Private Roleplay  it doesn't hurt, it feels fine [miasma]
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Shuck she
Don't wanna mess with me
Posts: 39
Pronouns: she

All Accounts Posts: 843


[Image: f2u_decor_sea_birds_by_mairu_doggy-dbldhim.png]

[Image: new_canvas__6__by_strayrats-damyj0p.png]

All things considered she was listening to Croc's few words of advice, Tethys was not even able to spot her, so that was pretty good in the ol books. However, that probably wouldn't last long, especially now that her teeth were sinking into the scruff of a puppy, probably one of Inaria's, her paws digging into his back as he yelped and thrashed below her.

He made the mistake of bumping into her and when he first tried to apologize she shot him with down a seething gaze, and then she proceeded to block any attempts of him trying to escape until he was running away. Another big mistake.

The storm wrapped in fur came crashing down upon him, teeth instantly CHEWING and GNAWING at skin and fur alike, biting down hard enough that she tasted the first trickling, blossoms of blood. She got off him then, shoving her paws into his back and them tagging his face with a heavy handed smack. "Get the FUCK OUTTA HERE! YOU LITTLE BITCH!!" She screamed into his face, a deadly expression gracing it as she stared the boy down, he kinda sorta reminded her of someone, hahaa.

The boy blubbered for a second and then burst forward with renewed purpose to get as far away from her as he could. "I'm telling my momma!!!" He cried back and Shuck merely rose a brow, nonplussed by his words with that resting scowl on her face. "Do it! I'LL KICK HER BITCH ASS TOO, I'LL FUCKING KILL HER!" To this she got no response, but the boy considerably quickened his pace, and she snorted. "Fucking small fry, not even who the fuck I was looking for, god FUCKING DAMN." Paws shook as she turned then, she had her sights set on a certain pale freak, and boy did she want to separate his head from his neck.

While Shuck seethed, someone managed to catch her attention, not at first, but the second she looked back up there was another in her field of vision. Bigger than her, an adult, great. "I didn't do nothin." She said coolly and it would've maybe been convincing enough if there wasn't smudges of blood all over her ghostly white face, her scowl only getting worse.

I know the feeling I can take
The pain of losing teeth is better than defeat
Quote:ilunga - 10:06 PM: Inarians are literally dying to avoid meeting Shuck.
« aesthetic profile played by: waka »

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Miasma She
Wyrmling Rosedarling
Posts: 58
Pronouns: She
Rank [IC]: Denizen


[Image: TI16FtO.png]
[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]
  Sneering child, with blood on her maw, swearing innocence to something no once asked. She must get blamed for things a lot. Miasma blinks as she trudges towards the girl. "I heard screaming," she starts, sitting down on the soft ground. It's strange, being the big one. "Are you hurt?" She leans forward to look, frowns at the inevitably negative way Shuck responds-- a snarl, swipe, seething resignation only because Miasma is older. She wishes she wasn't, though. "I won't punish you, or anything." Maybe somebody should, but it won't be Mia.

  Instead, the dire girl lays down, so that maybe if the child seems taller, she'll feel better. More powerful, having what she assumes to be an authority figure become vulnerable. Wide eyes are easier to remove-- she knows from experience. That doesn't seem like the sort of thing to teach to Inarians-- even all of their allies seem peaceful enough. Miasma can't imagine what it's like, being raised in a place like that. What do you do, if a sibling tries to kill you?

Leave, of course.

  Her head tilts as she eyes the child, all alone at the nice neighbours' with no one watching. There are so many visitors; there's no way to keep track of them all. Maybe you can use that. "... Are you supposed to be here?" the dire questions, with little behind the words but worry. She really doesn't want to see Shuck in trouble-- isn't sure she could stand it. She feels for children, but not like a mother, not enough authority in her.

Like you wish someone had loved you.

[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]

[Image: skull_thingy__f2u__by_dionaethius-dapdof9.png]
[Image: save_me_ii_f2u_icon_by_aisuu_chann-dapt71i.gif]
If blood is thicker than water then
You'll drown quicker than we intended
If blood is thicker than water then
You'll know where to find us in the end

[Image: Ni8UrEJ.png]
[-] Likes: Filianore
Shuck she
Don't wanna mess with me
Posts: 39
Pronouns: she

All Accounts Posts: 843


[Image: f2u_decor_sea_birds_by_mairu_doggy-dbldhim.png]

[Image: new_canvas__6__by_strayrats-damyj0p.png]

The other moved closer and Shuck's fur stood near on end, a growl ripping past her jaws, it was about as much warning as anyone around her ever gets. "So doesn't mean nothin, people scream sometimes." She childishly shifts all accountability onto something else, teeth just barely visible from the curl of her lip.  "No, I'm not fuckin hurt. I'm fine." There was irritation steeped throughout her tone, though the other didn't seem to really mind?

Shuck's brow rose however at the other's next statement, wasn't gonna punish her? It was clearly visible that Shuck settled then, not as volatile and explosive as before, but still had that annoyed look on her face. It said a lot, well if you didn't do anything wrong why do you seem so relieved now? "Well fuckin good, cause I didn't do shit!" The child bit back glowering to the older female, showing off that sparkling personality of her's.

The female moved to lay down and all Shuck did was raise her head higher, the dire probably knew this would happen of course, Shuck on the other hand let it feed her ever growing ego. Ears pulling back and lips pulling into a smirk. She thinks you're strong, she's afraid you'll rip her open too. Good. The smile dims just for a moment to only grow wider. "WELL! I was invited to this party! This shits all for me, and I guess the other weak lil shitty babies. They said stuff about games and stuff." She snapped back wild eyed. "Sucks for them, cause I'm gonna win. All of it. Period. FULL FUCKING STOP." She looked down her muzzle then at the dire female. "Cause I'm Shuck, and I'm the strongest there is."

I know the feeling I can take
The pain of losing teeth is better than defeat
Quote:ilunga - 10:06 PM: Inarians are literally dying to avoid meeting Shuck.
« aesthetic profile played by: waka »

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Miasma She
Wyrmling Rosedarling
Posts: 58
Pronouns: She
Rank [IC]: Denizen

(This post was last modified: October 25, 2018, 10:19:16 PM by Miasma.)

[Image: TI16FtO.png]
[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]
  She nods, halfway sagely, and like a child that absolutely isn't listening. Babies are pretty weak, if she remembers correctly. The ones at the party aren't even really baby babies, and they're still so small and round, like they'd pop if she stepped on one. They look so fuzzy, too. Just like rabbits.

They probably taste like rabbits, too...

  She shakes her head with a wider smile. "I'm sure you will, Shuck." She likes that name: Shuck. It sounds like a bone breaking. Well, probably not a puppy's bone: they're not quite ripe yet. "I'm Miasma, from Alteron. Where are you from?"

Will they notice if you don't come back?

[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]

[Image: skull_thingy__f2u__by_dionaethius-dapdof9.png]
[Image: save_me_ii_f2u_icon_by_aisuu_chann-dapt71i.gif]
If blood is thicker than water then
You'll drown quicker than we intended
If blood is thicker than water then
You'll know where to find us in the end

[Image: Ni8UrEJ.png]
Shuck she
Don't wanna mess with me
Posts: 39
Pronouns: she

All Accounts Posts: 843
(This post was last modified: October 31, 2018, 09:41:51 PM by Shuck.)


[Image: f2u_decor_sea_birds_by_mairu_doggy-dbldhim.png]

[Image: new_canvas__6__by_strayrats-damyj0p.png]

That sneer turned into an annoyed glower, lip curling up slightly at the female. No shit she'd beat all of them, she was better than all the rest. Made better, and anyone who thought wrong would pay for it. Miasma's nod and words of agreement were met with a flick of her ear, clearly becoming bored with the conversation.

Alteron? Never heard of the place, wild eyes settled on Miasma and she could feel her hackles just wanting to rise. "Dunno where the fuck I'm from." She said sharply, and well, it was the truth at least. That big bitch at the meeting probably said it, hell there was probably a bunch of times that people had said Gemini, she just didn't care to listen. "My mom's fuckin' asshole or whatever." She barked back finally. "I don't give a fuck where I'm from, that shit doesn't matter."

The fur along her back began to prickle up and the stormy girl flashed her fangs, they weren't so little and needle like anymore, hmm. "And where I'm going is to find this ugly pale motherfucker. You seen him?" Taking a step forward, though her head was still raised along with her tail. "He's pale, got long fucking bangs, black shitty horns, and one black eyes and a really fucking pale eye." Just talking about that ghosty shit made her want to hit and bite something. I'm looking for him so I can..." Brows raised as she looked Miasma over, seemed safe enough to say to her. "Kill that motherfucker."

A wide smile spreading upon the pups face, extremely uncharacteristic of a child, well, a normal child in the very least. "If you know anything, you better talk. I'mma gut him and rip his fucking head off." Maybe find his mom and give it to her, ahahaaaa.

I know the feeling I can take
The pain of losing teeth is better than defeat
Quote:ilunga - 10:06 PM: Inarians are literally dying to avoid meeting Shuck.
« aesthetic profile played by: waka »

[-] Likes: DustyForgotten
Miasma She
Wyrmling Rosedarling
Posts: 58
Pronouns: She
Rank [IC]: Denizen


[Image: TI16FtO.png]
[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]
  "Dunno where the fuck I'm from. My mom's fuckin' asshole, or whatever."

  "Vagina," Miasma quietly corrects before thinking. More things Inarians shouldn't know-- but Shuck knows lots of things she shouldn't. Has done things these wolves wouldn't like. The girl insists it doesn't matter, so it's a moot point beside.

  "And where I'm going is to find this ugly pale motherfucker. You seen him?"

  Head tilted, confusion on her face. "I don't think so." No one she has met yet seemed particularly pale. As the description continues, Miasma frowns, and shakes her head finally. "No, no one like that."

  The child pauses, seems to consider her words. Wise, on this topic-- in this place, in its tranquility. "Kill that motherfucker." The girls grins, and Miasma joins, jovially. Ah, the innocence of youth. "If you know anything, you better talk. I'mma gut him and rip his fucking head off."

  Softly smiling, she replies, "Shuck, if I knew, I'd help."
[Image: damaskesque___journal_divider_by_dreamiez-d77zxx8.png]

[Image: skull_thingy__f2u__by_dionaethius-dapdof9.png]
[Image: save_me_ii_f2u_icon_by_aisuu_chann-dapt71i.gif]
If blood is thicker than water then
You'll drown quicker than we intended
If blood is thicker than water then
You'll know where to find us in the end

[Image: Ni8UrEJ.png]
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