Acceptance thread I am a lost boy from Neverland | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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she, they
![]() OOC EDIT: This acceptance thread takes place after the events of the Slaver Plot -------- Dawn came early as it usually did this time of year. Mornings were growing earlier and earlier and the sun refused to set until the last possible moment. It was this time of year when the world became hot and dry, and relief was nowhere to be found. The trees had begun to lose their buds as fully fledged leaves took their place, offering as much shade as they could while they still came in to their own. This particular morning was warmer than usual but not blistering; a breeze that still clung to the chill of spring and winter was blowing through the world in an attempt to remind everyone that soon enough it would be back to kiss the land once more and leave it a frozen wonderland. Yet as the early dawn grew to late morning, it was clear that something unusual was buzzing in the air. It may have been the time of year, it may have been the bugs coming out to stretch their tiny wings for the first time in three months, or it may have been the stench of blood that lingered in the lands that a young pup had once called home. He wasn't sure of what had happened, but as a lost boy Angus was all too familiar with how crazy the wilds could be. Still pressing ever on to find his family, Ivaylo, and this so called pack called Gemini, the pup had wandered through wilderness and wilds in hopes of finding 'The Path' that would lead him home (at least, this was the direction he was given from a very good friend who had promised he would meet him in Gemini some day soon) to the pack that he had so desperately ached to find. Yet as the days from his departure with Hyperion grew to a week, Angus was sure that he would never truly find this place called home. "Here's what I propose we do; you tell me as much as you can about Gemini and this stranger you met, and I'll decide our next course of action depending on what you know already. And then--- we eat something. Because god dammit, I'm starving. [...] It's not worth our efforts to find this man Hyperion when he could have very well returned home by now. Maybe when we get there you'll see him and tell him how you made it there aaaaalll by yourself. Don't worry, I'll still secretly take most of the credit. We'll set out as soon as dawn breaks." Those words stuck with Angus as he crawled through a thicket of brush a few days back when it all started. His heart ached to see Ivaylo again; to tell her that he had found Hyperion and that Hyperion showed him the way to Gemini. He was on his way, albeit still wandering the wilds of the neutral territories. As he climbed over a fallen log, he'd heard shouts in the distance. Wolves; there were many of them and they had begun to fight...directly across the path he was walking. The pup kept low as he listened to them screaming at each other, though he was unable to hear everything going on. As he'd made his way around the fight, the stench of blood wafted in to his nose- it was strong, sickly and smelled of copper. The pup had lost it there, too terrified to continue on the path he was headed down and turned sharply, running further east than he had intended to. His tiny heart had pounded in his chest as the stench only grew; the voices too, it seemed, never truly faded from his mind. "If you want to make it to Gemini and find your family, wherever that is, you must protect yourself. It will all mean nothing if you're dead. Do you understand?" Once more Ivaylo's words pounded in to his head as he found himself pushing with everything he had to escape the area that had swallowed him whole. He ran straight through the night, and the following morning- Angus kept running for as long as his little legs and body could carry him. If he had stopped to count, the pup had run for two days straight before stopping, but honestly, who was counting? When Angus did stop, however, night had fallen once more and the pup stood trembling, his chest heaving as he gulped in any air that found its way in to his nostrils and his mouth. Angus licked his lips- they were dry, as was his mouth, but the stench of blood had faded drastically in to the background. With a pain in his stomach from not eating and exhaustion kicking in, the pup settled beneath a rocky alcove for the night. Here, he thought, he would be safe to rest. But dawn came early as it usually did this time of year. Mornings were growing earlier and earlier and the sun refused to set until the last possible moment. It was this time of year when the world became hot and dry, and relief was nowhere to be found. The trees had begun to lose their buds as fully fledged leaves took their place, offering as much shade as they could while they still came in to their own. This particular morning was warmer than usual but not blistering; a breeze that still clung to the chill of spring and winter was blowing through the world in an attempt to remind everyone that soon enough it would be back to kiss the land once more and leave it a frozen wonderland. Yet as the early dawn grew to late morning, it was clear that something unusual was buzzing in the air. Angus awoke to the sound of soft chatter far away and the stench of blood. With tired eyes he yawned and stretched, inhaling a deep breath of early summer air and copper. His eyes shot immediately awake and he was climbing out from the rocky alcove that he had spent the night under. The pup blinked and squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light; blood filled the air but not as terribly as it once had some days ago. Angus looked around, unable to find a source, and the pup huffed softly. He was safe, for now. With another yawn and a stretch, the pup turned and sat down to scratch his ear. If he was safe, then he would rest here for a day and continue on to Gemini tomorrow. Yet as he lifted his hind leg to scratch, the pup couldn't help but take in the giant stone wall in front of him. His foot lowered and he rose up to all fours as he stared, marveling at its size and beauty. This...this was something new. "Remember what I said, though-Family important... Be... smart... Save me a leg... would ya?" Angus gave a small whine as his brain went back once more to Ivaylo. He shifted on both paws anxiously for a moment, looking around to either side of the wall. If he smelled blood, then there must have been someone else around, right? "Hello?" he called out in a small voice, unsure if he was doing the right thing or not. Be smart, Ivaylo had said. Was this smart? "H, Hell, Hello? Hello? I'm, I'm looking, I'm looking for Gemini! Hello?" |
in your heart shall burn an unquenchable flame
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Once upon a time there was a boy who made a terrible mistake that caused a lot of death and the consequences that followed came for him in the form of teeth. He ran, thinking it the only way to protect himself and his people. He must never speak of the horrors he wrought, he must never let his façade slip, because the only protection he had from those hunters were people who believed in his inherent good. The hunters caught him once in a swamp, but he managed to slip away and stumble into the borders of a budding kingdom of refugees just like him. That was the same day he befriended the prince and the prince saved him, even if he never really knew it, but the boy would never get to repay the favor. Gaven promised he would make it worth their time, but he didn’t much like this story. The boy wasn’t a hero, as badly as he wanted to be, and Gaven suspected this story was going to be sad. When he saw a small, russet form sitting gawking at the wall the memories flooded back and stopped him in his tracks. It was difficult to think about when he imagined that boy was anyone other than himself but tackling the realization that he was recounting memories of real things that happened to him was even harder. In this situation was the child sitting at the stone wall, questioning it with a quavering voice like the prince in Gaven’s story? No. It didn’t have to be like that. "H, Hell, Hello? Hello? I'm, I'm looking, I'm looking for Gemini! Hello?" Gaven closed enough space between them that he could be easily heard. He wasn’t trying to purposely startle the puppy (though maybe that didn’t matter). The Starreaver didn’t recognize the child and had he not said that exact question to the open air Gaven may not have known any better. He wouldn’t get an earful about how he was trespassing. He was a child and, with no one accompanying him, was clearly on the wrong side of the wall. Gaven scuffed the grass with his feet to announce his presence. “Today is your lucky day,” the Starreaver chirped. “You’re here, in Gemini, standing on its soil. Though you seem to be alone, kiddo? Well. You were alone. Now I’m here and that is a clear improvement on any situation. I can keep you safe.” The prince once told the boy he looked ‘remarkably harmless’. The boy wished that were true. Gaven nodded towards the wall, “I have a thought that you’re here looking for other wolves, despite how incredibly charming and adorable I am. I can bring you to them and we can get food in your belly and a safe place to rest, how does that sound?” Because the one thing Gaven could do right was not leave a kid out here near the morbid bone-decorated wall for whatever hunters might follow him into the lowlands. Gaven had no intention of letting tragedy unfold onto this child under his watch, but he was polite enough to not hoist him in his arms without his explicit permission (though the temptation was strong). Maybe they could work there way up to that. He did once have a job as a professional puppy steed. Some days it was hard to forget about his prince. |
she, they
![]() The silence fell from Angus's lips as he called out to the wall and the hole near him, his ears drooping low as the world became quiet once more. Maybe...maybe there wasn't anyone here after all. He stood outside and shifted on his paws for a moment before turning around and letting out a short whine. If this wasn't Gemini then...where was it? Today is your lucky day. You’re here, in Gemini, standing on its soil. Though you seem to be alone, kiddo? Well. You were alone. Now I’m here and that is a clear improvement on any situation. I can keep you safe.” The voice sliced through the silence and Angus's soft whimpering, causing the pup to turn instantly on a heel. Yet as the pup looked around he saw no one until he looked up. Standing before him stood...this...thing. He had no idea what it was, but the pup began to back away slowly at first, his eyes widening with terror. What was this naked, furless creature?! What...what was with it's ears? It's face? Why was it so incredibly disfigured and not like him? Angus's voice hitched in his throat as he tried to stammer a response but only found himself backing away even slower. This couldn't have been Gemini. Gemini was supposed to be full of wolves! This, this creature was certainly not a wolf; it was a monster. The pup turned and began to run back towards the alcove a few feet away in hopes of cowering back under the safety of the rock until this creature thing passed and ignored him. "I have a thought that you’re here looking for other wolves, despite how incredibly charming and adorable I am. I can bring you to them and we can get food in your belly and a safe place to rest, how does that sound?" The voice rang out again and Angus felt his heart in his chest. Could this...did this creature read the minds of wolves?! Did this creature know what he was thinking? No, no that couldn't be right; not logically anyway. Angus took in a deep breath as he tried to steady himself and overcome his terror of this bipedal monster, slowly crawling back out from the small alcove and looking at Gaven with a look of unease. "How, how, how, how do you know my language?" he asked slowly, his little fur still bristling as he took a step forward cautiously. "Where are, where are the other, where are the other wolves? " Step by step Angus inched closer, his ears lowering and perking back up again as he sized Gaven up. He stopped about two feet away and watched him carefully. "Hyperion, Hyperion sent me to Gemini. I'm, I'm looking, I'm looking for my family. They might be here." The pup's heart was in his throat now as he stared down Gaven, his face never faltering in the unease of not knowing who or what kind of animal Gaven was. He didn't like not knowing, and he hated even more being scared of something he knew nothing about. Angus's tail tucked between his legs as he took another few steps forward. "How do I know, how do I know you aren't going to eat me..?" |
in your heart shall burn an unquenchable flame
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He put all somber thoughts from his mind then. He needed to be here now, not ruminating on sad stories. Misery had never gained him a single thing and he took that lesson to heart. “Heh. Try not to be so afraid. I promise I won’t hurt you.” The boy’s discomfort at the sight of Gaven was obvious; the russet-coated pup was visibly reeling, trembling, and slinking away from contact with the elven man. Gaven was left to believe he was of a nervous demeanor or was unfortunately another soul who had been tormented by humans and mistook Gaven for one of them. It seemed unlikely that the child was this sheltered to have never seen an animal different from him. Either way, Gaven kept his voice friendly and soft, staying where he was instead of approaching so the pup would not be under any increased pressure to run away- or bite him. He liked to think he was good with children, but he would have to test that theory today. "How, how, how, how do you know my language? Where are, where are the other, where are the other wolves?” “I was taught it…or was I?” his eyes narrowed thoughtfully, losing focus for a moment as he rubbed his chin. “How do you know I’m speaking your language and you’re not speaking mine? Anyway, the wolves are everywhere. Gemini is a kingdom of wolves. You just had the misfortune of being stumbled upon by me first, the one lonely freak left in this place. I move around a lot within the pack borders.” The pup dared to approach, waves of fear beginning to subside in him as he apparently began to slowly adjust to (what Gaven assumed was) the elf’s hideous appearance. Gaven in turn merely leaned on his polearm and stared back at him with large, curious eyes. At least the child was respectful enough to not sniff his butt like other Kingly children once had, though Gaven supposed that situation was significantly more awkward for himself than it was for any canine. “I don’t know who Hyperion is, but they must know their stuff. Not sure which your family might be either. There are a lot of wolves here. I don’t know them all,” Gaven admitted. “Maybe I could help you look.” "How do I know, how do I know you aren't going to eat me..?” “How do I know you aren’t going to eat me?” Gaven volleyed the question back. “I kill what I eat before I eat it. You wolves don’t always do the same. I’ve seen your kind hunt. Since you’re still standing here speaking to me, I suppose that means you’re safe from my hunger? Anyway, what is your name, pup? I can’t eat you if I have that. It’s a finicky elven thing; weird to eat what you name, you know?” |
she, they
![]() "Heh. Try not to be so afraid. I promise I won’t hurt you." Although Angus's limbs fought his fight or flight reflex, there was something in this creatures voice that had calmed him considerably. Perhaps it was his tone? Or perhaps it was how this being dared not approach him and let the pup slowly advance instead. In the end, Angus's heart slowly returned to normal as he heard this being out. "How do you know I’m speaking your language and you’re not speaking mine? Anyway, the wolves are everywhere. Gemini is a kingdom of wolves. You just had the misfortune of being stumbled upon by me first, the one lonely freak left in this place. I move around a lot within the pack borders.” At this, Angus paused and the cogs in his brain began to turn a little faster now. The pup eyed the being in front of him and scrunched up his nose. That...that couldn't have been possible, could it? The pup huffed softly but remained quiet, his own self growing more curious by the second. What, no, who was this? "I don’t know who Hyperion is, but they must know their stuff. Not sure which your family might be either. There are a lot of wolves here. I don’t know them all. Maybe I could help you look.” The pup blinked several times as he felt his heart sinking in to his stomach. This being didn't know who Hyperion was- Ivaylo told Angus not to trust Hyperion, but yet Hyperion knew the way to the pack...Angus's heart sat in his stomach but he did his best to keep this beings latter half in the front of his mind. It wasn't necessarily that Hyperion wasn't apart of Gemini; but this bipedal creature had just never met him before. It was...a stretch for Angus to believe considering how well versed this creature was with Gemini but he supposed anything could have been possible. The curiosity began to grow even more as he bravely took a few more steps towards the other, his ears now perked and his head turned to the side. The pup closed the distance as the other spoke again. "How do I know you aren’t going to eat me? I kill what I eat before I eat it. You wolves don’t always do the same. I’ve seen your kind hunt. Since you’re still standing here speaking to me, I suppose that means you’re safe from my hunger? Anyway, what is your name, pup? I can’t eat you if I have that. It’s a finicky elven thing; weird to eat what you name, you know?” Fair point. As Angus looked up to the elf his face contorted once more. There were, oh god there were so many questions now. The fear had all but left his tiny body, and the curiosity had well taken over. Perhaps Angus was gullible in trusting this elf; a creature he had never seen before in his days, or maybe he was smart in trusting in one who knew so much about everything. "That's fair." He said as a sudden wave of intrigue came over him. "What' Elven. Is that what you are?" The pup's voice was soft but still loud enough to hear; he wasn't excited but he was extremely intrigued by all of these new things and ideas that began forming in his head. He would do his best to keep his mouth shut if he could, but the words only began to spew from him like a waterfall. "Did we come from Elvens? Or are Elvens a form of wolf? How did you learn to stand on two legs?" His nose sniffed the air as he took in Gaven's scent and the pup began to further close the distance between them, sniffing his legs before walking around Gaven and looking back up at him. "Where is your fur? And tail? How did you come here? How old do Elvens get? Have you been here for a long time? Or are you also new like me?" Angus stopped only as he returned to the place he'd initially stood after closing the distance between him and Gaven and sat down. The pups eyes held Gaven's form as they sparkled with even more curiosity. "You said you don't know all the wolves here but do you watch the rock wall? Have you seen a wolf named Ivaylo? She's my friend but I left her to find Hyperion and she was also looking for Gemini." At this, the pup looked away, his face growing a bit sadder. Oh! The Elven had asked his name, hadn't he? How rude. "My name, my name is Angus! What's your name?" His stomach growled and Angus's ears instantly lowered to his head. He'd almost forgotten that it had been some days since he'd last eaten. Didn't...didn't this Elven say that there was food? Angus's tail gave a little wag as he looked up at this curious elf with amazement now. "You wouldn't, you wouldn't happen to know where I could find some food....would you?" |
Acolyte Apothecary
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![]() The morning sun shining radiant and vibrant in the vast pale blue expanse above went unappreciated by the dark figure currently walking across the golden fields of the lowlands. The droning chorus of bugs and the sound of dry grass breaking under the rangers paws as he moved forward with his patrol were the only things that seemed to thrive in this blazing heat. Aside from the small gnats that constantly assaulted his nose and eyes. He had tried to rid himself of their presence but with each shake of his head it seemed that even more of them flocked around him. So far, from what he could see in the moments where the insects dispersed, he had not noticed anything out of order along his route but the tiny insects were not making his job any easier. In fact one might argue that the rangers performance was being hindered by the horde of bugs but Necros was not one to let such things effect his duties as a ranger. His flaming amber eyes attentively scanned the expanse around him for the slightest movement or sign of something amiss. Necros was duty driven and hated doing anything only halfway it just didn't sit right with the fringe wolf. The day he half-assed something would be the day that pigs flew. After some time had passed Necros caught a scent in the one but two scents. One scent smelled of geminis highlands, clearly marking them as a pack member; as for the other scent. It held traces of geminis lowlands but there was an earthy scent of dirt and pines that overpowered it and told the ranger that they were a stranger to this land. Someone really needed to rescent the border markers. The beast made his way towards the scents ears forward and eyes alert for he had no idea of what awaited him once he appeared. What he saw as he crested a small hill was not something he had been expecting. Two figures stood ahead of the dark fringe wolf. One was obviously a wolf pup but the other being was one Necros had never seen before. It stood on upright like a meerkat yet it had no fur, aside from the fur that was draped around his shoulders and the patch on his head. Very strange. Nonetheless the dark wolf approached the two. "Hail my name is Necros, Ranger of Gemini," he stated as he was now close enough to see their features clearly and now was able to tell that the scent of gemini was coming off the two legged one, "do you need assistance," the wolf inquired as he looked up towards the strange being. The wolf had no intention of butting into a situation where he was not needed, after all he still had to carry out his patrol, but he could not just ignore the possibility that his help was needed. It was then that his eyes landed on the small brown pup that appeared to have been alone. What were they doing did they make it here? Did they have help? Where were their parents? Was he an orphan? So many questions that the wolf wanted to ask but he respectfully held his tongue as he awaited the others answer. |
in your heart shall burn an unquenchable flame
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Curiosity gradually replaced fear as the wolf pup took halting steps towards the Starreaver. Big emerald eyes watched carefully as the youngling approached, things whirring and turning behind them. Hesitance was intelligent, and inquisitiveness was an impending drew them swiftly to their doom, and no one could fight it. Today the Starreaver was much more dangerous than a small wolf puppy and he could easily lift the spear and end him quickly, but the threat only existed in potential. Gaven let himself be inspected by the pup, only watching quietly as the dark nose prodded gently at his legs, learning his scent. Then the questions hit. A veritable waterfall of wordiness gushed from the pup, quick and unrelenting, and Gaven’s initial reaction was a widening of his eyes as he studied the little creature. He didn’t know if he could accurately track and answer all of those questions, but he would attempt to give an honest effort. “Yes. Well, I think we come from the same place, so in a way we are very similar. How did you learn to stand on four legs? I have some fur, you just can’t easily see it, but I have no tail except for those I take. I walked. Very old. I’ve been here for a few years, so I suppose you could call that a long time, and I’m not new,” Gaven seemed to be filling in a checklist with every answer to every question that burst out of the pup’s maw. “Sometimes I watch the rock wall, but this is not the border, and I have met a wolf named Ivaylo.” At this he lifted a hand to touch the bridge of his nose, “She has a brown stripe that runs down her back. I met her not long ago, but I haven’t seen her since.” Did he miss anything? "My name, my name is Angus! What's your name?” On cue, in an entirely unsurprising course of events, Gaven’s voice suddenly became comically loud as if announcing himself to a royal court, “I am Gaven, the Starreaver, Sabor and Lorekeeper of Gemini!” he boomed unapologetically before his voice eased back to normal speaking volume. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Angus.” Another wolf joined them, an older wolf, likely drawn in by Gaven’s almost-yelling of his many titles. It was almost too bad he hadn’t more to tack on there. He would have to work on it. Gaven couldn’t smell if he was a Gemini local the way the wolves could but he introduced himself by his title and it seemed legit. As he offered his assistance the pup’s stomach audibly rumbled and a tiny smirk tugged at Gaven’s features. “Someone is hungry. Let’s get some food,” Gaven said. “We’re not going to turn you out to the wilds and let you starve, don’t worry Angus.” |
she, they
![]() "Yes. Well, I think we come from the same place, so in a way we are very similar. How did you learn to stand on four legs? I have some fur, you just can’t easily see it, but I have no tail except for those I take. I walked. Very old. I’ve been here for a few years, so I suppose you could call that a long time, and I’m not new,” [...] “Sometimes I watch the rock wall, but this is not the border, and I have met a wolf named Ivaylo. She has a brown stripe that runs down her back. I met her not long ago, but I haven’t seen her since.” The pup's smile widened as his checklist of questions were being answered almost as quickly as he'd dished them out. The tiny child's face beamed with curiosity as Gaven recounted his exploits and how he came to Gemini; but then the elf spoke of one for whom Angus had been desperately hoping to hear about, and the pup's heart stopped and dropped in his stomach. Ivaylo had made it! He could feel it now, his heart pumping against his rib cage as excitement overtook him. She was here! She'd made it! His tiny feet began to shift in front of him as he bounced from paw to paw, eagerly excited to get inside. He had to get inside. He needed to get in there now. “I am Gaven, the Starreaver, Sabor and Lorekeeper of Gemini! It’s a pleasure to meet you, Angus.” Angus's smile never faded as the elf boomed out his greeting and name- he'd almost forgotten that he'd even asked for the others name; yet he was glad to have known it now. Angus was ready, so ready to get inside of Gemini, but as he opened his mouth to speak, another voice came out through the air. "Hail my name is Necros, Ranger of Gemini, do you need assistance?" The voice was not his own and it stopped the young boy in his tracks. His large ears perked as he peeked past Gaven's legs and saw another approaching, though this one was a wolf like himself. Angus's curious and puzzled face went back to beaming as the other approached. His tiny tail found itself incapable of not wagging from side to side. "H, Hello sir! I'm Angus!" he said rather quickly as Gaven too found himself interjecting to this newcomers presence. "Someone is hungry. Let’s get some food. We’re not going to turn you out to the wilds and let you starve, don’t worry Angus.” His head swung back to looking up at Gaven and he could feel his stomach churning from the aches of hunger. He nodded furiously at the thought of a proper meal and he couldn't help but continue to grin. "T, thank you both sirs! I'm, I'm very excited to finally be here in Gemini. If, if I could, is it possible to help me find Ivaylo? I, I really want to see her! She's like, she's like..." he paused, his face scrunching for the right way to put it. She was not his blood family, but, they were close. Close enough that he felt perhaps they were in a way related. Was she like a big sister? Certainly not his mother. But she was important to him, and that he was certain of, "she's like my family," he finally said, affirming and nodding that yes, he was definitely going to make this declaration to two strangers who probably had no idea that they were friends, "and, and it's very important that I find her! Can you, can you, can you both help me find Ivaylo?" |
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"And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you I will show you fear in a handful of dust." She had a heavy heart to carry. It took her through the forest, down the path, and to the far side of darkness. How much longer? Not long now. Ivaylo would be with them soon. She'd return to their loving embrace, their cheers for joy that she was home now. Safe and sound. Her watery eyes blinked, trees circling round in the sky as she tried to navigate her way out. She had lost too much blood, but she insisted on departing the scene on her own. She could not guarantee the pup's safety alongside her. With her broken leg, her scratched eye, and tired limbs, she crawled gradually toward what she knew was Gemini's border. Home. But inside her mind... A faint little voice called to her, growing louder and louder with every bloody three-legged steps she could take. She looked up, smiling weakly as a small slope appeared before her. The grass swept wildly with the breeze, shining in the golden hour. An oak tree rested at its peak, its roots providing a rather lived in den in which it held the only two wolves she knew the most. The voice became clear as she finally approached. But no matter how many steps she took now, her body never drew closer. She remained still. Her ears began to ring. That voice. "You're almost home, sestra. Ela vkŭshti!" "Lipsvashe vi, Ivaylo. Ela vkŭshti." Ivaylo's breath became unsteady, her legs flailing to reach them. She could see them so clearly now. There they were all along. They were here. They were home. But just as lovely as it had surfaced, it disappeared into blackness. Her legs gave way from underneath her, and she found herself splayed out in tall grass. Grass that was not from the hill beneath the oak tree den. No, this grass belonged to another home. "Ne se pritesnyavaĭ, deteto mi." "Shte se pogrizhim za teb." Her eyes peered from the tall blades of grass near her face, and she saw them again. Only, farther away and... differently shaped. More distorted and blurry than the last apparitions. Why had they brought her here? She thought she was going home. She thought she'd finally be rid of this pain. She thought it would all be over soon. Why? She heaved herself up, only to come crashing back down and crying out in agony and sorrow. But she didn't give up. Her front paws clawed at the ground, pulling herself closer inch by inch. She wouldn't stop. "NE KHODI... grrrgHh... NE KHODI!! NE OSTAVAME BRATYA-- agh!" A loud guttural grunt escaped her throat as she collapsed yet again, unable to move any closer. They were so out of reach. Why did they have to be so far away? "P-please, brother... don't leave me." |
in your heart shall burn an unquenchable flame
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There were more important things than food that needed attending to. Gaven couldn’t blame him, if he were in his homeland he would seek out his clan again too, assuming the shadows that threatened him had passed from his wake. They weren’t likely to find the young wolf easily. They could howl for her and hope she was close enough to hear but the noise would draw other things as well. Other wolves. He thrummed his fingers against his polearm and considered the situation. He didn’t have time to continue insisting they should eat first—the devil dragged Ivaylo’s beaten body before them to rest at their feet. Gaven noticed her first, tilting his head slightly, knowing an injured animal when he saw one from yards away; the rolling, shuddering unnatural step that carried her further. Dirt and blood in her fur. It was a miracle she had gotten so far on her own, though Gaven could only appreciate the trek she had made through the lowlands to get to the wall as he did not know where she was coming from. His golden eyes flicked to Angus for a second. There was no shielding him now, but perhaps it was better this way. Sometimes life was cruel like this. He thought of the prince who had been his friend and then he bolted for Ivaylo who dropped as hard as rocks off a cliffside, howling deliriously in another tongue. At first he was worried she had been attacked at the border, the actual border, but her wounds looked aged. Blood congealed, encrusted and brown in her fur, but her leg was swollen and twisted, marred with bite marks and punctures, and she was clearly sickly. What had happened here? “Shh, you’ll be alright,” Gaven spoke to her softly as he pulled off his cloak and laid it over her, protecting her from the sun and greedy flies. He didn’t know she would be alright, out here even minor wounds could be deadly, but he could say the right words when he needed to. “I’m going to go get help.” "P-please, brother... don't leave me." Words that weren’t for him. Gaven reached down and smoothed the fur on her face. “No one’s leaving you, you’re safe now.” Gaven stood suddenly, shooting a glance at Necros, “Keep an eye on her. I have a long way to go to the Living Tree and only two legs to run on so wish me luck.” _________________________________________________ ooc; gaven is leaving to send a healer your way but this is also my convenient thread exit have fun children |
Acolyte Apothecary
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August 06, 2018, 01:43:28 PM
(This post was last modified: August 06, 2018, 01:45:18 PM by Necros.)
"When looking back doesn't interest you anymore Then you're doing something right. And now I'll do something best for me. "
(Ooc: going to edit my previous post later to reflect better on Necroses condition since this rp is based after the slaver plot.)
The ranger shook his head at the two-leggers invitation to hunt food for the small pup; whos attention was fixated on the strange creatures grandeur expressions with uncloaked fascination and excitement. Where he in better health the fringe dire would have agreed and joined him but sadly the ranger was not in the best condition at present to be stressing his body. His puncture wounds that littered his face were deep, albeit small, they still caused a great deal of discomfort for the dark colored wolf. Even moving his jaws to speak was a feat in its self. Followed closely with barely concealed winces. The worse injury he had received from his battle with the cutthroats by far was the dislocation of his right hindleg. Even now it hung limply in the air behind him as he favored it. Not allowing the appendage to make contact with the ground due to the crippling pain that shot through his system. Necros would not be going on any hunts anytime soon. In fact he wasn't even suppose to be on patrol but he was waiting, and looking, for a comrade that had separated from him. After the battle the ranger had brought the small pup, who called themself Frey, back to Gemini by himself and left the child with the packs shepherds who were all busy taking in and tending to the many other orphan pups that were rescued that day. Frey was safe but his female comrade had yet to return. He had been limping around the borders everyday at dawn looking for any trace of her but every night he was left with no clues as to where she was. He scolded himself for letting her go off on her own, as injured as she was, but she had promised him that she would be back within a day or so after his arrival. It had been almost a week now. As badly as he needed a healer the fringe dire pushed them away and told them to tend to the other injured since his bore no immediate threat. Because he needed to make sure that she was safe. Amber eyes darkened as his mind spun images of her lost and dying all alone looking for help while he was safe within his home. The sound of the girls name being said brought his attention back to the pup. So this child knew of Ivaylo? Had he met her recently or had they crossed paths before her acceptance into Gemini? Probably the later he though as he turned away from the pups pleading gaze. Necros did not have the heart to promise him that she would be found because all of his searching had been for naught. He wondered if this had been her plan all along. To just abandon her packmates to return to the home she spoke so fondly of; if so it was a cruel act that hurt the ranger more deeply than he'd admit. Necros had believed that they were bonding during the talks that they had, although few in number were all very long, and that she might have considered him as a friend. He hoped that he was wrong. Hoped with everything he had left to give that she would prance back into his life and mock him for his worrying. Suddenly the upright figure bolted towards something in the distance leaving Necros and the boy to follow after. The child easily out speeding the tall dire as he limped towards their direction. Suddenly a familiar scent drifted across his nose as the wind blew gently across the golden plains. The large male hurried his steps all the while trying not to fall as he raced towards the scent. Could it really...could she have finally come back? What met the rangers gaze was not what he had been expecting nor even wanting to see because how could this limp figure be the lively fea he had known only a few days ago? He knew it was her by the brown stripe that ran down her cream coat but it's was dirtied with a mixture of blood and mud. He could only watch in shock as the being soothed his hands over her fur as she mumbled delirious sentences to someone who was not even there. He had forgotten about the pup as he inched closer to her which seemed to have gotten the larger creatures attention. Necros nodded as he watched the being bolt off once more to get help for the broken fea. Necros shuffled close to her and began to clear away the mud surrounding her wounds not daring to run his tongue over them for fear of them reopening. This was the least he could do for her but he kept any eye out for the child incase he began to have a breakdown. This is not how he had wanted to meet her. |
she, they
August 06, 2018, 08:47:20 PM
(This post was last modified: August 06, 2018, 09:03:44 PM by Angus.)
![]() On the day Angus left his family behind to begin his grand adventure, he never once thought that he would be separate from them. The thought of fear or dread had never crossed his mind; they were foreign to him, something that didn't exist in the realm of the being that was Angus. His first night away from his family left him worried, but not yet full of an emotion he would later come to realize as fear, or dread. No, Angus had not experienced those emotions until he'd found himself utterly lost in the middle of the woods- a pup desperate to put on a smile and talk to strangers in hope that someone would help him find his family. That was when he met Ivaylo. She ran from him, and he tore after her as fast as his tiny legs could carry him with the fears of his true loneliness and abandonment showing. He'd never felt fear in the way he felt it as he chased after her and calling for her to wait up. Desperately he pushed himself onwards to finding her, his heart sinking with each step he took. But he found her in the end; safe and sound. They spent time together and even though their time was short, he had come to appreciate her and think of her as nothing short of family. Truth be told, Angus regretted leaving Ivaylo early that morning to search for a wolf that she didn't think existed; and while he found Hyperion in the end, he still desperately wished that they could find Ivaylo and the three of them could go to Gemini together- like a family. The next time Angus felt a sense of fear and dread came shortly after his departure with Hyperion. He'd been given directions to find Gemini and the pup had leaped and bounded his way towards what he thought was the way to his new temporary home. Gemini, he thought, would help him find his mother and father. Of course it would- if they were as wonderful as Hyperion then he was sure this pack would help him out. But as he'd made his way through the dense trees of lands that were owned by none and lavished by all, the scents of blood came wafting in to his nose. This wasn't a mere drip or two of blood from a wounded animal; no, the smell was sickening. With the smell came the snarls of battle, and those snarls and snaps were close enough that Angus felt himself almost in the heat of battle. He steered clear from it, his body carrying him for days as he ran parallel to it; hoping, no, praying that whatever this was in the middle of these neutral lands didn't find him. He ran for a day straight, the sounds of fighting carrying in to the night and early morning- bloodshed still strong in the air. It took Angus a solid day to rid himself of the smells of dead creatures- to get his mind out of there, out of that place where the fight still lingered and the death toll probably increased significantly. He tried desperately to stop thinking of those noises. Yowls and screams still rang in his head as he feared that he would never find Gemini. He would never find his family. He would never find Ivaylo- tell her of all the stories of adventure he'd had with Hyperion, and that he'd even found the wolf himself! He was alone; and the thought of being alone brought the pup's heart back in to his chest as it tried to break free of his tiny body- to escape in to any other reality than the one he was in. Exhaustion had taken him over at that point and he crawled under a small alcove tucked away in the side of a wall, and when he awoke, he came to learn that he had in fact made it to Gemini. His heart rose in to his throat as this elf told him that he had found the right place and that he'd even met and knew of Ivaylo! There was a sense of hope and excitement building up within the pup as he'd stomped the ground and began interrogating the elf. He wanted to know everything there was to know. Sometimes, knowing too much could be a bad thing. As the trio introduced themselves and talked on, Angus watched with wonder and sudden confusion as the elf's demeanor changed; the bipedal creature jumping from his spot and running a few yards away to something in the grass. The pup turned and watched with curiosity- he hadn't seen the events transpire but was genuinely curious about what exactly was going on. Was it a deer? His ears perked and his head tilted as he watched for a moment before feeling a breeze rush past him. The wolf, Necros was his name? was limping quickly towards the elf. It was then that Angus took a deep breath in, and the smells that entered his nose would leave his heart deep in the pit of his stomach and his body chilled to the bone. Blood. It came in a sickening wave as it crashed against his nose and the pup was instantly back in those woods, his natural instinct of fight or flight kicking in. Even now he felt it, his legs trembling as the blood and death reeked from whatever this being was. Yet as he took a step forward, he heard the voice of someone familiar; though he didn't understand the words that were spoken. "NE KHODI... grrrgHh... NE KHODI!! NE OSTAVAME BRATYA-- agh!" He knew that voice. If anyone here knew that voice he was certain it was him. Angus breathed out and took a step forward, green eyes wide with fear as he watched the other wolf still make his way over. He couldn't even speak; he merely mouthed the word 'no' as his body took off in a full on run towards the creature on the ground. No, it wasn't a creature. It was Ivaylo. It would be said that the third and only time Angus had ever felt fear or dread was here and now. He ran past Necros with his heart once more pounding in his chest hoping for escape. Flashbacks of his time alone and near that battlefield flashed in his mind. He ran harder. He could hear the elf talking softly to her. He'd made it to Gemini; SHE'D made it to Gemini...they were home. They'd found home. Angus inhaled deeply as he ran; he wasn't going to let this elf or this wolf take her away from him- not again. "No one’s leaving you, you’re safe now." That was right. The elf spoke true on one thing and it was that no one was leaving her. Angus tore through the grass as he skidded up to the elf, his eyes darting from bloodied face to fur jacket to Gaven to Necros and once more back to Ivaylo. His heart sank as he took in her broken and mangled form. He could still smell the dried blood of the fight she had been in; he could smell the same scents of the battle he so desperately tried to avoid. His heart sank further- they had been there, so close yet so far. If he'd only steered straight on he would have found her. He could have saved her somehow. He wasn't sure how, but he could have- he was sure of it. "No no no no no no no no no no no no," came the only train of dialogue Angus could muster. There was something welling up within him; something he'd not felt in some time. It was a deep, deep sadness. Whimpers came from deep within him as he lowered to his stomach and crawled as close as he could to her face, his tiny nose nudging hers. His ears rested back upon his head as he'd nudge again, offering a gentle lick to her snout before crawling further closer to her. Angus didn't care if Necros or Gaven were still there; his only concern was being here with her, even if it was too late. “Keep an eye on her. I have a long way to go to the Living Tree and only two legs to run on so wish me luck.” Gaven's words barely touched him as he curled up close to Ivaylo's cheek, nuzzling her softly and gently. Her fur was wet. No- his fur was wet. When had he started crying? It didn't matter really, did it? The pup just whined softly and continued to lick her face repeatedly hoping that somehow maybe that would just get through to her. He was home now, but it wasn't going to be home without her. "We're home," he said softly as he cried. "We're home, Ivaylo. We're home. We're home....we're...we're home." |
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"And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you I will show you fear in a handful of dust." A broken, uneven breath shook Ivaylo’s beaten frame as she felt a figure’s hand brush over her head. Her eyes closed with it, feeling the safe presence mutter words to her that she could barely hear. All the sounds of the world seemed dulled, almost silent. Her senses were dwindling as well as her consciousness. Though her injuries were great and she had lost a good deal of blood, she strived to stay awake for as long as she could. She opened her good eye, though it flickered and struggled to stay that way, and gazed up at the dark silhouette that stooped over her. A warm weight had engulfed her body, soft and comfortable. Was it... bed time already? But Mother never put them to bed until sun down. And why wasn’t Seva tucked next to her? “But I’m not ready...” she coughed. A wet nose began to touch her own, and she sobbed. Then came little laps of a tongue, one that she recognized. “Seva?” Her brain was in whirlwinds trying to determine where she was, who was surrounding her. Blood and debris had sealed her eye tight and seeing with the other while under so much pain and confusion had left her completely oblivious to what was happening around her. Was she truly home? Just as the voice said? “My brother, I missed you... so much,” she began to sputter. “I’m sorry for the things I said... I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Before everything, before it all, it began with her spitting harsh accusations at her blood brother. There wasn’t enough food to go around. Their mother’s health was failing, and if they didn’t act fast she wouldn’t last the end of the month. And she had believed that it was Seva’s fault for not pulling his own weight. It was up to the strongest of the twins, Ivaylo herself, to retrieve everything necessary for survival. The only thing Seva was good for, in her mind at the time, was figuring out where these essentials would be located. He refused to join her in hunting or foraging, repeating over and over again how important it was that he stay with Mother in case she needed anything. “You’re a fucking coward. You think you’re helping by sitting around on your paws waiting for something to happen? Fine, then. Stay and watch her suffer. No, fuck your excuses. Fuck you. I’m leaving.” And that was the last she’d ever spoke to him. The last words her dear brother would hear from her mouth. The longing to make up for all the hurt she’d caused him only grew as the broken girl lifted her mangled paw to rest on the little one’s, assuming it was her brother’s. In reality, it belonged to Angus. There was no difference. She held it gently, sobbing still. The tears in her eyes mixed with the blood and dirt created a fountain of dark red, almost black, streaming down her face. Words couldn’t explain how sorry and devastated she was, so she remained silent as exhaustion took over. Her breathing was heavy, but it slowed as she pressed back against the small frame that nuzzled next to her. Whoever was here, wherever she was, she was going to be alright. Seva and Mother made sure of it as they watched from above. |
Orphan pup
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I feel bad for holding you guys up so you can skip me and continue. Work and health issues have been taking up a lot of my time recently. I'm sorry I can't rp with you all like before. XC
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It's ok man i understand completely!!
she, they
Yeah I mean we could probably call it here anyway since Gaven welcomed angus in and then we got that sad af little snippet reunion but it’s up to y’all. I’m good either way!
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i'm cool with continuing or just ending it here! if you ever have the time/feel you want to reply again Reath feel free to <3 i'm always down to see where things go