Private Roleplay run | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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@"Kotake" @"Arkyls" @Raining
So here she was. The newly appointed Elite Guard stood upon Whitewind's hill, still pondering over how exactly she was going to tackle this. She now had three apprentices, and it was safe to say that she had absolutely no idea how to train someone, let alone three small children. She had trained with Moons, true, but it was brief. Cappella had left a couple weeks afterwards which had led to her first encounter with Dragon. So, she'd just have to follow her instincts. These weren't her own sickly children, who needed a soft touch and gentle words. These children were the royalty of Inaria - it's future. These girls could potentially become Queen. So Cappella would give them her best, so they could give Inaria theirs. She had told them to meet her up on this hill at the crack of dawn, so now she simply waited for them to emerge. She'd watch each one intently as they made their way up the hill. "Good morning, Princesses." She'd say once they all arrived, looking down at them all (god, they were so was she supposed to teach such tiny little puppies how to fend for themselves?). "My name is Cappella." A pause for them to introduce themselves. "I'll be teaching you some important things as you grow up. No matter what rank you wind up in when you're adults, knowing how to defend yourself is vital." She certainly wished she had stuck around for more practice before she had thrown herself out into the wilderness. "Now, your first lesson will be the same as mine. If there is one thing you take with you when we are done training, it is this-" She'd lift one of her front paws and prod the first child who arrived - firmly enough to make them wobble on their feet. "Never let your opponent knock you to the ground. Stay on your feet." Yes, tiny children, she was being serious. And yes tiny children, she was aware that she had the high ground on a large hill. "Lesson number two-" Her paw suddenly shot out with little warning, aiming to strike the child who arrived last (and this one was intended to knock them down and possibly send them rolling away). "Don't be late." |
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There was a part of her that regretted going to that meeting. Not all of them even showed up. It was her Pareidolia and Luna, and apparently the rest were exempt from mystery training from the Elite Guard. Belioh had been anxious about it since their first session was announced, and that feeling never let up. It just buzzed around inside her belly like angry wasps, spiking last night and now that she was awake and walking, it was easing. Sort of. Now, she was just nervous. Bel didn't mind early mornings, but she preferred to do things at her own pace. Not this morning though, she tried to be the first one up, and the first one walking there. Like the meeting itself, she didn't want to be late. She didn't know this "Cappella" she could be really nice, or she could be some scary tyrant. But her father wouldn't... allow someone cruel to teach not only one, but two of his daughters...right? Or Cockatrice and Doli? It'd be... silly, and unecessary cruel punishment for doing what she was told. Like going to an adult meeting to prove yourself or something ridiculous. The Hill was approached just slightly ahead of the other two, and Bel wore a sort of anxious hope that everything was going to be okay. And it started out okay! She spoke, she sounded nice... "Belioh," she managed to say juuust tinged with her usual vocal tremble, though her tones were still quiet. A few things snagged her attention in the words that followed their introductions. One: was how she said "as you grow up" which meant for better or worse they were stuck with her and Two: was the words "defend yourselves." What did that mean, exactly. Belioh's face took on a puppy-like perplexed expression, coupled with a head tilt. Bel didn't really have time to think on it too hard, because Cappella's paw pushed her making her stagger just a bit. Thankfully Bel was able to save face and stay standing, but Cappella was regarded with a sort of frightened how dare you expression, which was mixed with a why would you do this. Lesson number two, which sent one of others possibly tumbling (with a glance to confirm). Her grey green eyes snapped back to Cappella, "I-I... don-don't like this game," she stammered, ears flat as she backed off a bit, looking for a route to escape. Oh gods she was crazy ohgodohgod. "I am a-- I am an artist not a fighter! Who to-told you this was okay??" Her eyes found an acceptable way out, which happened to be the way she came (good job Bel), so she'd try and slink behind the one who didn't get shoved, using her as cover so she could dart away. |
Pareidolia was one of those precocious little brats who was all too eager to grow up. It was a romantic sort of image she had of adults — they were fierce warriors! important doctors! kings and queens!! — that did not include even a shade of the horror those who’d come before her had seen. She was luckier than she knew, lucky as she was hopelessly naive...
maybe someday she’d muse upon that wearing her adult body, troubled by adult responsibilities, wondering why the hell she ever wanted this so badly. But today wasn’t that day. Today was special — she was going to train with a Real Life Elite Guard! Doli wondered as she arrived some time after Belioh what badass things this mystery lady was going to teach her. Take on five wolves at once? Take on TEN wolves at once? The possibilities! The little princess wagged her tail when teacher started speaking with them. Here was a warrior, for sure — just look at her cool scars! “Hi, Cappella,” she answered agreeably, licking her nose in impatient anticipation for whatever came next. Well, apparently what came next was knocking some actual children on their fuzzy butts. Doli laughed incredulously, oblivious to how uncomfortable Beli was with this sudden turn of events. She’s crazy, the two girls thought, with vastly different mental tones of voices. Crazy was fun. “Me next!” demanded Pareidolia importantly, pouncing closer to Cappella, shifting from foot to foot and showing her small white teeth. Come on, teacher, try ME on for size! |
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Luna wasn’t entirely sure how Belioh got herself roped into this kind of training.
But, being the doting, tough sister she was, she sought out the rusty girl, hoping for them to arrive to the meeting together to perhaps quell some of the fears her sister might have. That plan did not go in accordance to her expectations. With a frustrated huff, Luna concluded that very strange possibility that her sister actually made her way to this meeting by herself. How could she! It would’ve been for her own good to go together, and Luna was simply considering the better option for her sister. How selfless was that?! After searching high and low, she opted for simply arriving to the meeting by herself. From the distance she could see Cappella sitting atop the hill, and as her emerald eyes lowered she saw not one body, but two young bodies. Belioh was already here! With an exasperated, almost insulted gasp, the silver princess charged up to the group with sole focus on her tiny sister, just as Bel was knocked down gently by their instructor; an important step she missed due to her running around on a goose chase for nothing. “Belioh!” One might think this was the concern of an litter sister, after having seen their kin knocked over by an adult; but instead she was ready to fuss in her ear about how she showed up without Luna! "Never let your opponent knock you to the ground. Stay on your feet. Lesson number two-" Luna’s attention, of course, was focused on the wrong source in the moment and just before she opened her mouth to continue at her sister, a large paw was shoved against her body this time at Luna. Being unprepared and simply far too small to stop the proper force, suddenly she found her world spinning and the ground turned into the sky and her sister’s figure turned into a blur of colours. She was confused. Then she heard the reasoning: "Don't be late." Oh, no, no, no. This was not how Luna was going to start her day. First, ditched by her own sister and then made to be an example of tardiness in front of everyone? Nope. With a fiery, determined huff, Luna shot herself back up to her feet and stared Cappella straight in the eyes with sternness that surpassed the level someone her age should contain. “My apologies, miss Cappella.” Despite her stern eyes, they didn’t make it to her youthful voice, one still very much a child. Her voice wasn't disrespectful, but a hint of rile. “I was late because I was looking for my dear sister, Belioh, as we were going to arrive to the meeting together.” Luna bettered on the fact that Bel wasn’t going to sell out her sister’s bluff, one that was going rather convincingly at the moment. It wasn't a total lie, just... one that didn't ever make an extension to Bel herself. “You see, she is very timid, and I look out for my sisters just as I will for Inaria.” Luna stepped forward now, standing back in line with the fellow royal children. “I think loyalty and looking out for your fellow pack mates is important.” Emerald eyes shifted briefly away from Cappella to glance at Doli, wondering if she would start giggling at Luna now too. It was partially a greeting, though, giving a quiet nod of hello to the other pup. Silence fell for a moment before her attention snapped back to Cappella, the fire simmering before she added on finally. “My name is Luna,” A realization she missed the introductions. “And I won’t be late again.” |
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She had been Punctual, on time. Rushing to wake her Sisters that morning, pushing them with eager feet to get their butts moving. Coming out of the den behind Belioh, who despite being up and at em seemed nervous about this whole thing. Elias didn't understand, and walked alongside the warm Sister with her ears tall and a bounce in her step. "Good morning, Princesses. My name is Cappella. I'll be teaching you some important things as you grow up. No matter what rank you wind up in when you're adults, knowing how to defend yourself is vital." When the Elite came into her sights, she gave an incline of her head to greet her. "Good morning Ma'am. I'm Elias." Murmured before her head came back up, eyes wide and excited after a few others had introduced themselves. Giving Doli a curious nod. Holding her ground beside Belioh, she glanced over her shoulder searching for Luna. Hadn't she been right with them? "Now, your first lesson will be the same as mine. If there is one thing you take with you when we are done training, it is this-" Head shot back around just in time to watch Belioh get pushed with Cappella's paw, and her stumble backward from her side. Elias did her best to reach out and grab her Sister gently in hopes to tug her back to her side. "I am a-- I am an artist not a fighter! Who to-told you this was okay??" Of course this was the moment Luna showed up, and Doli's stance got much more excited. "Never let your opponent knock you to the ground. Stay on your feet. Lesson number two- Don't be late." Luna went spinning to the ground at the next movement Cappella showed them, it was sweeping at quick. Elias' eyes swelled with awe, watching Luna recover quickly. "Show us more, please." The girl shuffled forward confidently, squaring up with Cappella and eyeing Doli as if she would be her training partner. She took a strong sparring stance, mimicking how light on her feet Doli was. Ready to go. |