Private Roleplay from riches to rags // cassian | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Most in the position of the young princess would be traumatized, their blood would be running cold, perhaps they'd find themselves at a loss of what to do. But, Rosalind was only annoyed.
Three days prior. she'd been enamored by a vine entangled on a large oak tree. For hours she circled the tree, trying to investigate where the vine began and end. She loved the way this small, petite plant wrapped it's limbs all around the enormous oak. It was admiring, really, how this puny plant, this vine, could easily suck the life of the grand tree. Fascinating. Her curiosity got the best of her. During her observations she was SWIPED from her very home! Gagged and tied, by a band of slimy wolves who went on about being "child-slavers". Sounded ridiculous to the princess, and several times she demanded her freedom. Rosalind threatened that her mother was The Dragon, and that Ma would surely burn them alive as soon as she realized what had happened. "I'm warnin' you!" But Azuhel was taking too long, and Rosalind did not take to her bindings or the company of the slavers. She gnawed tirelessly at the ropes the moment she realized they were asleep (despite one of the slavers being given direction to take watch of her). Rosalind had been running ever since, trying to deepen the distance between her and the thieves. But upon doing this, she lost her sense of direction. How the hell was she supposed to get back home? Deeming it safe to stop to rest, Rosalind collapsed in a bed of lavender flowers, sighing heavily. "This ain't a good way for a princess to be spendin' her days." She complained to no one in particular, rolling onto her back to stare above at the canopy of trees cradling above her. With Oni leaving Alteron, and the pack being somewhat slow in terms of activity, I decided to create some sort of NPC child-slaver who kidnapped Rosalind as she was mischievously adventuring along the borders of Alteron. Because she is intelligent and sassy, she ESCAPES!! and finds herself very close to Inaria's borders. I've talked to Kotake about this, and got the thumbs up from Eve as well! Please PM me (Vixxie) if you have any other concerns.
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He was on a mission. The golden prince had thoroughly trekked nearly every inch of Inaria's forest, he had learned to catch small prey, he had practiced battle moves and sneaking stealthily. He was ready, Cassian just knew it. The time has come to do something. To journey! To explore! to adventure and slay beasts like the knights in his stories. He was a prince, it was time to act like one. Night presented the perfect opportunity to slip away. His parents and siblings had been snoring away when Cassian carefully snuck from the warmth of his family's den into the starry night, leaving behind in his place a single marigold flower he had found the other day. He just knew his family would look at it and know he was okay, that he'd be back after his adventure. The boy had gotten in trouble for leaving the den at night before, but this time he left a message, and this time he would bring something brilliant back from his travel. His parents will be so proud. Dawn light crept over the horizon as Cassian made his way into the neutral lands, and a spike of excitement jolted his heart. He did it! He was officially adventuring now. Grinning, the golden prince broke into a run, pelting through the woods as far and as fast as he could, until his lungs burned and legs ached. The boy hadn't made it very far before slowing to a halt. Need to work on stamina, he noted as dark teal eyes scanned through the surrounding scenery. Now, what to do first — "This ain't a good way for a princess to be spendin' her days." Dark tipped ears perked at the sound of a voice close by. Did she say princess? Not waiting to consider the situation, Cassian shouldered through the undergrowth, stumbling into a small clearing of lavender flowers. And there, sprawled on her back with eyes focused on the sky, was a pale girl. The girl was bound to notice his presence as he wasn't exactly quiet in his approach. She's all alone. His mind supplied after a glance around the clearing. Was she lost? Did she need help?. "A princess shouldn't be out here all alone." Cassian announced with sympathy threaded into his voice. Poor girl. "Are you lost, Princess? I'm Cassian, a prince of Inaria. It'd be my pleasure to help you." The golden youth gave her a well practiced bow before stepping forward, offering a gentle smile all the while. He would give the foreign princess his best, most practiced manners. Perhaps this would be his first mission — he would be a knight in shining armor for a foreign princess. |
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At the hint of company approaching, Rosalind chose to lay very still rather than run. She figured there wasn't a chance that the slavers could have caught up to her yet, and besides... even if she wanted to move, it was very likely that she wouldn't be able to. Making quite the dramatic entrance through the clearing was a boy, a very golden boy. Stretching her neck, she looked back towards him as he came closer.
"A princess shouldn't be out here all alone..." Her face scrunched, as she stared at him. And just why not? Besides, it's not like she CHOSE to be out here! She'd much rather be home. Rather than teasing, like her siblings would, his voice sounded much different. Almost like he was sorry for her. If that was the case, then good! He should be sorry for her. She was kidnapped from her own kingdom while she was simply minding her own business! That was a catastrophe, the absolute worst crime, all on its own! She twisted her body upright, curls falling in her eyes before she blew them upward. An obstruction of sight would just be a disadvantage to her. For now, she was still uncertain whether Golden Boy was friend or foe. "Are you lost, Princess? I'm Cassian, a prince of Inaria. It'd be my pleasure to help you." A prince?! Is that right? Rosalind couldn't believe what she was hearing. She didn't know a world outside of Alteron, she always believed her family was the only royalty. Before answering, she considered her response. Does she admit vulnerability? Play the helpless card to her advantage? "Why hello, Prince Cassian. My name is Rosalind, Princess of Alteron." Then, a curtsy. "Do ya know howta get back to Alteron? I was kidnapped three days ago by these disgusting, slimy slavers!" Dealing the helpless card was her best bet, she decided. Taking advantage of Cassian was not her intentions, but she had to be strategic if she wanted to get home. |
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The golden boy made sure to stand as tall as he could so that the princess would see nothing but a strong prince. Chin jutted up in a pose of pride and confidence, his golden speckled tail raised like a banner of valor. He focused on making his expression serious — to convey the gravity of the situation they were in. A lost princess was something that deserved all his attention and focus. But the boy couldn't help the momentary crack in the stony exterior he tried so hard to maintain. The way she blew her bangs from her face was almost comical — and a puff of air escaped him in a poorly reigned in huff of laughter. Having hair like that didn't seem very practical to the boy — but maybe it worked for a princess. It was pretty to look at, and idly he wondered if she ever braided it back or put flowers in it. That seemed like a princess sort of thing to do. Maybe he'd find an accessory for her, show her that he was a thoughtful prince as well as brave. "Why hello, Prince Cassian. My name is Rosalind, Princess of Alteron." The young Prince of Swords let out an obligatory knowing ah of acknowledgement, as though he knew of Alteron's kingdom (he didn't). But the boy chose to believe her wholeheartedly. If she said she was a princess, then he would treat her as such! After all, that curtsy was of far greater royal calibre than anything his sisters ever did. This Rosalind had to be a princess, which meant it was his duty to rescue her! Do ya know howta get back to Alteron? I was kidnapped three days ago by these disgusting, slimy slavers! Slavers! A spark of fiery anger burned at his feet, urging him to find the vile creatures who would dare lay a paw on a princess. But he couldn't now — as much as Cassian loathed to admit it, he was still young, and didn't really know how to fight well. Plus, Princess Rosalind took priority here. Hunting down some slavers would come later, after she was safe. Nodding to himself, Cassian took a moment to think. He didn't know the way to Alteron, but he did know the way back to Inaria. What safer place was there in the world for a princess than Inaria? She'd be happy there. "Unfortunately it's a long journey." He sighed sympathetically with a shake of his head, "But Inaria is close. I will take you there so that you can rest from your terrible — " What was the word? "— plight." Cassian offered her a sympathetic smile, hoping his charm and genuine concern would be conveyed. Blue eyes glancing around the clearing before settling on a bright tiger lily. Perfect! Ambling toward the flower, the boy would pluck it up and bring it to the white haired princess, inclining his muzzle toward her in a questioning gesture, clearly asking permission to place it in her hair. "Come on, I'll take you to Inaria. It's very beautiful, you'll love it, Princess Rosalind." |
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She took notice of his his stature and the way he held himself, Rosalind had always been observant in this way. It made her cheeks warm to think that this Prince Cassian was looking to impress her. The only other prince she had ever known were her two brothers, who would have never acted so courteously towards her. It was well deserved, she thought, this respect that Cassian was giving. She was caught off guard, however, by his slight fit of laughter. Her expression rotated to show confusion, brows pressed close and lips turned to a pout. Rosalind wasn't pleased that he was laughing during such a state of despair, she hadn't even made a joke! Nothing about this situation was funny!
Disappointingly, Cassian went on to say that Alteron was too far. Though she fought to show it, her heart and head felt heavy. Rosalind was normally a blooming flower, always carrying herself with pride. But at this news, she appeared as a decaying rose, petals falling like her hopes of returning home. "Too far..." She repeated silently, listening choosingly as Cassian went about to explain his kingdom, inaria. Sounds nice, she supposed, but it wasn't Alteron. It was bright here, in Alteron, she wouldn't be the light in the dark here. There would be no Ma, Pa, or Papa here. She would blend in seamlessly, she would have no title. No one to recognize her importance. She would be a nobody in Inaria, and that didn't seem very beautiful at all. As the young golden boy approached her, she tussled her hair at his gesture to place the flower, closing her eyes as he placed it gently. Her cheeks were warm once more. An inevitable smile grew, and she nodded reluctantly. "Okay..." She hesitated, standing to face Cassian, expecting to follow him towards Inaria. "But, maybe you can ask your Mama or Papa later if they will bring me home." She gently pressed her nose against Cassian's cheek, as if to thank him for the flower, and began trotting towards the direction he'd entered from. "Come, Prince Cassian! Show me your home." |
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The boy gave her a sympathetic smile at her crestfallen expression, and a part of him felt the smallest twinge of guilt -- but he quickly shook it away. Cassian was certain that Rosalind would fit in perfectly to Inaria. "You'll love it, I promise! The Inarian people will treat you kindly, Princess." Perhaps she wouldn't be a treated as she was used to, but Inarians were good. Rosalind would be greeted with respect and fairness. Surely her Alteron was leagues below what Inaria was? The golden boy could imagine an entire life for her in the lilac kingdom. She was so courteous and pretty -- she could be a Scholar or a Page, and he would be a knight that defended her and the rest of the kingdom. He could bring her a different flower for her hair every day. Perhaps she could teach his sisters a thing or two about grace fitting of a princess. She'd be happy! Cassian wanted her to be. Okay... But, maybe you can ask your Mama or Papa later if they will bring me home Was she so eager to leave? Cassian was sure the pale girl would fall instantly in love with Inaria and its people. But the smile did not fall from the golden boy's features, warmth spreading through his cheeks at the gentle press of her nose to his cheek. "I will discuss the matter with my mother -- she's the Queen or Swords." The boy nodded importantly, making sure his tone sounded professional but kind. "She is often busy, but we will make sure you get to where you need to go." The prince promised, boldly moving forward to briefly press his nose comfortingly to her cheek in return. "I give you my word, Princess Rosalind." Come, Prince Cassian! Show me your home. Dutifully, the boy trotted after her, quickly taking his place slightly ahead to lead her as a proper knight should. "We will have to keep your background a bit quiet, Princess." He explained apologetically as they walked. "I was not supposed to be out beyond the borders, but I had a feeling something was amiss, so I came and found you." It was a white lie, but there was no harm in it, right? "But you are welcome to roam Inaria's lands during your stay, we have other princesses for you to meet and play with, I'm sure they'll love you." He continued with his tail wagging happily. "My sisters can be a bit annoying, but I'm sure you'll teach them how to behave like proper princesses." Flicking his tail against her shoulder ever so often, the golden prince continued to lead the way. "Many of the flowers are purple, and we have a bunch of Jacaranda trees." Cassian gave her another charming smile. "They'll always guide you back to Inaria." And as the duo walked, surely enough more and more Jacaranda trees and wildflowers guided their path. The boy was glad that it was summer time -- it was the most beautiful time to welcome a princess to his kingdom. And with a flourish, the golden prince of swords guided her into the lilac kingdom's territory, waving a speckled paw in a grand gesture. "Welcome to Inaria, Princess Rosalind." |