We Build Our Life of A Sacred Ground[Open/ Mass Acceptance] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Viewing: 6 Guest(s) |
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"Call the clan. Let it be known that tonight is a night of celebration!" Chatter quickly arose (as it always does when there's talk of a party) throughout Hiraeth as the Elders called for a celebration. The Queen had come home with offerings in tow, as well as a newcomer that had quickly grasped the attention of those that would gossip. The world was a flurry of preparations as they began their meticulous planning of what would be known as the biggest coronation celebration in all of Hiraeth. It had been many years since a new Queen rose to take her rightful place amongst the throne. The death of their last Queen had left Hiraeth in turmoil; Valen had been too young to rightfully take her place as a Queen and so the pack defaulted to being run by a council of elders until she had reached an age where she was able to lead. The Elders had been surprised though when she returned from her pilgrimage with a white oak sapling in hand and another at her heels. It was something they had not planned on, but it was certain enough that she was ready to lead. They were, however, undecided of this other, but they held their judgements for now. Valen had returned alive and with an offering to the All Mother in hand. Any and all judgements that were to be made would be made tonight during her coronation. Coronations for all pack members was sacred. It was a time of year when fledgling pups and new members were anointed with the spirit of the All Mother- a chance to meet their creator and have bestowed upon them a rank with which they would hold for most of their lives. For members who wished to truly shine through and prove to their creator that they had not only fully accepted their rank but wished to further themselves, they would see to it at the Pits where those who were truly blessed would see to it in a match to the death (though many would walk away with a show of mercy). There were certain ranks, of course, that were not eligible or necessary to fight over to obtain. Those ranks were chosen by the All Mother, who would bestow upon those lucky enough to be granted such ranks with thick spindles of moss and foliage. Those who were chosen to become members of the Elder Council wore their weight with pride as they carried around another world upon their backs. But that was for another day- today was about Valen's step from common life in to the life of proper Royalty. Today, she would be made Queen at the hands of the All Mother, as would any other who wished to join her side and pledge their loyalty to Hiraeth. It was Valen's decision to include any and all who wished to join her. A sort of bonding to those who wished to step up and take the oath with her- forever entwined by this special night, they would become closer as one and independently; always looking out for their sister of brother, and always knowing that the All Mother had their backs whenever they found themselves alone. "I want the borders open tonight," she had said to an Elder as they walked through the forest towards the center of Hiraeth, "I want to make sure that any wandering souls may find peace within our borders. I want to show that we are better than most packs who would turn away a hungry soul. We will welcome them home." The pack would set up in the center of their land, in a clearing that once held what looked to be a Man village. Old stone buildings that found themselves crumbling under the weight of new foliage now found themselves being cleaned up and prepped for a night of dance and song. They cleared the space and prepared an array of saplings that would be gifted to each member once they returned from meeting their creator. Saplings were meant to be a physical bond between a member of Hiraeth and the All Mother. The thought process was, if you took care of your sapling by loving and nourishing it, then in return, the All Mother would take care of you. Everything was set; everyone had been waiting for this moment. Tonight was going to be a special night. Tonight Hiraeth would celebrate, for you see tonight, Hiraeth would have a Queen once more. Spirits white as lightning,
shall on my travels guide me
The moon would quake and the stars would shake,
when' ere they espied me.
I believe in a universe that doesn't care and people who do.
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![]() ![]() #3e8ede He was young, perhaps far too young to leave the nest, the safety of his mother and father, but that's what he was exactly doing. Branching out and coming into his own, both his parents trusted him and though he was sure they'd love to see him home with them, there were just something one had to figure out on their own. All wispy fur and slender bodied, the young boy was nothing more than an adolescent, out in the world. There was something that scared him about it, but he tried to steady himself with knowledge that he'd be okay. Everything will be okay. The more he walked the denser the forest became until it broke out into a wide and open clearing, littered with scattered stone carving and far off buildings. The wind gave a rush of a breeze that rolled across the green grass much like that of waves. He paused as he noticed there were other gathered around, large ears perking upward, he moved with purpose. Coming to rest in the back of the collection of wolves, quietly glancing around with two-toned eyes until they rested upon the one who was seated highest above the rest. Shyly, he looked from her to his feet, mouth button closed. He then allowed his curious gaze to get a glimpse of the saplings, quirking a brow upward. Hmm. |
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October 17, 2018, 12:22:28 AM
(This post was last modified: October 17, 2018, 12:22:42 AM by Lucretia.)
Writhing of the Fool
But Lucretia adored surprises, and she wasn't about to impede on Valen's enthusiasm to show her something she'd never witnessed before. A land of Gods. Unheard of! Even so, that's just what her people would say as soon as they see the red wolf take her first step in their territory. Surely, they weren't expecting a newcomer. And Lucretia wasn't expecting to completely change her own life by making this pilgrimage to Hiraeth. So she supposed they were all at a sort of crossroad of unexpected circumstances. At least they'd all be on the same page; no one knew what the hell was going on, or what was going to happen next. ... Except maybe Valen. Her golden glare shot towards the dark woman for a split second, doubt clouding her mind. Where have you really brought me, sweet girl? Lucy crouched on a stone step draped in moss, a comfortable place to lay as she wait for something to happen. Her ears perked and rotated towards her as she heard her mutter something to an older wolf. Oh, really? So you're just letting ANYONE in now? she thought angrily to herself, huffing once through her nose as her sharp gaze flicked around to stare into the eyes of everyone else who gathered. She was under the impression that she was this woman's special exception. Why would anyone be granted the same privileges as she?! UN. HEARD. OF. She felt eyes on her. All around, the wolves of Hiraeth must have noticed she was here and unlike any of them. She began to recall what little words Valen spoke to her of her homeland, and she smirked. Her head lowered to rest on her paws, her eyes fixed on Valen as she performed whatever duties she was doing to prepare for the night. Alright, my Queen. I'll make sure your night is worth remembering. |
Almost Sparkles
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October 27, 2018, 05:33:03 PM
(This post was last modified: October 27, 2018, 05:39:01 PM by kit.)
So, the former Queen's heir had returned to them? Well, that was a surprise. If she were honest, young Kit had thought that the dark-furred female had simply dropped off the edge of the world, her destiny only known by the All Mother. Hm, she supposed that the All Mother willed Valen to be Hiraeth's Queen. It wasn't as if Kit was against it. She had never known the heir very well, older but far less important than the heir. She had only known the other in passing, giving her condolences when the former Queen had died. Regardless of Kit's thoughts on the matter, Valen was going to be Hiraeth's Queen. She would obey the wolf down to the point, following her orders just as she had followed the council's when there had been no Queen to instruct her. Had she been someone else, she might question Valen's rulings. After all, she had been appointed during the Heir's absence from the pack, having only ever known the Council's instructions and certainly not those of someone so young. But Kit was not someone else. She would follow Valen just as she had followed those before, bearing the word of the All Mother in her heart just as she had all her life. If the All Mother willed it so, Kit wouldn't complain. However, Valen's rise to power did not prevent Kit's watchful golden eyes to fall on her companion. An unfamiliar sight, one she hadn't seen in a noticeable amount of time: someone not of Hiraeth. Well, yet. The other female that had arrived at Valen's side was one that Kit would watch closely, a solemn expression on her face. The nature of the newcomer's relationship with Hiraeth's upcoming Queen was one that Kit would be keen on discovering. Anyone close to the Queen was her business, especially as Chief Sentry. As the Queen-to-be made her announcements, the Hiraeth Dire came from the shadows, pale green fur camouflaged against the forest backdrop that made up Hiraeth's territory. Her gaze fell on the saplings, her mind drifting to the sizable willow tree that she had once planted on her birthday. It felt like forever ago, but she was still so young. Already, though, the willow tree was growing tall and would be full-sized in only a matter of time. Fitting, considering how quickly its caretaker had matured in her short lifetime. She cast her gaze toward movement at the back of the crowd, spotting yet another newcomer. He looked no older than a yearling. Was he even that old? Regardless, the green-furred female crept over, coming to the youth's side and moving to push him forward with a flick of her tail. "Go forth, youngling," she ordered softly, a soft rustle catching her attention not a moment later. Looking back nonchalantly, the Chief Sentry said, just loud enough for others to hear her, "You as well, shadow-shrouded stranger." |
the wilted rose
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Being exiled was fun! Sure, Maeve had nearly died two or three times already, but that was fine. Every adventure needed some near-death experiences, right? They gave it some pizazz, y'know? Some excitement to get the adrenaline goin'. Her foolish family members were wrong to exile her, of course, but at least it had given her reason to be away from those ol' downers. Now, out on her own, she could do whatever she wanted without having to worry about being reprimanded by them. That, and she didn't have to deal with their yelling at her over her funny little habits. "Go away, you fucking psychopath!" they had shouted at her, claws aimed at her lovely fur. She had skipped away, spouting her own retorts. She was no psychopath! Sure, she kind of acted like one, but she was pretty sure she wasn't. How could she be a psychopath? She was so kind and nice and pretty, after all. If anyone was a psychopath, it would surely be her family. Well, that would be multiple psychopaths. Whatever, proper grammar was for losers. And Maeve was certainly no loser. While being exiled certainly was fun, years spent in consistent solitude was no fun whatsoever. It was lonely, and Maeve hated being lonely. Sure, the voices and friends that she had made up for herself were quite amusing to talk to, but she was bored. They had been so predictable, especially because she knew their every thought and further moves. Thus, while in a fit of boredom, Maeve had decided that she would join a pack. Sure, it wouldn't be like the family unit she had once been a part of so many years ago, but it would certainly be fun and new and interesting. So, the purple and pink, delicately shaped wolf had set out on the search for a pack. She was always a fan of seeing new places and learning new things, and a pack would be the perfect opportunity for both! She had followed scents and trails, speaking to the birds and whatever things she could find and asking them for assistance in finding a pack that would suit a lady as lovely as she. With some success, she had heard words of a pack called Hiraeth. Pretty name, surely fitting for pretty people and pretty places. Thus, Maeve had set off to find 'Hiraeth.' Earlier, when the day was beginning to decline, the elegant female had come to a wall of trees. Gazing up at the dark trees, just beginning to cross into autumnal colors, Maeve had taken a wary step back. So ominous! I better go in, then! And so she did. Trotting into the forest with little regard for those that might inhabit it and what they may think of her, Maeve took note that this place smelled strongly of wolves. Perhaps she had found Hiraeth! Ha, going into spooky forests for the win! When a voice had met her rosy ears, the female had turned to walk toward it. She had tread softly toward the village in with Hiraeth predominantly resided within, listening closely toward the words of whoever was speaking. Then, she had stumbled and caused a quiet little ruckus while looking at the wolves that all gathered. One wolf, whose pelt was reminiscent to swampy waters, beckoned her forth. She obeyed, trotting forward into the open clearing with a curious expression on her gentle features. |
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The stage was set. The moment of their coronation was about to begin. The holy town that the pack inhabited had grown full of old members along with some new faces that many had not seen. Hiraeth was not a large pack, but that was what made it special. It gave to them the ability to form close bonds with each other; it allowed yearlings who celebrated their ranking day to form close knit ties with their friends and peers as the All Mother bestowed upon them the ranks which they would hold dear to them for the rest of their lives. As the sun began to sink well behind the tree line, the Elders began to form at the head of the gathering. "Tonight," came the craggy voice of the eldest female in the group, "we welcome home our Queen. Many moons have passed since the All Mother took our Queen from us, and tonight, the All Mother has returned to us a new leader. A Queen who will rule our sacred lands not as her mother before her did- nor as her ancestors before her, but as a new Queen that will bring forth a Golden Age within our Holy boundaries." Valen could feel a surge in her chest as the elder finished her piece, watching as the older wolf turned the stage to the soon to be ruler. Slowly, she rose from her seat and daintly walked to the crowd that had gathered. Her gaze fell upon all those who had been brought forth to join her in this ceremony; a young boy who looked to her with skeptical eyes, a girl who seemed to be curious of their strange ritual and of course- Lucretia; the one Valen had kept secrets from since the beginning of their meeting. She gave each of them a small nod and a gentle smile. "Tonight we walk along side the All Mother," she began, speaking with the calm and sturdy voice of a leader as she looked out to the crowd, "and She will guide us home from the darkness where we have long since resided." Valen looked down to the group that would join her on this journey. Her attention turned to them as she continued on. "I speak to you all tonight not as your Queen but as your comrade, as your friend, as your sister. All of you," she said, a soft smile creasing her face as she looked out to them all; it was a tender look, one might give to their child, "have come forth not to bear your allegiance with me, but to stand beside me as an equal." Her voice grew softer now as she continued on, gaze drifting from the crowd towards Lucretia. "I cannot thank you enough for being here with me." She rose her head to the sky, eyes closing for a moment as she took in a deep breath of the crisp autumn air that flowed through the forest. As her head lowered back to look at the group once more, she bowed her head low to them all. "Though I am to become your Queen this night, I do not wish for you all to think of yourselves as subservient to me. Hiraeth is a pack of community, a place where you will learn over time that you are one of many, as well as one alone. Do not step in to the All Mother's embrace with fear, for she will not lead you astray this night. No, tonight she will guide all of us home." With a soft nod, she turned to the youngest of the Elders and took a step back. The older wolf stepped forward; back caved in ever so slightly under the weight of an astounding amount of foliage that sat atop her back, turning to the crowd once more. "Any and all who wish to join with our Queen should step forward now and prepare to receive the All Mother's Blessing!" Valen took a step down to join those who would accompany her this night as another elder turned towards a small stone pillar, grabbing a small mouthful of colorful and vibrant flowers. They slowly made their way down to the group, handing each member a flower of their own. "When you are ready for the embrace, simply eat this flower. She will come to you and guide you home." Spirits white as lightning,
shall on my travels guide me
The moon would quake and the stars would shake,
when' ere they espied me.
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December 30, 2018, 12:13:08 AM
(This post was last modified: January 03, 2019, 05:32:11 PM by Charley.)
Cautiously the old Chief Sergeant stepped over the threshold of his home. The trees and air filled him with a breath of life Cedric had been longing for since he left. He paused, eyeing the familiar forest, he had danced among them for many moons. As he peered within; a stab of anxiety shattered his inner peace. He knew it was dancing with fire to come back, he knew he couldn’t just waltz in like he owned the place, and he was sure as hell going to be lifting a few eyebrows at his homecoming. Cedric was never exactly easy to lose with his flaming red pelt among the cooler blues, greens and shadows of the territory and its denizens.
With an inward steadying breath he lifted his head and glanced back at the small sapling nestled in a mound of dirt clinging to his shoulders. Would All Mother forgive him? Would his children? Would the daughter of his queen and friend accept him? Would the others tell her who he was and what they thought of his involvement? Surely the tales would be wild by now, perhaps even going so far as calling him a consort, it would be a disgrace to both their names if that rumor ran rampant. Perhaps his reappearance could put some tales to rest. Cedric began his journey inward. Gathering his breath as he did so. When the pillars and tumbled stones came into view he almost cried. They were all still there. He remained in the back, knowing full well that the elders (well, the sharp eyed one at least) could see him clearly as he stuck out like a sore thumb against the ferns. He could almost list the names of each member here, or at least the older generation. His eyes landed on the back of his daughters head and his stomach plummeted. My had Kit grown. She was nearly grown when he left, but he had barely been there for her childhood. He had been distracted by his trees health, and the drama that had gone down just before the previous queen perished. He listened to Valen’s speech and couldn’t help curl his maw into a gentle proud smile. She looked and sounded much like her mother but had certainly come into her own voice. Then she invited them forward and he saw the perfect opportunity, knowing full well how audacious and forward this would be, but hey, she invited all to come home hadn’t she? He was going to get an earful from Orlaith he was sure. He thought flicking his golden eyes in her direction. He stepped forward, the crowd would part before him, as it did with the other newcomers and younglings. But his presence perhaps would solicit grumblings, and whispers, and gasps. As he passed Kit he would glance her direction, hoping to catch her eyes for a brief moment. He came to reunite with the All Mother, with his children, to plant a new tree for himself and start fresh. He saw the hesitancy in the elder as she gave him his flower, recognition flashing through her gaze. He was familiar with this herb and knew what to expect. He would remain silent unless Valen questioned him. He was not here to make a commotion. He just wanted to come home. But if Valen turned him away he would gracefully bow his head and leave. |
I believe in a universe that doesn't care and people who do.
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![]() ![]() #3e8ede Strangers this way and that, and yet all the warnings that his mother whispered to him when he was very small seemed to be forgotten in this moment. The younger female's eyes fell upon him and the youth blinked back curiously, craning his neck as she began to speak. She spoke of things that he'd heard mentioned before by his mother, like Queens and subservience. But the way in which she spoke about it was different, Ahi noted that with a nod. But hesitancy gripped his legs, the crowd remained silent, as if waiting for someone to step forward first and when someone finally did, Ahi watched with two-toned eyes as they trekked up to the mossy elder, taking a flower to eat. The youth would be the next to move forward, the wolves closest to him backing away to give him space and at first he froze to glance at them. Ears twitching to the sounds of their whispers, one even motioning him to move forward. When Ahi finally did reach the two females, uncertainty had melted away, eyes lingering on the dark form of Valen and then to the flower the elder offered him. Home, home, home. In that instant he'd thought of his mother and father, his siblings, curled up in that hollowed out willow tree. That's my home? But, teeth closed around a petal. Can a person have more than one home? Chewed and swallowed. |
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Late to the party, as usual. The handsome Emrys glided in at the edge of the gathering, ignoring the glare of an elder for his tardiness. He knew he wouldn't get away with coming in without being noticed since he was one of the tallest males to grow up here since he reached his full size. He was almost a head taller and just about everyone else, including the taller females. It would be obvious to many that perhaps he was not of the same descent as the others around him, but he felt like they were family nonetheless.
He sidled up to one of the smallest members of the pack, and also the chief of his rank just as Valen was finishing her bow and continuing her decree: "-Though I am to become your Queen this night..." He lifted a brow to Kit with his bright purple eyes. As if to say "So I guess She's back then." without saying a word after she ushered in the new purple member and the child had gone up front. He'd grin disarmingly apologetic at the Sentry Chief if she glared at him for his tardiness too but brought his attention back to the ceremony at hand. The dark male then studied the scene. Making note of the new comers, particularly the one that seemed to know Valen specifically. And Valen herself had certainly grown into her queenly features since she left on her pilgrimage. Though Emry's exact age was a mystery, he fell between their young queen and his rank officer next to him after having come to the pack as a pup. A much larger pup than the typical Hiraeth child would have been at his level of development. But he had come with no pomp or circumstance, and when it was determined that perhaps he had reached a year old they had given him his sapling ceremony, much like this one. Though his ceremony happened after the Previous Queens death and even after his own "fathers" death who had introduced Emrys as a child to the pack. He had been presented to the All Mother as an orphan, and she had placed him in the rank of Sentry. Perhaps to bother Kit. Indeed, some days he was her biggest headache. He kept his thoughts to himself, but he could be seen running his upper teeth on is lower lip occasionally, watching carefully. |
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Slow Dancing in the Dark
Her gaze slowly tore from her Queen to the wolves below her who began stepping forward to accept the strange flowers into their gaping maws. She stared back at Valen with wonder, unsure of her place in this matter. Was she truly her equal? Rising to her feet, she couldn't keep her eyes off the very few who were very distinct among the Hiraethi. Off colored, young, outcast, soldiers. And where would she fit? Certainly not in Valen's court. She knew nothing of their God, nor what this land meant to them. A tug in her heartstring made the elusive Lucy glance at her once more before she leaped down from her resting place and padded to the front of the crowd. She tossed a brisk nod to an elder and quickly clasped the delicate petals between her teeth, backing away gently as she exchanged a brief but grateful look to the old woman. She flew through the newcomers, bumping into a few, searching for her Valen. None of these new faces mattered to her. Only the one she knew she could return to. Golden eyes fell on her companion, and she approached her with grace in her step. Her neck extended and she gave the flower a tiny wave near Valen's muzzle. If this were to be her new home, she didn't want to go head first in it alone. Memories of their journey drifted through her mind, and she gave Valen a hesitant smile. "Is it madness to believe this could go on?" she muttered through the petals, its juices now slowly trickling onto her tongue. Though they had only known each other for a short time, Lucy knew she wasn't the only one who divined that perhaps if she deprived her now then maybe she might make a gesture of infatuation. At first, she made no motion. Then her tail quivered, her claws clenched earth and moss. She was tormented by this woman. How could she even begin to dream of living along side her with such differing class? She could only hope that none would pay any mind, and Valen was satisfied with the trade that began their trek to Hiraeth. All at once, strange colors began to saturate Lucretia's vision. The fur along Valen's cheeks began to ripple at the ends like little cascades. A force had steadily started to creep along her body. But her gaze would not break from Valen's. She stretched the flower to her once more, chewing at the very tips of them as she awaited her to accept the offer of sharing. "I adore your terrifying sincerity. You are right. This world is to be seen rather than heard of, but I know, too, how much you can love what you hear. And Darling," she whispered, swallowing the bits of flower that clung to her tongue and leaning in close, "I want to hear the All Mother tell me I have found the beckoning light of reality and freedom. Because of you." If Valen hesitated to take the remaining half of the petals from her, Lucretia would gulp up the rest, and after a short moment she turned to walk past her Queen with her tail trailing under her chin. She could almost feel herself floating as she stepped up the rocky structure once more. Something stirred in the corner of her eye. A presence could be felt. It was overpowering. |
Almost Sparkles
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While subtly ushering newcomers to the forefront so that they might indulge in the wisdom of the All Mother, the Chief Sentry caught a glimpse of red in the corner of her eye. Discreetly, she took a passing glance and almost immediately her mood soured even further. Her father. Of course. Her lips almost peeled in distaste at his appearance and although she did not allow her stony mask of neutrality to split, her mind and thoughts betrayed her feelings for the fellow who had left her with a broken childhood. Deadbeat bastard. He had nerve showing his face again, especially after all the trouble and difficulty he had put what had remained of their ramshackle family through. Not to mention the damn fiasco that was the old Queen's death. Snorting quietly, the female returned to her duties and ignored what glances her father might cast her way. She did not care for him. She couldn't remember a day when she ever did. As the Queen-to-be began to speak, she felt a familiar presence come toward her and she sighed. Emrys, late as per usual. She sighed in her subordinate's direction, expression bordering on a frown as she glanced at him. "You can't even be on time for your childhood friend's coronation?" she asked wryly in a quiet manner so as to not disturb those nearby, golden eyes narrowed. Regardless of what he might say, she would turn her attention back to Valen although it drifted to the wolf that had accompanied Valen into Hiraeth. She frowned at Lucretia, especially at the words that the wolf murmured to the Queen as she partook in the flower's consumption. As the elders passed out the flowers through which the All Mother communed, she mumbled a quick prayer beneath her breath. She was certainly religious, perhaps even more than a normal Hiraethi. It had been her only solace when there had been none, the All Mother opening Her arms to Kit when few others would. It was by Her guidance that Kit had become Chief Sentry, through Her blessings that Kit's willow tree now towered above those of her peers. She had guided her when she had been lost. It was only just that the young female pay her dues through prayer and ritual and serving her duty well. So, as newcomers performed a tradition upheld for as long as Kit could remember, the Chief sentry sat on her haunches. And she watched. |
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lowly, lumbering, Kuruk emerged from the shadows. The bear lowered his flattened snout, and peered at the gathered pack members through hazy eyes. He was old. Moonlight glittered off half-formed cataracts as he turned his head this way and that to see what creatures he approached. After a few moments of head-swaying, the old ursine grunted and sniffed the air. Wolf. He pulled his maw into a grimace. He had never liked wolves. They were far too springy and spry, even for a younger version of him.But he needed a sanctuary. And a sanctuary came with compromise. He chuffed softly at the chattering greeters. "Kuruk. Joiner." Notes:
art by silverfrost
coding by tootsiepooh
the wilted rose
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Maeve listened to the not-Queen speak, heavenly features tilted to gaze up at her with lidded evergreen eyes. She wanted deeply to pay proper attention to Valen but some part of her was enraptured by the sweet smell of herbs. Something foreign and sweet tickled her nose, lulling her mind to wander in its direction. Her jaw parted just slightly, taking a deep inhale of the scents that surrounded her. She had some measure of restraint, however, holding herself back from wandering further into the crowd to seek out the scents and their sources. She distracted herself with gazing at the crowd. She noted the youth with long, wispy fur, curious of the pretty little boy and how he looked almost nervous. As her eyes wandered, they caught on some cherry red fellow that gazed at the wolf with fur like swamp water, almost begging for her attention. Maeve carefully set that information aside, curious about the two and their past. At the swamp water wolf's side stood quite the brute, the alluring violet eyes of some stranger standing out against his pelt. Oh, what a wonderful pet you would make, she thought, almost giggling to herself. When she was called forth, she listened. She came forward like a woman possessed, drifting like some sort of will-o-wisp through the crowd as she came to rest before one of the flowers offered to her by a shrewd-looking elder. She did not immediately partake in the ritual, pausing before she indulged herself upon the hallucinogenic flower laden before her. She drank in the lovely scent, eyes fluttering closed for a moment as she relished in its sugary sweet scent. At least, to her, it was the sweetest thing to ever exist, addling her already twisted mind. She was snatched by her drunken stupor by the whispers of one of the other newcomers, eyes opening to view a red-furred wolf whispering to the would-be Queen. They sounded intimate, far too intimate for near-strangers. The two clearly knew each other at least decently, catching the wilted rose's attention as she giggled. Oh, such sweet gossip! She could surely have fun spinning the rumors, surely. Her attention was once again grabbed by the sweet scents that wafted around her, wrapping around her and dragging her down as she took the flower in her maw. As she began to chew and new colors bled into her vision, Maeve merely smiled. |
All Mother
Pack Alpha
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@Ahi As you swallow, the world around you begins to grow dark; colors becoming more saturated as if the world was turning in to one giant flowing water color image. Ever changing, your eyes grasp to focus on something, anything, as you turn and look around at the crowd that is now disappearing before your eyes. All at once it seems as if the world is washing away- everything you have seen on your journey from the time you left home to your arrival slowly drips in to view and then is gone all at once. You see your family, your siblings- all blotted with thick, blurred lines. Are you imagining them? Do you miss them? As soon as you give way to thought, they too disappear like the rest of the world in to a strange, overly colorful mess draining down the walls of the dark room you now find yourself in. And then you're not. The space around you is bright now, the colors of a small patch of grass an opaque pastel. You can feel the remnants of a gentle breeze brushing past you, as if to calm whatever feelings you may have had in this moment. In this space, in this moment, there is no sense of feeling, there is simply just you. You look around, contemplating where you are and how you may have gotten here. If only there was someone to help you find your way home. "Ahi," comes the soft, gentle voice of a lady you do not recognize. You turn and she is there, standing and looking at you with a soft and warming smile. She bows lowly before you before looking in to your own gaze with her eyes. They look as though they were crystal pools of frozen water- the ice still thin enough to crack under the right amount of pressure. As you go to speak, she stops you and offers a gentle laugh. It reminds you of someone you know, but you can't place a finger on it. Slowly, she approaches you and gives you a gentle nod. She is pleased. "My child, you have traveled far and wide. You have come far beyond your years, and I am proud of you. " She smiles, looking at you as if she were your mother. "You are soft, like cotton blowing in the breeze; a soul worthy of becoming a sacred gardener of Hiraeth. Step forward and claim your sapling." Her smile never falters as she steps aside, showing you your sapling. "Take it in good faith, and nurture it. When we meet again, it will be under the shade of this tree." You step forward to take it- only to feel your body being pulled back in to itself. You come to standing in front of a row of saplings- you are standing directly in front of the sapling the All Mother has bestowed upon you; a Halesia sapling. @Lucretia As you swallow, the world around you begins to grow dark; colors becoming more saturated as if the world was turning in to one giant flowing water color image. Yet as you try to stand there and focus on Valen and the rest of the pack, you find yourself unable to. Slowly, the colors begin to fade in to a deep, dark red and black- the void itself becoming inky. You feel nothing, hear nothing; see nothing. It as if all at once you have succumbed to the flower; its powers digging in to your very soul as if searching for something. You hear a scream in the distance, feel your heart begin to beat faster and faster as if running from captors that once tried to hold you down after losing your best friend. You feel the earth giving way under your paws as you continue to try and beat it- try to outrun from the dangers that lurk in the oily black world around you. And then there is light. It is bright, the world surrounding you fading slowly in to pastels as the grass below your feet stands bright and proud, no longer an inky black nothingness. You look around, relieved to see that there was nothing chasing you after all- it was all your imagination. When you look back to where you had first been looking, you see her. Standing in all her glory is a wolf, though she is not smiling. She looks perplexed at you; at your entire being. Slowly, she raises her head as if making a final determination. Finally, she approaches. "Lucretia," she says in a soft and gentle tone, her eyes still holding their striking gaze upon your own as she watches you. You can't determine if she is deciding to keep you or force you to leave, but just as those thoughts begin to creep in to your mind, she smiles. Her smile looks devious, as if she has something special intended for you. "You come from riches and ran. You did not seek me on your own, and yet you desire nothing more than to stay. I know that which you seek," she muses, and you can't help but feel her insinuating something. All at once, her facade changes and she looks at you with a more grave and serious look, her ears pinning against her head for just a moment before perking back up. "You have not yet proven yourself worthy," she says in a solemn but stern tone, "but there is still time. There is always time. You must prove yourself worthy of the position you seek, for it is one of high honor that cannot b bestowed upon me at this time. When you are ready and have shown your true intentions, we will meet again." She gives you a small smile and nods her head as you feel yourself begin to sink once more back in to the ground. When you awake, you are standing in front of a sapling but it does not look like the others. It appears sickly and weak, as if at any moment it would wither and die. @Maeve As you swallow, the world around you begins to grow dark; colors becoming more saturated as if the world was turning in to one giant flowing water color image. It is pleasant- something you were not expecting. Everything grows brighter and more colorful. You turn to look at the plants around you, suddenly in awe of how curiously beautiful they had become. Or were they always like that? You can't remember, but find yourself making a point to take a closer look in the future. All at once the flowers seem to grow and grow and grow, their colors becoming so vibrant that you find yourself almost choking on the experience. Their scents become stronger, more intoxicating as you find yourself swallowed whole by the very thing that only moments ago seemed so beautiful and alive. Slowly you fall, the feeling of vines roping around your neck and choking you becoming all too real, and then suddenly it stops. The entire world around you seems to pause, and all at once flutters away as thousands upon thousands of butterflies. And then you are in darkness. But the darkness doesn't last long, for soon you find yourself standing in a white space; your eyes trying desperately to focus and adjust to your new surroundings. When they do, you find yourself standing in front of a wolf, and that wolf is smiling at you. She gives you a gentle look- a forgiving look. You can't help but feel slightly out of place in her presence, but you find yourself unable to move as she approaches you. "Maeve," she says brimming ear to ear, crystal eyes holding your own gaze. She looks....proud with you? But there's something else behind that smile and you catch it- for just a second there is a smile with a hint of mischievous intent. "A curious soul always seeking more. I watched you admire the plants of Hiraeth, and believe that you would do it a great service by becoming one of its sacred gardeners." She smiles at you, her tail gently swaying behind her. "I believe your love of all plants will provide Hiraeth with new and exciting...opportunities." The wolf raises her head and gives a soft chuckle as she nods her head, and a small sapling begins to rise up from the ground. You stare at it, wide eyed as she watches you. "Do well to tend to this sapling. Raise it in good faith and when we meet again it will be under the shade of this tree." She gives you a gentle laugh and before you can say anything, you feel your body being lifted up as if by the vines that had only moments ago tried to kill you. When you awake, you find yourself standing precariously close to your sapling; a balsam poplar sapling. @Charley As you swallow, the world around you begins to grow dark; colors becoming more saturated as if the world was turning in to one giant flowing water color image. It is a familiar feeling- one you have felt before as you watch the world begin to rise and fall like a heartbeat with colors swirling around you. And then the color stops; frozen as if catching on to your presence. All at once it disappears, like a herd of deer fleeing for their lives. You watch as the color runs from where the ground used to be, suddenly feeling the dark void around you. And then the color reappears; though it is not vibrant this time. You see old friends in blotted out distorted images; all of them turning away from you as you call out to them. You can feel your heart beating- this wasn’t how it went the last time. Something has changed. You go to take a step but the inky void takes hold of your paws and leaves you stranded there. You wish to protest but as soon as you open your mouth to do so, you see her. Standing like a beacon amidst the darkness surrounding you. This is definitely not how it is supposed to go. ”Cedric,” she says and your hear feels as if it’s breaking. Is that disappointment in her voice? ”You ran from your home, disappeared and let my gift to you wilt and die. You broke our bonds and yet you come home- I know what it is you seek but you will have to prove that you are befitting of this forgiveness.” she lifts her head and looks you over, her demeanor soft though you can feel the aching in your stomach. ”Plant your new tree and begin your path. Should you prove your intents to be true, we shall meet again. You look at her as she closes her eyes and shakes her head. The inky void has disappeared now, as the white space begins to creep from below her and fill the void. She opens her eyes and softly smiles at you. ”Welcome home, my wayward son.” You try o run to her- to embrace her but as you do you are thrust from the white space and back to reality. As you awake, you are greeted by the faces of a pack staring back at you aghast; several elders and high ranking officials heading your way. @lokisaurus As you swallow, the world around you begins to grow dark; colors becoming more saturated as if the world was turning in to one giant flowing water color image. You watch as the world around you shifts, but doesn't seem to be changing. You blink several times, your head feeling woozy and light. You think perhaps it's just a bad flower, but as you go to take a step, the world around you begins to break away piece by piece. You watch as each piece breaks apart from under the weight of your footstep, rebuilding in to a new scene from a past you only barely remember. You see silhouettes of beings you think you know- are they family? Friends? Past loves? It's hard to tell, but as you take another step forward the scene changes yet again and you feel as though you are falling; falling endlessly through an inky void that seemed to have come out of nowhere. When you settle and look up, you are no longer in a dark void, but rather in a large white space. Standing in front of you is a large wolf, white in color and covered in dense moss and foliage. Small trees protrude from her back, and she looks at you with a curious expression. She takes a step towards you and you find yourself unable to move. She looks you up and down, her smile fading and growing as she looks you over. You are different from the others- and there is a glint of excitement in her eyes at it. "You are not one of Hiraeth," she says smirking, "and yet you have found your way here on a very important day. I suspect that you are looking for a home," hums the wolf and she smiles widely at you, "and home is where you shall be." The wolf raises her head and looks you square in the face, crystalline eyes shining brightly as she holds your gaze. "You have walked a long, tiring road in your life. It would be an honor to have you serve as one of Hiraeth's sacred gardeners." The wolf takes a step towards you but pauses, turning to look beside her. As your gaze follows her, you see a sapling begin to grow up from out of the ground itself. Her tail sways gently back and forth. "Take this sapling with care, and be mindful that it is more than what meets the eye, Kuruk." You look at her and she sits down on her rump, head tilting as she watches you. "When we meet again it shall be from under the shade of this tree." You go to protest, to exclaim that you are no wolf, but as you open your mouth you feel your body begin to lift, as if all of your weight had been lifted from off of you. When you awaken, you find yourself standing in front of your sapling. @Valen As you swallow, the world around you begins to grow dark; colors becoming more saturated as if the world was turning in to one giant flowing water color image. The world peels away and slowly rebuilds to an ancient time that you do not remember. You see your mother, standing a few feet away from you but she is younger. She is talking to someone but you cannot make out who it is. You blink, and suddenly you see your grandmother, also a young wolf; she too is standing and talking to someone you are unable to make out. As you turn to look around, you begin to see every previous Queen since the beginning. The depth of this understanding has you feeling anxious but also empowered. You wonder if you're actually ready for this task set ahead of you, but before you can protest you are brought in to a white space- face to face with All Mother. She looks at you tenderly, as if welcoming home her child for the first time. "My dear Valen," she says in a soft tone, approaching you and gently pressing her head to yours. You feel your breath catch in your throat as she smiles and closes her eyes, allowing you both a moment of quiet contemplation. When she steps away, you find yourself crying. She smile and offers a soft laugh, "you have come so far since your birth. You are to be Queen- to carry on our legacy, and I am positive that you will lead your kingdom with integrity and with a passion unseen in your ancestors." You feel yourself shaking as she sits down and looks next to you. When you turn to look at what she is looking at, you see the sapling you retrieved from a far away land. You look from the sapling to her and she gives you a knowing look. "Take care of this sapling; nourish it as it is your lifeline to me. When we meet again, it will be under the shade of this tree." You both smile, and as you turn once more to look at the sapling, you feel something in your chest begin to throb, and suddenly you feel your heart breaking from the intense emotion. When you awake, you are standing in front of your sapling; a willow sapling. You are all now officially ranked! (sorry it took so long) |
Almost Sparkles
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BOSTON It seemed as though he was late to whatever was happening at the border of this place, and Boston was not very happy about it. Although he had only been wandering around for a short time now, he had heard of something happening on this day in this direction on his travels, and he had been curious. The maned wolf had never been a pack animal before, but he was interested in joining a pack now, and the smell of herbs and the setting of the tropics was something that called his name, though he wasn't entirely too sure why. As he got closer, the male would notice that there were many there, and they seemed to be doing something, well, odd to the male. Coming closer, his ears would bend backwards, looking upon the others there, waiting for something to happen, though staying quiet for now. //this was a bit rushed, I have to go to the vet soon with my rabbit |