Saboro Ring 2 fake wings [prp nebula] | ||||||||||||||||
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Little Dipper
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![]() ![]() #6b658e
There was an unending calm about how night shifted into morning, the sun hadn't even risen over the great peaks, and yet Saboro was already alive with noise. There was a chill in the air, the sky a pale purple-blue dotted with fading stars, though it was the promise of a nice clear summer day in the taiga. A low hanging mist coating the ground and waterway areas, it was serene. However, not many would be up at the wee hours of dawn, it was stranger that the large boy was trudging around. Saturn was the type that absolutely loved his rest, there were countless times that his father had to literally drag him out of the den (which is honestly quite a feat, because Saturn was heavy even as a puppy, Ang has big strong wolf muscles now because of it). It was now a task often left to his sisters or brother, probably not one they quite enjoyed either. But early this morning, he walked, huffing. Saliva running out of his mouth in two thick streams, as he moved in a rather erratic, close to frantic sort of way. "n-niph... N-NIPH HELP!" Came a cry, but he'd only be answered with birdsong and the growing dread that came with this attack. Chest heaving, and his body giving a nervous tremor. Too full, too full, his brain was flooding with so many things. TOO MANY THINGS. "NIPH, MAKE IT STOP" Another cry into the cool morning air as vapor exited his mouth with each tormented breath. He crashed into a field, stumbling along as a breeze swept the fringe from his eyes for a moment and his pupils were mere straining pinpricks in a sea of dull crimson. He fell then with a loud thud, thrashing wildly in wet grass. "NEB-NEBULA NEBUUUULAAAAA" He cried out in choked breaths, paws caked with dirt as they swung against the ground. Jaws flying open to wrap around one of his forelegs and he'd bite down with a surprising amount of pressure, white hot pain shot up his leg and unseen tears pooled in his hidden eyes. WAKE UP WAKE UP. |
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Nebula knew something was off the moment she awakened to the chill of morning air brushing against her side. Typically the dainty yearling was always the first to rise, awake even before the sun as black night sky lightened to shades of indigo. It was routine, really. She would awaken and go for a morning run before barking at her siblings to get their lazy butts up. She would have no deadbeats in her den! They needed to be productive (Because only productive members survived. Only productive members stayed around. They may have left the jungle but Nebula didn't trust this forest not to take them either — they'd lost too much already) She jolted to her paws — unceremoniously shoving a sibling (probably Arda) in the process as her wine red gaze scanned over the den crowded with periwinkle toned yearlings. One was missing, and instantly Nebula felt a spike of fear for her sweet baby brother. "Saturn?" Her voice almost a whimper, but no. She had to be strong. He probably wasn't far from the den — perhaps a nightmare? The poor boy was caught in his head too much for his own good. In a brisk pace, she set out into the lightening morning in search of her brother, tongue swiping nervously across her lips with every step. Was he injured? Was he ill? Had something happened to him? Brisk walk turned to a jog — "Saturn! Where are ya?" Nebula called out, her voice tinged with tendril of worry, carrying along in the air with the chirping birdsongs. NIPH, MAKE IT STOP Lithe frame broke into a sprint, instantly turning to the direction of her brother's unmistakable voice. Something was wrong — something was hurting her baby brother and she would kILL ANYTHING THAT DARED TO TOUCH HIM — NEB-NEBULA NEBUUUULAAAAA The cry shattered her heart, throat clenching with an icy grip of fear. "I'M COMING, SATURN!! HOLD ON!" As quickly as she could, the yearling barreled into the clearing, teeth bared and fur bristling, ready to eradicate whatever dared to frighten her baby brother. Only... It was just him. Alone in the gentle morning, his starry pelt among the grass and flowers, ruffled by soft breezes. It was almost serene, if not for his disheveled dirty appearance, and jaw clamped tightly around his own foreleg — her heart twisted and dropped, dread threatening break the steel dam around her heart. (He took his leg and was never the same. He was too broken, after that. Oh Saturn, please no—) "Saturn..." She'd approach the distressed boy, her muzzle leaning down to try and nudge the side of his face, urging him to release his leg. "Oh my little Mimas. I'm here, I'm here. I'll make it go away." But how could she chase the demons in his head? How could she fight an enemy she couldn't see? Rage and frustration warred in his chest, desperate for her to scream it to the sky. But Nebula wouldn't — not in front of her distressed baby brother. Instead she would curl around him the best she could, raising her foreleg in clear welcoming gesture for him cuddle into her embrace. "I'm here, Mimas." Nebula hummed, trying desperately to replicate one of their father's soothing little lullabies. It wasn't right, the tone wrong and the melody jilted. He should be here — he was always better with comforting. Frustrated tears gathered at the corner of her eyes, but the girl would stubbornly continue her soft humming, pressing a sloppy kiss to the crown her Saturn's fluffy head. "Tell me what's wrong, Mimas. I'm here, okay? I've got you." |
Little Dipper
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![]() ![]() #6b658e
He didn't hear her when she approached, nor when she called out his name softly, no, he was far too busy gnawing and grinding on his own leg. It was only when his sister's muzzle brushed into his side did he let out a yelp in fear, the limb falling from his jaws and the illusion his mind conjured dispelled. Heaving heavy breaths, and licking away saliva, Saturn jerked about. Mimas, I'm here. And he sank, though his heart raced and his fear felt all too real. He shuddered and shook, attempting to stand as he felt Neb kiss the top of his head. He had to see, HE COULDN'T SEE. But his legs were far to shaky and one?? Was in pain??? He instead chose to sit. "Neb...ula" He croaked voice hoarse from screaming and dry from breathing so heavily. A slobber covered paw that ached and stung, lifted up the fringe of his bangs, pupils were small dots in a sea of ruby red, finding his sister's speckled form almost instantly and in his eyes, tears had begun to well up and spill down dark cheeks of black and red as his jaw chattered and he glanced down at his leg. Slick with saliva, but also dotted with blood in some places. "T-they were after me!" It all felt so real, he looked back to Nebula then, ruby colored eyes meeting deep dusky red, as she cooed and urged him to speak. "Shadows! Big! With mean eyes and sharp teeth and claws. Scratching, always scratching, and BITING!" He looked back to his leg then and sniffled. "I think.. I think they bit my leg?" His other paw brushing over it and smearing the droplets of blood, wincing at the sting and the feeling of the slightly punctured flesh. "No faces, just.. They were just??? SHADOWS." He looked to his sister then as if she'd have some sort of answer to this terror. |