Saboro Ring 4  new chapter
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Cassiopeia She/Her
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[Image: cassrpbanner1_by_arkyls-dcd6pu4.png]

[Image: d30649_by_arkyls-dbrx80o.png]

The new territory had been an, adjustment.

Time continued to pass and a new future showed it’s shining head with the masquerade of glory and power, of support and security. Cassiopeia felt anxiety slowly ease off of her as days passed and tragedy didn’t seem to follow the Saboran survivors. Like a shadow demon following the cursed beasts, Cassie for weeks had continued to check over her shoulder, that painful paranoia of more heartache, more pain, more sadness would strike them, for that’s all Saboro knew how to handle and to live.

But everything had been quiet, perhaps too quiet, and the biggest weight on the shoulder of the once-princess wasn’t that of fear, or anxiety, nor was it even sadness, but loss. The last glances she had of her mother, father, brothers and sister were constantly on repeat in the memories of the curly girl— no, not a girl anymore, but a full grown adult— one who walked the tightrope of her life and managed to survive and life past it with little damage. One of the fortunate, some might say; but her family’s birth seemed to have it’s own troubles scarred into their bloodline from the moment they were conceived. After all, what family was a good start when the union of their parent's love began on a battlefield?

Gentle maroon curls draped down the side of her face now as the tufty thing had grown into a longer, more elegant look; time had been passing so quickly Cassie had barely noticed the maturity in her own face. Her curls were rounder, coat as longer and her tail still managed to gather bits of things within them everywhere she went. The hellion lineage within her showed more and more as she grew, standing out among the rest although her royal ball-gown of curls she inherited from both sides only added to her regal appearance. Despite all this, Cassie had still been a soft, delicate girl at heart, even with the weight of a hectic past etched into her soul.

The new rings within the territory took a bit to be retaught, but she had less fear of it knowing she had some ability to pass due to her relation to Gray; despite the blip of leadership shift up before the move Cassiopeia was glad she could at least feel comfort in her status, even if she never flaunted it or used it for anything important. Those months were certainly her darkest days, perhaps a large part of Saboro as a whole. She missed her mother dearly. She missed them all.

Crossing through the narrow pathway into the fourth ring, Cassie aimed to find Gray. She had been unsure of the new Sabora’s feelings toward her and likewise, Cassiopeia was intimidated by the younger Queen, but she respected her nonetheless. But today she’d find sanctuary with the silver Sabor, brushing herself against him once he was found and exhaling quietly as she felt her bottled worries dissipate for a brief moment. They were safe here, they were happy here.

Hi,” She cooed quietly and casually, still finding a way to comfortably use his formal title so instead she opts for what was familiar. If he allowed, she’d take a seat beside him, hoping she wasn’t interrupting anything important. She let silence sit between them for a moment before she inhaled deep, steadying herself for the words she didn’t want to admit, let alone be continued disappointment for them both. “Still no sign of Dirge….” Her voice trailed, looking away for a moment with a frown.

Do you think he can find… us?” Do you think any of them will?

[Image: d30649_by_arkyls-dbrx80o.png]

PROFILE | played by ARKYLS
[-] Likes: DustyForgotten, Gothy, ilunga, Kiri, waka
Gray he/him
Posts: 14
Pronouns: he/him
Rank [IC]: sabor
Played By: kiri

All Accounts Posts: 473
(This post was last modified: July 07, 2018, 09:16:35 PM by Gothy.)

[Image: title510455969_by_ghoul_d-dbrxm1l.png]
Speech Text

Families broke apart like shining stars plucked from the sky. The disappearances left many tender and bruised, everyone nursing the wounds of unexpected ends and uncertain beginnings.  He could offer no console to the tattered and worn. There were no words that would ease the pain. No tears that would bring back the dead and gone. 

They grieved in their own ways. They grieved alone; but this too would make them stronger.

Broad head turned in response to Cassiopeia’s arrival, offering her an expression swirled with emotion. Even for her, he could offer no relent for her pain; only a shoulder to cry on, and an ear to listen. He breathed in the sweet scent of a lover and closed his eyes. 

He can find us.” Absently he reached for her, clutching at whatever was allowed and pressing his head gently into her fur. Beyond the charades and chivalries of a King, he was just one man. A man plunged into a world he had never expected, mounted with the responsibilities of his people upon his shoulders. And that man, right now, needed love. Not empty reassurances or flimsy promises. Just something physical. Something here and now. 

He can’t live without you, and who knows, maybe he even misses me too.” He dared to look at her, more serious now. “You just have to believe in him, he’s too stubborn to give up.” 

[Image: ghoul_d_by_murdermuffin666_dc604of_by_gh...c60jfi.png]
[-] Likes: Arkana, DustyForgotten, Gothy
Cassiopeia She/Her
Posts: 10
Pronouns: She/Her

All Accounts Posts: 959

[Image: cassrpbanner1_by_arkyls-dcd6pu4.png]

[Image: d30649_by_arkyls-dbrx80o.png]

“He can find us.”

Hearing those words from him made everything seem so secure, so sure. She trusted him, now more than ever knowing that he had half the weight of Saboro on his shoulders. Cassiopeia subtly, but greedily, merged her small body against his stocky one, embracing him in every comforting inch she could muster. He and Lexa were all she had left until Dirge returned home, and she relied a great deal on them both for their support. She just hoped she could do the same. Which itched at another question at the back of her throat, one that made her want to recoil in fear, but she steadied herself until she felt ready.

“He can’t live without you, and who knows, maybe he even misses me too. You just have to believe in him, he’s too stubborn to give up.”

Her face offered a comforting smile, ears twitched a little at his seemingly doubtful response to Dirge’s own thoughts toward him. “He misses you, too.” She said in the same firm confidence he gave her, although her quiet, gentle voice made it harder to impose such a bold power such as his. “I do, I just can’t imagine anything happening to him. Or you.” But Gray was safe here with her, Dirge wasn’t. Not yet, but soon.

That knowing feeling got worse the longer she leaned against him, feeling the heat of his crown in a different engulfing power that her mother had. Cassiopeia had no choice but to be more involved now. They were lovers, in some deeply rooted, confusing way, which meant there were expectations. Ones that Cassiopeia was unsure of now that the dust had settled and the pieces were in place. Her breathing got steadied and focused, like she needed to make sure she remembered to breath.

I…” She started, finding the words getting caught in her throat again. Persevering, she didn’t look at him. “Do… you want a family?” Cassiopeia felt the weight of those words the minute they left her mouth. “D-Do.. you need one…. now that you are…?” Swallow. “A-And Dirge…? but…. I… “ She fidgeted against his frame, feeling like pulling away would be wrong. She was strong in her own little way, and she wasn’t afraid of Gray. But she was afraid of not being enough for him, now.

I want to support you in any way I can…. But I need to know how.” She’d give her everything to him if that’s what he needed. In a blink of an eye, Gray’s whole world changed, which means hers did too.

[Image: d30649_by_arkyls-dbrx80o.png]

PROFILE | played by ARKYLS
[-] Likes: DustyForgotten, Emily., Kiri
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