Open blood chorus | |||||||||||||||||||||
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D I R T,
![]() i don't wanna be ignored, oh god when i'm a gun in a fistfight actions - “speech” - thoughts
Alteron was dying, with heaving, shuddering gasps. With the announcement and crowning of triumvirate, came the slow and steady bleed of last week's regime, gutted and splayed for the new leaders to feast on, blood pooling for them all to drink with mirth. Dirt could feel its last heady breaths, in his bones and innards and his skin, the insects taking refuge in his fur whispering it into his ears. His blood surged with it, revelling in it. Death was nigh, and then would begin the decay, consuming and hot and slow, skin and flesh dissolving, shedding from bone and being devoured. He took his time, slinking to the nearest body of water, a murky pond. One of the few nearby that wasn't poisioned with decaying bodies. Not that the presence of bodies would deter him, of course. A skull rested on the shore, bright white and small, fragile. After drinking his fill from the dark water, he took the skull into his jaws, cradling it at first, gentle as a mother with her young, before closing his jaws and c r u n c h i n g solid teeth down into the fragile bone. He would chomp on it again a few times, breaking it up and swallowing it, almost ravenous for the taste of marrow on his tongue. Dirt dipped his head down to drink once more from the swampy depths, flicking the flies away from his ears. Hail Alteron, land of the Glorious Dead.
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![]() Alteron was writhing in pain, through all of the blood it wallowed in, it was finally drowning. Sarissa was disheartened that things had fallen apart the way they had, her own heart gasping for some breath. All she had left was her father, who stood alone in his castle. The silent whispers of roses was all that kept her company as her little toys dispersed and her sister was no where to be seen. Her mother had disappeared as well, but she could care less about that bitch. The young girl was happily tending to her roses, combing her pelt through the thorns as the scent of them lingered.
Sarissa knew not where she stood at the present moment, but Orcrist gave the indication that he kept his appearance. His prestige and she wondered if she would as well. Family was still in charge, and family was all that mattered. The splashing of water was what caught her attention, her bulky body swaying through the undergrowth to find what was causing the commotion. She found a dirty dog rolling around in the muck and drinking from an undesirable waterhole. She grimaced, her face twisting in disgust. The sword would cautiously approach the scene, not wanting to dirty her white fur. "Well well, what do we have here?" she asks, tongue sweeping over her nose. He even smelled foul, she thanked whatever deity that she could easily just drown it out with her own perfume. He had just crushed a skull in his jaws as well, a specimen that could've been used for currency, if that was still a thing. Sarissa sighed. "What is it you're doing, anyway?" she asks, tail whipping behind her in annoyance. She would step around to get a better look at him. It seemed his fur was the same color as the muck he swam in, it was fitting. Too fitting. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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D I R T,
![]() i don't wanna be ignored, oh god when i'm a gun in a fistfight actions - “speech” - thoughts
"Well well, what do we have here?" Dirt paid her no mind, drinking deep from the stagnant water, barely a flick of the ear in her direction, until he stopped for a breathe. Only then, did he acknowledge her, turning to look at her, muck dripping from his chin as he ran his tongue over his lips, tasting flesh and marrow and crushed bone. He didn't speak, only offered her a very toothy grin and a wave of the tail. "What is it you're doing, anyway?" His head cocked curiously, suddenly. Nearly unnaturally, the bones snapping his skull to the side, the filth twisted in his fur slopping around. A few bugs crawled out of his ear, tangling into his fur, a matted, horrid refuge. He was filth, he was muck, he was mire, sacrilege and sin. He was god and jury and serf, he was what hides in the dark, he was the monster in the closet, he was in the gutters and in the attic and in the silence of night, he was antithesis and aching, trembling absolution, he was blood and gore and decomposition, he was how gods died, how kings fell, a tyrant in all but title, Alteron's rotting, dying jungle his kingdom. His eyes widened and his blood turned hot and sweet and molten in his veins, and he approached her, breathing in her rosy scent, of fresh flowers, of beauty and soft, silky petals, of something entirely too soft and weak. He panted, drooling all the while, her sweet, sickly smell causing hims to salivate even more copiously. He wondered if her flesh tasted the same, if she was as easily crushed as a flower beneath his paws, if she withered and died in the cold, if her fruit was as beautifully red as her eyes were. And he imagined popping them between his teeth, tangy and bitter juices exploding in his mouth, her beautiful voice shrill in horror, blood flowing down her pretty, soft white fur. And how he wanted to corrupt, to reach out with open jaws and touch her with teeth that only knew to tear and break. Jaws ached to shut over her throat, to squeeze and feel her fade, to let go and watch her struggle to get her bearings, he wanted to break what was untouchable and beautiful. “Surviving.”
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![]() Brows furrowed and her eyes hardened as he stared at her like she was a rose waiting to he plucked or even a next meal. The smell of him matched the muck that matted his fur. Red glared into golden, her position shifting slightly in order to be defensive. His silence was unnerving even for a girl who was disturbing in her own right.
Drawing breath, she was about to say something else but the beast before her finally replied to her. Surviving was his answer, which surprised her. Why did it surprise her? This forest was all about survival, the weak always broken and crunched under the teeth of the strong. Sarissa had seen the weak devoured in many forms — war, vendetta, personal grief... She's seen even the strong come to their knees in Alteron. Witnessing her father being defied had broken her perception of immortality for the royals, and now that Azuhel had been gone... well, where did that leave any of them? Even Sarissa knew she could perish easily if she did not survive, did not step carefully. Her trance on him broke, shaking her head slightly to get rid of the awful feeling in her stomach. "Stop looking at me like that... what's your name? Do you even have a job?" she asked, curious as to what his purpose actually was in Alteron. Basic survival was of course important to the needy tendencies of organic organisms, but the social aspect of any pack meant that having rank was just as important to any surivival skill. Because at the end of the day, a rose was beautiful and colorful petals spread to soak the sun, but the thorns protected them from certain death. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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