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she, her
I Don't Sparkle I Glow
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Dry leaves cracked and crumbled beneath nimble paws, a trail parting in the wake of the mamal as it moved fluidly through the timber, a long, thick tail trailing behind the tall and thin body. With each step the dire wolf took, the necklace of bones rattled together, though quietly. Cushioned by the thick obsidian pelt cloaking the wolf's body. Bright golden eyes watched the surrounding area in curious amusement. Though it ay have been dark, she was interested in every single detail of the timber she wandered.
Little could disturb her curiosity. Her dark nose pushed through the leaves along the floor, taking in the damp scent, occasionally pawing through the dirt in search of roots or anything interesting, She looled up to blink at the starred sky, tail tip giving a soft wag and sway. She enjoyed being alone. But once a pack wolf, always a pack wolf. She didn't belong in the lone world. Her heart belonged in the pack. In the midst of other souls. She didn't much care about rank, though being an alpha wouldn't be too bad. Her father had been an alpha. She wanted to fulfill his vision of her future, but beggers can't be choosers. She licked her upper jaw and yawned, shaking out her pelt. She sat down softly to itch behind her ear, closing her eyes. The glowling along her body pulsed a few times before settling to their calm glitter, watching the area around her, nose twitching as she attempted to uncover scents. This was such a strange place, having come from lands of snow and ice. This land had no snow, not yet at least. She couldn't be sure if it would or wouldn't. Her ears would perk and her eyes would turn to the sounds of the night in curious amusement. A strange, cackle of a noise would emerge from her jaws, and distant calls would reply. Birds of the night. Strange birds that she couldn't see, but knew were watching. Spying on her very existence. She knew of the owls, they kept her company, they would sing with her on nights where the moon would truly listen to her. Her pulsing lines would glimer then burn out, returning at a steady glowing burn. Illuminating her sides and face. Golden eyes closed as she rose to her feet again, and her long tail swayed, unconciously creating long tracks in her wake as she again started along the path she knew would take her at least somewhere. Head held high, relaxed. She knew if any encounters were to happen, she owuld only show threat in being tense. The fae's relaxed appearance had gotten her more friends than foe. Even with as many fights as some would beg for, she wouldn't be one to start them. Only would she step out of her line into the ways of violence if absolutely nescesary. But violence went against what her father had taught her. Patience was the true ways of the alpha. Kill the enemy with your eyes and kind words. Tooth and claw is too much work. It creates hatred, and fills your soul with bile. She believed that whole heartedly. Even as she wore the tribal symbols around her neck, and the band of feathers round her tail, she wore them in proud show of loyalty to her father to show of her belief against battle and violence, Trekking through this unknown land with the confidence of many. |
she, her, girl, woman, etc
the super serious saber
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she, her, girl, woman, etc
the super serious saber
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Jade optics glowed in the dark, when the moonlight shined on them her irises would melt into a iridescent white. Quietly the large sabertooth stalked the dire wolf. She had previously caught scent of the canine earlier and held deep interest. She had been hungry and since her pelt did not blend so well in the day time she had trouble hunting and since coming upon this she-wolf she wouldn't reject the precious opportunity of food.
A lone wolf? Even if Dire she was still larger than it was she not? Ailani was a well built specimen of Smilodon, or at least in her opinion. When in the right environment she could be Apex. But not here, she had never ventured to this side of the Neutral land. The timbers and their strong wood, looming above her. Meticulously and silently the feline stalked, her dexterous paws hugging the soil each time they touched, like mute lovers. Ailani was never a poor hunter, it was her pelt that assisted her in such affairs. But amongst the snows and pale lands close to the mountains, her tan body stood no chance along with her red and black decal. Her fiery man stood out like a sore thumb in the daytime. And while she felt only slightly sorry for what she had planned, the cries of hunger and pain of near starvation swayed her mind. This wolf was food, even though it was equally evolved and intelligent as her and could even communicate it came down to the part of eating. She had to eat and that was final. The tigress or lioness, call her what you will, had to be sure that this wolf was a lone wolf. As a result she trailed half a mile back and made sure to keep low. So far she hadn't scented any different canines. A lone wolf, she thought. It was perfect. It wasn't hard to spot the dog, amongst the trees her pelt seemed to pulse. The immediate area illuminated with a pale color. After a good walk the prey stopped walking. Ailani weighed her options and decided to come closer, creeping nearer and nearer before settling in some tall weeds. The glowing patterns upon the she-wolf's body reflected in Ailani's pools of green. Her eyes wide and dilated with pure focus. Do not be falsely misled, Ailani is not a savage and is quite noble. She felt wrong for killing this wolf, almost guilty as if she had done the deed. This was someone's child, an intelligent creatures child. But natural selection would run its course before the night was over. Or so she believed. The faye crept closer, watching the she-wolf. She seemed to be.. Be communicating with the avians. Ailani tilted her head and raised an eyebrow in slight confusion. This isn't normal. The birds... The birds reply. They somewhat did, each cackle was eventually answered with a caw or chatter. It made Ailani a little uneasy, could these birds be warning the dark wolf of what was lurking just beyond the light of her pelt? What was stalking in the shadows? Possibly. But what would happen if she didn't try. Nothing. No food. No satisfaction. No guilty. But starvation. The tigress flexed her muscles to warm them up before shifting her weight to pounce. Ailani felt the tingling anticipation of the stranger about to get up. Her eyes followed the long tail, thinking, if she ran I would have a high chance of gripping onto her tail. But just then the she-wolf's pelt pulsed a little brightly as she moved, allowing Ailani to see the tribal marks and the ornament of feathers. Don't kill this she-wolf. You don't want a pack hunting you down, what a hassle that would be and you don't need the distractions Ailani. Don't do it. No food is worth constant opression. For the first time, Ailani caught sight of the she-wolf's face. Caught sight of the golden eyes, Ailani's 6th sense tingling. Her advanced instincts told her it was fine to come out. To talk and speak, an intuition telling her that she may find food in another way other than taking the life of this stranger. Ailani stood up and huffed a little loudly, stepping out of the weeds with a gentle rustle. This she-wolf didn't seem to know Ailani was there. The sabertooth cleared her throat before the wind changed direction, her scent breezing towards the she-wolf. "You shouldn't be alone out here. Where is your pack lone one?", her voice naturally carried. A trait of the large felines, her voice was rich and deep like that of a strong african woman. It held a regal tone but not a condescending one. A voice to be respected and heard. And under her voice held the rumble of her roar, the potential and the echoing of her voice added this vibrating bass to it. If one put their paw or body part on her chest or throat, or even if one was close enough, and if she bothered to raise her voice, one would surely feel the powerful vibrations inside. //OOC: im just going to add that I am new! Sorry if this is crappy but I gotta start somewhere ![]() |