Open Snug as a Hound in a Log | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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((Sorry, a lot of this is just story. I'm just trying to get to know her a little))
Schorl missed the Cryptid's Village. The hellion had no idea what humans were, so when she found the battle torn settlement she started to imagine what kind of creatures would build such a place. She had plenty of ideas of what they could be, there were bones remaining from the slaughter that confused her more than it helped. Despite the uncertainty Schorl loved living in what remained. Stone walls, windows, shelves for all her little trinkets. That's what she missed. And that's what she wanted to replicate in Alteron. She had spend an ungodly amount of time digging her den. Most canines didn't mind close quarters, the kept them warm and was convenient. Shorl's home was massive, the roof a good foot above her head. Piles of dirt in each corner would work at her shelves. Her sad, empty little shelves. There was a shiny black rock and a fox's jawbone. Both found. But the green feather on the far shelf, that the hellhound saw on a new recruit's necklace. It wasn't half as impressive of her things in the village, but in that moment Schorl wanted it more than anything. She was bigger, and higher ranking, so a frontal theft was easy enough. Silver nose sniffed at her prize now, tickling her in the process. The canine looked around his giant den and sighed. Well that project was finally done, maybe it was time to crawl out of her hole. It was a hot, muggy day in the forest. Thankfully there was no pressing trip the jack had to go on, walking to another packland in this heat would be wretched. A part of her wanted to go to the nearest creek and just lay down for the day, but Schorl had a rumbly in her tumbly. With most of the Alteron population gone or rotting on the grounds there seemed to be enough prey to go around. In fact it took little searching to find a chipmunk perched atop his log home. Not exactly a belly buster but a good enough snack. The hellion tried to sneak up the best she could. Schorl, bless her heart, was a fast creature, but not exactly agile. The prey heard her and ran into the rotten log. Schorl lurched forward, snapping at air before shoving her muzzle into the tree. The log, it seemed, was not as sturdy as she thought, and soon she found her head breaking through. The hellion lurched back to free herself, but to no avail. "No!" her horns were caught on more solid wood, lodging her snugly. She growled in frustration and tried throwing he weight back, anything to free herself, "Son of a BITCH! |
Page of Alteron
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Finding bodies on Connor's rounds of the border was nothing unusual. Things passed away from the heat, were found stuck in or hanging from the twisted vines and gnarled roots that made up most of his forest home. Humidity frizzed Connor's fur something awful and he was very much looking forward to settle at the end of the border to put himself back in order before returning to the central packland.
Suddenly there was a crash of old wood breaking. Connor refused to jump despite the surprise and picked his way carefully closer to the sound. Peeking from around the trunk of a large tree he watched a squirming figure next to an old hollow, the canine's head having become hidden in a recent hole in the wood. the tip of a single...horn? was poking through the damage. Stuck, then. The horns - because that's what they had to be, there was no way the creature could have attached them so firmly unless they were a part of it - caught on either side of the hole it had made. It's entry had created a host of ragged splinters where the wood had not been rotten enough to give way. Further pulling would close the inward facing splinters into the creature's neck and head if it did not stop. "Do not pull backwards." Connor's voice was only slightly louder than regular speech. "There is a high chance of serious injury if you continue." He moved carefully forward, eyes taking in the ragged spikes of wood now jutting from around the hole the creature had created. Freeing it without injury would take time, especially if it was uncooperative. A waste of energy if this had been one outside of the pack. But Alteron native this one was, and so time had to be taken out of the Page's rounds to provide assistance. Besides, Connor had always enjoyed a challenge. "My name is Connor, I am a Page of Alteron. If you are amenable, I can provide assistance and remove the splinters that have caught your horns." He stated, taking a closer look at a particularly large wooden spike that had wedged it's self against the creature's right horn. "There are several areas that I can scratch away the rot and loosen the hole. I would appreciate a lack of violence." Connor settled back, waiting for the creature to dismiss him or allow him to help. |
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"Damnit, Damnit..."
Her struggling stopped for a moment as a splinter jabbed viciously at the side of her neck. Schorl had just started to continue the scene when someone told her not to. She didn't recognize the voice, but it seemed even and without mockery. Strange for the denizen's of Alteron, she was certain if she had stumbled across a moron with their head stuck in a log she would laugh her ass off. The hellion would listen for now, to whoever this was. "Oh, well hello Connor, page of Alteron," Though muffled Schorl's voice gave away the mockery of his stupid greeting. Well, to most at least, "I'm Schorl, jack of Alteron." Of course they were both of Alteron, if they weren't they'd both be in deep shit. Schorl for being stuck and prone in front of an outsider, and this Connor for trespassing. But whoever this stranger was he was offering to help. All he asked in return is that she wouldn't turn violent. At least, that's all he asked fo now. Schorl started weighing the pros and cons in her head. She could keep trying to free herself, use those talons of her to blindly scrape at the long, but the offending splinter was awfully close to her neck. The hellion really didn't want to seek out an acolyte and tell the story. But if she agreed, this wolf might want more out of her. So far he seemed harmless enough. Much like the rest of her packmates... "Alright, page Connor," She resigned with a sigh, "I won't be attacking you. Just be careful out there." |
Page of Alteron
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"Alright, page Connor, I won't be attacking you. Just be careful out there."
At least the Jack seemed to be cordial. But then what other choice did anyone have when they were so open to attack? Schorl should be thankful it was Connor that found her this way and not one of the...less polite members of the pack. No question there were several of their members that would have been happy to play with one so stuck, either injuring her themselves or taking joy in the fact she might injure herself. A waste of energy in Connor's opinion. Why hurt each other when there were so many things in the forest that would do it for them? Cordial. Alright. He could work with that. Connor peered closer at the ring of spikes, moving back and forward to find the right angle of attack. There was a large portion of the log that had started to lose integrity from the gnawing of so many insects. Following this section lead to some of the larger spikes. If he could remove some of the smaller splinters, then push through the rotten section to push those spines in the opposite direction, that may be enough for Schorl to pull her way out. Time to get to work. "I am going to begin now. Do not move until I give you the all clear." Connor pushed his muzzle in next to Schorl's neck, incisors pulling carefully at the looser splinters, hoping to break them away without having them pierce skin. Spitting them at the ground near his feet was not the most dignified thing he had ever done, but work was work. Even with just his light pushes the larger pieces were beginning to come loose. It was just a matter of getting them loose the right way. With a host of splinters on the left side coming loose, it was time to get the more dangerous spikes out of the way. Poking at the more rotten areas Connor found the parts attached to the wood and began to push with both paws, forcing them out and away from Schorl's form. "Move backwards and to the left please." Hopefully with his weight keeping the spikes away from Schorl's skin she could wiggle her way free. |
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There was silence for a moment, then the muffled sound of movement. Was he leaving? Had this all been a sham? Schorl wouldn't be painted surprised if that was the case, typical Alteron behavior. But Connor spoke again, closer this time. The hellion was thankful for the warning.
"I'm not moving anywhere. I don't' have much of a choice." There was hot breath on her neck. A bit unnerving. But soon teeth started tearing at the wood. For the most part Connor did a good job saving her flesh in the process, though one splinter did manage to poke a little and take a bit of fur with it. Schorl was okay with his. Best lose a chunk of fur than be stuck in this thrice damned log another minute. The wood creaked as her rescuer weighed down the final splinters. The hellion did as she was asked. How could she not with such a nice please? It look a little squeezing and horn adjustment Schorl popped out of the log unceremoniously onto her ass. She groaned, stretching her neck before getting up. "Well, thanks Connor." Getting to her feet she shook wood chips and termites from her head. Once clear she looked at the page. He was only a smidge smaller than she was but bore far more scars. With battle wounds like that she wondered why he wasn't a sword. He obviously had seen his fair share of fights. Schol looked at him a moment. "I guess this means I owe you one. What do you have in mind?" |
Page of Alteron
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Watching the hellion stumble backwards with an interested twitch of his ears Connor moved away from the log. He examined the hole with a critical eye, wondering exactly how long it would take for something smaller than themselves to move into the home with it's new entrance. A snake perhaps, if it followed one of the rodents inside.
If they closed off one side of the log but kept the hole open it might be a good trap - chasing small animals in when they still expected a way out open to them. Perhaps something to bring up with the denizens of Alteron with no current job. Connor was bought back to the current moment when Schorl groaned and stretched out, speaking to him. "Well, thanks Connor. I guess this means I owe you one. What do you have in mind?" That...did not make any sense. Why would she owe him? She was a part of Alteron, she was on the border - it was his job to take care of Alteron's border. If he had left her there and another came across her they could assume he was not doing his job, something that made the bottom of his stomach feel all wriggly. Connor...he was his job as far as he was concerned. Had other Page's not been doing their duty in her eyes? Cocking his head to the side, Connor took in the hellion now she was slightly less stuck and obstructed. She was a Jack, someone made to poke and prod at those outside of their pack. He felt no need to hold back his confusion. "I'm afraid I don't understand. It is my job as a Page to keep the borders of Alteron safe. You are a part of Alteron and are on the border. It is my job to help you if you require assistance." |
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Schorl watched the proverbial loading symbol spin above Connor's head. What exactly wasn't computing? Soon the tables turned as the small dire finally spoke and it was the hellion's turn to look confused. It took a moment, but soon she threw her head back and laughed.
"Oh! Oh you had me going there!" There was a genuine smile on her face when she looked at him again. The look in his red eyes told her that maybe she was mistaken. One strange ear flipped forward, "Oh. You're not kidding, are you?" A white eyebrow raised, a skeptical smile on her lips. Schorl took a few steps towards her savior. "Where did you come from, Connor? You couldn't have learned such manners here." She picked up a forepaw and tried to lightly poke at his scarred shoulder with her talons, "or did someone beat that politeness into you?" A personal question to be sure, but the hellion wasn't one to walk on eggshells. Schorl took a stroll around Connor to take in the extent of the scarring. Someone had chewed on this fella, but she wondered how that other fared. The male certainly didn't appear dangerous, but looks, as well as behavior, could be deceiving. "You know," She came around front and sat down in front of him, "There's an old saying. 'You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours'. Don't get me wrong, I don't revel in the thought of being in debt, but you need to learn to use what you can. You can accomplish a lot by making sure others pay you back." The hellion would consider this lesson, if accepted, her return favor. |
Page of Alteron
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Being poked and prodded was something that Connor had become used to a long time ago, it was as much a part of his life as breathing. The words however were less familiar. Being told that he had done something outside of his responsibility...that was very much not something he was used to. Owing a creature - or being owed by one - was not something he thought about. He did what he was told and that kept him alive. If that was not the way others' lives worked out, how could anyone ever know anyone did their job?
It was madness. Connor blinked at the claws that tapped at his scars. What other reminder did he need that following orders was the only thing keeping him alive and moving? Schorl's circling should not have put him at ease, but standing stock straight while another critiqued him was almost comforting. Some things never changed. Where he came from no longer mattered unless his alpha or his rank leader asked. "You know, there's an old saying. 'You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours'. Don't get me wrong, I don't revel in the thought of being in debt, but you need to learn to use what you can. You can accomplish a lot by making sure others pay you back." When Schorl returned to her place in front of him Connor couldn't help but wonder what kind of a pack she had grown with if her obedience did not equal her survival. How did anything in such a place get done? If no one could insure what needed doing was done...that would be anarchy. Connor dipped his chin under her eyes but kept his thoughts to himself. "You have no need to be in debt, but I will accept this as the end of it." Connor stated simply. "Being on the border is my current objective, may I ask what are you doing so far from the central hunting grounds? As far as I am aware, there are no current missions to beyond the border." His head cocked back to the side, red eyes blinking up at the hellion innocently. "Surely there are enough rodents in Alteron already you should have no trouble finding them." Better. That felt more like the question a Page should be asking and less like this was a simple chat. |
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"You're for real, aren't you? Huh."
Bright yellow eyes blinked back. It was clear she was just as confused by his stiff behavior as he was by, for all she knew, was basic, normal behavior. The two sat for a moment, bewildered by their dichotomy. Schorl snapped out of it soon, smirking at his inquiry. "I was just out stretching my legs, no harm done. Off exploring this grand land of ours. My job comes in spurts," Perhaps easier than the page's profession? Sure, there was a lot of travel and an inherent danger of visiting strange lands. But unlike this poor sap she didn't have to pace the border day in and day out, "I've got nowhere to go. Besides, it's not like I was trying to get into the bone pit or anything." It was then she got an idea. The hellion smiled mischievously at Connor, though it held some genuine intent. It didn't take much inference to guess this wolf hadn't had a day off since he was fighting for a spot to suckle with his siblings. The rulers of Alteron weren't exactly union friendly. Schorl would try to do one last nice thing for the wolf. She was less concerned now with repaying him, more interested in seeing his reaction, and on the off chance he followed her lead, to watch him struggle with relaxation. "Hey Connor. What do you think of playing hookie? Just for the afternoon. We'll go where you like." |
Page of Alteron
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Schorl seemed somewhat easier to converse with now that her horns were free of the log. It was easier to read the uncertainty in her stance before a smirk graced her features.
"I was just out stretching my legs, no harm done. Off exploring this grand land of ours. My job comes in spurts," It was a strange thought that a rank would call for less than the absolute minimum down time. A Page was made to patrol, to assess and to protect. As far as Connor was concerned he was never really off duty. To be so would be to become complacent. But he knew very little about what it was Jacks did. To him, it seemed unnecessarily dangerous for those of Alteron to leave their borders at all. "Hey Connor. What do you think of playing hookie? Just for the afternoon. We'll go where you like." For just a moment Connor was sure surprise coloured his face, his tail tucking briefly against his haunches before his forced calm returned. Schorl was still looking at him. Assessing. Something they had in common. Still at this point he did not have enough data to say whether not this was simply a calculating gesture or a straight out attempt to undermine him. Hookie. The very word made him uncomfortable. Connor had been raised to do one thing and one thing only - obey his higher ups. The task currently assigned to him had to be his only objective or there would be hell to pay. Thoughts of his own training prior to Alteron flashed through his head - cold, disappointed eyes and the knowledge that if he did not perform his function perfectly he would simply be removed from the equation. Removal from his post would be...less than optimal at this early stage. Connor had seen the bone pits, he knew exactly what being removed from a post entailed. While his training told him he was nothing more than a part of Alteron's machine it still seemed wasteful to be removed so early. "I am afraid I'm unable to deviate from my set patrol until the border marks have been completely restored. I wouldn't want another Alteronian to find themselves in a similar spot of trouble and not be able to find aid. Thank you for your consideration Schorl, but I will have to decline your offer at this time." He bowed his head a little but was unable to help himself. "Do feel free to contact me if you find your horns to be problematic in the future. I should be able to head back to the central packland soon. I hope we are able to converse again" |
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Now there it was. Some sort of emotional reaction. The hellion truly wondered if the Page was capable of such a thing. For a fleeting moment Schorl felt a hint of sympathy. The split second tail tuck was enough to show what she suspected; this wolf had been trained into obedience, and not softly. But she had been in this packland long enough to know that's how things ran here. The only way to escape violence in Alteron was to climb the ladder. Something Schorl was unsure she could do herself, but hey, if it meant living comfortably it might be worth a shot.
It didn't take long until Connor got back to himself. She listened to his speech and wasn't surprised by his reaction. A little disappointed, but not surprised. What adventures she could have taken him on, assuming Schorl was correct in thinking it wouldn't take much to constitute an adventure with an anal retentive wolf. He quite politely turned her down. "Alright then." Schorl gave a sigh, more a show than anything else, "I wouldn't want someone to die lodged in a log while you were out gallivanting with me. You truly are a noble beast." It was with a bow of his head that she felt the page, in so many words, told her to shove off. And perhaps there was a jab about her horns, but that she was less certain of. With a laugh Schorl walked to his side and bumped hips with him, a touchy farewell. "Another day then?" She knew the answer so walked off before it was expressed, "Farewell Connor, Page of Alteron. Thanks again." |