Serious knocking for fun times ((OPEN, Inarian party)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Long live the King
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![]() It was important to check in, keep one's eyes open, on edge. The past could not repeat itself, and this would be a piece to keeping the peace. Keeping their people safe, while encouraging a strong bond between carefully selected cultures across the Straits. Only those who could be trusted had been approached this event, the similar visitors from the previous trips. Ghost hadn't been the one to travel to Alteron for the past event, so he had hand selected the group who came along. Feeling confident in the years of alliance Inaria held with the wolves of the deep forests. Ghost's gaze shifted to the three royal children, warning them to behave as he had before they approached the border. Stepping in front of them to keep the growing personalities a safe figure between them and the strangers they would be meeting shortly. "Mind yourselves, this is not our home. Respect it." The bulky King reminded them before shifting a glance and his single ear to Ang, doing his best to not allow the red tattoos to burn into his mind. They'd spoken before departure, and only time would prove the ex-Saboran's new loyalty to Inaria. A nod to the silver male, they were ready. At this, he'd straighten himself up into the stance of authority, and let a long deep call ring out toward the forest. Searching for the leaders that appeared at the last meeting, and perhaps the children that had as well. Open thread of Ghost, Elias, Prosper, Bel, and Ang arriving in Alteron to extend the party invitation! We got three kiddos here with us, be nice to our bbys. |
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d u l l a h a n //
It was a common sight to see the hellion covered in dirt, his legs, paws and half his face had about a layer and a half covering all three parts. This day was no different, he had been digging, unearthing some rather fine specimens. There was a pile of bones lying beside him, a jaw bone, a femur, and a few other mis matched ones that he had found.
He had his face halfway down in a hole, sniffing out another treasure when the sound of a muffled howl entered his oversized ears. He pulled himself out of the hole, and shook some of the dirt off, but his face was stained with the dark dirt, along with his legs and paws. Orange eyes drifted down to his pile, to the direction of the moat, and he sighed. "It's unfortunate that we have to part my darlin's. I'll be back for ya, donchu get up an' walk away ya hear?" He said, sighing, and walked towards the moat, pausing once, and turning back to pick up the jaw, his most prized possession, he wasn't going to leave that behind. Smiling with the bone in his mouth, he headed in the direction of the melodic summons that was so lovingly carried on the wind. He didn't have to be within inches to know that whoever was on the border had a reason to be there that did not have to do with being accepted. He could see the dominance of the stance that stood there, that silver and red straight and perked, with another silver one there with him. Along with- ugh. His eyes narrowed at the sight of children, small, devilish things that drained you. He wrinkled his nose in disgust before his eyes found the other- the silvered haired one- with three legs. At this his brows perked- what a unique structure. Three legs. Where was the other? Had someone already claimed it? Shame. Dullahan approached, the jaw still between his teeth- he set it down before addressing these visitors. "Good day to y'all." He said, eyes shifting to the three legged one, you especially beautiful, "I reckon y'all have some business here with the big bosses, I'm sure they're gonna be here shortly." Hopefully not too quickly, he wanted to marvel at this wonderful, unique thing for as long as he could. "Is there anythin' I kin do for y'all while yer waitin'?" Anythin' at all.. |
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When she volunteered for this venture, Bel had no idea how far it really was. Sure she knew she'd be walking lots, but Inaria was all she knew so this sort of distance was a huge eye opener to the rest of the world. She was tired, and sore and a little moody, but don't get her wrong... while she was a little terrified and intimidated she was also in awe and was trying to take everything she could in. It was overwhelming, but... interesting. In a 'for-science' sorta way. They finally stopped, and Bel just wanted to flump down and sigh loudly, but noOoo she was a princess and therefore had to act like one. That and she was way too nervous to just lay down, even with her father here. Grey and green eyes peered up at Ghost when he addressed her, her sister and Prosper, "yes sir," she replied and pulled herself up beside Elias and sat. Her paws were pulled in close as she sat as straight as she could manage. Eventually someone came, and Bel chanced a peek around her father's legs to se-- oh... oh... "Is that a... bone?" she whispered, pressing her nose to Elias' fur, her tones as hushed as she could manage. She didn't want that one looking this way. Nor did she want to disappoint Ghost. When the bone-carrier addressed the group, Belioh stayed silent. She wasn't exactly here to help with the speaking to others part, but she was here to observe. |
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Luckily she was down in the flat lands today when she heard the call sweep through the land, ears pulled back and she grimaced. Why was it that everytime she heard a howl, unfamiliar or otherwise, her mind always led her to believe it had to do with a challenger. Without fail. She'd wait, mulling over the idea of greeting whoever it was at their borders and weighing her options. Running was an option, but not for her. Maybe a limper's walk, a briskly paced strut? Then there was fighting, haha... nah. She even snickered to herself at the idea, shaking her head as she waved it by. Out of the question, there was no way her poor body would suffer a beating other than the one it already taken from walking up and down these lands. Conversation and social interactions weren't her strong point, but it was all she had. She'd meet these strangers with the same enthusiasm as she greeted everything in her life, absolutely NONE. When Telana finally did arrive to the bridge, ears perked and eyes blinking in confusion. There was already someone there to meet them his last bit of words being heard by her, good, glad to see those ranks were actually paying off. But, as she moved closer immediate fear set in, masked as annoyance and spreading into anxiety. She'd creep up beside Dullahan's dirt covered form, and inwardly she could feel herself wanting to screech. Amber eyes would glance back to the party of five, quirking a brow at the surprising amount of children. One of them looked rather uncomfortable by the situation by hiding in another's fur and she blinked in tired confusion. Turn her head to catch the bone that rested at his feet. Her mouth pressed into a thin line, irritation bubbling in her stomach and behind those eyes as she reached a paw out. Her first instinct was to shove him into the moat, even though he had quite a bit of height and weight on her, instead she was able to shoo that thought away, by pressing her paw against his face. "Shuuu-shut. Shut your mouth." She spoke sternly, tail lashing behind her, and if he did so, Telana would breath a sigh of relief. Looking from the party of five and back to the bone, there was a facial twitch and she'd swat the bone into the moat below without breaking eye contact with Ghost. "Alteron greets you. I am one of our leaders, Telana." Her tone steadying. "To what do we owe this pleasure?" The ginger female's brow would quirk. Hopefully this was on good tidings. |
Wyrmling Rosedarling
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She spends a lot of time in the lowlands, digging up leftovers of the lost and trying to figure out for herself how tanning happens. She... hasn't had the best results. After a few hours of failure, she's irritated enough that when a howl that doesn't sound like anyone here drifts into the air, she figures a break is well-deserved.
Miasma is no Page, but she was also here to see someone not much younger than her chided for being too close to the border. She wouldn't run away, of course-- how silly! Crow is here. She stays back a decent distance, close enough to see at least vaguely what's happening, but not close enough to intrude. When she spies three little fluffs milling at the father's feet, her own start prancing in place. Oh, please let them in; there aren't enough puppies in Alteron! |
patron saint of hopeless causes
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![]() Despite what he assumed was Falco’s rather middling opinion of him, the fox had good manners. He knew his place. He knew when to appear and when to lay low; he knew how to hold his tongue enough to keep himself alive, though its sharp edge had certainly provided its fair share of trouble. Here, though, Jude was silent. He watched with bright grey-blue eyes from the undergrowth, nearly inaudible in his delicate step – he had arrived shortly after Dullahan, but with only the Magus’ blunt greeting to offer him any understanding of Alteron’s workings, he opted to simply observe until Telana made her appearance. It was only when the child approached, bold in her place, that he crept from the shadows as well – his eyes for the foreign King, at the Hierophant's flank as though he belonged, but with an appropriate sense of deference. He smelled enough like Alteron now, surely –– or at least of Falco. That felt something like permission. She expressed her disapproval as well as her authority, and Jude took the opportunity to glance over the party gathered at the border, noting – as Dullahan did – the scarred one with that unfortunate missing leg, though his hair was rather lovely, and then the monstrosity of their leader and his wide-eyed children. The fox stepped from Telana’s side to circle around towards Dullahan, tail curling enough to tap him at the haunches like a cat before settling opposite the Hierophant, as though the two of them in tandem might keep him in check. He tipped his muzzle down politely, but deferred without any complaint to Telana’s lead. Instead, Jude leaned just to his side as the conversation began in earnest, rising up on his toes to whisper – gently, but with some private amusement despite his disgust – to Dullahan alone. “Careful, now.” Keep quiet, and listen. “You’ve gone and scared the children.” |
Long live the King
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![]() "Mind yourselves, this is not our home. Respect it." Not bothering to protest to stern warning, the children had received a firm enough talk farther from the bridge. Elias wandered close to Belioh, tired feet standing beside her Sister "Is that a... bone?" The whisper came form between teeth, into her ear. Ellie's eyes flicked sharply what Bel had been referring to in the stranger's possession, widening before Anglachel shuffled to their side. Elias would protect her Sister, leaning to the hidden face, staring at the others with fire in her eyes. Ang been the first wolf she'd met with three legs, who was so capable without assistance. Elias wondered what happened to him, and it would likely be blurted out as a blunt question at some point on the trip. For now she pushed her nose back into Belioh's fur, than sat herself down properly as a fox, and a few other wolves arrived. With Elias, and Belioh quietly sitting properly, Ghost stood taller as others arrived. Watching with displeasure as the first filthy male who seemed to eye down his fellow silver companion with thirst, and the children with disgust. His gut rumbled with a protective ache, though Ang met the glances with confidence and a matching dislike. He could hold his own, though he would never have to. "Good day to y'all. I reckon y'all have some business here with the big bosses, I'm sure they're gonna be here shortly. Is there anythin' I kin do for y'all while yer waitin'?" Firmly standing his ground, "Hello." Spoken short and clear as a smaller limping female slowly made her way to them. She put off an odd vibe, nervous? Uncertainty? It was hard to read as she held a strong front, though her irritation with the dirty bone-holder was clear, and amusing. "Shuuu-shut. Shut your mouth. Alteron greets you. I am one of our leaders, Telana. To what do we owe this pleasure?" A more respectful nod given to her as she announced herself as a leader, his expression growing uncertain as he rose. What had happened to the leaders from the previous year? The short lived nature of the Alteron throne made hi weary. "Hello Telana, I'm King Ghost of Inaria. Our packs were allied in previous rule... What has happened to your previous leaders? You aren't familiar." Asking slowly, eyes flicking momentarily to a fox and child who appeared. Wondering if this Alteron would be in decent alliance terms as the previous one was. Ensuring the Princesses and Prosper were safely between the adults now, Ghost would squint at her. "We came with an annual invitation, but perhaps this must begin first with a reinstatement of our alliance should your new leadership desire to remain allied with Inaria. To which I must congratulate you on... Queen? Telana. What do you title yourself?" ...And why should Inaria trust you now. |
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Curious blue eyes scanned waaaaay up the tall pines. She is small and bright as a beacon, her heritage written across her coat, gold splashed across her throat and flank like a splatter of blood. This was a privilege that she had access to due to her royal status - traveling the world with the supervision of a king, being part of a diplomatic excursion. She was hear to learn and made no joke of it. She walked beside Ghost, her seriousness dutifully exaggerated by her youth, a child mimicking the mannerisms of an adult without understanding the reasons behind the behaviors.
She'd found Anglachel a curious sight on the journey here, wondering with immature curiosity what had happened to his face and leg. She'd ask him, she thought, when they weren't doing important diplomatic work. He probably had an interesting story! Unlike the other children she did not fear him for his scars and demeanor. Prosper paid attention to the other children on the way here as well, studying them curiously and dreamily as little puzzle pieces clicked in her brain and others spun around not sure where to fit. Shy wasn't quite the word for what Prosper was - she was reserved, inclined for observation rather than action, a little golden watcher in the grass and weeds. She liked other people and wanted to hear what they had to say and wanted to see what they'd do. She'd been told to be careful and quiet and so she was - she watched as the strangers approached, first a nasty male and then a small red woman and then a strange small not-wolf and in the distance a ways, another puppy. Prosper gave all three of them a wag of the tail, and the other child received a small polite smile. Her gaze turned back to Jude, eying him with the curious intensity of a child who wasn't quite sure what this person was. She stared for far longer than was polite. The tension in the air between Ghost and Telana would be unmissable to an adult, but Prosper was a child and so she simply cocked her head and after all Ghost said she added cheerfully. "We want to learn all about your Kingdom, and trade stories, Miss Queen Telana." She just did a diplomat thing! Using her Real Words. This was going to be great. |
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Something white and dappled gray passing by her side and she'd look to spy the fox? Fox, a fox. Who? Who let in a fox? Truly, this place was testing her patience. No matter, it wasn't something she'd deal with at the moment as he moved to whisper something to the bone carrying page, she just barely caught it. He earned a gold star for that one, at least. She was after all marvelous at recovering from whatever situations threw at her, she'd glance at the rest of their little party. The cripple catching her eyes almost immediately, the scarred flesh looked simply grotesque and his eyes. My word. What an awful fate to befall someone, mind bubbled with questions of phantom pains to mobility and day to day life. However, the largest male of their party finally spoke and her attention was drawn back to him, brows raising at the keyword 'allies'. Ah, so this was one of Alteron's very few friends, and to be met a king and his little entourage, how honored they all should've felt. Lips twitching up into a smile, brief and a bit forced. "It's an honor, King Ghost." She gave him a dip of her head before continuing, "Alteron's previous ruler, Azuhel, was lost on a mission, and now the pack is under new management." Simple as that. After all, even allies deserved some transparency. As he squinted at her, the woman remained nondescript, stoic. A fortified bulwark, exhaling a tiresome breath from her nose. Politics were dull, but necessary means to an end, Alteron needed friends, but they wouldn't and couldn't afford debts. "It would seem so, your Highness." A quiet, thouhgtful reply. "Alteron wouldn't be against keeping our old terms per the old agreement, that is... You have new ideas for these terms?" A pause as she shifted slightly, wincing at the honorific of 'Queen'. "Hierophant, is my title." A slow inhale and exhale, and she'd glance down to the little girl that spoke out. A subtle bubble of annoyance, but a wise female knew better. Instead she smiled, forced of course, but who could tell the difference? "Cute, what a lovely idea, one that will hopefully come true." Gaze would then bounce from the girl and then back to the King. "Your uncertainty is commendable, and ultimately, something I can agree with. Our leadership is untested, you don't know me, but you know US. We're still the same pack that warned you of an enemy, and we'd do so again if the threat ever arose." Alteron was a lot of things, but it also looked out for its friends when it was in their best interest, she was told of the information about a pack named Saboro, an enemy they both shared? (Hmm, who knows.) "If the invitation is still on the table, perhaps it'd be a good start in getting to know each other?" |
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d u l l a h a n //
Now, he wasn't alone for very long before others of his pack came round, more specifically little Queen Telana. And on any normal day, Dullahan would welcome her presence to the borders during a meet and greet, but today- apparently he had done something, or said something that had been, less than stellar. The quiet grin he held on his face got molded into a frown as the queen dragged her paw down it, mumbling something to the words of "shhhuuutt your mouth", or something. He couldn't really hear her as he dirty paws dragged all down his face. The nerve- the absolute straight up nerve of her- - and then she tossed his bone into the moat. Dullahan stood staring at the white poking out from the brown and grey of the muck below, the heat in his face and chest burning. He pursed his lips, knowing that causing a scene right now, in front of guests would mean certain death, especially in font of a visiting King, and his spawn. So as much as he wanted to spew out choice words- he strained another smile, and only dipped his head down slightly to hear out the tiny fox that had only now joined the party. "Careful now, you've gone and scared the children.." Dullahan blinked, and licked his lips, certainly they knew of death and decay, even at their young age. Death escaped no one- except perhaps their three-legged friend here, whom apparently did NOT like the attention he was getting from the dirty Page. Dullahan huffed a breath sharply out his nose in response to the fox, but remained silent none the less. He had done his job and held these WONDERFUL ALLIES on the border until SOMEONE MORE IMPORTANT arrived, but did his job get noticed, of course not. He got a face full of paw, and a scolding from a small, puny fox he'd never seen before. He lifted his head again, stealing a look to the bone, which had long since sunk into the muck of the moat, then to their visitors once more. Scaring the little ones, he'd said.. hmph. Dullahan was indeed creepy, that much was a given, but given a chance he could be quite the gentleman. And he smiled at their guests- - well, attempted to at least.. .. see, perfect... gentleman... |
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Elias' returned gestures was leaned into. She was happy her sister had come along. Her siblings seemed to... together and strong, and it was always Bel who leaned on them or looked to them. Coward came the nagging thought, but a bone was abnormal, right? She wasn't crazy? But no one else seemed perturbed. Only Bel. Even Elias was looking onward when Belioh just wanted to go back home. She could feel her proper princess visage withering, that was until silver locks and kind red eyes shielded her from view. Her lip trembled slightly, but his voice was kind, and this attention made her seem weak. Then again Ang's nose to her cheek and soft words did what they were supposed to do. The princess took in a breath and released it slowly, shakily at first... but it helped. It helped pick up the pieces she had been dropping. Bel offered the three legged wolf a small, shy smile -- embarrassed but grateful. "Thank you... i'm okay now," whispered the girl to her temporary veil. Mismatched eyes followed Ang for just a moment, eyes sparkling with slight admiration before she leaned back against her sister and up towards the lady who spoke. She could do this. Maybe. For the next handful of seconds anyway. |
Long live the King
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![]() The female with the lame leg now held his attention, as she clearly was the authority present and the one Ghost needed to do business with. To ensure a promising relationship with the jungle wolves continued, and here he was hoping this wouldn't be a visit full or formalities... Ah well. "It's an honor, King Ghost. Alteron's previous ruler, Azuhel, was lost on a mission, and now the pack is under new management." A nod of understanding, they didn't seem too torn up about the change in their hierarchy. "It would seem so, your Highness. Alteron wouldn't be against keeping our old terms per the old agreement, that is... You have new ideas for these terms? Hierophant, is my title. Cute, what a lovely idea, one that will hopefully come true. Your uncertainty is commendable, and ultimately, something I can agree with. Our leadership is untested, you don't know me, but you know US. We're still the same pack that warned you of an enemy, and we'd do so again if the threat ever arose." Listening to her calmly, single remaining ear focused on her, Ghost would shift slightly to offer a slight smile. "The old terms suit us, if they suit Alteron, and if this changes you know where our packlands lay." Easy, they didn't need to rehash something that had been working unless their minds changed. "If the invitation is still on the table, perhaps it'd be a good start in getting to know each other?" "I agree. Inaria hosts an annual gathering, based around the young of allied packs. Games, events, education for all. Any Alteron member you deem good representation of your pack," Eyes darted to the dirty wolf with dislike for a moment "is welcome to travel to Inaria for the event. A good opportunity for us to learn of each other, and children to gain skills. Any of your members may lead lessons in the time zones we have laid out." He'd finish with his gaze back to Telana curiously, wondering if Alteron would be interested in such an event as they had in the past. |
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August 20, 2018, 06:23:08 AM
(This post was last modified: September 24, 2018, 02:47:48 AM by Telana.)
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The ginger woman gave a nod in agreement at his first statement. Easy, and quickly handled. She never cared for politics, funny how things changed now, but if Telana could quicken that system, while staying true to the ways of old, then so be it. Inaria was a wanted ally, a needed ally, especially with Alteron starting off with a fresh face of new holders. "Glad to hear it, your Majesty." She said simply, his smile would be met with her own, though it didn't linger upon her lips. "At the moment, Alteron is lacking in the... child department. However, we can help provide supervision for the young, and perhaps one of them will lead a lesson." Brows raised as she shifted into a more comfortable position, her legs howling at her, though she did her best to ignore the pain. "I can assure you that Alteron will be on its best behavior, I'll make sure of that." Telana's head would turn to her side then, golden gaze boring into Dullahan with stern intensity, a warning. He would not mess this up for them, or any other scum that crawled around this pack. Though she turned back to face the Inarian king, expression neutral, but as close to warm as it could possibly get. "As a show of good faith, please allow us to provide the food. As guests, it's the least we can do for Inaria in return for the invitation." Alteron would be going to a party, and some part of her was immediately swimming in the regret and anxiousness of that decision, she'd have to tell the Magus and Sun about this. Strategically, politically, it was the best option, and she knew they'd agree. |