Saboro Ring 2 staying in my play pretend [prp cass] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Little Dipper
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![]() ![]() #6b658e
Back in the old kingdom, when he was a small child, the young male had memories of when he left the Temple. If only briefly, remembering when he chased frogs and when life wasn't as fucked up as it was now. Life had dealt his family a shitty blow, an unfair hand, and Saturn wanted some sort of magic capable of reverting things back to how they used to be. Too bad that ain't going back to how things used to be, those days have come and gone. There was a bitter seed planted int the boy's heart, one that cried for a father that simply wished not to be here anymore. What's so wrong with the family he created? What's so wrong with our home? Why reject US?! Answers he'd probably never get, and so he'd look for that lost love in the face of everybody else. On this fine day, he'd be wading in frigid waters, plush fur glittering with beads of water and his mouth opened wide. Honestly, the boy looked kind of strange?? Like a fluffy bear wrapped in a coat of stardust. Jaws snapping at dark shadows that moved in the water, making a whole hell of a lot of noise for someone trying to fish. It was a wonder that the slab hadn't scared the fish off entire. Ear's flickering to the sound of someone's approach, and the boy turned his head clearly confused. (Saturn, how the fuck can you even see my dude??) Fur ruffling in a pleasant breeze and the sun raining down to make the clear water shimmer. "Please be quiet, I'm trying to fish." The boy said aloud, though in the meantime he was the one crashing and splashing around. "I said plea-" His words cut off as a fish flew from the water and smacked him straight in the head as he was turning to face whomever. It landed with a large splash, soaking him to the bone, and a paw raised to lift his bangs from his eyes. "Oh! Oh, hi. Do you like fish?" |
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![]() ![]() Dreams were… not good, today. Cassiopeia had awoken from an unexpected slumber and felt her head filled with muck and grime; haunting thoughts and unsettling whispers. It was to no surprise that she’d woken up alone, flopped against a nearby tree and with herbs strewn around her paws. It took her a moment to remember what was going on… Oh, yes. She’d been trying to learn about the new flora of the territory and somehow had ended up finding herself asleep. A frown, looking down at the various flowers and herbs, wondering if she’d inhaled something too strongly to induce sleep. She sighed, defeated. It had been a struggle, but she tried to fill her days with things to learn, to grow, to progress. Shaking off the leaves and pines, Cassiopeia sought out a nearby river to quench her dry throat, grogginess still apparent as she felt her awareness to be hindered. She didn’t even remember getting to the river until she felt the clear liquid fill between her toes. Dazed eyes hadn’t even seen the other, but did she hear him. "Please be quiet, I'm trying to fish. I said plea-" Bewildered for a second, Cassiopeia hadn’t even realized she was making a noise, but she’d rudely dipped into the water which likely would have disturbed this poor stranger’s ability to fish. With a saddened frown, she murmured gently. “I’m sorry, mister.” Always apologizing, ah, poor sweet Cassiopeia. Her voice was weak, apparent in her drowsiness but still true to her feelings nonetheless. The boy wasn’t familiar, but his colouration was. Cassiopeia was too concerned for disrupting him to try to decipher why he seemed like someone she should know. "Oh! Oh, hi. Do you like fish?" His tone change perplexed her, wondering if she would be able to drink without rudely bothering his ability to catch a meal. With a slow blink, mismatched eyes looked at the gradient stranger and offered a bit of a smile, one that was meek but still sad. “I don’t mind them.” Wiggling her toes she used the cool water as a small reminder that she was awake, this wasn’t a dream. Wake up faster! “I… can leave if you are trying to catch one, I didn’t see you there.” |
Little Dipper
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![]() ![]() #6b658e
Ears pulled back and he made a weird face, one that was a mix between discomfort and confusion as he made his way back to land, sloshing through the water with large heavy steps. "No one's ever called me 'Mister' like that before." He said softly, slipping on the rocks on his way out and his rear end and back legs dragged him back into the water. Now he was completely drenched, wincing he'd attempt to get out once more and when his paws hit dry land he'd turn his head to look at the girl. Water dripping from big clumping strands of bangs that were plastered against his face. "I didn't know I was a Mister yet." He said simply, and honestly. It was as if him slipping on the rocks and falling back into the river hadn't happened at all. Crimson would be quick to finally look her over, taking note of the delicate wave of curls that ran through her fur, and a curly fringe that framed her face. "I-I'm a Saturn!" It was more of an outburst than anything as he stood there, frozen, mouth pressed into a thin line and eyes wide. "I-I mean! I'm Saturn. My name. Saturn, me. The name Saturn, my name, that which belongs to me... that name. Saturn's name. Which is still me, by the way." He rambled off as he started at her, inwardly thinking 'OH NO SHE'S CUUUUUUUTE'. She smiled at him and he could feel the air leave his lungs. She smiled at me!! SHE SMILED AT MEEEEE!! His brain screamed and his heart fluttered. His lips twitching to smile back, but it honestly looked strange and kind of scary and painful? "I hate fish, but! I want to get better at catching them." He blurted out, ears pulling back. "I have siblings, I'd like to be able to give them food presents." Everyone likes food, and Nebula and Niph would be so proud that he'd caught them all on his own. "NO!" He barked, eyes wide and damp fur slightly bristled. "N-no, I mean. It's okay! You can totally stay you can- Ow." As he stepped forward and felt a sharp sting of pain, confusion washing over his features as he lifted his left front paw and spotted the cut up mess of his paw pad. At first he had an immediate urge to stuff his entire paw into his mouth (I mean Saturn you've already been doing that so far), but then, his eyes went from his paw to the girl and back. "My paw is bleeding, do you wanna see?" He stared dead at her, not even caring, he limped his way over to her (halfway on land and halfway in the water), and stuck his bloody paw in her face. The reddish black spilling from tender flesh and mixing with wet black fur. Did she think it was cool? His eyes glancing from his paw and rested back onto her. He hoped so, that painfully strange smile creeping his lips upward. (Saturn nO) |
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![]() ![]() "No one's ever called me 'Mister' like that before. I didn't know I was a Mister yet." Cassie was suddenly a bit self conscious about calling him mister, wondering if she’d insulted him by mistake. Her dreariness only added to her anxiety being in a bit of a strange mishmash of a place, she froze in place and offered a very quiet giggle to try and break the aura of miscommunication she brought on by calling him mister. She’d tried to grow from her ability to stutter, but some days her natural charm didn’t flow through as well as she’d hoped. (At least, that’s what she thought.) Caught in her own feelings, she’d barely even seen him slip. Her eyes averted as the only sound between them as the movement in water and her quiet exhale. "I-I'm a Saturn!" His sudden outburst caught her attention as mismatched eyes turned back to look at him; his disposition had clearly changed but Cassiopeia had no connection as to why. "I-I mean! I'm Saturn. My name. Saturn, me. The name Saturn, my name, that which belongs to me... that name. Saturn's name. Which is still me, by the way." His rambling brought a smile to her lips the more he talked, her giggling returned as something a bit more sweet and less filling an awkward void. “Saturn, got it.” Her smile was modest, blinking a few times as she continued to focus herself into a state of being more awake. His rambling certainly was helping with that, his sudden erratic energy causing her to have a small rattle and shake to reality. “My name is Cassiopeia.” "I hate fish, but! I want to get better at catching them. I have siblings, I'd like to be able to give them food presents." “Oh,” she breathed, her smile had no reason to leave, yet. “I wish I could help,” A quiet sigh, “Fish wasn’t a common meal at home… Ah, my old home… Saboro’s…. old home.” Cassiopeia found herself tripping on her words now, trying to keep her smile on her face but instead she opted to lowering her mouth and taking laps at the water, averting her eyes and effectively stopping herself from stumbling more on her words. (It’s okay, he did it too!) Having gotten what she came for, after her own painful attempt at conversing; Cassie still considered leaving, not wanting to bother Saturn with her uncertainty any longer. With a nod, she’d nearly turned herself away when his voice came barking back, causing her to halt in raised awareness. "NO! N-no, I mean. It's okay! You can totally stay you can- Ow." It was his final word that caught her ears, snapping her head to attention as she gasped quietly, her tone raised from her meek gentleness to alerted concern. “Are you okay?!" Eyes widened slightly as the curls atop her head swayed out of the way, waiting for some sort of response as she locked her sights on his paw, trying to determine from her distance if she could make out if he’d been injured. No need, Cass, he was about to tell you AND show you! “My paw is bleeding, do you wanna see?" Without hesitation she’d nearly blurted out in tune with her breathing. “Yes!” Unfortunately for you, Saturn, Cassiopeia didn’t want to see it because she thought bloodied paws were cool. Her concern might’ve been mistaken for excitement, although hopefully her lack of wide smile was enough of a sign that she wasn’t goofing off, despite his strange smile upon his blue and black maw. “Goodness, did you step on a rock?” Cassie almost cooed now, maternal instincts always seemed to help her when it came to aiding a wounded friend or pack mate. Once he was closer she was able to examine it, tilting her head in fascination to try and determine what to do to help. Somewhat unfortunately, she was still learning the plants of this new home, but despite that she confidently nodded to him. “We should patch this up, I know just what you need.” Probably. @waka |
Little Dipper
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![]() ![]() #6b658e
She said his name and the way she smiled, have you ever just seen someone so pretty? Beautiful, a light so warm that you almost cry? You don't exactly know what to do, but stand there and stare, and you know it's not the right way to respond, but that's all you got? Well, that's how Saturn was feeling. "OoooHO." His entire body freezing as his fur prickled up. SHE SMILED AT ME!!! "C-C-C-C-C--C-C-CA-CA-CA-CA-AASSSIEEEE...." He could hardly even say her name. "C-c-c-c-c-assiop-p-p-peia, h-hi." The young male finally managed, giving her an uncertain, though warm smile. Ears perked and the boy blinked, old Saboro? THAT'S MY SABORO TOO! Gosh, they already had SOOOO much in common. "I'MFROMSABOROTOO." Buttoning his mouth closed almost instantly as he practically shouted at her. "I m-mean! I too, Saturn, who is me... Even though you know my name already, IIIII don't know whhhyyy I keeeep saying it, I'm from Saboro too! Old. Saboro. Saboro old, me... from. it." If he was hairless and she'd be able to see the blush all across his face. "IIIII slipped, I'm fine." His voice was softer now, can't tell at this point if he's melting at the proximity, her cooing, or literally about to have some sort of heart attack from just being in her presence. But that affirmative yes, gave him the biggest, dopiest grin upon his face. Staring right at her, Saturn was literally just mindlessly nodding at this point. I just saw a girl so beautiful, I nearly died, and she thinks I'm COOOOOOL. He said something completely unintelligible to her, she'd probably only be able to make out the word paw? And in an instant, sat back on his haunches, opened his mouth wide and shoved the wounded paw right into his mouth. Surprise, it fit too. He said another thing?? Something along the lines of 'pretty cool, right?'. Oh Saturn, oh honey. |