Roll for stealth..(pro Merc) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Sparkles a Little
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November 01, 2018, 01:51:03 AM
(This post was last modified: November 01, 2018, 02:01:00 AM by Kimster.)
(PRP Merc)
There’s a voice that keeps on calling me
Down the road is where I’ll always be Home, and yet, somehow, not. To tread paths that looked vaguely familiar to the eye of nostalgia but in the harsh light of present day looking strangely alien. Wasn't that the tree where he had met.. And was not that the rock where he had played withw. The scents of course were long gone, scattered to the four winds like his family.
Every stop I make, I’ll make a new friend
Can’t stay for long, just turn around and I’m gone again. The brightly burning sun streaming through the lush canopy made dapples of shades and light on the male's blue pelt. The lighter blue lightning stripes shimmered and his white undercoat sparkled, making him utterly unable to blend into the background.
This was a handsome wolf, lean and wiry with long legs, a cocky tilt to his head and serious light green eyes.
His yellow tipped ears twitched and he paused - yup, this was round about where he had heard the howling of a wolf a day ago. Scents were still missing.
Jase sighed and scowled. Nope, he had imagined it. Here he was once again chasing ghosts.
Mind you - following his twitching nose he rounded a rock and came upon a fresh rabbit lying on the gground.
All alone.
As if it had been waiting just for him.
His stomach growled.
Never one to look a gift rabbit in the mouth, he bent down to scoop up the morsel.
Maybe tomorrow, I’ll want to settle down, Until tomorrow, I’ll just keep moving on. |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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Despite her rank, Mercury had never felt herself so lofty as to be unable to catch her own dinner. This evening, she had the luck to fell a rabbit early, but had seen the opportunity for a young deer that was grazing in the shallows. Sarajvo was tending to Akutan, who would need to also be hunted for. A deer, even a small one, would be a boon to the pack. An easy decision, really. Since she was the type who did not ask of others what she would not do herself, Mercury abandoned her first catch far enough from the riverbank to avoid having the deer catch the scent of blood. Then, she had played the waiting game, hidden in the undergrowth while her quarry wandered about, feeding on the water grasses. From where the Dark Queen hid, the perfect spot was an overhanging bank by the bend. There were long trusses of grass hanging into the water, and the reeds and aquatic plants grew thick in the sheltered end of the cove. The deer, relaxed and unaware of how close it's demise was, slowly chomped it's way towards the enticing trap. When it had finally gotten close enough, the beast sunk it's head into the foliage to graze on the tender water shoots barely below the surface. With a burst of speed and three long strides, Mercury lept from her hiding spot and charged, launching herself off the high bank and onto the deer from above. The mixed-breed monarch's full weight and momentum crashed into the startled animal, and her fangs grabbed high up on it's throat. Predator and prey impacted the water with a loud slap, followed by the sound of churning water as the deer thrashed and flailed beneath her. A low, rumbling growl came from the Dark Moons jaws as she bit down and thrashed her head from side to side, whip-lashing the deer's neck while her body weight kept it down. Then she dunked the deer's head, and hers, under the water. She held it down as long as she could, her own lungs screaming, before she jerked her head back up. Wanting to give her quarry no reprieve, Merc thrashed it back and forth as she sucked in a breath, then plunged them both back down, bubbles escaping from her jaws since canines don't hold their breath. Rinse and repeat. There was no point in counting how long she struggled, so she didn't. Gradually, the splashes grew less and less forceful as she worried the life out of the deer. It was still alive, it's chest still heaving when she dragged it up onto the beach. Blood and silt swirled in the water, clouding it until the current swirled through to wash it downstream. Dripping wet and more than a little winded, Mercury hauled her quarry up and over the edge onto the grass. There, she killed it, ensuring that she would not foul the water supply with the carcass while she went back to fetch the others to help her bring it in. She had not yet looked up to see what had become of her rabbit. ![]() ☿
Sparkles a Little
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November 06, 2018, 06:18:52 PM
(This post was last modified: November 10, 2018, 12:25:32 AM by Kimster.)
The sensation of movement, and then the thud of colliding bodies, the splash of a struggle, the low growl of a wolf intent on the kill. Light green eyes rounded with shock as he watched the dark wolf worry the deer in the water, cleverly using it's surroundings to subdue the prey before dragging it onto the bank of the river and finishing it off. The move was done with economy and precision. Jase's one eyebrow quirked up in admiration - what a woman! Her dark pelt was sodden and her maw dripped with fresh blood. She was muscled and very obviously a warrior type. By the set of her tail and head, not a female to be trifled with.
Definitely not a female to be trifled with. Or be caught stealing her food. Uh. Oh. His eyes swiveled between the rabbit and the wolfess. Was this her kill? But if this was her kill why on earth would she leave it and go for the deer? That made no sense. Unless she were hunting for more than just herself. Um. Oh dear. Had he somehow blundered into a pack's territory? No, most certainly not - there weren't any scent markers. I mean, you'd have to be scent blind to miss border markers. Ok, wait, so here's a wolfess, just made a kill, and he's trying to steal her rabbit. Surely she wouldn't mind? Seriously, what's a measly little rabbit against a juicy, fat deer? She wouldn't begrudge a tired, hungry, handsome guy like himself taking the lesser of her kills, and it's not as if she'd marked it this was just a dead rabbit lying discarded. Jase rolled his eyes - as much as he wanted to steal it, he just couldn't do it. Even as a loner he couldn't do it. Stupid, stupid conscience! His stomach growled and rebelled at the idea. All this time, Jase had been frozen in the act of picking up the rabbit kill, his jaws hanging open above the limp body, his neck outstretched. He probably looked utterly ridiculous! So, his plan was to just quietly, easily, slip away. Slowly lifting one back paw, he eased it backwards, hoping the movement wouldn't be noticed. |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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When she was sure her deer was dead, the Dark Moon looked up, expecting to grab her rabbit and return to the Castle to fetch one of the pack to help her transport the deer. Instead, she saw a male paused over it. At first, without realizing it, she had curled her lips back into an impressive snarl. The rumbling growl that came from her was full of authority, and it's warning was clear. Between her blood-soaked face and her obvious capabilities, Jase was right to be wary of her. But then her seafoam eyes studied him, and she realized she recognized this wolf. Gradient ears pricked forward and her lips went back down over her teeth. How could she not recognize that coat? "Jase?" It had been a long time since she had seen the electric blue healer, but it was him, she was sure of it. Had the dream that called the pack home called all of the pack? Alana had not returned, but Mercury could understand her absence. Her heart was no longer aligned with Nardir... at least, not for now. Mercury was sure, like the stars traversed the sky, that the Bright Moon would shine again. But what of the others? How could she not take it as a sign that those thought long lost were coming home? Alexander had been missing since childhood, was actually less Nardirian than he was Outlander. And yet, he said he had been called in his dreams. As she had... As Arik had... Had Jase heard the same whispers of home? They stood, staring at each other, the bloody carcasses forgotten at their feet. ![]() ☿
Sparkles a Little
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Cool coolcoolcool cool. Everything's going good, it's going swimmingly, excellent, keep the movements slow and steady you're a ninja a sneaky shadow ninja nothing to see here... SHIT.
Jase froze and snapped his jaws shut as the wolfess turned her eyes towards him. Her bloodied lips turned upwards into a snarl and man that was intimidating as hell. Sexy, though. but intimidating. He couldn't help but admire how her seafoam eyes sparkled above her very sharp teeth, and how fetching her collar looked...wait. Stepping away from the rabbit and closer to his probably imminent death, he frowned and really studied the wolfess. The wind wasn't working with him, it blew both their scents away and not towards each other. There was something very familiar about this girl. She, in turn, was studying him. Her lips dropped back down into a relaxed position (man he'd give anything to see her smile - it'd probably light up her face like the sun), and her eyes raked over his body and markings. He couldn't resist giving her a look that said: take it all in, I'm stunning. Her ears pricked forward and then she said: "Jase?" It was her voice that jogged his memory. Mercury! By the sun and moon it was her! How had he not recognised her! Sure she was older, settled into her body, more confident (more lethal), but it was most assuredly her. Jase laughed and cried out as he jogged closer, his husky voice jubilant: "Well if it isn't the Dark Moon herself! For a moment there I thought I was going to join the rabbit as your entree. How have you been what have you been up to?" he prattled on and when he was near her he paused, becoming completely still and just looking at her. Not at her as leader, at her as friend. Up close her scent was easily recognisable. Jase smiled warmly and headbutted her, totally ignoring any personal space she may have wanted to keep, just so glad to finally meet someone he knew. If she let him, he'd stand like that for a moment, then step back. His smile would turn into a cocky grin, and his light green orbs twinkled flirtingly at her: "Be honest - you've missed me. Without my sparkling personality and my devastatingly good looks, your life was an empty void." |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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November 14, 2018, 06:51:09 PM
(This post was last modified: November 14, 2018, 06:51:40 PM by Mercury.)
"Well if it isn't the Dark Moon herself! For a moment there I thought I was going to join the rabbit as your entree. How have you been what have you been up to?" At first she just stared at him while he babbled. How was he being so casual? What have you been up to?! That's what you asked someone when you just hadn't seen him for a while. It was certainly too casual a question for the circumstances. But then, how does one broach the subject of a kingdom's downfall, her disappearance, the splintering pack... dark memories that still plagued her dreams. Sadness crept into her eyes, and she raised her head fully. "Be honest - you've missed me. Without my sparkling personality and my devastatingly good looks, your life was an empty void." "We all have missed you." She said, her voice more regal and steel than it had been when she was young. She looked down at the deer, contemplating it. Jase's arrival was more fortunate than he knew. The rabbit she intended for herself wasn't much, and if he'd been thinking of taking it, he may have been hungrier than he was letting on. The mouthy healer may act foolish, but Mercury was not unaware of his wit. He possessed a silver tongue and a voice so sweet it could lure birds to lay their eggs for his breakfast. Had he not been so soft-hearted, he would have been a shrewd force to be reckoned with. Not to mention a bloodline she wanted back in Nardir. With the X Clan failing, the Storm Clan would be added strength. Even if that clan was just Jase... for now. "Our scouting party encountered a bear." She explained. "Akutan was severely injured." Hence, she was hunting. ![]() ☿
Sparkles a Little
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November 14, 2018, 11:58:28 PM
(This post was last modified: November 15, 2018, 12:00:09 AM by Kimster.)
Aaand Merc being Merc totally ignored his headbutt, lifting her head in a regal fashion. Jase just grinned, not phased one bit. He did admire her looks, though, seriously she'd become a stunner and that leadership power radiating through her being was intoxicating. He wouldn't be surprised if she'd found a mate, after all what male wouldn't be honoured to be her companion!
"We all have missed you." Her tone made him pause - this was a much different wolfess than the one he knew as a youngster. Her voice was all flint and royalty. His left eyebrow lifted upwards, in recognition of the fact that we all grow up, but also in amusement. She may want him at arm's length, but he'll persuade her otherwise. He gave a half sigh, half laugh, and replied: "I missed-a you too. All? Who all? Is... have you started a pack?" he wanted to ask if she'd started Nardir, but what if she hadn't then he'd just dredge up some sad memories. However, she'd said 'all'. Why would she specifically say that? It must mean there are some of the old nardirians in her pack! What if... No. He squashed that thought. Focus on now. If you're meant to find them, you'll find them. And she'd be grown up now, chances are they won't even remember you. "Our scouting party encountered a bear." She explained. "Akutan was severely injured." Bear. Akutan. Injured. Jase's grin disappeared, making the his face seem older, even dare we say it, wiser. His light green eyes still looked at Mercury in the manner of a friend, but they were steady and serious. No panicking because it was his half brother, no questions about who else was in the pack, nothing except concern for a patient that he might help heal - Mercury wasn't the only one who had grown: "Where is the injury? Do you have a resident healer? If not I'd be happy to lend my expertise, if you do have a healer I would like the opportunity to offer my assistance. I've some experience with various types of injuries." His voice calm and reassuring. This is his roundabout way of saying I'm good at what I do, let me help. |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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"Where is the injury? Do you have a resident healer? If not I'd be happy to lend my expertise, if you do have a healer I would like the opportunity to offer my assistance. I've some experience with various types of injuries." The transformation from silvertongue to healer was instantaneous, and Mercury admired how easily Jase switched. He began asking the right questions, forgetting about personal concerns like food and focused on the important thing: the pack. The Dark moon was pleased to find he hadn't changed. "He left hip was shredded. Hakan is overseeing his care." She said. The mention of his old mentor sure to calm some of Jase's sudden haste. "We also have Sarajevo, but she is a bit too close to this." She didn't mention Byakko's funeral. No point adding more sad news. She also didn't mention Alexander. He was still unsure of himself, and pressuring him to meet more people seemed unfair. Best to leave some of the news for once Jase was settled. She had no doubt he would be staying. The fact that he may just be 'passing through' never occurred to her. "We should get this deer back quickly." She said, turning to grab it's neck. "You can see for yourself." ![]() ☿
Sparkles a Little
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A shredded hip was bad. Of course he couldn't make a proper diagnosis without seeing the injury himself. Hakan? Jase smiled and mumbled:
"that bag of bones still alive? Well that's a blessing." and Sara was here too. Mind you that wouldn't be a surprise, she and sky hds been tied to the hip. The lapses of further detail were noted, and the specific mention that Sara was too close caused a few alarm bells to ring in his head. Green eyes studied the regal wolfess - ok, you don't wanna talk now that's cool. You will eventually. "like a dog once told me: there's no such thing as too many healers. Ive gotten a lot more training, even spent time with an dog pack and watched how humans do things. I guess by your standards I'd be a full healer. Might even teach Hakan a few new tricks." the charming doc said, his tone not boastful. He knew his talents and he knew he was good. Mercury asked him to help drag the carcass back to the dens, and he grimaced. It was a huge deer. " dammit Merc I'm a healer not a tank. You take the heavy side. |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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"that bag of bones still alive? Well that's a blessing. Like a dog once told me: there's no such thing as too many healers. Ive gotten a lot more training, even spent time with an dog pack and watched how humans do things. I guess by your standards I'd be a full healer. Might even teach Hakan a few new tricks." Mercury huffed a chuckle, but didn't really find his statement overly surprising. What she was more interested in was his testament to his skills. He was right that Hakan should have been retired by now, but with Sarajevo unlikely to ever be leadership material, and Nardir's former head healer missing after the incident with the Tendrils, it was true she wasn't as well equipped with healers as she'd like to be. Hakan still took on much more than she would like for a male his age, and the treks from Castle to the herb gardens weren't meant to be made by such legs. Jase, however, was fit and strong. "You can teach them all. I would be pleased to let Hakan retire." Especially with his daughter about to become a single mother. Another thing she didn't mention just yet. There was a lot of gossip for Jase to catch up on, but it wouldn't be Mercury with the loose lips. He'd hear them straight from the horse's mouth... rather, the mouths of those involved. So, just like that, she offered him the rank of head healer. He should have expected it. Mercury always expected words to be backed by action. "Dammit Merc I'm a healer not a tank. You take the heavy side." "It is no fault of mine that you are a lightweight." She teased him back, but obligingly dropping the neck of the deer. "But have it your way, Chicken Legs." ![]() ☿
Sparkles a Little
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December 09, 2018, 11:21:24 AM
(This post was last modified: December 09, 2018, 11:30:41 AM by Kimster.)
"You can teach them all. I would be pleased to let Hakan retire."
The blue male stared at the young queen, frowning slightly with his head cocked to one side. Seriously? Just giving him the head honcho job straight off the bat? Without him even proving himself? Did she actually have that much faith in him or did she make this decision purely out of some old sense of childhood loyalty? Oh he was up for the job, his boasts weren't empty and he was the type that always strived to better himself in his chosen path, never missing an opportunity to learn something. But to take over from Hakan without so much as a by your leave? He huffed and answered: "Well now, Merc, you don't waste time, do you? Listen, I'd gladly take the job but ONLY if Hakan gives it his blessing. The last thing I want to do is make the old codger feel usurped. He's still your most valuable asset." His handsome face took on his charming grin and he added: "Head Healer Jase - does have a great ring to it." He couldn't resist preening a little bit. "It is no fault of mine that you are a lightweight.But have it your way, Chicken Legs." Jase guffawed, incredibly pleased that she teased him back, glad that she felt secure with him to drop her distant queen act. "Oh admit it, you luuuurve my skinny chicken legs." He winked, "And further more, lightweights run faster. Your muscled ass won't catch me easily" He joked back as he chomped unto the neck of the deer, straining a little (allright fine, a LOT) to move the carcass. |
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![]() "And though we lose our stake, Heaven is where we make it
Even in the smallest places, Can a garden grow" actions - “speech” - thoughts
Speak of the devil, the old bag of bones was going about another gathering trip. Hakan hoped to rope Shimmah in to his trip as well. He liked her company, as well as liked keeping her close. He wondered if he would ever broach the subject deeper about how she reminded him of someone, but it seemed her earliest memories were just a little too fragile. One day maybe, when she was a lot more stable and secure, maybe he could approach the subject of their familial link, and how she had always belonged here. Just as he was returning from his gathering trip but who would he spy helping the Queen herself pull a large deer toward the castle. His pelt was unmistakable. A son-in-law left, a son-in-law returned, remarkably themselves half brothers. "Well I'll be!" He explained picking up his pace, tears gathering in the corners of his dusty face, "Jase! Jase!" He called, shrugging off his basket and quickly closing the distance to wrap his head and neck over the electric blue man. "By the Mother! Am I glad to see you!" He said stepping back and looking him over with a proud look and a happy joyful smile. He had certainly grown into himself. He noticed Sal wasn't close by, but he didn't remark upon it. It was a wonder Jase was here at all what with all that had happened. Hakan, easily emotional, stood there grinning, wagging his tail and nigh weeping with happiness at seeing Jase return.
Photo © Erik Stine / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Garden by Noah Gundersen |
Sparkles a Little
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This is heavy..sooooo heavy... come on Jase-a-roo pick it up! Look strong! Look manly! Ah man I'm going to rupture a disc, aren't I? Jase's monologue continued as he "helped" Mercury drag in the deer carcass. His healer-eye noticed how well developed her muscles are, how each muscle strained and pulled effortlessly showing years of good, sensible training that had strengthened it, while his normal-eye could only think: I should have practiced my muscles more than my charm. Damnit. And great, he was starting to huff, the breaths bursting out of the sides of his lips in sharp retorts. And not trying to drool all over someone else's piece of meat was really hard!
How he had missed this. Light green eyes glanced at his friend, twinkling in their ever present mischievous way. "Shoo, 'erc - Aih 'asthu-ooo'm 'ou'rrr 'eaduh'?" he asked her, giving an extra pull on the neck. Of course, her answer may have to wait as an old, familiar voice reached Jase's ears. Surprised, he dropped the neck and perked his ears towards the sound, squinting a little into the distance. There, a brown blob quickly forming into the shape of a brown male. He shrugged off a basket, and picking up pace, soon enveloped Jase in a warm neck hug. The younger male immediately returned the embrace, also wrapping a paw around the male's shoulders, feeling how fragile he'd become in age. "By the Mother! Am I glad to see you!" Hakan pulled back, his tail swaying in delight and his eyes brimming with tears of happiness, a look of pride and joy on his face. Jase looked at him for a second, a huge smile lighting up his face. His white tipped tail wagged happily and then he laughed, wiping a little tear from the corner of his eyes: "Well-ah how about that, Merc? Talk about him and he appears like magic!" Not being able to resist, he gave Hakan another hug, adding an affectionate ear nip into the mix and exclaiming: "Oh it's so good to see you, Hakan! You look good and uh-TCHOO...I smell you've been off picking a ton of herbs." he added, scratching a little at his nose as he felt another sneeze prickle it. oo0oo Schimmah pranced happily to Hakan's den, another basket dangling from her maw. Now that she'd learned how to do it, she couldn't help but make more and more of the things. She started distrubuting them, random pack members would wake up to find an empty, little basket at the entrance to their dens. The girl didn't even realise that she was inundating the poor healer with the things. Oh, he wasn't there. She paused at the empty den, her nose crinkling as she tried to follow his scent. Hm. Looks. Like. He. Went. THAT WAY! Off she trotted, basket bouncing in time with her dainty steps. A little while later, she saw him in the distance, with two other wolves. Mercury and an electric blue male she didn't recognise. Her steps slowed and her ears flattened in uncertainty. Um. Ok. So Hakan said she should try to be a little confident, like do one social thing a day that scares her. Um. This certainly falls under that category. She carefully studied Mercury's bodylanguage, and decided this wasn't some official adult business, which means it may even be okay for her to interrupt it. Gulp. Scrunching her chin into her chest, poofing out the long neck fur, scowling and doing her best miffed pidgeon impression, she walked forwards. Her low ears and tucked tail betraying how nervous she felt, despite the "intimidating as 'eck" look on her face. She could hear them talking, Hakan looked very, very happy. The blue male... The blue male? He kinda looked familiar? As if she'd known him? But she didn't recognise his face, and nothing in his voice sounded familiar. It was kinda cool that they had the same coloured pelt. He kinda talked a teeny bit like Daddums. Weird. Slowing to a crawl, she stood just behind Hakan, waiting for the older wolves to tell her to join or to go away. |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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Mercury watched as Hakan and Jase had their own reunion, much more relaxed and open than theirs had been. She didn't think of it, however, and simply smiled at Jase's exclamation. The warmth and affection that came from moments like these was an infecting sort.
"Well-ah how about that, Merc? Talk about him and he appears like magic!" "As fine an intuition as ever." The Dark Moon agreed amicably. "An invaluable trait in a healer." Jase sneezed, and Mercury shifted her eyes to Shimmah, who had approached looking like a posturing pigeon. Oh, how silly it looked, her scowling face while carrying a... actually pretty well woven basket. When had she learned to do that? And then she noticed Hakan's herb basket for the first time. Well... well... Looks like someone had some creativity that needed fostering. "Ah, Hakan." Mercury said, calling his attention. "I believe your latest commission is ready." She made it sound like Shimmah's skills were already confirmed, attempting to boost the girl's confidence. But she looked at Hakan and made the slightest inclination of her head. He'd been holding out on her. Apparently Shimmah was a lady of many talents. Hadn't he thought to mention it? The Dark Moon then gave Jase a sidelong look. She hadn't noticed it before, but he and the girl were the exact same color. Hmmm... then a coy smile spread over her face. "And what perfect timing, to introduce Shimmah to her future patron. Jase, this is Shimmah, our young basketweaver." ![]() ☿
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![]() "And though we lose our stake, Heaven is where we make it
Even in the smallest places, Can a garden grow" -----
Hakan laughed as he was pulled in for another hug, it was so good to see him! "Haha! Yes! Kyra is pregnant and I've had to refresh all the stock before it dies off in the winter!" He replied, crinkling his eyes into half moons. An old memory cropped up and Jase sneezed... Yes! Wasn't it Jase had gotten his fur covered in the dust of a mushroom and Hakan was sneezing up a storm? The blue man before him had only been just a boy... Yes, it must have been one of his first days on Nardirian soil... So long ago... Hakan was about to include Mercury in the conversation, asking her where she had been keeping him this whole time, when he followed her gaze to behind him where Shimmah was expectantly standing with her chest puffed out and looking like a... pidgen... Hakan had to stifle his mirth as his smile became amused, "Ahh! Shimmah! Another one, good!" He said ushering her over to inspecting the basket, "Come come, show us your handiwork to..." He paused... his face falling for a moment but flickered to a strained smile, "To Jase. I've known him since he was a boy, He's my son-in-law finally returning home!" Hakan said, trying to exchange an uncertain look with his old apprentice. Hakan... had more than a hunch who they would be to each other, but did Jase know what the poor girl had been through? Most likely no one except Hakan knew now...
Photo © Erik Stine / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Garden by Noah Gundersen |
Sparkles a Little
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"Ah, Hakan." Mercury said, calling his attention. "I believe your latest commission is ready." "Ahh! Shimmah! Another one, good!" "Come come, show us your handiwork to..." "To Jase. I've known him since he was a boy, He's my son-in-law finally returning home!" "And what perfect timing, to introduce Shimmah to her future patron. Jase, this is Shimmah, our young basketweaver."
Schimmah blushed under the praise but puffed out her chest proudly, relaxing her posturing and actually smiling a little. Basketweaver! If that's a real title, she would gladly take that. But what meant most was the proud look in Hakan's eye, and the kindly support from the Queen. To think there was a time she'd felt out of place in this pack! Her ploofy tail wagged slowly behind her and she stepped forward, dropping the basket at Hakan's feet. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at the blue male, into pale green eyes that looked vaguely familiar, and said politely: "Pleased to meet you." So he was Hakan's son in law? Ok so that meant more family of his and Kyra, which meant safety. Yes, she had even begun to trust Kyra, albeit slowly and at small bits of time. And this male had a nice face, even if it looked a tad slack jawed at the moment. She looked uncertain and glanced at her paws, what ...did she step in something? 000ooo000 "Kyra pregnant?!" Jase exclaimed: "Well that's wonderful news! More little firecrackers running around! Can't wait to see her it'll be..." he trailed off as he saw the little form coming closer. Merc's and Hakan's words flurried around him like snow, but he couldn't take his eyes off her. It was her. It WAS her! She was alive! And here! Safe! His gaze drank her small form in, every hair, every crinkle of her nose, her eyes the exact shade as his. He caught Hakan's uncertain look, but misinterpreted it. "Pleased to meet you" the girl said politely, her gaze utterly neutral. "Shimmer..." Jase gasped, trying to control the raging fire of hope burning in his chest, able to see that she was shy and didn't recognise him. Surely she would though, she just needed a bit of help: "Shimmer, you're alive! How... no nevermind, you're alive! I'm your dad - " Shimmer took a step back, and at his words scowled: "No my daddy was Daddums and he's dead. I'm Schimmah." "Oh sweety," Jase shook his head and took a step forward eagerly, but Schimmah took a step back. This movement made him pause - trying to reign himself in, he modified his tone: "Your name is Schimmer. Mark couldn't say your name properly so he always called you Schimmah. He was your brother. Honey I lost the two of you, I've been looking all these years. Look I can prove it: Under your right armpit, where your leg meets your ribcage, there's a bright yellow lightning shape. It's the same that's under my eyes. Look, please..." Schimmah slowly extended her leg, and there, for all to see was the birthmark. But. Was it really really? No. No her daddums was daddums and she couldn't remember this stranger. Tears threatening to spill she pressed into Hakan's side, seeking comfort. Jase took a step back, his heart plummeting and shattering into a million pieces, hope turning to dispair. Why did she not remember him? She hadn't been that small when he'd lost them? The healer looked at Hakan and Mercury, his usual cocky smile erased and replaced by utter confusion, his confident demeanor disappeared. |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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Ahh! Shimmah! Another one, good! Come come, show us your handiwork to... There was a pause. It lasted only an instant, but in that moment, that pin drop could be heard by all three adults as clear as shattering glass. "To Jase. I've known him since he was a boy, He's my son-in-law finally returning home!" The Dark Moon had to hand it to Hakan, he had a spine of pure steel, and his recovery, while hurried, was perfect. Shimmah politely replied to Jase, a feat in itself for the shy girl. Mercury gave her an assuring smile, hoping to boost her confidence further. "Shimmer..." Jase's good natured mask shattered, and Mercury had never seen the man before her. To look at him, he'd been shot. He stepped forward, but her immediate withdrawal stopped him dead. Mercury knew that pain. Alexander had rejected his name when he had come back to them, was still trying to figure out who he was. It couldn't be forced, but oh, how she wished it could. The Dark Moon was not only completely unequipped to deal with this development, she realized quite quickly that it was really none of her damn business. Jase now had much more important things to focus on. With Jases's eyes locked on his daughter, who had plastered herself to Hakan, Mercury was the one standing back from the situation. She took it to be an excellent opportunity to make a tactical retreat. Picking up the neck of the doe carcass, She did her best to leave as quietly as dragging a dead body allowed. Jase could speak to her later. ![]() ☿
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![]() "And though we lose our stake, Heaven is where we make it
Even in the smallest places, Can a garden grow" ----
The elders stomach dropped as he watched the reveal. His ears swiveling around like a cat trying to find the source of the noise. He glanced at Mercury as she tactfully bowed out. He fully let Shimmah... Shimmer? Press into him and stood steadfast against her, allowing her to use himself as a proverbial shield and comfort. Hakan saw Jase's world shatter before his eyes, the jovial nature falling away like a discarded silk and Hakan wanted to chase after it. How he related so... Hakan reached to brush Jase's cheek without retreating away from the girl, trying to comfort them both. "You've both been through a lot. We all have." He started quietly. He didn't know where to go from here. He wanted to explain it all but even then, he didn't know as much himself. He turned to Shimmah, and reached to press his nose to her forehead after his touch to Jase, and look her in the eyes with worry but also sincerity. "I have a feeling he is telling the truth, but it's ok if it's hard to understand or remember. There's no rush. I've had a feeling this may be the case, and what you went through can absolutely make things like this confusing. You are safe. I would trust him with my life and the life of my children and grandchildren. But it's ok if you don't yet." He was very gentle, not at all like he had been when he bumbled and pressed through Alexander's return, he should have been as gentle with him in regards to his memory as well. He turned to Jase, again he felt his heart twist and drop as he looked at the mans face, "Son, I'm sorry. But from what she's told me... It was... terrible. Do you know what happened to..." Hakan could barely say his grandson's name, the pain became so fresh in the face of it, "Ma-rk?" His voice cracked with barely contained grief. Hakan had hidden much of his grief and loss among the herbs, having no one to face them with now, now that his old friend had gone to the other side and his own mate counted among those not yet returned.
Photo © Erik Stine / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Garden by Noah Gundersen |
Sparkles a Little
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Hakan's brush against his cheek made Jase pull in a sharp breath, the touch steadying him, grounding him even as he felt his world disintegrate.His daughter - no. Not his daughter. Not anymore. A young wolfess who he had sired, and his son had raised as his own, was staring at him with distrust. Burrowing into Hakan's fur as if her very life depended on it.
"You've both been through a lot. We all have." Schimmah closed her eyes as Hakan gently touched her, feeling reassurance and safety radiating from him. She squinted at the strange male before her. He looked so very sad, she felt sorry for him. But she didn't know him. Didn't want to know him. "I have a feeling he is telling the truth, but it's ok if it's hard to understand or remember. There's no rush. I've had a feeling this may be the case, and what you went through can absolutely make things like this confusing. You are safe. I would trust him with my life and the life of my children and grandchildren. But it's ok if you don't yet." Schimmah looked at her Hakan, her friend that had become as close to family, and she huffed a little sigh through the tears that threatened to spill. Jase, as he was speaking, was getting control of himself. The trauma Schimmer was experiencing was plain as day, and - as always - his mentor, father-in-law and friend was speaking the truth. Jase cleared his throat, and forced a small, gente smile on his face, adding in a soothing voice - the voice he always used when she or Mark had, had a nightmare: "Yes, Schim..Schimmah. Tell you what, let's get to know each other as friends, huh? I would really like to be your friend, if you want to." This was horrifying, to have to be reduced to asking to be a friend to his own daughter! But. She was safe. She was alive. She was in Nardir with Hakan. Surely to ask for more would be greedy? Oh how he wished he could be greedy! Schimmah, meanwhile, glared at him distrustfully. At some level she understood what Hakan was saying, but it was hard. Maybe, well, yeah... maybe they could be friends. That seems fair, at least, and that way she could figure all this confusion out by herself. So she nodded at Jase's suggestion, then bumped Hakan's shoulder and whispered: "I'll, um. I'll be inna my den. Uh, working." she backed up a few steps, peeked at Jase from underneath her long fringe, her gaze assessing him like she would the design of a basket, then she turned around and loped back to the dens, her young mind whirling with thoughts and emotions. Jase watched her leave, feeling the last of his hope go with her. He met Hakan's gaze and saw understanding - a fellow victim to fate and loss. The depth of that gaze nearly unsettled his thin veneer of calm, and he let his gaze slip away, looking anywhere but at him. "Son, I'm sorry. But from what she's told me... It was... terrible. Do you know what happened to...Ma-rk?" The crack in Hakan's voice forced his unwilling gaze back, to see pain and more loss laid bare like a jagged, open wound. Jase's face crumpled, his ears flopping backwards as he shook his head. His lips silently mouthing 'No - no'. He didn't want to hear anymore. Couldn't bare anymore. Of all the reunion's he'd imagined, this had never crossed his mind. Two children in the space of a second! For Shimmer was as good as dead, in her place Schimmah. She may look like his precious little girl, but she wasn't. He lurched forward and laid his forehead against Hakan's, whispering that he was sorry - sorry that Hakan had to find out, sorry to cause him more pain. A single tear leaked down his cheek and dripped onto the uncaring earth. With a deep, ragged gasp, he pulled away, clearing his throat and wiping at his eyes with a shaky paw. Slowly he pulled the confident healer mask over his face, and smiled: "Well. She's alive. At least she's alive. We'll see how she adjusts, and whatever relationship she decides to give us, that's what we'll accept." His voice steady and smile confident, Hakan would still easily see the hurt in his eyes, the knowledge that they're sharing a pain. The sounds of Mercury dragging the carcass was dwindling, and Jase tilted his head that way: "Gotta go help Merc. Good thing I got here, she'd be useless without me." His long legs swiftly brought him back to Merc's side, and though his mood was more sombre than it had been, he took a piece of the carcass and resumed 'helping' her carry it. |