Finished thread Caeli [Mercury] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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June 25, 2018, 05:21:28 PM
(This post was last modified: November 06, 2018, 11:25:43 PM by Mercury.)
![]() A r i k,
Oh, through the wilderness, You and I we're walking through the emptiness
Oh, my heart is a mess, Is it the only defense against the wilderness? actions - “speech” - thoughts
Large grey paws stood solidly on the bank of the lake. Bright and eager green eyes looked out, searching. He was meant to be born here, he could feel it in his paws. He had been searching and searching and searching for this home. He had been born just after the exile from this place. He had been born with a longing in his paws, a pull at his heart. It had ached him some nights, confused him for years. The stories from his parents filled his head with longing. Even after rejoining the pack of his birth he had still felt like he hadn't reached home yet. Now... He was very much Home... As soon as the group broke for settling Arik had run off on his own. The tension of being among so many melted away as he left the voices and rabble behind. Even though he had not been born here or grew up among these trees it was like his soul knew every rock and stream. Everything was new to him and yet so strikingly familiar. The great dire had run through the woods, his large paws making deep fissures into the soft loamy soil. He easily wound his way around the trees and ran until the aching in his heart felt like an ache in his chest for a breath. He finally found his way back to the lake and dens area and slowed to take a drink. The water felt like a cleansing force, like he was drinking the joyful tears of Mother Moon, joyous at the return of her own Bless-ed. And here he was, the water dripping off his white chin, huffing in the air of the lake where his soul pulled him onward, to the island just a short swim away. He looked back at the dens where everyone was settling. He was Pulled again to explore the island. So he turned back to the island and began to swim, crossing the stream that separated the two soils. His heart beat faster and faster and faster. His breath caught in his throat as his paws made land fall. He could feel it in his bones... This... was holy land... The first thing his eyes landed on was a large rock jutting out the water with a very distinct symbolic mark etched into the stone. His breath released as new awe filled him. This was the same kind of stone he had found in The Gassed Lands were the Glowing Tendrils had appeared after the earthquake, but this... He must show someone... Who though? Mercury... the thought entered his mind as if it wasn't his own. Was he imagining the importance of this? Would she understand this ache he had for this island? The ache in his heart had moved to his toes, yes this was where it had led him after all this time. Would she understand The Pull? He looked back across the water, back toward the dens again. Was he worthy enough to approach the new queen with this? He had not been privy to any of her conversations, he had been quiet for most of the trip and kept to himself for the most part. But she had to see this. If she believed in the Moon as the Mother, she had to see this. Arik looked back at the symbol on the stone, then back to the mirrored mark on his side. A crescent moon adorned both his flanks. With one last look at the very distinct symbol on the rock he turned back to the water. He ran with dogged focus to the dens and looked around. Everyone seemed busy, claiming dens and spots and working on unloading sleds, heading off in different directions for exploring and hunting and gathering. He was nearly the tallest one there, and was probably the biggest in this crowd if Byakko was resting. He grew tense again in the crowd. Finally he caught sight of The Dark Moon Queen and approached her, his head low his eyes earnest. He waited patiently so as not to interrupt her. This would probably be the first time they traded words. When she acknowledged him he would speak softly, his voice deep. "Pardon... My Queen. I... I feel I must show you something..." He didn't want to seem foolish for speaking about it here. He didn't want Kyra to overhear him talk about a strange island with a Moon Mark and have her laugh loudly and pull everyone's attention to how strange he could be. Would Mercury allow him to lead her away from the crowd? "Please, if you would, could you follow me?" He asked with trepidation. He would lead her quietly to the water, nod to the island across the water and silently lead her to swim to it. He hoped he hadn't come across like he had any ill intentions to her. He waited for her swim across sitting next to the rock with the mark on it. His paws tingling with anticipation. Did she feel it too?
Photo © Spencer Arquimedes / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © One Foot by Walk The Moon |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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There was much to do, and after her pronouncement on the balcony, Mercury had swiftly descended to conduct the fray. She directed the pack to occupy the dens, and while they were given the freedom to explore, she expected them back by nightfall. Truthfully it was impossible to keep track of them all bustling about, but Mercury was doing her best. She strode from one unpacking group to the next, pups darting around her feet as the adults worked. Here and there she got nods, or small snippets of conversation before she excused herself and let them settle in. It was fortunate in this case that she had so little to carry herself. Mercury's life did not consist of much in terms of personal possessions. Instead, she oversaw the pack's stores being unloaded. Hides, bones and pieces of their previous kill had been brought along. She had just made another round and was making smalltalk with Hakan and his family when Ayrik approached her. "Pardon... My Queen. I... I feel I must show you something..." The Dark Moon turned her head towards him as he spoke. She recognized his markings immediately, and knew him at once, though they had never officially met. Like most of the younger members of the pack, Mercury was more familiar with their parents. Starfleet and Blackstripe had been sound and loyal members of Nardir when she knew them. Now here was their boy, all grown up into a handsome male by Mercury's assessing glance. He seemed uncertain, however, and she wondered if he was hesitant to speak in front of others. "Excuse me." She said politely to Hakan, leaving him to walk to Ayrik. "Please, if you would, could you follow me?" Mentally, an eyebrow rose as she considered him. She cocked her head for a moment, thinking, before giving him a nod. It was a risk, but she had no reason to distrust him. Still, she was on her guard as she followed him through the strands of trees towards the lake shore. When he began to swim, she hesitated a moment, looking at the island beyond. Suddenly, Mercury knew where they were going. Had Starfleet or Blackstripe told Ayrik about this place? Alana said there had been no Oracle in Nardir for a long time. So how would he have known? She paddled after him, dripping onto the bank as she walked, and pausing briefly to shaking herself. He was sitting by one of the rune stones that dotted this place. She walked up and studied it, but with a different gaze than his. It was smaller than she remembered it, although still taller than she. The crescent moon etched upon it was weathered, but still very clear. "Do you know upon what grounds we now walk?" She asked, turning back and facing him while she waited for him to speak. She was curious as to what his answer would be. ![]() ☿
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![]() A r i k,
Oh, through the wilderness, You and I we're walking through the emptiness
Oh, my heart is a mess, Is it the only defense against the wilderness? actions - “speech” - thoughts
He was thankful that it seemed like she would trust him this far. He watched in silent anticipation as she came up from the shore to the stone, the look of familiarity on her face made his heart leap. She knew, he could tell. "Do you know upon what grounds we now walk?" She said to him. It was if all that he had been working for, traveling for was about to come to a head and his excitement felt like static in his fur at her words. Yes, his parents had told him snippets of the Mother Moon religion but not much. Perhaps one story about an Oracle, but nothing about an island, or even the purpose of the oracle. He had clung to these stories all his life. Now he felt this place, that stone, and the way The Dark Moon herself spoke to him just now was all coming together. His bright green eyes were wide at her, did she have any idea what this meant to him that for one, she felt IT too and two, would probably be one of the only people he knew to believe him? He was almost too scared to say it above a whisper. "h-holy ground..." my purpose... was all he said though he wanted to continue. His breath had caught in his throat at the determined look in the Queens eyes. He felt like an awkward lanky teenager, too tall for his frame with the way she was looking at him. "I... couldn't bring my self to go further... without..." making sure I wasn't crazy... Would there be other stones like this? Does she remember this place? He wondered if she would leave it at that or sate his curiosity. He was eager to learn more about the stone, more of this land. It felt inexplicably tied to the Mother Moon and now it seemed all the answers stood before him. Little did he know just how much he was about to learn.
Photo © Spencer Arquimedes / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © One Foot by Walk The Moon |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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"h-holy ground..."
Mercury nodded, pleased that, on some instinctual level, Arik recognized this place. Had she been so blind to the power of Nardir before? Had they all been? She could taste the richness in the air here, and while she had observed the traditions as a child, she felt like she was just experiencing it all for the first time. Except, there would be no Oracle at the end of the trail, nor would they find any guidance cloaked in riddles. The Oracle was gone. "This was the temple of the Moon." Mercury said, her gaze on the marker that was barely above the shoreline. She then turned her head, and saw the trail that lead upwards from the bank. Still there, although not as overgrown as she had expected it to be. Had someone traveled this way? Or had the horde of the white demon defiled it? If they walked to the next marker, they would be able to see where it bent around the small rise off the beach. If her memory served correctly, an open stretch of grass ran between the beach and the trees. Curiosity perked her ears forward, and she had to admit, she wanted to know what remained. "I... couldn't bring my self to go further... without..." "Come." The Dark Moon directed with a gentle firmness meant to evoke confidence instead of fear. She didn't make him finish the thought, and instead, took a step along the trail. After a few paces, she paused, looking back to make sure he was following. Then they walked together over the crest of the rise, but she could barely see the next maker through the mist that hovered on the other side. Something was off. The open meadow appeared still. Except... the stone was not shaped as it should have been. Mercury stopped, squinting to get a better look through the fog. Something was there... ![]() ☿
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![]() A r i k,
Oh, through the wilderness, You and I we're walking through the emptiness
Oh, my heart is a mess, Is it the only defense against the wilderness? actions - “speech” - thoughts
The temple of the moon... He mouthed to himself after she said it. He knew it! It couldn't be anything else. The energy was palpable, his heart rung to the tune and the way her mouth formed the words gave him the key to fit the lock he had been so desperate to find. "Come" She said confidently, gently interrupting him and leading them both further inland. He was half stunned she would continue onward, the other half was surprised that she would invite him along! He swayed his tail comfortably and smiled warmly at her as she waited for him to pick up his pace. Ever thankful she seemed to understand him. He matched her pace and crested the hill. The mist beyond gave the sense of eerie expectation. At first he didn't know something was off, he did catch Mercury's unease and he was alert and observing the area around them. Glancing at her with his bright green eyes, he followed her gaze to the large rock and marker. The top didn't look quite right, it didn't have the same moss and plant life on it like the one below it. Did someone recently place it? When the Queen slowly moved forward Arik was right next to her. When the rock came to life in the shape of a large cat Arik immediately stepped forward and tried to place his almost four foot frame between the cat and the queen, with his fur bristling he exposed his flank making him as large as possible to the cat. Though his expression was neutral he had been surprised enough to huff noisily, holding back a growl. The fur on his rump started to flatten as the cat breathed out an audible sigh and made no move to launch herself at them. He could see she was blind. He relaxed even more as his curiosity and awe was piqued by her words and the entrance of her attendants. He silently exchanged a look with Mercury gauging her reaction and watching her next move. He had a feeling he knew the role the cat played, her mark was instantly visible to him. Would Mercury recognize this cat? Perhaps she had taken the role after they had been exiled.
Photo © Spencer Arquimedes / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © One Foot by Walk The Moon |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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Mercury had been suspicious before the cat had revealed itself, and had been preparing herself for a quick defense. What she hadn't been prepared for was Arik stepping in front of her. Seafoam green eyes widened and she faltered for a moment. She had always been the one to stand in front of others, the sword and shield of her people. Yet here was someone who, while not trained or used to fighting, was shielding her. The motion was not lost on the Dark Queen. "So. Here you are..." Arik glanced her way, and she locked eyes with him for a moment. It didn't take a genius to suspect who they were talking to. Still, they had to be sure. Mercury didn't know this cat, in fact, had not recalled a time when Nardir's Oracle had been anything other than a wolf. But if wolves had seers, it would stand to reason that other species would as well. But why was a Catamount seer the one to appear? There was something else at work here. "Were we expected?" The Dark Queen asked cautiously, keeping an eye on the pair of foxes that sat on a lower boulder leaned against the cat's perch. However, they seemed content to remain silent. ![]() ☿
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July 26, 2018, 09:51:59 AM
(This post was last modified: July 26, 2018, 09:52:57 AM by Mother Moon.)
Note: This is a Non-Player Character controlled by the Mother Moon Account
"Without execution, 'vision' is just another word for 'hallucination'."
- Mark V. Hurd
The she-cat's eyes stared blankly down at them, making no note of the male's posturing, or the gazes that passed between them. Her attendants may as well have been turned to stone, as still as they perched upon the rock. And yet, despite their lack of movement, the energy that flowed here was palpable. Apprehension, excitement, wonder... a plethora of emotions so thick you could taste them. The mist continued it's fluid migration across the field, cascading the scenery into a veil of white curtains.
"Were we expected?" "Are you surprised?" "No." The catamount huffed a knowing chuckle. "Yes, you were expected, Dark Moon." She confirmed, inclining her head in a slight nod. "I am Mirai. A 'mirror-eye'." There was no doubt that her declaration was a rose called by another name. Mirror-eye, seer, oracle, shaman... they were all just titles. But the power was always the same. It was easy for time to seem forgotten within the fog. The gauzy light dispersed so gently that there was no real shadow. The breeze and rustle of the island foliage was a whisper of white noise, the vapor in the air muffling the sounds further off. Without them noticing, the land had become a dreamscape. And here, perched on her stone, the feline Oracle stood out in stark clarity. "I have foreseen what is required complete your eclipse." Mirai said, her voice losing it's rasp and turning as immortal as the moon. Her eyes staring straight ahead into the fog. |
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![]() A r i k,
Oh, through the wilderness, You and I we're walking through the emptiness
Oh, my heart is a mess, Is it the only defense against the wilderness? actions - “speech” - thoughts
Arik's black ears perked at the mention of mirror-eye. The oracle... Dark Moon... Mirai certainly seemed to be addressing Mercury, the Dark Moon Queen. Arik stepped aside, letting Mercury the space to move forward if she wanted. No, he could probably be no match for the catamount should she attack with her attendants but Arik was confident they never meant either of them harm. A sense of confidence filled him again, a sense of knowing something he had always known and yet never knew. The deep and troublesome energies of listless wandering and longing fell away from him like mist. He sat back and watched, taking a deep and quiet sigh, allowing the fog to enter him and fill him again with this sense of belonging, usefulness, palpable intention. Nothing like he had never known before. He looked up at Mirai expectantly, fully trusting, fully enthralled, fully relying on instinct beyond reason. He would do everything in his power to help The Dark Moon complete her eclipse, whatever was required to fulfill the prophecy of his own calling to this place. This was no accident that he would come here and bring her here now.
Photo © Spencer Arquimedes / coding © vixxie's codes / lyrics © One Foot by Walk The Moon |
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Alyirya can now enter this thread. She would have run to find Mercury, and has swam to the island. Upon reaching the island, she must search for where Mercury has gone before reaching them. |
she, her
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She had moved as quick as she could while on the look out as well as scent out for Mercury and anyone else that she might have a chance at getting to help in a hurry. She had started where everyone was still unpacking hoping that Mercury would have been there but not only was Mercury not there but despite her call asking where Mercury was and saying that help was needed for a rescue of an elder, she didn't think anyone had paid any attention to her. At least she hadn't seen anyone rushing that way or heard any response from anyone saying either where Mercury was or they would go join to assist the elder. That was something Mercury could easily remedy though..just as soon as she located her. Which given the lack of response meant sniffing her out. There were a jumble of scents in the area but as she already knew to move to the outer perimeter where the scent of anyone coming or going would be more clear it didn't take long for her to pick it up and to be off and running following the scent at a rapid pace.
Her speed didn't prevent her from realizing there was another scent overlapping Mercury's which meant there was a good chance the two had left together and given how steadily their scents were matching were possibly traveling together. That would be a chance to get someone else along with Mercury to help rescue Adolph, and she recognized the scent of the other as the one who had helped her and Mercury with a different rescue after the earthquake. The scent trail led to a lake and as she followed it right up to the waters edge, and after a quick scent scan to the sides, realized it was leading beyond the lake to an island located in what appeared to be the center of it. Well..guess that meant she'd be doing some swimming. It was no matter though. She liked water and was a good swimmer, even the alligators and flash floods of the marshes hadn't been enough to keep her out of the water. She slid easily into the water and began swimming while taking the opportunity to also take a drink at the same time. She had been away from the marshes for quite some time but still enjoyed having clean, clear water so readily available. Not that there wasn't clean water in the marshes and not that the murky waters hadn't been beautiful in their own way but it was easier to allow one's thoughts to meander while swimming here when there weren't any alligators to have to worry about. At least she'd never known alligators to be around here and really didn't know of anything that might inhabit Nardir's waters. Perhaps she should change that..and probably should..later though. First though..was finding Mercury and getting Adolph rescued. She made good time through the water, though wasn't sure if it would have been fast enough, and even though she had done her best and still was doing her best she could already feel guilt wanting to creep up and add even more to itself. She couldn't allow that though, not when she needed to concentrate and so she pushed it away as she emerged on the unfamiliar shore. She paused then not to shake off the water as others might have done as that would only be a waste of time but rather to concentrate. This was a new place for her and between the breezes blowing off the lake and the damp, heaviness of the air here scent work was more difficult, though not impossible. After standing in place for a good few moments she found a trace scent and began carefully following it. Her progress was slower than she would have liked though. There was a heavy mist that kept causing the scent to fade in and out and there was also the terrain to contend with. She was able to deal with the terrain and she was able to relocate the faint traces of scent when it faded, albeit after a bit of searching and concentrating, but it all still took time..time that Adolph might not have. She disliked the idea of having to shout or call out into the unknown but visibility with all this mist was nearly impossible and scenting, though better than trying to go by sight, wasn't good enough either which meant it was time for sound. She had located a spot where the scent trail seemed a bit stronger than in previous locations but she couldn't see either of the ones she was trailing even though the scents indicated that they were probably somewhere nearby and so finally called out while inwardly cringing at using Mercury's full name but she certainly didn't want to use any titles out here and using a nickname presented similar issues so full name it was. "Mercury! Mercury!". She didn't think anything beyond that was needed. After all if Mercury did hear it would likely be realized that she wasn't here for fun and was looking for the warrior queen for a reason. She paused a moment to concentrate and listen for any reply before she thought she heard something and swiveled her ears to try and get a better listen while also focusing her scenting abilities in that direction as well. ((figured the Mother Moon account issued the summons it would determine when Aylie successfully located Merc so left it with Aylie not having actually found Merc yet..let me know if thats wrong though and I'll fix)) |
From Queen to Dog and Back Again
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"I have foreseen what is required complete your eclipse." Arik stepped aside as and moved to stand at her shoulder, with all the dignity and chivalry of a knight. But Mercury's eyes were locked on the blind gaze of Mirai. Mercury had so many questions, but the cat's words had thrown them all out of her head. As usual, this mirror-eye spoke in riddles. Was it the nature of the Sight to addle the brain until the pathways were so twisted that they spoke like this? Mercury had never much thought about it when she was younger. Now she had no choice but to untangle Mirai's meaning. But before she could ask for more pieces to the puzzle, a sound came through the curtains of fog. "Mercury! Mercury!" Ayliyra. Mercury turned her head towards the sound, but it was still far off. Aylie had made it to the island, but she hadn't made it down the trail yet. It was doubtful she would know the way, as this was not a place that she would have frequented as a child. Mercury had been here only a few times, and always with her family. She took an instinctive step towards the call, then turned back to the cat. She needed more than a single line of riddle. She needed answers. But if Aylie was calling, it could mean that there was trouble. She was the sword and shield of her people. She couldn't delay. ![]() ☿
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August 01, 2018, 04:24:27 PM
(This post was last modified: August 01, 2018, 04:51:42 PM by Mother Moon.)
Note: This is a Non-Player Character controlled by the Mother Moon Account
"Without execution, 'vision' is just another word for 'hallucination'."
- Mark V. Hurd
The fog quickly swirled around Ayliyra, enveloping the girl in her own cloudy cocoon. Like Mercury and Arik, she found herself in a space that dampened sound and softened the light through gauze. It would cause her to halt a moment, forcing her to stop and listen. At first, it was quiet, but then there were murmurs. Voices whispered in the mist, floating on the breeze. The girl wouldn't be able to make out the words, but she could hear the cadence of conversation. The mist would swirl, disorienting and distorting the sound for a moment before it drifted and revealed a wooded trail off to one side. A whisper of sound came back through the trees. "Mercury! Mercury!" Like the Queen, the Mirror-Eye turned her head, her ears flicking forward towards the sound. Without a word, one of the little foxes leapt down from its seat and disappeared in the grass with a rustle. A moment later, the second followed. They could be heard for a moment, the underbrush shaking and scraping with their passing, and then the silence returned. Mercury turned back to look at her, and despite her blind eyes, Mirai smiled as though she could see the expression on the Dark Queen's face. "Go." the catamount urged, the mirth clear in her voice. "There is time." "Ayliyra! I hear you!" Mercury called back, her voice ringing across the landscape. Then there was the sound of her leaving, another rustle and crunch of grass. But only one set. Mirai turned her head back to glance at the base of the stone, although, of course, she could not see Arik standing there. "You must aid her, Moon Shadow." The cat told him with a smile. "Go. She will return, as will you." Arik would turn, but just like Mercury he would look back. But when he did, he would find the stone empty. The fog drifted across it, blurring it from view, while a whisper of wind muffled her passing. Mirai, without another sound, had vanished. The sounds of Mercury and Alyirya's voices rang clear through the evaporating mist, and while still a place of awe, the magic that he had felt seemed to fade, giving way to a bright, sunny day. It did not take long for Mercury to find Ayliyra, and after the girl's frantic and animated description of the situation, the three of them would be racing to save Elder Adolph from his latest underground fiasco. |