Private Roleplay the only truth i know is you [templar] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Maid of Orléans
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![]() ![]() #996699
Late afternoon sunlight bled deep colors of orange and honeyed yellow through a sky that was creeping toward the twilight hours, a hue of soft pinks that faded into pastel purples and deep indigos speckled with tiny twinkling stars. The forest quiet, but full of hushed life as spring would transition into summer. Crickets began their nightly symphonies to the vocals of peeping frogs. Fireflies took to the air in slow dance with one another, a warm breeze carried on the wind rustled the blooming trees and blades of grass. As the steady, patient night crawled ever onward, alive with quiet noise, those inside a den slumbered on. They had slept through the daylight hours as well, constantly gripped with this unending feeling of drowsiness. It was only when a breeze brushed against the slender female's face, ruffling fur like a gentle caress, that eyes would open. Blinking and at first unsure of their surroundings, shifting a little she'd feel the growing boy nestled against her side and the wolfdog tensed. Pale eyes glancing down at his dark form, a soft hum of approval to note that her boy hadn't awoken. A mother's kiss pressed upon his cheek. She'd look then to the other form that laid by her side, dwarfing her by an immense margin. The Knight, cloaked in blue-blacks and steely white-silvers, tired eyes scanned over his face and she could feel a whine in her throat, though she silenced it all the same. The Apostle would instead run her nose from his cheek into his neck fur. Nuzzling into him, ushering him awake just as the wind had done to her. Carefully, oh so carefully, the gentle lady would rise, making certain that she didn't disturb the little boy that had curled closely next to her. Looking down at him once more just to make sure he still snored quietly, a smile tugged at tired lips. She turned to the larger male then, heart thrumming in her chest. "Would you, would you like to walk with me?" Came a soft voice, a barely audible whisper, but she knew Templar heard. They wouldn't go far, she was always so nervous when it came to leaving Cain by himself, but she knew she needed to stretch her legs and that the boy needed his rest. And what better a night to do so? She'd step out from the den, silken tail flowing behind like a sea of curling brown. Fili waited for him to meet her, and she'd bump her shoulder against his as the two would walk side by side. Time it was, and what a time it was. It was, a time of innocence, a time of confidences. A despondency had washed over their broken little family, nothing would ever replace the home they had lost to the fire, but perhaps? They could start anew. "I can't remember the last time we were able to just go for a walk, with just us two." Words came soft, pale eyes looking to the twilight sky. Everything was different now, nothing would ever be the same. "In my dreams I can still see the fire, the buildings burning, the smell of smoke. It's so vivid." It made her shutter, but clear eyes would look to Templar then, the chivalrous Knight, her gallant protector. "It makes me thankful, thankful that I'm not alone. That we're safe." And that you're here, with me. |
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![]() The hovel had been quiet for some time with the sleeping bodies of a wayward family trying to find purpose once again. They had been violently torn from something they believed in, cherished and worked hard for. The knight could do nothing but keep them safe in this confusing time, he vowed to do so. Ever since he had met the fair lady of Borogrove, his heart flushed with emotions he hadn't ever experienced prior. Duty had been his life, but now where there was none, there was only love.
A single amber eye would open as he felt the soft nuzzles of Filianore, beckoning him awake as the summer breeze floated past. He lifted his head then, yawning and stretching out his fore paws as she climbed from the den they had called home for the time being. She asked for him to walk with her and he nodded, large body crawling carefully around the boy as to not disturb him. As he emerged, he stretched further, shaking out his thick mane and followed closely by Filianore. Always side by side. Her voice was soft, always a gentle song to his ears and he hummed lightly. "It has certainly been quite a while." he said, not taking for granted the time he spent with her. The hardships they went through had kept them busy and raising the boy had kept their attention on surviving. Templar looked down at her then as she described her dreams. Nightmares plagued her, and he would be lying if he said he didn't. The terrors were a mixture of his time in Redania and of Borogrove. A time of when the meteor hit and his paws were slick with blood. There were times when the hot air made the torn muscle ache, but he did a good job of keeping that to himself as to not make Filianore worry for him. He hoped that they wouldn't face something like that again, that they would find purpose and peace. The knight nodded, agreeing. "You know I'd never leave you." he said, able to calm the nerves. He promised to protect her and he'd be dead long before he broke that promise. He thanked the Maker for handing them freedom however, and that she was alright aside from being scared. Even the knight had been terrified, but he had to stay strong for her. As the night set deeper into blue and the stars guided their way, Templar looked to the milky band. "I wonder if we'll meet others again from Borogrove. Do you think we'll meet them on our travels?" he asked. Templar had wondered himself where the others had scattered to when the fire broke out. What of Titus? Of the massive feline that ruled the borders? Jude and Martin? Everyone vanished and deep down he hoped that they all survived. But that was the way of fire. It would scorch all those who were impure. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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The Maid of Orléans
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July 07, 2018, 11:59:28 PM
(This post was last modified: July 08, 2018, 05:41:52 PM by Filianore.)
![]() ![]() #996699
In the shadow of the night the two walked side by side, soft words spoken between them, and she'd glance up to him with tired eyes that met warm gold. The softness of his voice calming her almost instantly, giving her the strength to push away all those awful thoughts, even if just for a moment. Templar always made her feel like she could manage, especially with all that had happened. Their Lord had tested her faith time and time again, and even now she was uncertain. Shaken to the core, all that she had believed and put her time into was gone, she was without purpose. They both were. "I know, and... and I'm glad to hear you say it." Leaning against him as they walked, fur brushing against curled fur and she'd hum in approval at him. It was a silent promise, one that needn't be spoken between the two of them. She trusted Templar more than anyone, but still she needed that reassurance. That little fraction of comfort. "It eases my mind all the same. You ease my mind." Pale gaze would look up to him, a firefly passing to illuminate her face, a tired smile upon tired lips. Though the Knight's question caught her off guard as she blinked at him thoughtfully, mouth falling slightly agape as the gears in her mind attempted to process the question. She hadn't really thought of finding others, well, Fili did. It was an odd scenario, what if Martin, Adriel, and Rosenlund were alive and out there? What if they ran into each other? The boy she was now raising would go back to them, she'd lose her son. The wolfdog stopped in her tracks as a sinking feeling fell into the pits of her stomach. "I-" her voice wavered, "I..I don't know. Martin, Rose, or Adriel, Cain would be so happy to see them again, I'd be so happy. I'd like for them to be okay, but.." What was this feeling? Blue eyes were fixed to the dark, grassy ground as she bit her lip. "It's selfish, very selfish of me. I'm not his mother, but I.. I.." I want to be. Gaze would snap up searching for her Knight's own. The fear of losing a child, her child, but also not. Even just the thought of it hurt, threatened tears. |
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![]() He felt his lips curl into a smile, one of warmth and genuine happiness. For the first time in his life he had felt something flicker inside him, like the eternal flame in which he followed. It was hot and burning, but not painful. Soothing all of the hardships he had come across and all of the pain he had endured. Filianore was a woman be believed in, a woman be cherished. The seeds of love blossomed fully as they walked together, side by side, shoulder to shoulder and as she leaned into him, he guided her.
And he was happy to do the same for her. She eased his mind as much as he eased hers. His smile grew as she looked to him with the same expression. His question about Borogrove however made her falter. Templar's brow furrowed questionably as he listened still. She was so unsure, so wary. She was scared. Templar moved then, a large step in his pace to turn to her, pausing their walk. The child they cherished and took care of was an opportunity for Filianore to feel motherly, and her attachment to the boy was firm. "You may not be his blood mother, but he sees you as nothing less." he said softly, but firmly so she would believe him. He sighed heavily, unsure if they would see the others ever again. Templar watched her then, those gorgeous blue eyes threatening tears. He'd lean in and kiss her cheek, snatching any tears that did fall. A woman as beautiful as her shouldn't cry, especially when taunted with the idea of motherhood. The knight felt the heaviness of regret weigh on him for ever speaking of Borogrove. They were gone. Maker help them all. "I..." he began, but paused. Now may have not been the time for confessions, not when emotions of distraught were high. Templar sighed. "I'm worried about where we are to go from here... The wilderness without the safety of numbers is difficult." Aimlessness was not something the Knight had in mind. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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The Maid of Orléans
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October 26, 2018, 02:06:10 AM
(This post was last modified: October 26, 2018, 02:06:36 AM by Filianore.)
![]() ![]() #996699
How many nights had she felt that fear ebb in her chest, and how was it that with few words and one look, the moon-kissed Knight could silence them, he made her feel brave, sure in what they were doing. A protector, confidante, but still there was something more. It caused her heart to flutter and her mind to ease, though her body felt limp while under his golden stare. "Thank you, Templar." Her voice a near whisper. "They're foolish thoughts, but your belief in me makes all the difference. He regards you as a father, I know he does." Her gaze softened further as she exhaled. She had managed that strong front for so long, Filianore hadn't allowed herself to grieve, not in front of them. She needed to be strong, her faith needed to be even stronger, so when the unfamiliar wetness of tears began to roll slowly down her cheeks her gaze shot up to Templar as he looked down upon her. His movement smooth, nose to cheek and a kiss was placed on either side. Fili found herself leaning into him for support, comfort. The familiarity of his warmth and him just being there caused her chest to seize up with a sob that racked her body. It'd be her closing the distance, pushing her head to rest against the plush fur of his neck and nuzzle in against him. Mind buzzing and body tingling, but the pain had washed itself out to sea for another day. The maid wanted to hold herself there, to listen to his shallow breaths. A calming tempo, she had learned to fall asleep to. Instead she heard the beginnings of a thought, listening intently for the answer that was swimming in her thoughts. Eyes flickered open as she still rested against him, breathing in unison. "I worry too, though I know He will protect us, I still fear." Borogrove had taught her to fear. "Where should we go?" A silence would settle between them for sometime and absentmindedly her thoughts wandered to old memories, the something else that danced upon her tongue. Vesper came to mind, the feline's words weren't apparent to her at that point, but now they echoed in her ears like a heart's beat. Perhaps you should pursue that, Filianore. I'm sure he finds you lovely. Pursue, she bit her lip, or profess? Thoughts then went to juror Kujon, a soul whose affections she could not return, no matter how he begged. Inching closer, don't reject me, closer, please Filianore. "T-Templar..." Her voice wavered, all of sudden she wasn't so sure of herself. Pulling away to look up at him, well, as best she could. "I.. I need to confess something that's been weighing on my heart, and my mind. It's been there for quite sometime, I-I'm most certain of it now." Her jaw trembled, though her pale gaze was transfixed upon his own. "It's.. well.." She was losing her nerve, face becoming hot with a blush that would never be seen as brows knit together. "My affections for you, I've never felt such a strong attachment to anyone before. I find solace in your presence." Her heart was quickening now. "I.. I.. believe.. I love you, most ardently. I'd like to be in your life always, and you in mine." All they had been through together swelled up in one professing sentence, and it nearly winded her as she looked to him for an answer, anything. For he meant so much and more. |
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![]() The smile on his face grew as she mentioned the boy looked to him like a father. Templar was not the fatherly type, but he tried his best to protect them both and to take care of them as best he could. Living alone in the wild was not easy. His travels had given him many lessons to learn from, the Maker guiding their way and blessing them every step. They had been blessed, surviving the onslaught held at Borogrove and having enough necessities to get through the hardest of times. How easy it was to take the comfort of a community for granted.
As Filianore planted her face into his chest, Templar leaned his head down, and placed his cheek on the back of her neck, trying to comfort her in an embrace. Amber eyes watched the moon and starlight illuminate everything around them as well as the dim light of the fireflies slowly dying. His question was one that hung in the air for several moments before the maiden answered, still faithful and that was a good sign. Faith had not been lost. Templar was relieved to hear that, sighing softly. "We... should find a group. The wilds on our own can be... difficult." he said, not wanting to give too much detail in case he'd scare her. He was only one man able to take on so much. Eyes shifted down to Filianore as she called his name, his head lifting just a bit in order to focus on her. Templar hummed a questioning tune as her voice seemed to falter as if she was nervous. It was then she pulled herself away from his chest, pale eyes looking into his golden. He felt his heart thump irregularly, brow furrowing to the feeling as he was unsure what it was as she stumbled through her small speech. Something was bothering her, and he felt concern for a moment as she hesitated. His mouth opened slightly as if to say something, unable to however as she started to talk again. Just when he thought it was too early for confessions, she spoke his mind. Surprised, the Knight chuckled slightly. "And I love you, Filianore. I'll be by your side as long as you'll have me." he said, unsure of what else to say. His happiness and compassion for this beautiful woman was almost overwhelming, and he was just happy she wanted to be by his side as a friend and a lover. "I.. would be honored if you would be mine." Templar moved slowly to kiss her forehead. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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The Maid of Orléans
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![]() ![]() #996699
She'd give herself a moment to sink into his embrace, hold herself there like he was an anchor. It was nice to feel safe and secure, but those bad thoughts were always there in the distance waiting to come to shore. As long as this Knight was by her side, she'd be safe from them. He'd be her sword and shield. The rumble of his voice caused her to press closer to him, face nearly buried in a sea of fluffy white and blue. The woman frowned at the reality he presented to her, and yes she knew and fully agreed they had been on their own for a very long time. "Where should we begin looking?" Because it wasn't a matter of when, she knew that it'd have to be immediately, there were dangers this world presented without the save falls of a pack. She had just been lucky when she was on her own, nothing more. Her heart fluttered as his gaze fell upon her, what was she so worried of? All this time he had stayed by her side and yet now was the time she was fearful that he might not feel the same? They had gravitated toward one another since the very beginning, and now they were the last ones left of their old home. What possibly could she fear? Vision would cast down onto the ground, but quickly snap upward as he spoke. The sound of her own heartbeat thrumming loudly in her ears as if it would burst right out of her chest. His confession followed her own and she breathed in shakily, and exhaled just as shakily. Her silence rushed over her with a blush that could not be seen, flustered she'd move to hide her face against his chest. Words are always getting in my way, anyway, I love you. That's all I have to tell you. They'd both be right here, within each other's hearts. The lap upon her forehead was met with slow realization, but quick action, one that took her by surprise as Fili pressed her nose to his cheek while his head still hung low, a kiss of her own. "My good Knight, you wonderful soul. I'm blessed to have you in my life, and by my side." Came whispered words. "I'm yours, forever and always" |