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The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
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September 27, 2018, 06:27:01 PM
(This post was last modified: November 06, 2018, 11:25:00 PM by Mercury.)
The day had come and gone, settling in to late afternoon by time the golden wolf stopped. He had left his family of dogs a few weeks back, telling them wondrous stories of mythical places that he had seen in his dreams. It was something Tobie had been told many times by his comrades as being nothing but 'fanciful' until one day the group happened upon a site that Tobie had recited to them in detail some nights before. It was then that they all agreed something was strange about the boy, and something that he should look in to. It was decided that he would go and search for the source of these dreams, and return only once he was certain of what it was that was calling out to him. So he left, wandering the wilds for some time and continually having dreams about different places that lay somewhere hidden in the world. One by one he would find them, and one by one he would continue to follow the path until one day the dreams just stopped. They led him to a small clearing in the forest where a lake sat and a small, shallow cave. He had dreamed about this place multiple times, but seeing it in all its real life glory left him speechless. This was a place of quiet serenity and Tobie decided this is where he would settle. He found himself spending a few days here, learning the encompassing area and getting used to a world so different and yet so familiar; Tobie couldn't help but feel that this area was important. It was special. It was, perhaps, a place where one might find themselves seeking serenity and meditation from a stressful life- but for now it was his safe haven. He had hoped to stay here forever, until yesterday, when a howl caught hold of the wind and echoed through the trees and valleys surrounding him. Was this someone's home? Or was it just a loner looking for another like him? He didn't answer- he knew better than to engage something he did not know the origins of. So he waited, and when night fell and no one came, he assumed it to be a loner. The following day he continued in mapping out this new land that he would dub his and even caught himself a small meal before settling in once again with the late afternoon sun. He offered the setting sun a smile before retiring to the cave for the evening. Perhaps tomorrow he would venture farther and find some new piece to his puzzle. ------------ Come, my child. Come forth. Open your eyes. You must come home.
The young male awoke with a jolt as he desperately tried to catch his breath. The night had come swiftly this time and the cool breeze that wafted in to the shallow cave provided little relief from the anxiety of the dream the boy had just awoken from. Tobie sighed after a moment, his golden emerald eyes adjusting to the dim light of the evening. From the mouth of the cave sat the small lake surrounded by forest; a physical reminder that he was still here. Tobie was unsure of where he was, or how he'd gotten there, but he was glad that this was where his feet had taken him. The golden wolf slowly rose from his resting place, padding out of the cave towards the shore of the water. He paused for a moment to take in the scenery of a land he did not know; allowing his brain to take a moment to come down from the dreams he had just had. These dreams were strange though- they didn't feel like dreams, but perhaps more of an out of body experience. If one were to ask, Tobie would have said that he dreamt of this cave; dreamt of it so much so that it had appeared before him one day while he wandered the forest. Typically his dreams consisted of vague places that he knew but did not know. There wasn't much of an explanation to this other than he was stumped and hoping maybe someone could find it in their heart to help him out. Tonight things had changed. Tonight he dreamt of a shadowy glob that spoke to him. Go home, it told him. You must wake up and go home. He decided wouldn't worry of dreams now though. No, he would take rest here until they stopped and then he would continue once more. With a sigh he lowered his head and took a long drink from the shore of the lake, his ears lowered atop his head as he tried his hardest to push his curse to the back of his mind. It was unsettling though, to think that this shadowy being would come to him from his own dream to guide him to a place he did not yet know he would go to. Tobie found it frustrating and confusing- was this someone he knew? If all his dreams up to this point had led him to a cave and lake that definitely existed, then perhaps this shadow figure was someone he knew as well. Tobie huffed as he rose his head from the water and looked towards the sky. Was the howl from the day before the owner of the shadow figure in his dreams? That was silly- there was no point in trying to figure it out now. It wasn't like anyone was up anyway.He let out a low rumble before reclining to his rear and looking down at his reflection. He knew who he was- that much he was sure of. Then why were there things happening that he couldn't understand? If there was one thing that was for certain, it was that he wouldn't have enough time to think it through. There were footsteps fast approaching and Tobie knew that he wasn't alone anymore. Someone had found him. Perhaps this someone would be able to help him figure out how he knew this cave existed and who the voice of the shadow belonged to. Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you
Resident Changling
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Akutan was doing a run of the land. His mind was in an odd place. It wanted to think but found it couldn't conjure up anything beyond the subconscious need to watch where he was going. The best he could think of to explain this phenomenon was that he was at a crossroads with no idea where to go from there. He didn't know how to atone for anything in regards to Mercury. He just felt...lost. And it was a different sort of lost than what he had been for what felt like his entire life to this point. The sense of isolation that ended up freezing his thought processes was difficult to navigate but contrary to what one would expect, he didn't feel frustrated at all. He felt...well, nothing. He was just existing, at least until some divine revelation or something bashed him over the head.
He supposed in layman's terms, he was in a strange funk. He knew he was basing his self-worth too much on what others thought of him but he was trapped in a web of uncertainty he didn't know how to navigate. The misunderstanding between him and Merc was a misstep on his part and he supposed it was the way she reacted had caused the gears in his head to completely stall out. He knew better than to expect everyone to handle him with a gentle hand but truth be told, he had been caught off-guard by Merc's reaction. Alana would've calmly talked him down and explained herself if she had been in Merc's position. In hindsight, it was a good thing she had reacted the way she did, even though it came at a cost. She brought him crashing down, which he kind of needed, but at the same time, it left him stranded where he was, unable to move forward until he could figure something out. Which brought it full circle back the fact that he just couldn't get himself to think at all. He almost missed the strange scent but when he did, he hit the breaks and started scenting the air. Someone was close. "I can smell you, stranger. If you're friend, come out. If you're foe, you better start running and hoping I don't catch you. You're on Nardir's land." he said. |
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![]() K y r a,
Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me actions - “speech” - thoughts
Kyra was nearby on the patrol, scenting the borders and getting the lay of the land with Akutan. He seemed to be stuck in his head again and she nearly crashed into him more than once. The first time on accident but the second time she almost tried just to get his attention on the task at hand. But she was so focused on getting his attention back into the present that she didn't notice the presence at all until he stopped and she nearly crashed into him again! Granted she was tailing him rather close. She huffed at him and scowled as he let out his warning to the stranger. "That's a great way to welcome potential new members." She snarked. She was feeling queasy again and moody. Maybe if he didn't spend so much time in his noggin he could open his eyes and actually NoTice how she's been so off lately, and what a crazy start to their mission had been. She pushed past him beyond the brush, no sense letting the stranger ambush them when they could be scented out. A golden male seemed to be waiting patiently for them by a lake. She raised a brow and flicked her tail at how odd this seemed to be and wondered of they'd come across another... "hermit" like Arik. "Like he said, friend or foe?" She said revealing herself with a confident air. It'll be nice to get a cool drink from the lake behind him. She didn't sense he was much danger and her danger nerves have been on high alert since she realized her status a week ago.
Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon |
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
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![]() Speech:#99ccff
The footsteps had come quickly upon the golden male as he watched one approach; a large, towering male that had demanded to know whether he was friend or foe. The smaller had planned, intended even to answer when something caught this strangers attention, and just like the wind he was pushing onwards past Tobie. It made sense a moment later when the stranger's accomplice joined the two of them; a female who had overheard her comrade's line of questioning. Tobie turned from her to look at where the male had run off towards, but he had long since disappeared. The golden wolf's head swiveled back towards her as he offered the meekest of smiles and a gentle tail wag. "F-friend, I would hope," he said in earnest, his ears lowering as he dipped his head low in respect, "My name is T-Tobie. I'm lost. Well, sort of lost." He lifted his head to look at her, his facial expressions washing over with confusion and disbelief at what he was about to say next. "You see," the wolf began, taking in a sharp breath of air, "something brought me here. Something...led me here. I'm not really sure what. I was hoping maybe, I was hoping maybe you could answer that." He shifted on his feet a moment, his tail lowered and gently tucked between his hind legs. He meant no harm and hoped to convey it as best he could. Wolves were nothing like dogs, you see- they did not take pity on others who showed any kind of impairment, at least, not in his mind. The old crooning dogs had told him that when he was no more than a pup. 'You never wish to disrespect a wolf,' they had said, 'they'll kill you if they think you're not fit enough to be like them. Don't show them weakness! You're just as much wolf as they are...that or your mom really liked fuckin' us dogs, heh heh heh heh. . .' Tobie took another deep breath as he tried to calm himself enough to speak clearly. He only had once chance to explain himself to this stranger. One chance to get her to help him out; one chance to see his strange dreams through to a possible answer. "I've been having dreams," he began after a moment, golden eyes catching hold of Kyra's own eyes. He needed her to believe him. "They've led me here and I don't know why. But something...someone is calling for me. I heard them call for me just a few moons back." Still he shifted, taking a step back and lowering his head once more though his gaze remained on her, "I don't know how or why I'm here, but I'm...I'm meant to be here? I think? I don't know where this is but wherever this is, I think this is where I'm supposed to be. I just, I just, I just need some help to find who or what I'm looking for." Even as he finished, Tobie realized just how insane his plea must have sounded. He took a step forward, his head rising and ears perking. "Please, will you help me?" Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you
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![]() K y r a,
Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me actions - “speech” - thoughts
Noticing something amiss she nodded for her lover to investigate away from them, she'll take care of this. Her bi colored eyes danced between his trying to discern the truth and if he was really being earnest or just kooky. She sat quietly though her expressions were quite animated. Shifting her nose to the side to glance at Tobie askew on more than one occasion while he explained what he was doing here. Yup definitely another "Arik" except she didn't know if this kid had any blood ties here. Though her parents didn't technically have the blood ties here to begin with so that didn't really matter for this kind of thing anyway. "Honestly if you came to any other pack with that story they'd chase you out for being a kook. We got loads of your type here though." "Loads" namely one and the general attitude here, "Better take you to Queenie and the elders and have them look at ya." She didn't realize there was a whole gaggle of rules and questions for letting people in to the pack yet and she thought this might be a special case anyway. She didn't feel like this guy was going to harm anyone. Who knows, maybe the Big Guy can finally have a friend he can be all woowoo with. And just like that she nodded her head for him to come with her, "C'mon, no dallyin' I gotta get back out here after I deliver you. Keep up!" And she trotted quickly back through the brush and back to the dens, making sure Tobie was keeping up. She completely forgot to introduce herself and offer up her name. They'd all figure out names eventually, she liked getting things done first.
Photo © Cedric Verstraete / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon |
The Wayward Moon and Lost Prince of Nardir
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![]() Speech:#99ccff
"Honestly if you came to any other pack with that story they'd chase you out for being a kook. We got loads of your type here though." The male looked away sheepishly as she spoke of his story- and in every truth Tobie found himself agreeing with her. He too for a time had truly believed that he was going insane; that his mind had been playing tricks on him and showing him dreams of places that didn't exist. Even as he journeyed from his pack of dogs that had ushered him in to taking on this quest, he'd felt that maybe he was biting off more than he could chew; that was of course until he had stumbled upon this secret area. Well, it wasn't as secret as he'd first assumed, but it still gave him a sort of solidification that his dreams may very well have been something much more than just 'dreams'. "Better take you to Queenie and the elders and have them look at ya." Tobie's ears perked up as she spoke about taking him to her Queen. The male rose instantly to all fours, a small smile protruding across his features as he gave a gentle tail wag. This stranger was indeed going to help him after all! The relief that washed over him left the male feeling weak at the knees even as he stood firmly on the ground. Tobie found himself unable to muster up a thank you as she turned on a heel and began padding away. "C'mon, no dallyin' I gotta get back out here after I deliver you. Keep up!" Something inside of Tobie's chest filled and expanded, leaving him dumbfounded, happy and relieved as he took off after her. He looked back once in the direction the other had run off to but his mind was already beginning to fill with hope and determination about what lay ahead of him. Perhaps he had found somewhere to belong after all. The feeling inside his chest was hope. The hope that someone was going to finally give him some answers, and that maybe- maybe he belonged with wolves instead of dogs after all. --------------- OOC: Final Post. Tobie is now traveling with Kyra to meet Mercury. Down an unknown road
to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander,
it will lead me to you