Private Roleplay patient is the night [cross] | |||||||||||||||||||||
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When we are dead, we all have wings. We won't need legs to stand
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September 26, 2018, 02:10:44 PM
(This post was last modified: September 26, 2018, 02:12:25 PM by Set.)
![]() ![]() #d17d00
The day had slipped soundlessly into evening, with the final bits of sunset receding behind Alteron's vast mountain range. Sinking, sinking, sinking. With it the night came fowarded, ever creeping. Stars dotted a bright, cloudless sky, as the pale faced moon illuminated from the heavens above. It was a rare occasion, usually Alteron's climate made it quite difficult to see the moon, the land was often covered by a dense fog that snuffed most of the light out in a haze glow like that of a lighthouse. There was a breeze, though the air was relatively warm, save for a slight chill brought on by autumn, frogs still croaked and crickets still chirped. The last songs of summer. However, there was an oddity wandering about tonight. The haunting white light of the moon shone down onto this pale one's form, turning the cream of his coat pale yellow and sickly white-silver. He tread with careful, quiet paws. His narrow head always turn, vivid orange-red eyes alert and scanning, with those large ears forever twitching to every slight noise. Little Set, weak, scary boy. So easily spooked, taken refuge in a pack of monsters, misfits, and the like. When he came to Alteron's doorstep, meek and softspoken, he was met by the red woman and her amber gaze. How it carved into him, just like His. He was unsure what she was, be it temporal or some otherworldly beast offering him a place among this forest wrapped in fog. Mumbling prayers lowly under his breath, the pale boy turned in the blink of an eye, stance wide and trembling, feathery tail low and curled around his hind legs. A snap of a twig and he darted until he came by the lake side. The moon rippled at the very center of the waters, and Set couldn't help but look behind him and shrink. "I just wish to drink, please." His voice called out weakly, teeth chattering together as his body shook. "I-I beg whoever is there." For mercy, for peace. For the night is dark and full of terrors. |
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September 28, 2018, 04:40:24 PM
(This post was last modified: December 31, 2018, 05:46:23 AM by Cross.)
The sun had sunk beneath the jagged mountains in the far distance. Their peaks stretching up towards the darkening night sky like unleveled fangs; ever ready and eager for the next cycle of the heavens to feed them once more. The noise of the day had faded away until nothing but the soft chorus of crickets filled the otherwise quiet atmosphere that came with the moons rising. It was at this time where the Alteronian could renew himself from the mornings taxations and trials. This day had been particulary long and trying with the mixed blood being toyed and mocked by his fellow packmates who sought to find their worth by belittling everyone that they deemed 'lesser' or 'weaker' than themselves. If only his fringe lineage had been a bit stronger in his veins perhaps with a massive build and fierce fight drive the mindless drabble would avoid him instead of prodding him with their tasteless sneers and childish jabs. Yes, the occupants of Alteron were certainly very fond of their bullying.
Cross never let it bother him. They had nothing on him and he had made sure to give them nothing by keeping his dealings clean and transparent. Let the greedy hordes impale themselves on their swords. They tainted Alterons soil with their dark indulgences and twisted morals to the point where the surrounding lands wanted nothing to do with them. Even being associated with Alteron was considered to be evil. A sin to be hidden away and avoided like a rotting corpse in a social gathering. Making the Jack's job much more difficult than it had been. The new leadership seemed to be adjusting to their roles well enough but he had yet to see anything to affirm his favor of their rule. A tired sigh passed through his nose as the wolf caught himself going down a dark train of thought. It did no good to dwell on things that had yet to pass or the intent of those leading them. Turning his golden gaze skyward he began to lose himself in the endless sea of luminous twinkling stars that littered the dark blue void above; rivaling the brilliance of the moon herself if not out shining her completely. It was a marvelous spectacle and he slowly began to lose track of time and self while as watched the stars which blazed in and out of view as the moon traversed across her dark sea. The next thing Cross remembered his eyes were fluttering open as he was coaxed out of his peaceful slumber by the sound of a voice. He didn't recall falling asleep or catch what what was said but he carefully took in his surroundings before a pale skinny figure came into his view. They slowly passed by his resting place, twitchy and anxious, either oblivious to his presence or too preoccupied with their thoughts as they continued deeper into the forest. If it had been any other member of Alteron the child would have been quickly targeted as a new victim and pounced upon or possibly a new plaything. Luckily for the stranger Cross was more civil than his brethren. Fearing the small canine would flee if he made his presence known the wolf shadowed the silent traveler as they cautiously pressed onwards allowing Cross to walk at his leisure a fair distance behind. That was until the small being turned around, their tiny frame trembeling horribly, he could imagine their wide eyes sweeping over the shadows and mist trying to find that which it hid from view. Sadly this is where his curiosity overtook him and his presence was made known by the snapping of a twig which caused the skiddish fellow to suddenly turn tail and shoot off like a bullet. Luckily for the Jack the child didn't divert from his previous course which made catching up to them a simple task. Which did not take long to accomplish. After a few minutes of walking through the writhing mist the Jacks sharp almond eyes gazed upon the moonlit figure of the trembling canine standing on the edge of a lake. It would have been quite a sight if the stranger did not look ready to keel over by the slightest sound. "I just wish to drink, please....I-I beg whoever is there." The male quirked a brow as the strangers voice wavered mid sentence making him seem even more fragile,. "Calm yourself," he stated clearly as he stepped out into the open for the other to see and judge for himself, "I am simply curious as to what brought you out here so late at night." The moons luminescent light cascaded over his figure highlighting the different colors of his ruffled coat with her soft pale rays; sadly only one of his eyes were visible as his bangs hid his right eye from view but the visible one was fierce and alight with purpose. A need to understand who this person was and why they seemed to be so frightened of his homeland. Perhaps they had a different insight on Alteron and its people than others he had met or maybe they were simply the same as the rest. Going with the flow of the tide and never against it for fear of loosing themselves. "Go ahead and drink your fill," he coaxed gently, "my name is Cross by the way I am sorry for startling you before." |
When we are dead, we all have wings. We won't need legs to stand
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![]() ![]() #d17d00
The stranger's voice urged him to be calm, but that gave him little comfort, claws digging into the soft swampy lakeside mud, as if to make sure that he were still alive and could feel simple sensations besides fear. Maybe the shock of draw mud would spur his legs into moving, but no, the mixed canine was rooted, anchored, to this spot. His stomach twisted violently, and his heartbeat was the only thing he could hear thrumming loudly in his ears as if someone was beating down upon his chest. Don't harm usssss, don't haaaarm. It seemed to cry, and a strange whimpering growl wanted to desperately be ripped from his jaws, but he silenced himself before that could happen. He stepped into the light of the moon, and golden gaze was meant with the palest of blue hues, wrapped in darker shades of blue, dulled by radiant moon beams. Large ears pulled back and the skinny bodied male gawked awkwardly. "I-I don't usually come out at night!" His defensive remark came out as a cry and he jerked back just a little. "But the moon is full and I needed a drink. S-so, I thought i-it was okay." The lapping of water against the rocks offered him a more calming tone than this stranger had. Though the other tried to reassure him once more, and the pale skinny body suddenly felt so out of place, and perhaps ashamed? "I.. I-I scare easily, it's f-fine." He spoke quietly, not quite ready enough to leave his back open. "I-it's nice to m-meet you Cross. I'm S-Set." He wavered through that sentence more than he would have liked. "W-why are you out at night?" The question had popped into his mind as soon as Cross had probed with his own, and maybe the pale mix was getting ahead of himself as he felt he had, quickly amending his question apologetically, "I I!! I'm s-sorry! Y-you don't have to answer, I-I j-just t-thought..." |
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January 04, 2019, 08:10:04 AM
(This post was last modified: January 04, 2019, 08:46:08 AM by Cross.)
A weary thing this child was the dark mix breed wondered idly if there had ever been a moment in the slender gold coated figures past where he had actually enjoyed his youth with the vigorous carefree spirit that most pups seemed to harbor in their early life or if the terrified and trembling sight before him was all the boy ever knew. It would be a sad tragedy if the latter had been his reality. Moving past his whimsical wonderings Cross slowly made his way around the stuttering mess before stopping at the waters edge to admire the shimmering ripples that twinkled underneath the moons pale light."Truely," he said with a hint of disappointment his golden eye staring at his shy companion with half lidded amusement, "I have found that the night bears the most beautiful sights." With that he eased himself into the pools cool embrace.
Each step he took resulted in the creation of more ripples upon the glittering surface creating a new dance of starlight which trailed out behind him forming a fantasic display only to then fade away and merge into its previous dance as his movement stilled. Cross now stood chest deep in the waters depths casting the observer a rather serene glance from the corner of his eye as he watched them from over his shoulder a small smile pulling at the edge of his lips, "you have the advantage of dry land now," he said calmly, "go ahead and drink I will not be able to move without you knowing." "As to why I am out on my lonesome at this hour," he continued, "I needed sometime to myself there are a great many things weighing heavily on my mind and sleep proves an elusive friend this night." The Jacks sight drifted towards the waters surface before him watching his reflection ethereal and writhing like the substance engulfing him. "I have not seen you around before," he stated voice tinted with child like curiosity, "are you new to Alteron?" It was either that or the timid youth had skills of evasion so keen that they would make even their most experienced spies green with envy but the blue coated male highly doubted that probability. The half submerged occupant feel silent as he waited for the other to answer in the shaken stutters that seemed to make up most of his responses. Was it due to his nervous mind frame or the result of some terrible event in their past? Although the Jack was tempted to ask the pale being he kept the words locked away on the tip of his tongue and secret to himself. Such questions were intrusive and intimate both titles of which the well mannered individual refused to be labled in this meeting or any hereafter. To do otherwise would stain his clean record and threaten the image he had worked so hard to carve out from this land of many failures. There was a great deal that the politician had to do for their home and he had yet to play any of the cards in his hand. "Set, was it," he inquired after a long pause, "I was hoping to ask you something if you don't mind." Tell me what drew you here to this land of sin...what it is that makes you stay when those stronger than you have fled. |