Mandatory Thread The Giving Tree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Her friend came to her and told her of an invitation. She smiled at him-- she hadn’t been back to the pack of violets and fresh starts in so long. Since before all of this. Before Gemini. She left under duress. She would return different than she had been then. Perhaps she could put what had happened on crusted snow to rest. She would like that. It would be better. Her children could grow like Gemini’s wildflowers and they could forge a stronger bond than they’d had before.
That was, of course, the hope. They took their time. They gathered their young and on one sunny morning, began the journey to visit Inaria. She ensured, this time, that the children had permission to come. Even the children of the captives Shark and Rita, under the watchful eye of an elder sibling, joined them. It would be a good experience. When they came home, perhaps the matter could be put to rest. She would take this time to get to know the pirate captain’s children. (Oh, how little she knew. Of them. Of her own children. Of the things that would pass between them, like sand sifting through cloudy water.) It was a long walk for such short legs. She offered to carry those that grew tired, and in due time Inaria’s purple trees dotted their horizon. It was best to address them now, before overeager children scattered, energized at the opportunity to explore this new and bountiful haven-- “We’re almost there,” she tells the group, casting a smile back at the nearest child. “Listen up! There’s a few things I want you to remember during our stay.” GROUND RULES. “Inaria is our ally. Treat their home and their people with respect. Behave as you would in your own home-- or better. Remember, you are all little diplomats of Gemini! The relationships you make here will be the future for both of our packs. I expect all of you to be on your best behavior. I hope you’ll make friends! Explore, have fun! Inaria is a beautiful place.” It seemed reasonable enough to her. She had not been on the previous trip, but she hoped to correct some of their inexperienced blunders-- not checking with every parent… she did not recall any particularly hairy issues with the children, but it was best to be safe. They were, of course, only children. But it was true-- what they started here today would be the future for them, for Gemini, for Inaria. There was one last thing… “Additionally...” she started, stressing the word to draw any diverted attention back to her, “At the start and end of each day, you are to check in with a chaperone. Take note of who they are before you start exploring,” she glanced back to the adults and older siblings that helped corral the group. “Please introduce yourselves so everyone will know your names,” she asked of them, before continuing, “Each of you will be accounted for every evening before bed. If you fail to check in, someone will have to look for you.” She pauses, before adding dryly, “Which will be very embarrassing for you if you decided to just not check in.” Oh, the horror. Oh, being grabbed by the ear and publicly dragged back home. Say it isn’t so. That was it. It was relaxed, so far as rules went. Be kind. Be respectful. Let people know where you are. Fair, right? At least she hadn’t implemented the dreaded buddy system. Though, she had thought about it… “We’re here,” she said at last, tipping her head back to howl that very same message to Inaria-- they would know soon enough, whether they liked it or not, that Gemini WAS HERE. This is the Check-In thread for the Inaria puppy party event! Before posting in Inaria you MUST check in here, even if your post is just bullet points! There are several chaperones this event! You don’t HAVE to do threads checking in with them, but it should be alluded to in your posts-- you can have threads checking in if you want! You can also BREAK THE RULES if you’d like a plot where your character is hunted down by some Angery Adults. The rest is simple! Be respectful, little diplomats, or don’t! But be warned! If your character starts something, there may very well be consequences! >: D SO GET OUT THERE AND HAVE FUN! |
she, they
![]() He was trailing behind the group of puppies that bounded relentlessly behind their leader. His tail was down and in fact his entire demeanor was down- he didn't want to go to a party. He wanted to stay in Gemini; find his mother and father and siblings- he wanted to be with those for whom he'd only just met and had already become friends with. But the adults had urged him on. 'Go on, Angus. It'll be fun! You'll make friends more your age!' 'Oh, come on now, don't be like that. Don't you want to meet other puppies?' 'You haven't even gotten to know the puppies here in Gemini! This would be a great experience for you to get to know them as well as the other puppies in Inaria!' 'Don't be sad, Angus. It's only a party. What's the worst thing that could happen at a party?' The pup wasn't about to chide those adults and explain to them (in great detail of course) every possible thing that could go wrong at a party full of puppies that weren't focused on things of importance (such as adventure) but rather focused on things that were seemingly useless to him (such as play wrestling and endless games of chase). To be frank; Angus wasn't upset that he was getting to go to another pack- it was that he was going to another pack that was being supervised and he wasn't going with his friends- he was going with other loud mouthed, yapping puppies that were excited to meet...other loud mouthed, yapping puppies. But as they left Gemini and began their trek through the forest, Angus couldn't help but feel some strange familiarity within himself and the desires to explore. As they walked on, he couldn't help but feel the adrenaline in his body begin to surge and bubble up; he was growing more and more excited about the possibility of adventure! And who was to say that Inaria didn't have any pups like him? Pups that were more hell bent on exploring than wrestling and hunting- there had to at least be one new friend that he could make! He smiled widely as he gradually made his way up to the front of the small pack, his tail wagging furiously as the purple trees began to dot the horizon. They were here! He smiled widely and took a step before stopping. An adult that led the front of the group had begun talking. She even flashed him a smile. “Listen up! There’s a few things I want you to remember during our stay. Inaria is our ally. Treat their home and their people with respect. Behave as you would in your own home-- or better. Remember, you are all little diplomats of Gemini! The relationships you make here will be the future for both of our packs. I expect all of you to be on your best behavior. I hope you’ll make friends! Explore, have fun! Inaria is a beautiful place. " Angus could feel his heart pumping now- there were endless possibilities here; he could run and explore a new pack and for all he knew, his parents might even be within Inaria's borders! The pup shifted from one foot to the next before halting instantly as the adult spoke again. “Additionally...” came the drawn out word; a word used to bring him to attention and focus his entire being on her. He cringed a bit at the minor prelude scolding they were all about to get about rules. “At the start and end of each day, you are to check in with a chaperone. Take note of who they are before you start exploring, [...] Please introduce yourselves so everyone will know your names,” she asked of them, before continuing, “Each of you will be accounted for every evening before bed. If you fail to check in, someone will have to look for you. [...] Which will be very embarrassing for you if you decided to just not check in.” Angus turned from looking at her back to the fields and purple trees that awaited them, a smile plastered across his face and his tail wagging furiously. Angus was ready for a puppy party. |
Almost Sparkles
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A horde of children followed in waves behind the matriarch. A wave of red and a wave of blue. They stayed far from each other, as opposites usually did, but there was bound to be some intermingling. Perhaps from the corner of his eye he'd see a ghostly sister laughing with a little pirate boy. He'd ignore it, but it never went unnoticed. He remembered everything~!
He walked about, always with Maeva, talking about the plants and the decay and maybe even plotting a little while they explored. He'd point out the grey among the blue, and smile sweetly of her demise. *We can dissect her next* he'd whisper. He began to notice the purple trees engulfing them as they walked further towards Inaria, with their soft lavender shades littering the ground and blanketing the sky. The girl who found beauty in everything inspired an unlikely awe in the boy as they walked through the crushed petals. " Wow, " was all he could muster through unusually alert eyes. In the distance, he heard his mother reminding the children to behave. It went unheard. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Don't wanna mess with me
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![]() ![]() #317873 Who exactly was on this trip, that WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT SUPPOSED TO BE?! Who here snuck out of the den and blended in with the mass of children? Who expertly dodged her older sister who was accompanying the children on this trip? If y'all guessed Shuck, then you're 100% correct. Being uncharacteristically quiet this entire trip thus far really helped in that factor. If Shuck was grounded before, then she you'd best believe if she was caught now she'd be under permanent house arrest. However, the girl had her own agenda in mind, sparking up as soon as bright, wild eyes caught sight of Sterling's bulky frame. It was incredibly difficult to resist the urge in attack him right then and there, ears flicking back as her eyes followed him until he and whatever girl he had with him were out of view. All the while whoever was addressing them (Serrate), was completely ignore. Eyes glancing around the lush kingdom, with its odd purple blossoms. She'd turn then, catching sight of Croc, brushing by his side with a smirk and a wink. "Smell ya later bro~" She whispered to him, no doubt knowing he'd find the first mud puddle to wallow in and find new lizard friends, it's just something Croc did. Shuck, on the other hand, would take it upon herself to sneak away from the growing cluster of children, to scout out a couple of things in mind. How long until all hell breaks loose? |
in your heart shall burn an unquenchable flame
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The Starreaver walked this path before, though it had been almost two years now, and it was strange how things changed and stayed the same all at once. There were much more of them this time and instead of Hawthorne at their front it was Gemini’s very own Dire Queen. He wondered if that Golden Queen would greet them again as well. He still had scrapes on his face and leaves in his hair from the many, many branches that hung high enough for the wolves to easily slip under only for him to have to bodily shove them aside for his own passage. He also still trailed behind them at a much more leisurely pace; he was good at walking long distances, but he still only had two legs. Gaven thought the pup’s energy would be quelled by the time they stopped walking but as Serrate brought the party to a halt he could almost taste the building energy between all the children as she laid down her rules for them. It would be difficult to keep track of them all, no doubt, but Inaria would help, wouldn’t it? They only had to gain from making sure Gemini’s rambunctious tots wouldn’t die in their lovely violet forests. Forests were filled with trees and Gaven found one to lean on while Serrate spoke, possibly the only one actually paying heed to her words, though certainly she knew as well as he did that him listening to the rules did not mean he would necessarily follow them and perhaps that was worst of all. “Please introduce yourselves so everyone will know your names.” Wait, who was that for? Him or the pups? He hoped it was for him because he had every intention of answering it, loudly, at the back of the group for comedic effect. “Hel-lo! I am Gaven, your Lorekeeper, sometimes known as the Starreaver, and resident weird bird of Gemini, pleased to meet you,” he chirped. It hadn’t passed his noticed that many of the pups were somewhat familiar with him. “Being that I have weird spindly paws and walk on two legs that means I have twice as many options on how I will scruff you if you don’t listen to Mama Dire Queen, so beware. I also have an impressive repertoire of fatherly humor I can torment you with if you’re naughty, so don’t…be naughty.” His lackadaisical attitude and the peculiar pause between his words sent a different message than what he said. A tone that Serrate certainly wouldn’t appreciate, but they were children. What was the worst that could happen? (Aside from violent death?) “Each of you will be accounted for every evening before bed. If you fail to check in, someone will have to look for you.” “Oh…” “Which will be very embarrassing for you if you decided to just not check in.” ”Oh…?” Gaven piped. “That’s only for the children though, right?” |
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Hope vibrated in place. When Serrate said "LISTEN UP", the black and white girl flopped dramatically on the ground and vibrated. Being forced to listen was a punishment, which was pretty unfair, but Hope could forgive her mom for it because she loved her mom and she was a forgiving soul. (Sorta).
So - Hope was technically, if you were being very literal, ' sitting down and behaving ', for this particular second, but she was so excited she looked like she was going to slither out of her skin. Her butt was on the ground, but she writhed and twitched and squirmed and was trying so so so so so hard not to BARK. To people unfamiliar with her, it might look like she was having some sort of seizure. GSGFSSFDDZFSDF!!!! She was ready to show all the Inarian kids how SUPER GOOD Gemini kids were, and how much better they were in every conceivable way. Mom just needed to give the go ahead. The queen was talking about a bunch of stuff, but Hope wasn't listening. She loved her mom and cared so much about what her mom thought, it wasn't Serrate's fault that she was boring and Hope could forgive her for that. Hope did not make out a single word that was being said. She was too busy writhing. It took every ounce of concentration to SIT and STAY and so she just couldn't spare any concentration on the words. It's listen, or behave, but not both. Sorry!!!! (Sorta.) Oh wait - "We're here." PERMISSION!!!! Hope bolted into the purple forest like a god damn bullet, hopefully leaving all the other kids in the dust, because she was faster and better than them. ESPECIALLY the ones that were her siblings. She was going to make her mom SO PROUD! (....Sorta.) |
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The Whisper, as her title implied, was quiet on the journey to the kingdom of flowers. She walked in the shadow of her mother, the Queen's colors but darker. Deimos remembered the way to Inaria. She had walked these paths before. With her siblings. Some of whom were dead now.
The princess had come under some thin pretense of adult supervision for the bundles of snotty, squirming children that represented Gemini's unformed future. Deimos did not like their dripping noses or their loud laughter or their unpredictability. She also did not care about their well-being, short of those that were related to her by blood and therefore had the affections of their shared mother and the possibility of their shared faulty gene. Children were simple, bothersome, and usually sticky, and Deimos hated them, but she had her reasons for being here. She always had reasons, for everything that she did, and so rarely were those reasons known to those around her. Deimos had been here before with her brother. Deimos had never cared for Tauro, until they had talked here. He had always just been simple, and bothersome, and usually sticky, but in Inaria they had walked through the forest together, and he had told her a secret. Her brothers, both of them, had given Deimos gifts before they died. Inaria was Tauro's gift. "I don't want you to tell mom. She doesn't need to know. and Kariya? They're how they are...because of this place. They made us this way...trying to...make stronger soldiers." Fat lot of good it did them, he'd said. That conversation had wrapped itself around Deimos' brain like a long, red worm. She hadn't been able to shake the thought, not even after all this time. There was work to be done, still. It would be Deimos's gift in return for her brothers. They had handed her the end of their snapped red threads, and she was going to follow the strands back all the way down to the DNA. Deimos was not a Shepherd. She was a Whisper. And she was here to take the truth and cut it from Inaria's body. When asked to introduce herself, she did. She followed Gaven's warm and winding introduction with an introduction of her own. "Deimos." And she'd watch the children scatter, dispassionately wondering if any of them carried the curse Inaria had wrought, and wondering if one day it would kill them. |
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The journey had been an arduous one, but the pale boy had grit his teeth and marched on without complaint. He wouldn't slow the group down, wouldn't give Shuck a reason to taunt or Sterling an opportunity to say something about survival of the fittest. Antares stubbornly (and perhaps out of fear as well, for he had caught a glimpse of Shuck's stormy coat in the herd of children) kept away from the other children, instead trailing close by his quiet elder sister's heels, appreciating the silence around his mother's dark shadow. (He refused to bother her — so she wouldn't be burdened, like poor Harriette, that cruel voice sneered in his tattered ears). Antares took his medicine when needed and bit back as many coughs as he could — but even the ailments that lingered in wait couldn't take away the pale prince's sheer wonder at the world beyond Gemini's borders. No headache or cough would ruin this for him, especially as lilac flowers and trees began to fill the landscape. The pale boy even momentarily forgot about Shuck as his wide eyes took in shades of pastel purple. "It's pretty..." He murmured, barely registering his mother's instructions and the introductions as he ambled toward the trees. (and by his paws, a white poppy swayed — you'll like it here something in the distance suggested, soft and sweet and... sad.) |
Almost Sparkles
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September 27, 2018, 01:10:38 AM
(This post was last modified: October 18, 2018, 12:04:42 AM by Maeva.)
![]() She blended seamlessly in with the dappled children of Gemini, laughing and singing amongst them as they traveled to a land of purple trees. Though her wanderlust constantly sang siren songs into feathery ears, the gray girl did not stray from her companion. A constant presence by Sterling's side, the girl giggled at the jokes and stories he'd tell, and would happily play the games he thought of. Always by his side — and through the other children were endearing in their own ways, reminding Maeva much of her own boisterous siblings back at home, the gray girl preferred Sterling's company. A sweet smile of her own bloomed upon her speckled features to match Sterling's, her gaze taking in the gray child who he had pointed out. "Is she unwell?" Maeva inquired with a tilt of her head, but the note of agreement was not even a heartbeat away. "I could sing for her." She always sung when they played Sterling's games. Maeva watched as awe seemed to soften her friend's features, and her fondness for him only grew with each moment. The purple petals were pretty — but the look upon Sterling's face was even better. She did not listen to the red woman's words, though a part of her idly noted the familiar dusty reds and swirls of scarlet beneath her eyes, a part of her almost wanted to listed — the woman reminded her a bit of her own mother — but Sterling and the purple petals were far more interesting. As the voices of Gemini faded to the back of her mind, Maeva would hum lightly as she'd move forward to entwine lilac into her pale friend's hair, and press her nose briefly to his soft cheek. A whisper just for him — "Thank you for bringing me." — It was already worth it. |
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haha im gonna be the lazy kid
+ Croc has walked to the party with his siblings, bringing a few of his lizards. + As they approach, he sees a small purple lizard run away from the group, and he gives the eyes emoji + "Yeah, stay low key." He says to Shuck, knowing she shouldn't be here. Doesn't actually expect her to listen, but nor does he say it with any emotion (he's distracted) + When they are left to go on their own, he quickly goes to find said lizard and more lizards |
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September 28, 2018, 02:58:25 PM
(This post was last modified: September 28, 2018, 02:58:58 PM by Amalthea..)
There were so many, many faces and so very, very few that Amalthea truly knew (perhaps a few she'd seen in passing, but it was almost like being in a sea of strangers for the girl). It should come as no surprise then that she'd stick closest to those she did know on the journey, though perhaps she should've taken more of an opportunity to make friends herself. Maybe she'd give it a try; surely it couldn't hurt, right?
A few nods of understanding would come as Serrate spoke, even as the girl's eyes bounced from one new sight to another not unlike some of the pups she would imagine. How had she never left home before? There was so much to see, so much to learn beyond Gemini and Amalthea...Amalthea had allowed herself to grow stagnate much to her own embarrassment. What a good job she was doing of being a useful part of the family. A forced exhale and straightening of her form would quickly proceed calling out to any youngsters close to her, "I'm Amalthea if you need to check in later." There, she was doing better already being responsible and everything. Though unless anyone made to stop her the oddly melancholic Thea would twist and weave her way to the front, close enough to nudge at her mother with downcast eyes and a hopeful, "Could I maybe stay with you a while?" Please say yes, please, please say yes. |
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Twitch was BEYOND excited. The overactive girl hadn't exactly obtained permission to come along, but her parents were such shades anyway, they didn't seem to care. So Twitch ran wild all over Gemini, and now, very very soon, she would be running wild over Inaria. She didn't stick to one group, but instead weaved in and out of the parade, her oversized tail windmilling behind her in happy wags. Sure she'd gotten tired, and sometimes fallen a bit behind, but she'd refused to let anyone pick her up. She hated being picked up. She just became sulky and crabby for a while, whining about how her feet hurt and the normal are-we-there-yets. She noticed a few of the other puppies, but on some weird, instinctual level, she avoided the clashing colors. They made her twitch. The trees were too interesting anyway! Who knew they grew purple like that! The group stopped, and the adult who had been leading them began talking. Twitch tried to pay attention, she really did. Something about coming back? She always had to come back. What would her parents do if she wasn't there when she was supposed to be? She'd never tried it before. She was trying it now, she supposed. Maybe? Was she? Either way, probably best not to test it with the Red Mama so far away from home. Too many unknowns. But then Silvery-white eyes snapped back to attention as the weird thing came up front. He began squacking in real wolfspeak, and that was fascinating in and of itself. What a COOL bird! Then he made grabbywings and she decided she had better come back. She did NOT like being picked up. ![]() |
the feathered prince
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Any opportunity for adventure was an opportunity he could not pass up! With their older sister leading the rambunctious group of children, Kukulkan followed close to Tethys but kept his eye on a few of his own littermates. Crocodile, Cian, and Shuck in particular. Sure he'd promised to big sis - and mother as well if we're being honest - that he'd behave himself, and sure he certainly meant to uphold that promise. But it would be a lie to say that he would be able to resist the pull of the tide as soon as it came in, tugging him in another direction. He would blame that insatiable need for excitement on all those stories mother told them. Big bold eyes gazed all around as the massive party made its way into the whimsical purple lands. The bouncing boy had asked all sorts of questions on the way over, each of which was answered with a new variation of "I don't know" by Tethys. It was only as he began to sense the tension behind her voice - stress no doubt - that he eased up and turned his focus over to his brothers and sister. Keen eyes zeroed in on them, following Croc's stride and noticing the children he'd brought along. Chirping a quick "Be right back!", Kukulkan raced off to join his brother and to coo ever so lovingly to his assortment of wiggly sons and daughters. "This place, brother, it's calling for us." Could he feel it? The tingling in the legs, the flushed cheeks, the bubbling in the chest? It all begged for them to go and explore. Gemini's queen spoke, and unlike his siblings Kukulkan listened, if nothing but to be polite. A visible scowl slipped onto his maw at the idea of having to check in every night, but soon enough the thought drifted away as he and Croc made their way to sister Shuck. More words, followed by a howl, but they could've been dust for all he cared at this moment: Sterling had caught his eye. His chest shimmered, flared, shook. "That there motherfucker..." The brother muttered lowly to his two siblings, keeping a wary eye out for eavesdroppers before continuing, "I'll keep y'all safe. But tonight... we'll meet?" He was one of the biggest in their litter, and it was the duty of the big brother to protect his sibling. He'd be damned if he couldn't be there for them, but with so many adults and strangers around, they'd need to have a moment of privacy. And so he'd look around, eager, impatient, waiting with Croc and Shuck for the first opportunity to duck out.
ooc: he's here but he's very distracted
text speech: #a5300d
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![]() Walking out from between the wall boundaries had been liberating in a way. She hadn't ever really ventured out of them because of the fear instilled in her from such a young age, and even the curiosity had been suppressed by the warnings her mother told. Following the group of excited children made her a little more comfortable, especially with her grandmother leading the way, but even so, anxiety had grabbed her fast.
Gemini melted away into the unknown, Maia's mind swirling with questions and worries. She kept thinking of the look Lev gave her as she walked out into the unknown. The look of worry mixed with pride as her daughter had grown, but was walking in the footsteps of her youth. The Valkyr just hoped her daughter would have fun. Everything was so new and Maia often fell behind the group only to run to catch up by either someone reminding her to keep up or snapping out of her day dreaming. The scent of flowers as they approached the purple groves caught her attention fast. She hardly noticed they slowed and that Serrate laid out some rules, the words blurred in the background except for the last part about checking in. They could explore within the territory as long as they came back at night. Maia reminded herself to do so as she could often get carried away especially at night with the stars. She wondered if they were different here. As they reached their destination, she felt so odd as if it was familiar in some way. Maia swallowed the feeling and broke away from the group when they were allowed to, wanting to walk over the roots her father once bounded over. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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Almost Sparkles
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Why was she here? Why wouldn't she be? Her siblings were here (that was reason enough to begin with) and it was a chance to explore uncharted territory. Who knew what kind of fantastic riches lay in this colorful new world? Everything was new here, the flowers, the trees, the sky - okay that was probably the same but it felt new. Mizuchi stuck close to her siblings during the trek, listening vaguely to their scheming but choosing not to get involved (for now). She was sure they were up to no good, as they always were, but she wasn't quite ready to dive headfirst into a life of crime here. She wanted some time to explore, and she couldn't do that very well with a bunch of wild hooligans taking every opportunity to cause chaos. So she'd keep an eye on them, just because they were family and she didn't want anything too bad to happen to them, but she wasn't going to like, hang out with them or anything. That would be pretty lame.
The lead Queen wolf or whatever was giving a speech about something. Rules? Not important. Rules did not apply to smart children like herself. They were there for the ones like her siblings, who were just going to break them anyway. That old lady was wasting her breath. But Mizuchi sat and stared politely, red eyes glazing over as her mind wandered through the fields of flowers that ran out in every direction as far as she could see. She couldn't wait to get out there and see all that there was to see - if her siblings didn't destroy it all before she got the chance. |
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![]() ![]() Things were going great! The travel was interesting, lots of sights to see; it wasn’t nearly as long as he expected, either, and he was here with his family! Caspian kept a close eye on all of them, especially Shuck as they traveled together. He took note of who else was participating in this little cross-pack adventure, he was quick to note Sterling’s presence and with that he continued to be leery of his aggressive siblings. He was thankful that Mizu came, someone who was far less of a concern to him than his other rambunctious siblings. Just before they arrived, Caspian strode up to his family. “Can we please all stick together?” He nearly begged, exhaling a quiet laugh. “I don’t think it would be wise of we get separa-“ Unfortunately he was too late to offer his youthful advice, before the Queens started to speak and give her ground rules. Okay, good. All of that sounds great. Surely his siblings will listen to her, if not him, above all else. Because they’re responsible, good, and under Gemini’s law. Yes, perfect! (Oh, Caspian. The pure hearted boy who expects so much from his pirate-blooded family.) He waited for Serrate to finish her words before he itched to continue, but as quickly as she finished she added on the releasing words that meant he wasn’t going to get to finish talking. “We’re here,” “G-“ He started, suddenly the exciting movement as the group of children started to disperse, everyone eager to go on their own ways. “Hey! K! Sh-“ He suddenly lost sight of them, “Guys! Stick! Together!!!” —and within a blink of an eye, the tree amigos disappeared. He stood beside Mizu, looking at her with a worn grin. “Here we go…” Strap in kids, it's going to be a bumpy ride. |
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Rook never said that signing up to be some sort of fancy babysitter was a good idea, and she supposed it would come with some risk, parroting after some royal babe and making sure their paws wouldn’t come to blisters lest her head roll (that’s what Queens and Kings did, right? Guillotine those who let little Princesses and Princes come to harm? Oh god, why did she come, there is so much REGRET RIGHT NOW --)
Anyway, aside from all that, it was nice to meet the supposed Queen of their dominion, and boy, was she a big ‘un. Absolute unit. Rook never approached her during their trek, of course, because she was pretty much a country bumpkin and had no idea how to talk to a monarch, but that was alright, because throughout their journey she found an unlikely accomplice in one boisterous pup; eyes that pierced like ice, eyes that squinted in suspicion at everyone and everything during the first leg of the hike, before opening up and bouncing back and forth in exuberance when the little one realized the sheer magnitude of the world beyond Gemini’s borders. It was cute, and before long the anxiety of making sure royal kids don't up and fucking die on her flittered away. They were good, strong kids. They would make good decisions. They reached their destination; the Queen rolled out her instructions; Deimos and Amalthea and the … human (she shuddered) … introduced themselves; and off went all sorts of children, bobbing away before she could make her own introductions. UM. OKAY. RUDE. Whatever; they saw her, she saw them, and if anything happened they’d howl for help and Rook’ll come sprinting. If nothing else, she made sure to drill that into the pup she made an acquaintance with; she looked down at Bellamy, who was still gingerly seated and unaware of what to do next, and sighed. The poor girl’s demeanor screamed everything is happening so much. “C’mon, kid, let’s start by walking around and catching something to eat. You must be hungry.” “I – I can take care of myself!! You can go now! I know how to find food!!” “Alright, alright,” she chuckled, looking away, but even so stealing a glance at the girl and noting the hint of nervousness that crackled the air around her, before suggesting, “but – oof – my bones are pretty tired, I could sure use some help running down a rabbit. Some young blood sure would do me good.” “… Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine. I’ll heeeeeelp.” And off they both went, following the trailblazed path brave Hope kindly left for them. |
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November 11, 2018, 05:08:22 PM
(This post was last modified: December 21, 2018, 05:07:17 PM by Bellamy.)
At first, she started out huddled behind her mother and Amalthea, unsure of who these other pups were – and especially of the hairless, two-legged “bird” he so affectionately called himself – and lamenting why exactly she didn’t stay home with dad. With Gemini.
But then she thought what Sister-King Akira would do, and she would definitely be brave and kick ass and take names in this “Inaria”, so Bellamy decided she’d be like her and do just that as well. Except it’s all easier said than done, of course, and when they finally started their journey and the green and yellows of Gemini disappeared behind them, she felt nauseous. Homesickness was an unfamiliar feeling, she couldn’t put a name to it, but she also refused to show anyone how pale she fucking felt, or ask anyone about why she wanted to cry every time they walked one mile further … and despite her trying to keep a cool composure the best way an awkward kid can, Rook sniffed her out anyway and walked by her side the entire time, talking about this and that, always talking, but at least it kept the nervous breakdowns away. They arrived, they parted, and only Rook and Bellamy were left. She didn’t want to leave the older wolf’s side at all, but that was pretty childish of her and not very noble, so she did her best to fool Rook into thinking EVERYTHING WAS FINE AND ALSO STOP CODDLING ME. “I – I can take care of myself!! You can go now! I know how to find food!!” “Alright, alright, but – oof – my bones are pretty tired, I could sure use some help running down a rabbit. Some young blood sure would do me good.” Success! Trying to keep it all suave, Bell toiled out a fakely laborious, “… Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine. I’ll heeeeeelp.” And off they both went, following the trailblazed path brave Hope kindly left for them. |
light up for me
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s l o a n
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It felt recent and fresh to be going back to Inaria and Iaera wondered how much time had truly passed since the delivering of an invitation had taken place with Chelae and the others. Seemed like years and decades when she considered all that had happened in between these two similar events and yet as she neared the purple trees and rolling hills of Inaria it was like yesterday. The Whisper felt haunted by the memories, such peace; perhaps that was why it seemed so nice to be returning? She had not felt peace in some time, each step in the caravan of travelers felt an awful lot like agony to the still healing woman. How many decades had passed since the battle with the slavers, the disappearances of the captives? How many days had her ribcage ached while she continued to work forward like a stubborn mule? Everything was running together. Like a runny watercolor in her head, or maybe it was in her eyes?
Iaera froze for a moment, steadying herself as the dizziness of pain and tiredness crept in. They were dreadfully close to their destination and so she simply waited for a few others to pass before standing back up and moving forward. Her head was swimming but she was excited to see the Jacaranda trees again, and see if she knew any of the wolves that would come to greet them. Just as they were nearly there, the Queen stopped them. Iaera’s mind wandered away from Inaria and this party, considering it interesting that the Queen lead this trip. Gentle, political, light natured. The King had lead the trip into battle for goodness. The lines in the sand between the pair were becoming clearer, Akira had remained behind to see to it that Gemini was still safe Iaera imagined. Perhaps to let Serrate out? Violet eyes studying the tired Queen, it would be good for her to set out of Gemini a bit. Everyone needed fresh air. Or at least she guessed. The Ranger zoned back in around the time Serrate was telling the children it would be embarrassing to be hunted down for not checking in. The lighter side of her wanted to add in that she’d make it extra uncomfortable if she had to hunt someone down, but her mouth didn’t seem to open for those words to come out. Probably because she realized she was gritting her teeth from the pain and more than anything just wanted to find somewhere peaceful to get a slight bit of rest. The chirpy voice of Gaven brought Iaera back to the meeting once again, he had managed to make a threat similar to hers so she’d let it go. ”Iaera, Ranger and Whisper. My special skills include not being seen until it’s too late to lie.” Adults also introduced themselves, many she knew. Children seemed to scatter away into the winds like leaves. Had anyone expected them to listen? Iaera shook her head with a toothy grin, hiding her pain she felt as she began to walk in. She knew where she was going, the nursery of trees planted by the elder Blaise. Was he still alive? ![]() |