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Sarissa She/Her
Posts: 49
Pronouns: She/Her
Location [IC]: Alteron
Rank [IC]: Sword
Played By: Gothy

All Accounts Posts: 1,031

[Image: sarititle_by_lunecy-dboifh4.png]
The days seemed so much shorter now, the mornings she woke up to still dark and foggy. The mist coated everything in a thin layer of ice, the roses she cared for so fondly were wilting and dying. It was their time for the coming months and she was saddened her coat wouldn't be as vibrant with the scent of them. Sarissa took advantage of the last few days before they all died to smother herself in their scent and today she felt lonely.

She crawled from her hovel and looked up at the thorns that protected her so dearly, sighing softly and continued out into the forest. Sarissa wasn't quite sure to do that day, it was one of those odd days she felt like she wanted to curl up in her den and sleep all day. It was cold and her eyes were sore.

It'd be so much better with another body, however. Her heart tugged to find Miasma. Or maybe her father was in his tower? Ah, but didn't they travel to a distant land already? How unfortunate for Sarissa.

She paused next to a rotten log, a pretty large one. One that could've been used throughout history, but Sarissa was not good at history nor did she quite care for the denizens of the past. Walking down to the point of where it was lowest, she would jump up and climb, paws gliding over vines and moss. There was a perfect spot where she could lay, a bed of soft green in which she rested upon. Wrists crossed over each over as she watched the forest and listened to the somber songs of the canopy.

If anyone knew any better, she looked just like a Queen.

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
@Angus @"Kay"
[Image: knife_icon_f2u__by_cimsos-da7osm2.png]

I feel it coming on
You've got nowhere to run
There's no way you'll make it out alive
Oh, when it's after dark
I'm gonna eat your heart
Don't try to fight it, just close your eyes

[Image: sarissa_by_lunecy-dbpnrng.png] [Image: sarissa_by_lunecy-dbpnrnh.png] [Image: sarissa_by_lunecy-dbpnrno.png]

[-] Likes: Cancer., DustyForgotten, Kay ✨
Cancer. He/him
Scorched King
Posts: 30
Pronouns: He/him


[Image: bb9ff1b8_4db6_43ea_bea0_4152a320b40a_by_...cnwltw.png]

In the days since his arrival, Cancer had taken note of many things.

One. It was damp.

So damp, in fact, that he found himself hocking spit from his throat most mornings as the humidity and morning dew seeped in to his system. Honestly, it was becoming rather a rough start to living this whole 'pack life'. Honestly, what crazy fools thought building a home in a damp, mucky swamp like forest was a good idea? Well, it seemed to be less swamp and more dense, sticky forest. Either way, it was not on his top 'Things I Love About Alteron' list. He did, however, find that this deep, dark, dense forest was quieter than anything he'd seen before and honestly that was some of the best relief his brain could stand.

Two. It was...big.

He'd spent the first few days wandering around the edge and border of the pack lands in a hope that he could scout the entire border. That turned in to too much of a chore and so he found himself turning back and heading back to the moat from which he'd arrived. Cancer hadn't fully grasped the scale of Alteron's lands, but as he strode back on his steps he found himself marveling at just how large the pack seemed to be. Yet this marvel turned in to his third and final note:

He was lost.

It shouldn't have been much of a surprise all things considered. He'd let his head guide him one way, and tried to let his smarts guide him back. However hard he tried though, Cancer found himself spinning in circles (though to his point they were becoming larger and larger circles as he went) and the inability to find and follow the sun (also didn't really exist in this damp hell scape) made traipsing this landscape only that much harder.

He found himself trudging through the dense forest on this particular morning with his head held high, ears perked and on a swivel as he made his way about. He was hoping to find something, anything that resembled a 'familiar' sign. Even with his reluctance of knowing where he was, Cancer strode with a confidence that deep down he knew he lacked. Perhaps it was a mental ruse for himself; walking with a purpose made him feel less anxious and more comfortable about 'controlling the situation'.

The boy sighed softly to himself as he walked; irritation beginning to wane on his mind. Where in the hell was he anyway? How had he not seen any landmarks that symbolized any resemblance of 'this is where I should be going'. Yet as he wandered, he couldn't help but find the faintest whiff of flowers. Cancer paused, taking in the scent of the flowers, his mind pausing momentarily from its constant listing of future complaints that he would bring up with someone (anyone).

He wasn't sure what compelled him, but Cancer found his nose carrying him in the direction of the flowers; the scent of roses luring him in like a moth to light. It was always a subtle smell- subtly was always his favorite policy, and roses seemed to be a good indicator of what exactly that meant. They were beautiful and dangerous; bright red flowers hiding the truth behind the plant itself. The boy hummed softly as he stopped abruptly as the fading scent of flowers left his nose. Wherever they were, wherever they had gone-the trail ended here. Cancer gave a short huff as he sat down and scratched his ear. This was new territory- but it wasn't old territory either. Perhaps he was finally making progress.

I have never known peace
Like the damp grass that yields to me
I have never known hunger
Like these insects that feast on me

[Image: bobheadych3_by_arkyls-dcq5w1x.png]
That’s all people really are, you know: dust waiting to be distributed. 
And it gets everywhere … in every breath you take, 
dancing in every sunbeam, 
all used-up people.
[-] Likes: DustyForgotten, Gothy
Sabre he/him
Posts: 9
Pronouns: he/him

All Accounts Posts: 812

[Image: sabrefull2_by_arkyls-d9aulku.png]
Profile | Speaking

The landscape of Alteron had changed a fair amount in his absence, but Sabre was intelligent and his memory was sharp. The fog did add some difficulty though, he'd been away long enough that he was still rediscovering the map in his head. Rewriting the pieces that extreme weather and events had altered, not daring to venture yet where they had all resided. Yet, his inner compass took over as he wove through the chilling mist. Familiar areas popping up and sending memories burning through him, causing his stomach to jolt into acidic knots.

Sabre moved through twists, and turns with icy fingers of fear clawing up his spine. A sweet thorny scent hammering into his sinuses, fur standing on his shoulders suddenly. Yet he cautiously followed, each step and movement calculated, lips twitching as he rounded into the area. A ghost of past generations moving toward the wreck of thorns, blood red roses peeking from the leaves and mess. His stomach flared, as another came to inspect the area.

He leapt back, teeth flashing as he lowered himself in a defensive stance. Cancer approached, the smaller male didn't alter himself despite the familiarity of him. There was too much, too many memories that set him on edge. "Leave me. I-I'm go-going." Shuddered out as Sabre moved away from Cancer, swerving into a trot toward the ancient log that as a child they'd all avoided due to Vargspar and the horrible stories about him.

Yet as he approached another ghost sprung into sight, his blood turned cold. Stopping short, sitting bolt upright. Sabre's ears pinned backward as he attempted to scoot backward despite his previous momentum, mud causing messy traction. When finally he came to a stop he tried with all he could to move away, mind whirling and lips pulled back in a snarl. The sound he didn't realize he was making was horrific, strangled screeches that resembled a screaming child. His inner child who had to come across the dead bodies of his siblings.

"N-n-no. R-r-rapier... you... you d-d-ied." He tucked toward the ground once his back hit the roses, immobilized by sheer panic with nowhere to go.

[-] Likes: akante, Cancer., DustyForgotten, Gothy
Sarissa She/Her
Posts: 49
Pronouns: She/Her
Location [IC]: Alteron
Rank [IC]: Sword
Played By: Gothy

All Accounts Posts: 1,031

[Image: sarititle_by_lunecy-dboifh4.png]
Flies were always curious to the scent of death, it was sweet and pungent as any other smell. Those of roses lured two of them to her, red eyes watching intently as ears listened close to their interaction. The mist of course made it difficult to exactly see them, but Sarissa was patient and observant enough to stay quiet and still.

The smaller one peeped as they noticed the larger presence, scrambling to find somewhere else to go, but instead found the log. Sarissa stared down at Sabre with boredom for a moment as he stuttered, a small smile casually finding it's way upon her lips. Before she said anything however, her eyes glanced up to the bigger presence and tilted her head. He wasn't too keen to look up, was he? Not like the other who shook at her presence all because of one word.


The girl finally looked back at Sabre with her smile and couldn't help but chuckle. "You're right, my dear. Rapier is dead... though I have been called that name before. Do I really resemble my grandmother so much? Well, enough to make you tremble." she said, standing up and shaking out her pelt.

The scent of red roses grew stronger.

She'd climb down to join them, seemingly ignoring the bigger brute until Sarissa rubbed along side of him for a moment as her form of greeting, then walked passed to the boy in the mud. "So you knew her too? Now I'm curious." Father had spoken of his mother a fair bit, and even Azuhel had whispered that name to Sarissa before, calling the pup 'Little Rapier.' Coming from a stranger, however, it piqued her interest.

Ah, but how she forget their other guest? Turning to Cancer, Sarissa noticed how much his coat resembled her favorite color. "And... you are?" she asked with bright, alluring eyes.

The ghost of Rapier wished to know.

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
[Image: knife_icon_f2u__by_cimsos-da7osm2.png]

I feel it coming on
You've got nowhere to run
There's no way you'll make it out alive
Oh, when it's after dark
I'm gonna eat your heart
Don't try to fight it, just close your eyes

[Image: sarissa_by_lunecy-dbpnrng.png] [Image: sarissa_by_lunecy-dbpnrnh.png] [Image: sarissa_by_lunecy-dbpnrno.png]

[-] Likes: Cancer., DustyForgotten
Cancer. He/him
Scorched King
Posts: 30
Pronouns: He/him

(This post was last modified: October 26, 2018, 06:22:00 PM by Cancer..)

[Image: bb9ff1b8_4db6_43ea_bea0_4152a320b40a_by_...cnwltw.png]

"Leave me. I-I'm go-going."

The undeniable stuttering voice of someone he absolutely knew came in to his ears and Cancer couldn't help but whip his head around to see the face of Sabre, and the body of Sabre contorted and instantly in a submissive pose. The brute snorted and stood back up, turning to face this 'acquaintance' of his.

"Well now where am I sup-" he began but was instantly cut off as the already terrified boy tried to about face but was suddenly struck with more fear; if that was even possible.

"N-n-no. R-r-rapier... you... you d-d-ied."

Rapier? No clue.

Intrigue instantly found itself coursing through his system as he watched another descend from a perch just above them (and yeah, he felt really stupid for not looking up first) and the scent of roses hanging heavy in the air. Green eyes widened- this was the scent he was following! Cancer watched as the monochrome lady give this sorry excuse of a child a look, her words cutting through the tension that was building in the air between them.

"You're right, my dear. Rapier is dead... though I have been called that name before. Do I really resemble my grandmother so much? Well, enough to make you tremble. [...] So you knew her too? Now I'm curious."

He had found himself in some sort of family drama, and to be frank, he didn't much care for it. He was deeply intrigued by whoever this Rapier was, and whoever this lady in front of him was, but for the other kid he really couldn't have cared less if he was seeing ghosts or the Lord Almighty.

It wasn't until she stopped in her tracks and abruptly turned to Cancer and rubbed against him that he found himself instantly back at attention to the situation at hand. Cancer would have been lying if he said there wasn't an instant chill that ran up his spine; an electric shock of energy that had his full attention on her as she spoke to the other.

"And... you are?"

'Lost.' That's what he wanted to say. 'I'm lost, don't know where I am. Keep running in to this chuckle fuck and am now subsequently stuck in the middle of some petty ass drama that I really don't care about but clearly tongue twister over here is, and you're here and boy am I rambling in my own head?'

Cancer unconsciously stood even more at attention though, offering a small toothy smile in her direction.

"Name's Cancer."

He dipped his head in a chivalrous manner.

"Pleasure to meet you."

I have never known peace
Like the damp grass that yields to me
I have never known hunger
Like these insects that feast on me

[Image: bobheadych3_by_arkyls-dcq5w1x.png]
That’s all people really are, you know: dust waiting to be distributed. 
And it gets everywhere … in every breath you take, 
dancing in every sunbeam, 
all used-up people.
[-] Likes: DustyForgotten, Gothy
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