Private Roleplay midnight at noon under the far east tree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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the feathered prince
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Well the Gemini Queenie hadn't been lying - this place was stunning. The sunsets seemed different, the skies being painted by some invisible creatures to be filled with colors he hadn't yet imagined could be in the sky. The air smelled of softness, of tenderness, of an innocence that almost seemed sad, but it filled him with such hope. The grass almost seemed softer, like when he would cuddle with mother and his siblings when they were younger. Even the bugs seemed more magical - their fireflies danced more slowly than the ones where he grew up. And then there were the trees. Purple motherfucking trees. He had had to see them to believe that trees could be purple. Their trunks were white! It all made him wonder what sort of magic these Inarians had trapped in their territory, what sorts of gods or goddesses they worshiped to be blessed with such unearthly beauty. It was gentle and it was ethereal, but even all this elegance and beauty and warmth could not mellow the bitter fire that simmered in his chest. He had gathered for a reason. He'd left word with Shuck and Croc in the early morning when they were leaving Tethys's side - big sister insisting they spend the nights together, PFT, as though they were in some sort of danger when apart. But that had been an hour or two ago, giving them plenty of time to establish some weak alibi elsewhere and finding an excuse to make their way over here. This right here was super top secret mission stuff, the type of shit that's usually done under the cover of night. Except that's what they would expect! ... and also the fact that nighttime meant supervision. So they met under the bright noon sun, though cloistered under the shade of some of these magical purple trees and their whispering leaves. The great cluster of canopies above gave a sense of seclusion and secrecy, as though the shadows cloaked their mischievous intentions. When Shuck and Croc would appear, he'd flash a bigass grin on his face, snaggleteeth poking out. "I've gathered you all here today--" was all he could manage before he sputtered out a graceless laugh. A split second and he'd forcibly compose himself, donning a stern, straight face until it relaxed and he'd try again. This time he meant it. "Fuckwad is here," No need to explain who exactly that was, "And I'd bet my left nut he's gonna try fer Croc's kids again. I, fer one, ain't gonna put up with that shit. So," A flash over to Shuck, "Yer the master for all things... err... strategic..." Barbaric was more like it, but it didn't matter. They needed a game plan. "Whaddya think we should do?" Because doing nothing was not an option here. Lucky needed to be avenged. And sometimes the best defense is a fierce, fiery, vengeful offense.
ooc: Shuck and Croc only please. Other Sharitas may message me if they'd like to join. c:
text speech: #a5300d
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![]() He had spent the day in the mud with his new lizards, having met someone or another in the span of that time. While he had taken the time to relax, the mud drying in his fur as he laid there, he eventually had left his spot, wondering around some, passing time. The more the sun moved, the more he thought of his siblings, and hoped they were gonna plan something good. Croc could tell by the look in Ku’s a Shuck’s eyes that they were ready to fuck someone up, and who else was the more targeted by the siblings than the murderer? To pass time he whispered to his lizards, the new and older, as he walked around. Sometimes chunks of dried mud would fall off his pelt in a little dust cloud. But still, he waited until he was able to meet up with Shuck and Kukulkan. They would probably notice the new additions to the family, a few purple lizards. Some hid more under his belly, and he whispered sweetly to them. They are family, He spoke softly. They won’t hurt you, no, they would hurt anyone that tried to. What good family. Croc would stride in with confidence, face beaming like a proud parent. There were only a few purple lizards, but he had a feeling by the time they left Inaria, there would be more. That’s just how it was for the reptile boy. Croc would sit down beside his siblings, all serious but with a grin on his face, pretty much screaming that he was ready to try and fuck someone up. ”I’ve gathered you all here today--” Ku laughed, Croc laughed, the tree laughed. The tree didn’t actually laugh. An awkward snort came from the green boy, making a few lizards scurry around him, before settling back down. "Fuckwad is here, and I'd bet my left nut he's gonna try fer Croc's kids again. I, fer one, ain't gonna put up with that shit.” Croc almost growled at the thought of that MONSTER even getting NEAR HIS CHILDREN. Plus, what Ku said made sense. That fucker is a sick man, and would target anyone and Crocodile’s babies might have become such a target. They could not stand by and let that happen. ”So,” Ku looked at Shuck, and Croc also turned his eyes to her. "Yer the master for all things... err... strategic..." He could almost feel the last word on his tongue, how it would roll off. It almost tasted funny. "Whaddya think we should do?" The adults might have thought they had the children under their control, but they had let out the little sparks that were wanting to start a big ass fire. “Let’s fuck ‘im up.” He didn’t care, he wanted to make it clear that his babies were off limits to everyone who wants them harm. Croc looked at Shuck, expectantly. |
Don't wanna mess with me
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October 19, 2018, 02:51:07 AM
(This post was last modified: October 19, 2018, 02:58:41 AM by Shuck.)
![]() ![]() #317873 She cursed herself for not doing anything when she first saw Sterling leave the group with a gray bitch in tow. She coulda grabbed them both by their hair and clocked their heads together so many times that their brains would be bashed in. Nah, she was too busy keeping a low profile, Tethys was around and she didn't want her sister catching her. That would've been a HUUUGE spanner thrown into the works. Instead Shuck moved through this new territory with purpose from day one, she always had a keen eye for strategy. With quite the brutal effect. Standing before her brothers with an unreadable expression, though she simmered with rising anger. She'd spy Croc's kiddos, little purple boys and gals all wriggling around his belly. She honestly didn't understand how he did it, but hey, family is family. Ear would perk at K as he looked at her directly, and a smirk would on her maw. Wide and devious. "Cian already knows this, but this ain't just for Croc's babies anymore. That fucker also attacked Cas, and threatened to try and hurt me. He can try all he wants." I'm gonna straight up kill him. She eyed both her brothers. "I'm not out to just fuck him up anymore, I'm gonna FUCKING KILL HIM. But, I wanna have some fucking fun with him first!" Was it possible for that grin to get wider than it already was? All teeth and gums, eyes wild. "So! My plan is simple, you two gotta find a high enough cliff and a REALLY FUCKING HEAVY rock. I'll back him into a perfect position and BAM! We fucking drop the rock on him, from a good height it'll break his legs. We can take turns ripping him apart till he bleeds out, whatcha say?" She looked at them both, completely and utterly serious. "And well, if it squashes him, we can always just rip off his fucking head by the bangs and swing him around." She gave a shrug, it was the same idea she presented to Caspian, but her brother didn't exactly like it, for whatever reason. There was a sudden intensity in her gaze as she look at her brothers then, eyes looking down at the little lizards for a moment. "This is for Unlucky and for Cas. THAT FUCKER'S GONE TOO FAR, HE'S FUCKED WITH THE WRONG FAMILY!!" That wild look returning to the pup's face, bright eyed and vicious. You've killed, you know how to do, remember? "Whatcha think?" |
the feathered prince
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All the wonders of the magical land they were in were swept away in a haze of darkness as Croc and Shuck closed in. It was time to focus. The smallest of wiggles caught K's attention, and even his disgust for Sterling couldn't stop him from dropping to the ground to get a better view of these new babies. "Oh my godddddd~" He all but squealed out of admiration for the sheer adorableness of these little noodle children. Stars twinkled in his eyes before he cleared his throat and stood back up, giving his brother a short nod of 'congratulations' before getting back to business. "Let's fuck 'im up." A frown spread on the big brother's face as he nodded in agreement. War had been declared by the most brutal, savage, and psychotic of villains, hiding in safety under the cloak of puppy innocence. Well two could fight at that game, and Sterling had fucked with the wrong family. The Sharitas stuck together no matter what, defending each other... and their reptilian children. Then it was their sister that spoke, and one of the first things she said sent Kukulkan into a red, blurry haze. "HE WHAT???" The fucker had gone after Caspian, too. Lips began to peel over poking teeth as a low growl simmered hot in his throat. The rest of his sister's plan reached his ears, though it seemed the filter of logic had been turned off under this blood-red heat, a thrumming in his ears that made everything Shuck said seem perfectly fine, if not outright justified. He felt his chest flare up, his breaths becoming more ragged for a split second before swallowing a heavy lump in his throat and blinking quickly, the black and red around him seeming to fade. One second, breathe, two second, breathe, three second, swallow and breathe. "Shuck's right, if we don't stick up fer each other he'll fuckin' come back again and again and again." The hot flush swept over his body, leaving him uncomfortable and uneasy, "We can't go anywhere alone, if not t'beat him up if we see him, then t'defend ourselves if that fucker tries anything..." Shaking his fur, trying to rid himself of these heebie-jeebies, before stepping up to the two of them. "Find a cliff, got it! Right, Croc?" A glance over, determination dripping from his potent stare. Without a second's hesitation, he lifted his forepaw to his mouth only to swiftly nip at it, drawing some blood before slamming said paw down to a stone in front of him, one that lay in the middle of the three. A blood oath. "Fer Lucky... fer Caspian... fer ma and dad..." This was for everyone. The whole family. Death was an extreme, to be sure, but Sterling was a threat composed of nothing but extremes...
ooc: n/a
text speech: #a5300d
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![]() It would have been smart for Crocodile to keep his eyes on Sterling during their travel, but he didn’t, instead being distracted like a child with lizards. Soon Shuck was apart of the little meet-up, and Croc gave his beloved sister a head nod in greeting. She was rough, but she did it for right reasons. When no one else had the balls to bear their teeth, she did. With this little group going on, their plan couldn’t fail. "Cian already knows this, but this ain't just for Croc's babies anymore. That fucker also attacked Cas, and threatened to try and hurt me. He can try all he wants." A low growl started in Croc’s throat, anger boiling in him. How DARE HE. How DARE HE. First he kills Crocodile’s baby, and now he fucking threatens his siblings? Both siblings reacted to the news, in their own ways. But it gave the lizard man even more reason to attack. "I'm not out to just fuck him up anymore, I'm gonna FUCKING KILL HIM. But, I wanna have some fucking fun with him first!" Croc nodded towards her, instead of speaking aloud all that came out was a growl, but it would be obvious it was not directed at his beloved siblings. "So! My plan is simple, you two gotta find a high enough cliff and a REALLY FUCKING HEAVY rock. I'll back him into a perfect position and BAM! We fucking drop the rock on him, from a good height it'll break his legs. We can take turns ripping him apart till he bleeds out, whatcha say?" Croc nodded in agreement, this was a good plan. "And well, if it squashes him, we can always just rip off his fucking head by the bangs and swing him around." Either way it was a win-win. The murderer and threat to their family would be dead no matter what. "This is for Unlucky and for Cas. THAT FUCKER'S GONE TOO FAR, HE'S FUCKED WITH THE WRONG FAMILY!!" Crocodile gave a loud growl that somehow mixed with a howl. "Whatcha think?" Croc felt he had made his position on the idea very clear, as he looked towards his brother. If he saw any flaws in the plan, he would speak. "Shuck's right, if we don't stick up fer each other he'll fuckin' come back again and again and again. We can't go anywhere alone, if not t'beat him up if we see him, then t'defend ourselves if that fucker tries anything..." The banged bitch had siblings, Crocodile somehow knew. If Shuck, Kukulkan, and company were already getting ready, Sterling probably was too. They only had so long to act. Crocodile opened his mouth as if to say this, but instead all that came out was a growl. He shut his mouth. "Fer Unlucky... fer Caspian... fer ma and dad..." Crocodile would push his nose loving into both his siblings’ neck scruffs. “Tell me...what to do.” In their contact they could feel him shaking with anger. They were going to seek revenge, and he was willing to do anything. |
Don't wanna mess with me
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![]() ![]() #317873 She got the reaction she wanted and even better, it was good for them to know what the stakes were, what the fuck they were doing this for. This had always been about family, and even if Shuck was well.... Shuck, she cared about these guys in a way all her own. In a world full of stepping stones on a merciless path to her inevitable victory there was a little corner on the side reserved for her personal cheerleaders, and that was her family! K screamed and Croc shook with anger and she looked at them both with that same hungering look, a look that meant that this was for real, what they were gonna do was gonna be for the good of everyone, even if they had to hurt people along the way. Shuck was sure to get her way, K and Croc were made of the same stock as her. Ma and Pa used to get their way too, maybe Rita should've never told them stories of the old days. What did she hope for? Them to be used as warnings rather than building blocks for violence. The boys had a good sense about them, she had to hand it to them. K, Croc, and Cian always had her back, didn't really question her plans and knew how to throw down just as hard as Shuck. So it brought a toothy, wide grin to her face when the pair both agreed. Eyes glinting as her brother began to speak, head tilting back and lip lifting to reveal a smirk full of gum and teeth. His paw came down upon a rock leaving a bloodied little print, she'd meet his gaze for a moment before lifting her own paw, flipping it over to see the scars left on the toughened pad by that little bitch Antares. That felt like a life time ago. Lightning struck, with quick viper like swiftness and the same familiar savagery that had become a household name at this point, she'd rip open the old wounds. Gold and red watching as droplets pooled on the surface. Red Red RED. The storm would then slam her paw against the rock, sneering as her claws left dusty marks upon the stone. Croc moved forward then, dwarfing her as she and K were pulled into a hug, she'd allow for this tender moment, mind flickering back to when her Ma would scoop her up into a smothering hug. You're crushing me. The shaking alluded to sobs, though Shuck knew better. When the contact became unbearable, she pulled away giving Croc a nod. "You two scout out a cliff, there's a lotta rocks around here, so that shouldn't be too hard. I'll see if I can get the fucker's scent, hell, maybe I'll go get Cian to help too. We meet back here in about an hour? Okay?" Another look to see if they had any questions. "And if you guys run into him, don't even hesitate. Rip his FUCKING head off. CLEAN THE FUCK OFF, understood?!" |
the feathered prince
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His cheeks felt flush and his nerves tingled with an irritation he could only describe as fury. Restraining it only felt as though it were intensifying its strength, but now wasn't the time to let it loose; his siblings weren't meant to be subject to their mischief. Instead he breathed deep, rolling his shoulders as he shrugged off a grimace as he glanced over at Croc. There was anguish deep in his eyes, and it pained K to see, but the fire within fueled their shared mission. They were dedicated, and they were ready. As Shuck slapped down her bloodied paw onto his, sealing a pact, Kukulkan trilled under his breath as their brother brought the three in for a close embrace. The heat coming off all the teenagers was terrible, but it spoke clearly of their shared passion for their goal. K pushed himself flush against Croc, against Shuck, feeling the seething distress, the anger, and sharing it all. As Shuck pulled away, K lingered for a few solid seconds against Croc, embracing his brother. Family was everything, and nothing would stop him from doing what it took to protect it. "Tell me... what to do." Shuck unraveled a grand scheme, and K waited patiently for her to spill it out. He nodded fervently, the urgency of the situation and its solution completely transparent to the boy. As soon as she'd finished, he turned with a sudden realization to Croc, "I know jus' th' place, down t'the south..." Not too far from where they'd originally entered the territory. If they were quick about it, they could scope the place out and be back within the hour Shuck had requested, easy. It was just a matter of remembering the way - these dazzling purple trees were foreign and mesmerizing, but also misleading. Kukulkan wasn't familiar with the region or its landmarks, so he'd have to be diligent, lucky. Or else. With his sister's add-on, K turned to her and nodded, a grim expression on his face, so out of place. "We'll be sure t'leave ya some, though." Anyone else may have added on a cruel jest, a chuckle, but such cruelty was so rare for the boy that he couldn't seem to find the thread tying glee to malice. Sighing deeply, he shrugged his shoulders once more, that heat building and building inside of him, so uncomfortable. "Th' place we're gonna go ain't far off, sis, won't take much time t'find it an' head back. Betchya we'll be back before th' fuckers know what's up." And with that he'd lean forward, pressing his forehead against hers, if she didn't pull back. He knew physical contact wasn't her thing, but it was for him. And keeping his siblings close was everything to him. A split second later and he'd pull away, leaning briskly against Crocodile as he'd gesture for his brother to follow suit. His tail flickered up, deep eyes narrowing as the pirate prince made a diligent path ahead of him, through these purple fairy lands. He made off so confidently, so self-assured of his destination, of the end goal of their mission. So oblivious to how easy it was to become irrevocably lost in a new land...
ooc: cue K's exit, unless otherwise prompted to respond.
text speech: #a5300d