The ways of the Clan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Spirit of Stoneclaw
Kitty Guardian
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October 12, 2018, 12:06:23 AM
(This post was last modified: October 12, 2018, 12:17:23 AM by The Spirit of Stoneclaw.)
The Spirit of Stoneclaw
Kitty Guardian
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Keep all discussions PG-13. Any posts that break this rule will be deleted. ![]() Have a good time! *****In a thread where amabelle is being a mom or vidar is being a dad it must be tagged accordingly.****** #Momabelle #ViDad ![]() ![]() What is Stoneclaw? Stoneclaw is a cliff side ocean clan consisting mostly of sabre toothed cats. Their lifestyle revolves closely around the sea and what it provides for their survival. Though they maintain a though warrior-like front to all other packs, the Stoneclaw sabres are very family oriented and the welfare of the clan is their biggest priority. The origins of the clan date back to the Blackblood Alliance comic by Kay Fedewa. Originally a pride located in savannas and forests, the Stoneclaw sabres were the sworn enemies of the wolves of Inaria. They constantly waged battle against them to gain control of their territory, for it was believed from their lore that Auduril had claimed Inarian soil as the first home of the sabres and that it had been wrongfully stolen. None live now who can tell which side was right and which side was wrong, but both sides suffered devastating losses in the war before it was abandoned. Wishing to reconnect with their roots, Stoneclaw has now settled on the edge of the sea where it was said that the first of their kind crossed into the continent. ![]() Accepted Species All manners of Felines are accepted into Stoneclaw. Due to the harsh environment of the territory however, smaller individuals and cats with shorter fur may have a hard time to adapt. No fear though! We can totally knit them something cozy to keep them warm! Wolves are not accepted into the clan, due to there being so many packs available out there. But voyagers and wanderers will not be harmed unless they pose a threat, and canines seeking acceptance will be escorted to an ally pack of their choice. Hellions are welcome, so long as they seem feline enough to fit into the pack demographic. Any other specie seeking acceptance will be reviewed on a case by case basis. ![]() Acceptance, Ranks, and Consent It is generally more fun to roleplay acceptance into the pack, but if you'd rather go with auto-acceptance in order to get right into the heart of things then that's fine too! Simply fill out the form below and send it to one of the current Stoneclaw leaders, and as soon as they're available they'll contact you to confirm your entry into the pack. Simple, right? Code: [b]Main Account Name:[/b] Your main username As seen in the auto-acceptance form above, you can ask to be placed into a specific rank right away. If your character has an affinity with healing or crafting, then it just makes sense for them to have the appropriate title. To consult a list of current ranks available, please click here. For higher leading ranks, simply include a short explanation as to why you think your character would be a good fit for the rank. Please be aware that ranks can be taken away at any time due to IC reasoning, like treason for example. Characters with higher ranks should remain active as much as possible, but try not to worry too much about it. We understand that life takes priority and if you can't post for an extended period of time then just let us know. We won't take away your character's rank just because you've been busy for a couple months. Plus when you get time to post again and return, we can totally factor in an IC reason for the character's absence like a cool mission or something. It's all good. Please keep in mind that Stoneclaw is a consent area. Which means your character cannot harm another, or be harmed without OOC approval between the two parties (We're totally down for giving you cool claw mark scars if that's what you're looking for). ![]() Mating and cubs Welcome to crack cub heaven. You don't need to ask permission to mate and have children in Stoneclaw. Cubs are always welcome and freely accepted as a blessing to the clan. In periods of hardships, there may be restrictions put in place for the benefit of all, but otherwise no requests or permissions are required. There is plenty of good food available for everyone to grow strong and healthy. Females of the clan are not required to find a mate and settle down with a partner in order to have cubs. She may mate to her leisure and have cubs with whomever she wants regardless of status within the clan. She may even choose a rogue from outside the clan, or a member from another pack if she chooses so. Forcing that choice however is not tolerated and is considered a punishable offence. If a female mates outside of her couple, there may be some jealousy and some fights between males with wounded egos. Punishment will never be administered by higher ranking clan members for cause of infidelity, however. You should deal with your own couple drama, if you can. Once cubs are old enough to stumble around, they become everyone's responsibility. They are not just raised by their parents but by the whole clan. Anyone may watch over them, hunt for them, groom them, or educate them. Cubs will be taught early to participate in clan tasks so that they may gain a sense of responsibility. Early tasks will include gathering shells, driftwood, or washed up seaweed for the adults of the clan to use. Older children may watch over the younger ones, or take simple lessons from an artisan or a healer. The whole clan cares for the elderly and the sick in the same manner they are all responsible for cubs. |
The Spirit of Stoneclaw
Kitty Guardian
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Map Icons: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Main Roleplay Areas ***Below each description is a code you may use in posts happening in these area. ![]() The Forest of Beginnings: This is the main acceptance area and the only one easily accessible by intruders. The forest stretches the entire length between the mountain sides that cradle the prairies and the cliffs. This is also where the first signs of Sabretooth territory occupation will become evident. Sentinels will regularly patrol the forest and leave large claw marks upon the tree trunks to say: "Hey, big scary cats live here. Proceed at your own risk". The trees here are high and form a tall canopy of leaves from which light enters through many gaps, often forming beautiful rays. Birds can usually be heard singing and frolicking about. It's quiet and peaceful and deceiving: because the rest of the territory isn't nearly as nice. Hopeful members seeking acceptance through roleplay must wait in the forest for a sentinel to approach them. Hunting in the forest is not prohibited. Feel free to catch yourself a lunch while you're waiting. Rabbits frequently dash between the ferns that seem to cover the forest floor entirely. There many other small rodents such as squirrels, and ferrets, and even skunks. Oh, but stay away from the skunks... if you get sprayed then we might not let you in until the smell goes away. Sorry... Code: [customsoftbox800=solid #56676d; background:url(''); background-repeat:repeat; max-width:90%;] ![]() The Endless Prairie: Where the Forest of Beginnings ends, the prairie carries on. At first glance the prairies seem endless, carrying on as far as the eye can tell, hence the name. The land there is covered in a rich green short grass, speckled with wildflowers and moss. Wildflowers bloom in the late summer and fall, turning the prairie bright red. Crimson bloom season is considered a good time for hunts. The prairie area acts as a maze, separating the forest from the cliff side above the sea. Only seasoned clan members can navigate through them and recognize the subtle way points to lead them through either side. Nights on the prairie are particularly hostile and cold all year round, but even more so in winter. When the night time prairie isn't swept by strong bone chilling winds, it is covered by a nearly impenetrable fog. Spending a night on the prairie is incredibly dangerous; dangers include high risks of hypothermia, or falling off the cliffs while trying to navigate the fog. Cubs are forbidden to go to the prairie without adult supervision at all time. Herds of long haired Yaks roam the prairie, and though they may glance at you as you walk by, they will generally not attack unless provoked. Yak hunts are the only time clan members may sleep on the prairie (huddled together for warmth) but it is generally avoided because of how dangerous it is. Code: [customsoftbox800=solid #56676d; background:url(''); background-repeat:repeat; max-width:90%;] ![]() The Sea Side Cliffs: If you manage to cross the prairies, then you'll inevitably reach the edge of the sea side cliffs. A path known to members will take you down the cliff side into the main living area where you will find a beautiful beach side and various caves along the bottom of the cliff side, protected from the cold high winds that often sweep the prairie. This is where most of the clan members live. The largest cave can easily hold the entire clan comfortably. It is both a meeting ground and a social plaza where clan members can interact and mingle. Members can seek a smaller cave of their own if they wish, instead of sleeping in the main cave, but sleeping together as a group is encouraged; specially during the harsh winter season. The beach that follows the cliff sides extends on both sides, though in some areas it may be wider or narrower than most. Some areas further down the cliffs may become inaccessible during high tide. Members are encouraged keeping an eye on the tide when venturing further down the beaches. Tide pools are also frequent among many of these beaches. Algae and seafood of all kinds may be harvested from these pools when they appear at low tide. Cubs may venture to the pools but are warned to return before the tide comes in, else they may become stranded and even drown. Some of the cliff sides have colonies of various sea birds. Eggs are an amazing meal for any brave soul willing to climb to fetch them, and seabird feathers also prove to be useful items for artisans. Code: [customsoftbox800=solid #56676d; background:url(''); background-repeat:repeat; max-width:90%;] ![]() The Main Beach: A large stretch of sand between the cliffs and the sea, the main beach extends from the mouth of the cliff side caves and offers an amazing view at sunrise and sunset. Sheltered from the cold winds of the prairies by the high rocky cliffs, the main beach area is pleasant temperature all year round. Here, members are free to relax and mingle. Cubs are allowed to run around and explore at their heart's content (once their tasks are completed, of course). Drift wood can sometimes be collected from the beach and used by artisans to craft tools and items such as drying racks for fish and meat. Whales may sometimes get stuck on this beach, but this is an extremely rare occurrence. Once the whale is harvested, the clan will throw a huge party in and around the bones to celebrate. Code: [customsoftbox800=solid #56676d; background:url(''); background-repeat:repeat; max-width:90%;] ![]() The Main Cave: Meeting ground and main living quarters of the Stoneclaw Clan. The main cave is large enough to accommodate the whole clan comfortably, as well as any visitors that may join. This cave is where Artisans of the clan also work on their craft. Specific areas in the cave are reserved for specific crafts (The healers wouldn't want pieces of wood from the Carvers in their poultices, and no one would want to sleep among the crushed shells used to make paint, right?). The sabres of Stoneclaw generally sleep in a big fluffy pile. Cubs are generally snuggled into the warm recesses of the adult's neck fur and cradled in their paws. What better way to keep warm and cozy? Social grooming and marks of affection are accepted and even encouraged between members no matter the gender of the individuals or their status within the clan. Should anything happen that would require a general meeting of all clan members, this is also where it would happen. The inside of the cave walls may be decorated with paints, and shells hung on strings placed by artisans. The walls are also covered with the painted paw prints of all members of the clan. It would be too boring to leave them bare, wouldn't it? Code: [customsoftbox800=solid #56676d; background:url(''); background-repeat:repeat; max-width:90%;] |
The Spirit of Stoneclaw
Kitty Guardian
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here are some of the old stories and legends that have been passed down in sabre lore. .:Auduril's Pride: From the Sea:. .:How Auduril Got His Sabers:. .:Famous Names From Stone Claw Myth and History:. ![]() ![]() ----> Stoneclaw History The Kron Era The Shai Era The Mayan/Requiem Era The Nexys/Afua/Aeonak Era The lost Era The New Era - Roderik wanders the land searching for a clan to join, but finds none. He decides to gather sabres to reform Stoneclaw in a new location over a wind swept prairie by a sea side cliff. *Stoneclaw history has been accumulated over the course of several real time years and been written by many different people. If you see something missing from this list of pertinent events, please contact the current Stoneclaw leaders so that they may update this list. |
The Spirit of Stoneclaw
Kitty Guardian
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Clan members who spend a lot of time on the prairies will develop a mohawk mane over time because of the strong winds there. ![]() Felines from the Stoneclaw Clan are considered to have some of the most powerful roars this side of the fringe. The purifying sea air seems to have something to do with this. ![]() Stoneclaw cats are famous for their jerky made from fish and meat of all kinds. These strips of sun dried meat nearly last forever, and are very useful for traveling as they take little space and are light to carry. Stoneclaw jerky is traditionally flavored with sea salt harvested from the cliffs. Other flavors may be developed by creative clan members over time. These jerky are prized trade items, since their flavor and texture cannot be replicated anywhere else. ![]() Seems like humans (Fishermen from the look of things) once tried to make a home in these hostile lands, but the elements got the better of them and they never fully settled or buit any homes. There is a lot of their equipment and objects abandoned in the caves and surrounding areas to find and collect. No one knows if the humans all left or if they died somehow. ![]() Marks of affection between members is a common occurrence in Stoneclaw. Clan members sleep together and groom each other as well. A common greeting in Stoneclaw is to touch foreheads briefly, or rub shoulders while passing someone by. ![]() There is no advisor rank in the clan, because every member's word and advice has value. Members are encouraged to share their thoughts and participate in the affairs of the clan. ![]() Every member is encouraged to participate in the well being of the clan in any way they can. Members with ranks are not be limited by those duties on what they can do. Guards won't just be stuck patrolling borders, they may also take lessons from healers on slower days, learn a new craft, or care for cubs. Likewise crafts can be taught and used by any member of the clan. A warrior may be best at the art of war, but that shouldn't stop him if he wants to sculpt driftwood or learn to crochet. ![]() Yes, Sabres can use the dexterity of their sharp claws to crochet. The shape of the claw works rather well as a crochet hook and they may create bags, jewelery, or even clothing with this skill. ![]() Healing processes involve bandages made of seaweed strips. Wounds are désinfected with sea water before treatments. Poultices are generally composed of either prairie moss/flowers or a special algae collected near the tide pools. ![]() Members paint themselves with pearlescent paints made from crushed seashells during celebrations. They paint their warriors in red paint made from crushed crab shells and earth during important hunts or wars. And they use soot from burned driftwood during mourning ceremonies. ![]() Pelts from hunted animals such as seals, yak, and sometimes small game from the forests can be tanned, cut and fitted into pieces of clothing to be worn in the winter. These can sometimes be decorated with feathers, small shells or bone. Most pieces made consist of leg wraps, shoulder covers, or small cloaks to cover part of the back. Yak clothing is the rarest and most treasured of these items and is usually only worn by high ranking members of the clan. ![]() ![]() Beached Whale Celebration When a beached whale appears on the shores of Stoneclaw, the clan goes into party mode! Whales are considered a grand offering from the sea. In order to minimise loses, the whole clan must participating in the harvest of the carcass. Nearly nothing is wasted. The precious meat and fat is sliced into strips and either dried or processed into longer lasting items such as poultices for healers. The skin and fins is a supple yet rigid material that can be used to make strings and laces to use on clothes and baskets. Once the carcass has been cleaned (this usually take a day or two), the bones are decorated with prairie flowers and all manner of crafted items in preparation for the celebration. That evening, the members of the clan will feast, play games, sing, and dance in and around the bones. Because of the rarity of these events, whale jerky are very valuable. They are only consumed in special events. When they are included in political gifts, it basically means a great deal of respect towards the receiving party as it signifies Stoneclaw is offering the best of themselves and usually expect the same in return. ![]() Yak Hunts Yaks hunts are only organized when an old or injured member of the herd has been spotted and chosen for the kill. Yaks are dangerous and may inflict serious wounds with their horns. Only the strongest and most cunning members of the clan may participate in these hunts and they do so at great risk. For this reason, the pelt and horns of these animals is greatly prized. Clan members who die as a result of injuries during one of these hunts are mourned and treated with the same respect as warriors lost in battle. ![]() Mourning ceremony During these trying times, the sabres comfort each other by telling stories of their lost brethren before the ceremony. It is well seen to smile and laugh despite the need for tears, because it expresses gratitude for having met and spent time the one that was lost, however short that time might have been. Sabres in Stoneclaw are not buried. Their dead are placed upon a tanned fur and hauled to the beach between the Crevasse and Bird Island. They are laid to rest with flowers and trinkets from loved ones until the tide comes to claim them. The sea gives, but it also takes... such is the way of life in these lands. If you spot an older member of the clan staring wistfully towards the sea, leave them be; they might very well be remembering someone departed that was dear to them. ![]() More to come |
The Spirit of Stoneclaw
Kitty Guardian
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October 12, 2018, 12:16:39 AM
(This post was last modified: November 13, 2018, 02:00:48 AM by The Spirit of Stoneclaw.)
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ----> High Ranks ![]() The King Leader of the clan. Oversees major clan activities as well as matters of political interests. May appoint other Kings and Queens to rule beside him. ![]() The Claw Acts as a second in command/ The king's right hand. May take decisions regarding regular clan activities. Often has a leading role in major events such as hunts and battles. May be called to settle disagreement within the clan. Generally seen as the one who would take the King's place should he perish or disappear. ![]() The Fang A brawler; The Fang is in charge of territory defense. In times of peace he will oversee border patrol. But it is in time of war that he reveals his true purpose in organizing battalion and leading the fighting forces alongside the king. ![]() The Master Artisan There isn't much this individual can't do when it comes to creating things. If you're looking for someone to help you learn an artisan skill, then look no further than the master to be the perfect teacher. While each Artisans have their specialties (carving, crocheting, tinkering, or painting to name a few), the master artisan touches everything. He is a jack of all trades, but rather than being a master of none, he's pretty much mastered it all. ![]() The Loremaster Lore and storytelling is an important aspect of Stoneclaw heritage. As such most members already know some of the stories, poems or songs passed down by the sabre folk. Loremaster is the title given to the most knowledgeable of Sabres in the clan, usually one of the elders. This individual is fascinated by history and lore, and must have a thirst for knowledge of all things concerning sabres. ![]() The Master Healer The most skilled among our healers. There isn't much this individual can't fix short of death itself. We're barely even exaggerating. While all our healers know how to put bandages on a scratch, or treat someone for a cold, they'll usually turn to the master healer for more severe injuries such as broken bones or trauma. ----> Middle Ranks ![]() The Warriors The strength of Stoneclaw lies within these cats. When war comes, these brave sabres will fall under the commands of the Fang. In times of peace, they are the main hunters of the clan and make sure the stocks of food never go empty. They will answer to any training regiment is required of them, or organize their own brawls if they're feeling antsy. ![]() The Guards Usually composed of sabres who can't stand to stay in the same spot more than a day. These felines will constantly be on the move around the land. They are the ones traveling borders and reporting their findings to the high ranks. Those claw marks you've spotted in the forest of beginnings probably belong to one of these brave cats. They may choose to complete their sentinel travels alone, or with a companion. You never know what you might encounter on the borders. ![]() The Artisans The main creative forces behind all the items Sabres use in special events and everyday life. These skills include but are not limited to carving, crocheting, basket weaving, painting (and producing paint). Artisans of the clan use their sharp claws to cut, strip, and weave materials in order to create functional items. Among the artisans are tinkerers which, while also harnessing the artisan skills, constantly look for new tools and ways to improve clan life and facilitate tasks. Though these Sabres may also participate in other tasks such as patrolling borders or hunting for the clan, their strong suit is their creative mind and dextrous claws. ![]() The Healers Though the art of healing is important enough that most members of the clan should know basic care, the healers are the ones that come to the rescue when more serious injuries arise. These Sabres hold specific knowledge about the gifts the land provide to treat afflictions. They will know which algae to use in poultices, or which flower will reduce fever and so forth. ![]() The Citizens Felines in Stoneclaw that don't particularly fit into any other category, usually start off being normal citizens. But don't let that fool you, they're just as important to the well being of the pride as any other. If the healers run out of ingredients for their poultices, they can ask for help from citizens. Artisans who are too busy tending to their craft to wander, may ask citizens to find certain items for them. They may accompany the warriors to watch their training sessions, or accompany the guards on their patrol if they want to. Hey, maybe they'll learn something on the way and wish to find their way to another rank eventually. Oh, and citizens are the ones watching over the jerky while it dries. It's boring. We know. ![]() The Elders Respected members of the clan, the elders are masters of their own design. They've made it this far in life and they've already given the best of their years to the pride, so it's only right they get to choose what they want to do with their time. If an elder asks for a request or wants to participate in an activity, then we must do our very best to assist them. Most elders will enjoy quiet activities such as watching/teaching the cubs. Some will just want to sleep and eat all day. We totally respect that. ![]() The Cubs If you're younger than a full turn of all the seasons then you fit into the cub category, no matter if you are a native-born of the clan or not. Once they become yearlings, these young sabres are no longer considered cubs and will be treated with the same regard as a citizen. In fact, chances are you'll become a citizen on your first birthday. Unless you've been showing some prowess in a particular rank, then you might just be one of the lucky ones and skip the citizen rank entirely and become a member of your chosen profession! No boring jerky drying watch duty for you! (No, really... no one likes doing it) |