The Beast of Bregured Hill | ||||||
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This user is violent, so I need gory details and gory role plays please!
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The Beast of Bregured Hill
“Sometimes things don’t always go as planned. And even if they do,they will crumble away in the end...” A great warrior once stated in the gathering at Bregured Hill. An ancient place where the first clans had decided where they would place the borders. But a dark and twisted clan name Acacias Clan, with their leader being Crevis, thought that they could go on any of the territories. They thought that they owned all of the lands... Crevis set fire to each clans village, we are just started to recover from the devastation caused by Crevis. “Rory!” Called a voice from down the hall. I jumped at the noise,I knew who was yelling. Aunt Quill. Each day she rushes into my room and starts rambling on about how I don’t help my father harvest the crops behind the village in Mister Freg’s farm yard. It’s not even my job, I help the blacksmith in the middle of the village. “Why don’t you help your father Rory, he’s a 40 year old man. He needs all the help he can get, you should be more like me, I helped my mother anytime she did anything,we got so much done it seemed we had very little to do!” She complained. I heard some sarcastic-ness in her voice, that’s when I knew she didn’t mean all the things she said. I hated when she did this, and it not like it’s a once in a life time thing. No, this is everyday. The sun was rising higher into the sky and my aunt had finally finished her rambling, I realized that I was going to be late for my duty, I quickly ran down the hall and sat down on one of the green chairs that circled the large wooden table. The smell of breakfast filled my nose and I couldn’t help but to take one big,giant,deep inhale. Already I could feel my mouth begin to water and my plate was set down in front of me. The food was wolfed down and I felt the burning eyes of my mother scowling me. In my mind I was pleading for her not to lecture me, and somehow it worked. She scoffed and broke off a small piece of egg with her fork. I grabbed my sweater and threw on my socks,shoes, and hat. As I waved goodbye to my mother, a faint image rushed through my head. It wasn’t a pleasant one at that, but all I saw was a boy screaming in agony,blood running from his chest and legs. Mist and fire surrounded him, yellow eyes gleamed and stood out from mist. Horrifying eyes...Monstrous eyes...The eyes of death its self... The vision blurred and I shook my head as if to ridden the sight, I found myself at the door of the Blacksmith. The smell of burning metals and irons made my nose wrinkle and the hair on my neck stand on end . The Blacksmith, his name was Wesley , turned and grinned. “A minute late, Quill giving you trouble again?” “Ya, but then again when is she not? “Good point, lass. Well at least you have a family,so I guess be happy with what you have” he replied sorrowfully. I thought to myself and heard Wesley chuckle, his chuckle was low bellowing sound. More like thunder then laughter. It was only a matter of time till I heard his actual laugh... A shiver rolled down my spine, and a loud clang followed. The Blacksmith had stricken the uneven slab of iron that I think is to later be a sword. The sun began to set and I started to sweat. Wesley must have noticed because he thought I should take a break, I didn’t answer him. Instead I kept working. I kept sweating. I kept walking the same path back and forth. The sun gleamed into the open windows, burning my skin. I back up into the pile of sword. Stumbling backwards into the pile and falling onto the blades. “Ahck!” “Rory!” Exclaimed Wesley. He sounded frightened, I felt my whole heart sink. I didn’t mean to scare him. In fact I didn’t mean to do any of this. Wesley reaches over for my hand but I push it away and lean up onto the table side,pulling my self up. “Are you okay?” He asks. “I’m fine, I didn’t land directly on the blades, so I don’t think I got cut...” and I hoped I didn’t, I couldn’t deal with missing any more days in my duties. I just couldn’t! “Maybe you should go home.” He said, “I’m almost done anyway.” I nodded and began to gather my things. A faint remembrance of the vision appeared. The eyes. Those glowing monstrous eyes... I looked over at one of the jewels hanging from a nail in the wall. It was the exact shape and colour of the eyes I saw in my vision. My blood went cold and I felt my muscles stiffen, it became very hard to breath and I saw that Wesley had looked over at me. I pushed the hair out of my face, blinked once or twice and began walking. A day or two passed by and I still couldn’t get the image out of my head. I tried to, but each attempt was worthless. The image was stuck in my brain like sap on a maple leaf. I thought to myself and realized I hadn’t gone to the creek in a while. So I walked down-stairs and grabbed an apple, I heard my mother starting to yell at me so I began to run. I make it to the front door just in time because I heard a loud thump, she probably ran into the door. The sky started to darken and I looked up at the sky. Rain. By the time I got to the creek I was already drenched. I slipped more than once on the way so I was also cover in mud, half of it I doubt is even mud. Sitting on the edge of the creek, was a sight to behold. The creature. The eyes. The creature had the same shape, size and eyes. The beast stepped into the creek towards me and I stumble backwards. As it came toward I can feel my heart start to race. The monster stands there, staring. It didn’t move and it didn’t breath. Was it alive? I had no idea, nor did I have any idea on what to do. Finally, the beast took one more step. It scared me and I flinched. The creature lowered it head and sniffed my hair. It’s breath was warm and sudoric. I heard a voice from on top of the hill. A young boy approached the beast as if it was only a little lap dog and the creature didn’t move at all. In fact it looked annoyed, the boy turned towards me and his eyes seem to glow. His eyes were the same colour as the creatures. I noticed he had a necklace around his neck but the pendent was tucked into his shirt, so I didn’t get a good look at what it was. What’s on the pendent? Should I ask him, or what? I thought to myself. Maybe I should just leave. The boy lowered his hand in front of me. His hand looked rough and bumpy, I froze for a second or two and finally took his hand. He pulled me up and I almost fell forward into the creature. “ You okay there, lass? Sorry if my fellow here scared you” “N-no, it’s fine. In fact I think I scared him.” I stated The boy laughed, I looked at him with confusion written all over my face. Finish the story |