Private Roleplay  If You Don't Know Where You're Going
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Kneejerk he/him
Mutter mutter
Posts: 5
Pronouns: he/him

All Accounts Posts: 85

Some field. 
Dead quiet, aside from the crows. The herds had moved on; someone else had hunted here already and drove off whatever grazed here in the process. Maybe they'd be back in a few days but likely not so long as the carcass of their fallen comrade was still around. The beast fallen and what was left of it was some big pair of ribs that the previous hunter couldn't exactly hide in any mud pool. It stuck out like a sore thumb.

Kneejerk was happy to oblige in this cleanup. It was dirty but not yet old. A few birds pecked at it, the wolf hadn't taken a strong stance as of yet in chasing them off. Actually, as eager as he was to eat it, he was more eager to entirely ignore the food while he sniffed around it.

Pacing the field a little bit and then digging up some sort of herb. It had dense leaves with a sort of fuzz over it to protect it from the harsher weather of the area. Kneejerk wasn't content until he had gotten a whole mouthful of different leafy things, munching on them awkwardly with sharp teeth before starting his way back to the rib dinner. 
Khensa she/her
love God herself
Posts: 9
Pronouns: she/her


The field grass was perfect to conceal the long-legged, red she-beast. Khensa was on light feet as she whistled a tantalizing melody, following the smell of a decaying kill. Her favorite. Someone did the heavy lifting of killing the dying beast, and she would enjoy it. Unless, of course, someone else was enjoying it before her.

She must have missed him, probably because he absolutely reeked of leaves and mud. Frustration replaced her hunger as she watched someone else enjoy her meal, but quickly Khensa remembered she needed to pull it together. Play it cool.
Deal your cards.
Get your meal.

She stepped through the weavings, feline-like movements brought her closer to Kneejerk, staring at him through the ribs of the beast he picked from. If only she were truly caged.

"Hello, love. Enjoying my carcass?" Sure looked like it.


[Image: BGKKdzn.png]

Kneejerk he/him
Mutter mutter
Posts: 5
Pronouns: he/him

All Accounts Posts: 85

Kneejerk hadn't kept much of an eye out for others. The birds, he expected, would do that for him. Instead he chewed on leaves, only spitting out the lot of them once he was about to dig into flesh. His attention was clearly on his food, not the fellow scavengers and not the grass.

His ears perked to the sound of another. He recognized the scent as wolf, and one ear twisted with annoyance just as quick as the voice rang out with some damn audacity.

"I'm eating my--" He went to glare and was met with one hell of a beastly she-wolf. She towered over him. He had to try his best not to pin his ears back but his wide-eyed pause was apparent all the same. 

Momentarily silenced, but he did move. He backed up a little from the ribs yet not so much though that he was stepping away from literally the only thing out here he could possibly have between him and her jaws.

"Your carcass..." He muttered lowly. Brows furrowed and he swallowed rigidly. He paused again, licking a leaf up from the side of his chops. He breathed in deep, composing himself before placing one paw on his side of the bones. 

"Couldn't be. I mean, kinda small for you isn't it?" He declared, cocking his head as if he were curious. "Fallen on hard times?" 
Khensa she/her
love God herself
Posts: 9
Pronouns: she/her


Immediate satisfaction came from the stranger's hesitation in responding, her grin lengthened as she stepped around the ribs, towards some bones that had already been picked clean. Through pursed lips, she giggled. "It may appear that way, yes... much too small for me." Sitting now, she faced Kneejerk, no longer having to look through the rib cage to speak to him. "I have a terrible habit of preying on the weak. Less work for me." She grinned walking closer towards the pile that Kneejerk seemed to be shielding. Slim pickings there, too.

"Seems you would rather eat for less, too." What other reason would he have for scavenging? Swiftly she turned before him, grabbing a thick piece of skin and meat that was hanging by threads on the ribs, swallowing it in few bites, and looking back to the bystander. "What's your favorite part? I prefer the heart." Surveying the scene behind him, Khensa wanted to assure she wouldn't be surprised by any others, though if they were consistent with Kneejerk's size, she assumed she'd be fine. Still, she asked, "Are you all alone out here?" Twenty questions was a steadfast way to get to know new friends.


[Image: BGKKdzn.png]

Kneejerk he/him
Mutter mutter
Posts: 5
Pronouns: he/him

All Accounts Posts: 85

The big wolf rounded the the ribs and Kneejerk's previous stance was dropped immediately. She was unphased by his remarks and only seemed to delight in what she had before her the more seconds had passed. There was no big bones between her and him. He took a few steps back. His ears instinctively lowered.

"It's, I don't know. It's been a while since I had any organs for myself." Kneejerk admitted, nervous but earnest. "Or a pack." 

Stepping further away from her, he rounded the ribs again. He was leaving his section of meat but it really wasn't like he could protect it if she ever intended in using force. Still, he was hungry enough to not go scampering off on meat. Fearful as he was, Kneejerk had a stubborn look on his face for Khensa.

"I get the birds and mice to tell me where food is. They'll trade anything for good seeds." He continued as he shrunk around the old sternum. He kept low, but with his haunches tense, ready to simply bound off if she was quick to bite. She looked like she might be the kind to settle for wolf heart, not that Kneejerk was going to ask. Instead, he cleared his throat and made a hesitant suggestion, "maybe you and I could work out a trade. We could both eat for less. Together." 
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