Open Perturbed and Confused (Alteron Visit) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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Page of Alteron
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![]() Connor liked routine. He liked variables he could anticipate. Twisted roots he knew would slow someone who didn't know an area, the bridge where newcomers were forced to face him one by one. The Page knew his routes by heart and that was the way he liked it. Connor needed to know exactly what was expected of him. In other words, Connor missed Alteron. Inaria was one giant unknown. The only things he had learned so far was that most of the trees dropped slippery purple flowers. He didn't understand why that was something wolves would look for in a territory. It didn't seem to give them any tactical advantages. Aesthetics seemed a weak reason to choose a territory. Wandering quietly away from the rest of the Alteron party with his small offerings of food Connor kept his ears pricked for any wolves that were not familliar. As much as this was a peace keeping mission it was still the perfect time to investigate and collect intelligence. Food for a friendly tour around the visitor friendly parts on Inaria...surely that was a fair trade? |
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![]() Maia was eager to break free from the main group from Gemini in order to explore the land of which her father visited, one of the last places he ever saw. The purple trees were so inviting, something that she found comfort in in her lonely trek around Inaria. Bright blue eyes wide as she was fascinated by the strange and mystical lands. Gemini was so different, in both feel and visually.
She was also cautious though, a new place meant new people. Inaria had such nice people, but there was also talk of another pack joining in on the fun as well. One she had never heard of before, but that wasn't too surprising, was it? Maia didn't know much about politics between packs, nor did she care, but now that she knew another group was visiting, she was on her toes. Danger could be lurking anywhere, right? Her mother had warned her so many times to be careful. So she was. It wasn't long before she ran into someone, a wolf with a dark coat and scars. Maia paused in her tracks, a little startled and nervous, unsure if she should call out and say hello or go the other way. Don't be rude! she thought to herself as she carefully made her way forward. "Uhm... hello?" she said meekly, ears pulled to the side as a sign to her nervousness. "Are you.. with Inaria or... the.. uhm.." The name slipped her mind and she almost panicked. She was definitely no social butterfly. The world was awfully terrifying. "Uhm! Sorry, if I'm bothering you, I can leave.. I just.. uh... " Stop talking!!!! ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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Page of Alteron
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![]() (Feel free to jump in EhwazAzi!) The first wolf Connor had ever met outside of Alteron was a child. A nervous little thing creeping over the dropped flowers. Symmetrical black and red markings over an almost white coat. Young, but not young enough to have a guard, apparently. Did Inaria let it's pups wander free? Did they really feel safe enough in their home to lose track of their young? That seemed...strange. Arrogant almost. Connor remembered Amanda's eyes on him always. She made sure his training was completed and his time was spent only on important tasks. Being left to his own devices without orders to follow made for dangerous thoughts. But it was not his place to question a new packs' ways. Licking his lips in discomfort as the little pup stutteted. Such a show of nervousness would have gotten himself corrected. Diplomacy. He could do diplomacy. "Hello. My name is Connor. I'm a Page sent by Alteron." There. That was well rehersed. The same line he used with newcomers in Alteron. But he wasn't accepting this pup, so the rest would have to be improvised around the situation. Turning to the crude sled that was used to bring their offerings to Inaria Connor selected a small piece of dried meat. Perhaps food would put the pup at ease. "From what I understand this visit is about meeting those outside our own pack. You could hardly bother anyone by following your directive." Connor's voice changed from rehearsed to just a touch of warmpth. The same warmpth he would use when calming any paniced creature. He moved slowly, telegraphing his lack of aggression as he offered the treat to the pup before settling back on his belly, paws crossed neatly under his chest. "It would be rude to just call you pup. May I ask your name?" |
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November 12, 2018, 03:56:25 PM
(This post was last modified: November 12, 2018, 04:03:18 PM by Trillium.)
Inaria had been invaded, and the guards had let them in. This "party" had been announced, and as the hosts, Inarians were briefed through the grapevine. Normally Trill would have dragged Birch along with her to gawk at the visitors, but she was still feeling guilty for her last escapade, and had since been avoiding her brother's company. Birch deserved a break, and a break from her was probably the best break she could give him. Felix would be acting all official, probably parading around with his new Guard status. Trill wasn't exactly employed yet. The teen had recently put in an application with the Pages, intending to become a messenger. She could blab like the best of them, so it seemed talking as a job was probably best... and... safe. She learned early on that while she could keep up with Birch for knowledge of which herb did what, the healers were horribly traditional, and her more inventive experiments had earned her an unwelcome reputation in their midst. Pretty much Trill wasn't supposed to be in sight of the healing dens unless she needed a healer. Boooorrrrriiiinnnngggg. Who else was she going to hang out with? Sitka? HA! If she had to walk on eggshells around the healers, it was nails with Sitka. Everything she did went straight to dad. And Gavin? Who knows. She hadn't seen him in ages.
So she'd done what she did mostly, struck out on her own. She'd watched the arrivals from a distance, letting them all mingle before she approached. Trill would avoid officialdom while she held no title herself. Best not make them think she was something she wasn't. If anything, Trill was at least honest. Sometimes brutally so. She spotted a male go off on his own, and decided a single visitor was probably best. History had taught her to be wary of newcomers, and the deep gashes on the back of her neck and shoulders were a still painful reminder. Red and angry, they were clearly still healing. The healers gave her this smelly ointment to put on it. She didn't like using it, and was irresponsible enough that her father had to remind her, and then practically order her, to apply it. Trill figured the healers made it smelly on purpose, just to betray whether or not the patients were cooperating. The only time she did it without complaint was when Birch asked her to. While she'd been dawdling, another girl had approached. Already on course, Trill considered her options. If she veered now, she'd be running away. Besides, the other girl looked pretty similar to her in age, perhaps even younger. What threat could she be? But they were already in conversation by the time she came into range. "You could hardly bother anyone by following your directive. It would be rude to just call you pup. May I ask your name?" "Directive? You sound like a male on a mission." Trill said, walking up to where he had made himself comfortable. "Trillium." She offered, coming to take a seat. Had she been human, she would have offered him a handshake. Connor was going to have to repeat the pleasantries of introduction, but she was present to hear Maia's. She'd already figured out they were from different packs, but she'd yet to find out which one. What would she say about the male from across the lines? Alteron and Inaria weren't exactly the strongest of allies. But then, She'd met a Stoneclaw saber recently too. 'Course, that hadn't exactly turned out well. Her scars itched. ![]() |