in the details of his words, her mind cranking out ideas for their own Clan, things she would be sure to discuss with him. She wanted things to be similar yes, but she wanted things to be different at the same time. They were not the X Clan, nor would they try to be, no, no... The were to be the Sun Clan, bringers of Light. "I haven't really taken up the lead in the Clan at all. I'm just an assistant. I stepped back to refocus and observe how things proceed. As for Kyra's knowledge of Clan history, not much, from what I've seen. She probably knows how the rite of succession works but that's about it. Sara's oldest daughter, Rapture, was the firstborn of her litter so she's set to succeed Akutan when he either dies or steps down, whichever comes first. It's possible the role defaulted to Sara for the time being since she's the oldest blood relative to their grandmother after him. That blood tie is really important to them. Far as I can tell, this hasn't happened before in their recent history and it was never considered. X was a strong wolf and so was Byakko. Akutan's a bit more fragile. Given how little Kyra knows of his true nature, I'd wager she didn't get into further detail about their history. She was born after the pack was forced out of this place so it had more or less scattered then. So she didn't exactly grow up with him and seen him at his highs and lows. It is what it is and the damage has been done. He just needs time." Despite how it may seem with her being so quiet, his words did not fall upon deaf ears, between her mind processing and churning ideas for their own, and thinking up ways to resolve the heartache plaguing the X Clan, well.. Was it really that surprising she was so quiet? So lost in thought she was, the little arctic's paw caught on a root and she stumbled forward a few steps, a yelp sounding, eyes wide as she became top-heavy. Chest fell forward, front legs kind of bending backward awkwardly, rear in the air, chin on the ground.... It was amusing and a classic Buckshot toppled over pose. She blinked a few times, letting out a small laugh, correcting herself, laying on her stomach a moment before, pushing herself back to her paws. She had a feeling she knew what was coming and she laughed all the more as she shook herself out, flashing a smile up at Ticon when she was done. “I'm alright, I promise.” Came her amused words of assurance. "Clan leadership is more of a figurehead role than an active one. The leader speaks on the family's behalf but other than that, it's no different than most other families." He added, likely looking at her like she had five heads growing, she couldn't really tell at this point since she was all tail-wags and smiles... And now more focused on where she was walking. “Speaker of the family you say.” She mused. “I think we should share that responsibility, I mean to have only one who bares the weight of speaking is not very fair, plus I fell discussing things before bringing them up is far more healthy than one of us potentially having to work on the fly.” She gave a little hop, giggling with a wide grin, a little boost of energy there, cute! "I wonder if Merc would be okay with it if we named a girl Shenandoah after her mom. I rather like the name and I'd like to pay tribute somehow. Not sure what I'd name a son." Her ears perked again before falling a bit, head canting slightly as she peered up at him. “Perhaps in time, should we prove ourselves to her as wolves she can trust, it will be allowed. Until then, I am not so sure that would be a wise thing to request, especially with myself not having a rank just yet and being newly returned.” She did a little half hop, pushing her front end off the ground to playfully nuzzle-nip his neck. “As for a son, I am sure we'll come up with some lovely names, there is plenty of time to think of these things, we're in no rush after all.” Came her warm reply. "With the return to this place, they immediately reclaimed an area of trees that circle a boulder and have also reclaimed a willow by a river where they've buried some of their dead before Asylum came. I've made my home nearby since I wish to continue my service still. But if you're starting to fall asleep on your paws, we can find a place and we'll meet Hakan and Mercury in the morning." Well, blast! He caught her red-pawed! She giggled up at him with a sheepish smile and nodded. “That might be a wise idea, I'm not sure bringing your delirious half awake mate to meet others would be such a good idea.” She replied with a laugh, following him to wherever he decided would be a good spot to rest. She yawned, stretching a bit before laying down, curling up into a rather fox-like little ball, her tail resting over her nose. She'd clearly gotten used to sleeping alone so it just... Came naturally to ball up. Should he lie down with her, the little ball of sunshine would unfurl a bit and snuggle up against him, a happy little smile upon her lips as she rather swiftly drifted into dreamland. She wasn't sure how many hours passed or what time of day it was when she finally stirred or was stirred from her slumber, she just knew she felt well rested. Stellairria got to her paws, yawning as she stretched out her limbs and back, a little pop sounding from her left hip and ankle, yeeeah, that hind leg would be a sore point in her later years but, for now it was just a minor setback. “Good morning my Beloved~!” She hummed out to Ticon, be her asleep or awake, her voice would likely be music to his ears. The small wolf looked about the area, tail wagging a bit, she seemed eager to keep going, eager to meet Hakan and Mercury, eager to see the faces of those she'd known that were still around. “Lead the way Ticon, I'll be right beside you.”
coding © vixxie's codes
Resident Changling
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Ticon just listened to his mate talk. He liked listening to her talk. What was better was how she made all the bad things that happened just melt away from his mind. He wished Akutan had someone like that but in the end, he couldn't be helped by anyone but himself. When Stella decided to take Ticon up on his offer to bed down for the night, he definitely agreed. He watched the small female find a place and curled up in a ball. "God, that's cute." he chuckled as he joined her. He lied down next to her and watched as she unfurled a bit. She was so small compared to him. He watched her drift off to sleep. He stayed awake a bit to watch before his icy blues looked out in the direction of the Castle. He couldn't help himself. He was worried about his friend. He was there at the Castle clawing against the darkness dragging him down. Why was peace eluding him with such a vengeance? What actually happened to him? It was obvious this had been building for a long time but what really caused him to temporarily give into insanity?
Looking back down at Stella, Ticon's mind turned away from the dark wolf, thinking instead how lucky he was that this wasn't a dream. She was back with him. They had a future they wanted to make together. Bringing his head down, Ticon took a deep breath and sighed. Despite the downs going on, life was good and he was going to do what he could to make sure Stella and the pack were taken care of. His icy blues soon closed as he surrendered to sleep, relishing the warmth of living sunshine. The next day, he was awoken by Stella. “Good morning my Beloved~!” she said, her happiness palpable. Ticon opened his eyes and yawned hugely. "Morning, love." he said, getting to his paws and stretching out. He sighed as his joints popped a bit, the stiffness fading. Straightening out and shaking his coat, Ticon grinned at his mate. "Beautiful day in the neighborhood." he said. It certainly was, especially with her around. Nardir just got a bit brighter. “Lead the way Ticon, I'll be right beside you.” she told him. Nodding, Ticon set a slow pace to accommodate for her bummed leg. One thing about Nardir that struck him as cool and a bit weird was how everyone always seemed to bump into exactly who they were looking for. Perhaps Hakan and Merc would cross paths with them while he and Stella were looking for them. |
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![]() "And though we lose our stake, Heaven is where we make it
Even in the smallest places, Can a garden grow" actions - “speech” - thoughts
Hakan awoke early as usual and started in to his work early as usual. He had several plants he was hunting for and thought he had seen them on their way back into the lands, close to the border. He rounded a corner and was surprised to see the recognisable brilliant summer wolf of Stella! Strolling towards the castle with Ticon. Her demeanor had much improved since he had last seen her. "Stella! Welcome home dear one!" He smiled wide and warmly to the both of them. It looked they were just coming from the border, "Let me escort you two to Mercury, I think when I passed her den she was just starting her morning, we might be able to still catch her there." Hakan led the way back to the Castle, still spry for an elder. He made light conversation during the short trip, "That leg still giving you some issues? We can get you on some boneset and nettle water regularly. Should make that a lot more manageable." He led them to the cliff side, riddled with ramps and natural stairways leading up to open dens and passages further into the cliff side, they passed Akutan's den and Hakan flicked his gaze to see if he could catch a glimpse as he passed. He led them up a ramp to a particular den that had a balcony out looking the territory. "Welcome to the Castle, Stella, This is Queen Mercury's den." He said loudly to let the queen know she had company. He situated himself to the side and let them come forward.
Photo © Erik Stine / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Garden by Noah Gundersen |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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"Welcome to the Castle, Stella, This is Queen Mercury's den." Her den was becoming a frequent hangout, and Mercury supposed she should be grateful the pack felt her so easily accessible. She had just stepped out onto what they had started calling "The Queen's Patio" and idly wondered if she should ask Buckshot to plant her some flowers. Something to pretty up the spot. Hakan, Stella and Ticon would have found her staring at the rim of dirt, had Hakan not been tactful enough to raise his voice. She turned and gave the approaching party a smile. From Hakan's demeanor, and the fact that Ticon seemed more himself than she had ever witnessed, it could be only assumed they knew the bright little she-wolf between them. "And who do we have here?" The Dark Moon inquired. Her stance was regal, her voice stern but not cold. She had the look of a Queen. But Hakan would recognize the sparkle in her eyes. She was trying hard to follow the ritual. It was clear she had some idea of who the girl was. After all, he'd just said her name, and Mercury remembered a Stellairria among them. Clearly Ticon had an interest. This was more a formality than anything, but she had to admit, she liked getting a look at each new face, so she could commit them to memory. That's what this was really about, bringing them face to face so they could see her, and she them. Another way to keep her grounded among her people. Which was why her terrace was open to the public. ![]() ☿