Acceptance thread Lost butterfly (Plot) | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Almost Sparkles
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Unfamiliar scents were the first thing that started to register in a young fluffy balls mind. She didn't really have words to describe them, just, weird. They didn't smell like momma and they sure didn't smell like home. No, instead. The smells were... stinky. Like a puddle of water that had sat too long and started to grow that fluffy green stuff that bugs lay their eggs on. Mom said to never go near that stuff, or you'll end up sick and throwing up all night. Guess mom was speaking from experience or something.
The next thing that the fluffy being registered was that the ground was smooshy. Soft, like a large mud puddle that grown-ups got mad that you played in. Getting all dirty and needing your third bath for the day. Mud, that's the word for it. It felt like she was laying in the mud. Not the drenched watery mud. More of the, you'll sink in but not too deep kind of mud. The kind that'll stick to you and make sucky noises if you stand in one spot too long and try to lift your leg. The fun mud. Then finally, the silence. It was so quiet that the young pup almost felt the need to fall back asleep. Like it was the middle of the night and the stars were still out. Mister golden sun was still tucked tightly into his little bed on the other side of the world. Dreaming of sunny days and clear skies. Although, if it was night then wouldn't there be crickets? Odd. Finally, the small dull throb of a headache started to take over the fluffball and she opened her bright blue eyes. She instantly regretted that though as the pain seemed to intensify and caused her to squeeze her eyes closed as tightly as she could. White hot pain throbbed like a racing heartbeat through the tiny girls head. A small whimper escaping past her little mouth as she felt her body ache with the pain. Aelia, the pups name, stayed still like that. Withering in pain for a few more moments. It felt like an eternity, but, thankfully, its past. Her eyes slowly opened once more. This time, only a dull pain taking hold of her instead of the largely intense pain from before. She stared ahead, still trying to get her bearings. Her eyes blinked, taking in the sight in front of her. Nothing, well there was stuff but nothing she could remember. All she saw was water in front of her and more of the soft squishy mud that she was currently laying on. "Momma?" Her voice was quiet, almost like a whisper. Her mouth was a little dry from the deep sleep she had been in. Aelia slowly moved so that she was laying on her stomach. Her eyes blinked sleepily as she looked around herself. On her right side, a tall wall of the mud. Her left, all water and behind her. A dislocated half decayed head of a wolf, or what she could only imagine was once a wold. One eye was completely missing and Aelia watched with wide eyes as a worm crawled out of it and wiggled before it moved down the skull and squirmed up its nose. The young pup stared frozen to her spot, her stomach squeezing from disgust. She started to breathe heavily as a panic started to wash over her. Aelia felt tears starting to fill her already dehydrated eyes. "Momma!!" She wailed out as she finally stood up on her wobbly legs and ran towards the tall wall of mud. Loud wails of the young pups cry echoing loudly as her black paws tried to pull the young pup out of the muddy moat, but failing. Her small little toe beans only succeeding in slipping down the already wet wall and covering her body in more of the soft brown dirt. |
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d u l l a h a n //
It was a beautiful day outside today- the sun was shining, the breeze was blowing, and the sound of someone crying drifted on the same breeze. It was almost music to his ears, he of course preferred the sound of bones rattling, but the sounds of a child crying came in to a very close second. The long legged hellion took his time responding to the pleas, even stoping for a drink of water, and admiring the ripples of the water, caressing the sandy banks of the stream. He watched as the ripples ricocheted off the bank and back into the stream, it was so careless, and relaxing, it was no wonder many other found the sounds of the water a relaxing thing, something to fall asleep to. Dullahan only used it as a distraction for the moment, taking extra care to see if there were any little treasures lying about in the water- he saw a speck of white, but alas it only turned out to be a bit of rock. Pity. The cry of mama carried on the breeze once more, and Dullahan sighed at the impatience of who ever was calling for their mama. He was certain they would be disappointed with having poor old Dullahan show, and not their sweet, patient, caring mother. The cries became louder as he made his way towards the moat, the cries obviously coming from someone small- a child. Dullahan didn't like children, they were clingy, and distracting, and they smelled. His nose wrinkled in disgust as it finally picked up the scent of the small thing, his pace slowed the closer he got to the moat. Should he waste his time with this child, fish them out from within the moat- which he knew was where it was- or leave it there to rot with the rest of the corpses that had made the moat their home? "Mama!" He sighed loudly as he peered over the edge, seeing the small thing trying to climb the muddy wall. A corner of his lips curled in amusement. "Why little darlin', it looks like you got yerself in a little situation there." He said, peering down at her orange eyes shining at her pain, and agony. Eyes shifted from the living to the dead, specifically the half rotten one lying only a few feet from the child, his eyes lit up, the skull was a perfect specimen, unaltered and staring up at him. Begging him to take her home. Pink tongue ran along teeth as eyes drifted back to the child. "It seems like you're in need o' some help, ya want me ta help ya outta there darlin'?" Children would do anything' if they were desperate, n' scared, 'n motherless. "But chu gotta do somethin' for me first.." His eyes drifted back to that skull, full of longing. |
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She had been staring at her reflection, watching and the rippling water distorted it with every lap against the muddy banks. It was a pretty day, pretty and quiet and the dusk toned Jack found herself resting by the moat's edge, simply staring. Wondering was perhaps a better word — but if the woman was ever asked she'd merely laugh flippantly and say she was simply admiring her reflection. (It did not do to dwell on thoughts for too long — they were too empty. A scattered puzzle with too many missing pieces.) Azura was pulled from the quiet by a soft call of "Momma", her body freezing as though doused by ice. Momma, had she cried for a parent once upon a time, all alone in Alteron's decaying forest? The memory was hazy, a staticky image somewhere in the back of her mind, chased away by snapping jaws of something akin to fear. There was no staving off thoughts now, and so the young female stood and followed the pathetic cries, her tail twitching in agitation and anticipation with every step. She was not the first to arrive — someone (or should she say something) was already peering down into the moat. He was tall and rough looking, and the look on his face looked more hungry than anything else. However the beginnings of a grimace was quickly placed with a brittle smile, just a touch too toothy. "What's going on here?" Demurely, she would peer over the edge, amber gaze instantly finding the sad filthy lump of muddied puppy. Silver. There was a hint of silver beneath the mud and grime, and her amber gaze locked upon that small speckle of moon kissed fur. Her paws itched, a sudden urge to pull the child from that watery grave and examine the haunting color more closely. But the fringe mix remained rooted in her spot beside the filthy hellhound, her brow furrowing and teeth grinding with barely restrained frustration. "It seems like you're in need o' some help, ya want me ta help ya outta there darlin'? But chu gotta do somethin' for me first.." This was not her area — not her job, and the hellhound had found the child first. It was his call, it was — "Take pity on the poor thing." Azura cooed, leaning forward to peer as closely as she could. "Don't work her too hard — we could always use more pups." The tip of her tail twitched just slightly, toes kneading into soft soil in her restraint. She wanted to drag the child out of the mud — take a closer look. Tongue swiped over her teeth and her tail flicked to brush against Dullahan's side before offering him a small grin in feigned friendliness. "What could you possibly want that small scrap to do for you?" Hopefully nothing dangerous. Azura wanted... She turned away before a frown could taint her expression, instead focusing her amber gaze upon the muddy child once more. "How did you get stuck in there..." A pause, head tilting as a thin expression of concern crossed her features. "...sweetheart," Tacked on like an afterthought. |
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Coming up a scene at the borders was the last thing she expected, but the shrieks had drawn her near, and she watched from cloaked shadows as two members cooed down to something. There's only one thing worse than a new recruit demanding the attention of not one, but TWO of Alteron's working class. A CHILD. The Hierophant only made herself known once her suspicions were confirmed, creeping from the shrubs like a snake, her limp not quite as bad today as it had been on previous occasions. Ears pulled back and expression pretty much as miserable as always, she'd click her tongue against her teeth, clearly unhappy with the situation. "An abandoned child no less." Her hissed tone only furthering her displeasure as she looked down to spy the mucky little thing, lip curling at the grime caked to her fur. "A useless mouth to feed, we'd be better off to just let her die." It was said simply, coldly. Unabashed and clinical in the way she approached the situation, her opinion of children had always been low. How easily she could just throw a young life away without batting an eye at first, but that bleeding heart of hers edged it's way into the forefront of her mind. "But perhaps-" Though she cut the thought off as she gazed down to the little girl thoughtfully, keen gaze picking her apart piece by piece. "Perhaps she can be of use, in the future." She'd look then from Azure and then to Dullahan. "Little girl, you want to live right? You best do as he bids, and if you don't do exactly. And I mean EXACTLY, as this page says, and if not then your death is rightly deserved." Her sharp voice spoke out, sitting back on her haunches as she watched what would unfold. Not even a child was free from proving their worth and ability to this pack, after all, Alteron would be doing this little cretin a favor by taking her in. Puppies had a way of dying fast on their own. |