Acceptance thread Highway Robbery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Almost Sparkles
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There was no mistaken that she was damn close to a border, the scent markings were unmistakeable. The over exaggerated placement of the scents, and the obvious scattering of prey animals away from those scents made it abundantly clear. However, there was one critter that didn't seem a bit phased by these scent markings, dirt brown eyes followed the little coyote as it snuck past the border to grab an oblivious piece of prey. Something worthless to Blythe, but she new that to the pack it belonged to, this would be considered stealing, and would most likely be frowned upon.
Watching carefully, the coyote was too proud of his catch to notice the lumbering form of the much larger wolf waiting in the shadows, and when the coyote was too busy being proud of his catch, Blythe rushed out, grabbing the coyote by its head, it dropped its prey and began snapping at anything it could to get away, whining and growling, and yelping, making quite the scene. Blythe was stronger and larger then the weak coyote, and promptly shoved its face into the dirt. While it was not her prerogative to kill the coyote for stealing, she could hold it there for the time being until the proper authorities arrived to give the varmint a proper trial. It was squirming and yelping, doing whatever it could to get away under the massive jaws that were wrapped around its face. Blythe placed one of her massive paws on the back of its neck, and lifted her head from the coyotes face, whispering a threat to it, "You better hush now honey- or I'll give ya something real to scream about, ya hear?" With that threat, the coyotes cries silenced, and were replaced by pleas for mercy. But Blythe wasn't the authority around here, nor was she the sheriff. But she could do a citizens arrest for the time being, waiting at the border for an actual sheriff to arrive, or hell, even a local deputy or someone who lived in this place. Either would work, she'd just hand em off to the local authority and plead her case to the judge, or what have you. When someone did finally come along, they'd find her standing over the coyote, paw shoving its head into the dirt, the rest of its body wriggling to get free. Dirt brown eyes would meet the stranger, and dipped her head as if she wore a cowboy hat, "Evening friend, I caught this varmint tryin' to steal some a yer food and ya know, that ain't right, or lawful, so I held him here for ya ta give him a trial you deemed fittin'." Usually stealing was a death sentence in any pack, but, Blythe didn't know the laws here so it was best to leave it up to the stranger and his packs laws. If it had been up to her, she woulda snapped the dammed things neck already, but- again, gotta leave it to the local authorities. It was the civil thing to do after all. |
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@Gyr ![]() ![]() #cd853f
She expected more, she always did. More out of this place, more out of this life. Jumping at opportunities once they presented themselves, smiling and nodding. Keeping up that appearance of the good natured leisurely member of Saboro society. But there had to be more, an endless wanting that nothing could fill. What goal were we striving for again? Everything had been a game so far, unscripted, and god was she just so lucky. But here she was again, back to it. Being an upstanding pack member, doing her little job. Ears perking to the sound of cries. Whatta heck? Brows lifted and an utterly bewildered expression was plastered upon a usually smug face. On the wind came an unfamiliar scent, ah ha, show time. The blue gal agilely made her way over coming to a drunken halt as she spotted the source. They spotted her too and were quick to address her as the sentry came up. That accent instantly making her perk up, staring at the other with a rather strange expression. Oh boy, golly GEE. "Yoda la hee hooohoo, howdy there pard'ner." Came her voice, that classic smirk curling upon her lips as she looked to ol Southern Belle to her little captive coyote. "Them blasted 'yotes again, dang nabit." She could go on and on like this. "Much obliged Missus for catching this here thief." A toothy grin was what this strange would be met with as amber eyes picked her over. "I'm the law 'round these parts, acceptance wise that is. Hidalgo, at yer service." A dip of her head to match the larger gal's own. Those gleaming eyes would land on the coyote then, offering a prim and proper grin. "What do you reckon we do with this here varmint? What would you do?" Those gleaming eyes and glistening smile would rise to catch the other female's eye now. |
Almost Sparkles
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b l y t h e //
"Yoda la hee hooohoo, howdy there pard'ner."
The other was quick to gather as to what was going on, and the look on her face when she got close enough to see was- interesting to say the least. Blythe made sure to keep her face straight, and not react to whatever face it was that the local deputy had made. She did however get quite the kick out of the way the lady decided to attempt to mimic her accent, a corner of her lip turned upwards at the speak. "Them blasted 'yotes again, dang nabit." The lady dipped her head, and Blythe already felt herself beginning to like her. She didn't know anything about this pack, or those that resided inside of it but if they were anything like this here gal, woowhee, she was gonna have a good ol time. "Much obliged Missus for catching this here thief. I'm the law 'round these parts, acceptance wise that is. Hidalgo, at yer service." "Don't even worry about it Miss Hidalgo, was a pleasure detaining this varmint." She said shoving the coyotes head further into the dirt, causing it to yelp and struggle further. Blythe head dipped downward again to address the coyote, "You remember what I said about making noises don't you?" She hissed, and the coyote quieted, all but small hiccups of yelps escaping its maw. Lifting her head again, she smiled at Hidalgo- the law at this time. "A pleasure Miss Hidalgo, m'names Blythe, and I'd apprehend these rustlin' dickheads any day o the week." She said, before grimacing- "Pardon my language Miss- My mind cain't keep up with my mouth." "What do you reckon we do with this here varmint? What would you do?" Eyes met each other, and Blythe thought for a moment before speaking to Hidalgo, "I'd skin 'im- and hang his pelt for all them other thievin' sons a bitches to see as a warnin'." She said, a spark in her eye, and her lip itching to pull back into a smile. "But that's just me-" |
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![]() ![]() #cd853f
No one here in Saboro had a sense of humor, or at least Hidalgo's sense of humor. They usually attracted the same sort too, the stuffy, uppity, I killed my entire clan when I was but a pup, I've seen things man!!! She had to have some fun, luckily deputy here was able to overlook that and just roll with the punches. Maybe?? The blue sentry blinked at the coyote, what a fucking shame that was. This had to be the worst day of his natural born life, it probably started off bad too, oooh yikes. Though the grin upon her maw never faltered. "Well it's a darn tootin' pleasure to make yer acquaintance, Blythe." The smaller girl said in reply, dipping her metaphorical cowboy hat once more. She'd hunker down lower to the eye level of the coyote, clicking her teeth to get his attention. "Seems like you're having a mighty rough time pard'ner." A whistle from her teeth and that grin grew wide and toothy. Amber eyes would glance back up to the mount of a wolf that held him down and Hidalgo weighed Blythe's words. "Hmm hm hmm, in these here parts we don't take kindly to trespassers, or thieves. I can tell you that much. The false accent just rolling of the tongue, how impressive. "And this flea bitten son 'ofa bitch, picked the wrong neighborhood to get lost and greedy in." Sentry turned sheriff, turned mayor. "Why not beat him up a lil before you, y'know- She'd raise a a paw, a toe extending as she dragged it across her neck fur, making an audible 'GUUULICK' only to get the point across a lot clearer. "If'n you'd be so kindly, Missus." She'd sit back to watch the show, consider it apart of the initiation. |
Almost Sparkles
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b l y t h e //
Blythe liked this gal, she was pleasant, and damn friendly as well. She hadn't met a lot of strangers on borders that had been too accepting of a gal like herself just moseying along their border so this had been quite a welcome surprise- and a bit of fun too. Usually she was chased off, or told off, by some scouting deputy that came along. She tried to tell them she was just passing by, but they all told her to kick rocks. Rude ass mother fuckers they were- Miss Hidalgo here though, was something different, and she liked that. Especially the part where she was glad for her help of this yeller bellied THIEF. "Well it's a darn tootin' pleasure to make yer acquaintance, Blythe. Seems like you're having a mighty rough time pard'ner." "On the contrary Miss Hidalgo, its more a pleasure to meet you!" Blythe retracted, her accent going up in pitch slightly at the amount of politeness that was being tossed around while the coyote underfoot was begging for his life. "Hmm hm hmm, in these here parts we don't take kindly to trespassers, or thieves. I can tell you that much.And this flea bitten son 'ofa bitch, picked the wrong neighborhood to get lost and greedy in." Blythe's cooked smile only grew slightly, she hadn't said it yet, but she got the hint at what Miss Hidalgo here was beginning to hint at, at it made her tail begin to sway behind her. If there was one thing she despised in this world, it was thieves. Any kind of thief, of food, of time, of feelings, of trust, (it could be construed any particular way she liked, which is why she said it) pretty much any kind of thieving she wouldn't tolerate. Which was why she had been so keen on catching this son of a bitch, even if it weren't her food he was stealing. "Why not beat him up a lil before you, y'know- " Blythe's eyes widened, and lit up at the initiation of Miss Hidalgo, giving her the go ahead to rough up this son of a bitch. "Yes Ma'am!" It wasn't her land or her food, but if the deputy said she could hash out the punishment to fit the crime, then she would be all willing. "If'n you'd be so kindly, Missus." Eyes flashed with a raging fire to the deputy, before dropping them to the coyote, who had a sense of what was about to happen to him. He lashed and screamed, and yelped, but his small body was no match for the large one that stood over him. In a flash, and when he opened his mouth to yip and howl, Blythe, as large as she was, lunged quickly, and grabbed his tongue between her own teeth, and tore and yanked, and with a squick- she had not one, but two tongues hanging between her jaws, green tongue mixing with the red blood. His still wriggling, she spit it out, to the feet of the deputy, and continued her onslaught while the yote howled in pain, between the gurgling and coughing. Blythe, bent forward and took a back leg in her mouth, and bit down hard, the crunch echoing off the trees between the yelps and coughing. "He ain't gonna be able to git away now Miss Hidalgo, nor is he gon' be able to tell his friends where to git free meals." You know if he did get away- which he wasn't- especially not anymore. She grinned, before bending down once more, and taking that broken leg, dragged him to the front of the deputy, and plopped his bleeding, broken ass into the ground. "Anything' else ya want dun to 'im Miss Hidalgo, ma'am?" Blythe was here to serve the long arm wolf finger of the law, to serve justice- and as far as she was concerned, that was Hidalgo. |
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![]() ![]() #cd853f
She watched with a quiet satisfaction, know to her line. They were never the type of people to be adverse to violence, nah, they languished in it. Back in the Valley she could idly remember that punishment was a form of bettering ones self, even if it meant crippling. Haha, what a twisted system in. Then again, it was usually those gods that went around parading that sway, dismembering their followers. And to think, the fools actually liked it. Blythe was a mast of her craft, truly, had a way of going about things. Hidalgo could only call it bloody quick and brutal. Though strangely clean and clinical, oddly satisfying as she watched his tongue ripped straight from a gaping mouth. Whoops, buddy. Only matched by the CRUNCHING, sound the echoed of a clean break to a hind leg and the gurgling scream that followed. And when Blythe dragged this shambling thing, still breathing, still struggling, Hidalgo looked down at him from her snout and then back to the large woman. A smile curling her jaws. "That's a might fine tough you got there, pard'ner. Damn effective." You get all the gold stars, yes you do!! Claws tapped the ground thoughtfully and rather dark smirk grew on her slender face. "Kill'em, take his tail afterward if'n ya want." She gave a shrug, call it a consolation prize for just being so good. Once the deed was done, and the yote breathed his last, the blue sentry would lift a paw to scratch at her neck fur. "Well we gotta find a proper way to thank ya, any good sensible person wouldn't do that type of work for free." Amber eyes gleaming. "What I got's an offer for ya, I reckon it's a mighty good one. You can join this here establishment, Saboro. You cut down any varmint big and small alike for us, we give you a place to live for the rest of your life. Easy." Blythe had already proven herself, and Hidalgo did like what she saw. "Just one question, ya know, mandatory. Would you be able to do that again? Kill, I mean. On command, on anyone the big guys told ya to? Would you do it for Saboro? Again and again and again? |
Almost Sparkles
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b l y t h e //
Blythe couldn't help but smile at the compliment that the deputy gave her, she did take a lot of pride in being able to hold her own in a brawl, and tear apart those who deserved it when the need called. Blythe was not a small girl, and took up a lot of room, but some would be surprised at how light she was on her feet, even when she did accidentally run into people, she could be quite airy about it. She didn't exactly take pleasure in hurting others, but she did take pleasure inheriting others who did wrong. She took a LOT of pleasure in that- case in point.
"Kill'em, take his tail afterward if'n ya want." The coyotes breath hitched in his gurgling throat as the words fell out of Hidalgos mouth, it followed by a frantic cry but the lad, and a low guttural laugh from Blythe. The large lady wolf, took a step back, taking in the entirety of her prey, looking for an honest weak spot. The obvious answer was the throat, it would be quick and easy. Blythe liked quick and easy most of the time, but not when it came to liars and theives, so she waited for a moment until the coyote let out another gurgling cry before she lunged and grabbed his lower jaw between hers, and placing her paws on the shoulders of the yote, and she pulled. And pulled and pulled- until a loud popping crunch, and a sudden ripping noise filled the air, followed by a deafening silence. Blythe stepped back with the lower jaw of the coyote dangling between her jaws, and the rest of him laying limply on the ground, lying in a growing puddle of red. She looked back to the deputy, smiling a red smile, blood lining her lips like a bright red lipstick- "If'n it's alright with you ma'am, I'd rather have the jaw. It's a bit more personal." "Well we gotta find a proper way to thank ya, any good sensible person wouldn't do that type of work for free. What I got's an offer for ya, I reckon it's a mighty good one. You can join this here establishment, Saboro. You cut down any varmint big and small alike for us, we give you a place to live for the rest of your life. Easy." While Blythe would do this work for free any day of the week, upholding some sort of justice, the offer that the deputy put forth was one she really couldn't refuse- she had been wanting to find a place to hole up instead of running the rest of her life. This place, especially since shed been offered a job- would be the place she'd choose. This- Saboro. "I reckon thats a right fine idea Miss Hidalgo, I'd like ta take you up on it." She said smiling. "Just one question, ya know, mandatory. Would you be able to do that again? Kill, I mean. On command, on anyone the big guys told ya to?" Blythe's smile only grew, the red that lined her lips falling to join the rest on the ground. "Ma'am- It'd be a genuine pleasure." |
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![]() ![]() #cd853f
Ears would perk at the large woman's request for the jaw, and she'd shrug. Hey, no skin off her teeth if she wanted that. "Take whatever ya want, you earned it pard'ner." Came that toothy wide grin. Though the grin grew even wider after Blythe took it upon herself to accept Hidalgo's offer, the right choice, obviously. "A damn fine choice. Trust me." With a wave of her paw she'd sure the other to follow her, and then would begin that long spiel about rules and rings, and possibly even give the ol cowgirl some rank advice. |