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Concinnity Her, she...
In Te Domine Speravi
Posts: 10
Pronouns: Her, she...
Location: Earth


Lithan had been loping slowly through the foothills for most of the morning. the fine warm spring weather had made his throat dry. A fine layer of sweat prickled through his coat.

He was not used to the heat, snow and general cold was what he used to and at this moment it was hard not to miss the cool bite of the spring wind.

Then as he reached the top of the latest hill he saw the glint of a stream ahead. His thirst rose up more at the thought of cool sweet mountain water washing down his throat.

With a renewed urgency he trotted down the hill towards the inviting water. Crouching down by the streamside, he closed his eyes in enjoyment as the icy water cooled him and sent small shivers down his spine that made his hackles raise.
Livid (RP) she/her
strider of gemini
Posts: 36
Pronouns: she/her
Location: Gemini
Rank [IC]: Strider
Played By: RJ.

All Accounts Posts: 237
(This post was last modified: May 06, 2018, 11:15:56 AM by Livid (RP).)

Livid had been lazy lately. She did not like it.

Even though she was used to her own company, being a Ranger and carrying out acceptances was all the socialisation she did. After all, she was still a wolf. As she made her rounds across the borders, she smiled as the fresh scent of spring filled her nostrils. Gemini was indeed a fruitful and beautiful place. She was lucky to have found such a place, along with a job that she very much enjoyed. Even if some of the recruits were a bit presumptuous. She had just reached one of the many streams that was within her territory when her eyes caught sight of a wolf she did not recognise, nor did he carry the scent of Gemini. He was a young wolf, barely out of puphood, and he was mostly black aside from white colouring to his paws, tail tip and chest. Considering he was too busy drinking to really took note of his surroundings, Livid decided he was harmless enough but this did not stop her from approaching cautiously.

"Hey!" the Ranger called, not unkindly but stern enough to let the kid know she carried some authority. "You mind leaving some of that for myself and my packmates, kid?"

Her nose twitching furiously, Livid would silently command the boy to take a few steps back with a white paw and then jump across the stream so that she was standing right in front of him. Up close, she could tell he was worn out from travelling and visibly tired. Maybe he had only just left his natal pack, even if he looked a bit too young to do so. The Ranger looked around for a moment. Was he with family or was he a prodigy who had decided to step out into the great big world by himself? She would soon find out. "You're on the borders of Gemini," she announced matter-of-factly. "Could you give me a name and maybe explain what you're doing here? You seem a bit young to be wondering about by yourself. Things can get mighty dangerous in the Straits, kid."

Livid was far from a maternal beast, but she had a well-hidden curious streak that was rarely entertained. Perhaps this kid could make her day, tell her a story that could maybe help his predicament somewhat. Livid was savvy enough to know that the kid desired a place to stay and grow more than anything, but she first had to establish if this boy would be a drain on their resources, rather than a reliable pack member. If the child could not hunt or defend himself, she was not sure how he could thrive within Gemini. They had enough mouths to feed as it was. 

Nevertheless, she had only been a few months older than this boy when she had left home so, for the moment, he was merely another recruit she had to assess.

         profile • bin • played by rj
She wants the silence but fears the solitude
She wants to be alone and together with you
So she ran to the lighthouse, hoped that it would help her see
She saw that the lighthouse had been washed out to sea
vixxie's codes
[-] Likes: Concinnity, Witch.
Concinnity Her, she...
In Te Domine Speravi
Posts: 10
Pronouns: Her, she...
Location: Earth


Lithan was surprised then a small about of fear that the wolf had been able to get so close before he had noticed her, stepping back at her command, Lithan's ears rested against his head, uncertain as to his fate. In the Silvered Mountains, this mistake would mean death.

When she mentioned that this was pack land his ears perked up for a second before settling back down into an uncertain position. He sat down, keeping his head high, eyes meeting hers, "I am named Lithan. I am here looking for a pack, my family has passed and I am wise enough to know that my chances on my own are few and far between."

Lithan paused and flicked his ears again, paws shuffling against the ground, "You said that this was your packs land?" Hope tinted his voice as he asked.
Livid (RP) she/her
strider of gemini
Posts: 36
Pronouns: she/her
Location: Gemini
Rank [IC]: Strider
Played By: RJ.

All Accounts Posts: 237

The youngster sat his basic ass down, which was a good move where Livid was concerned. Pup or not, she did not have the time or patience for insubordination. With a snort of approval, she looked him up and down. He seemed in fine shape, indicating that he was getting food from somewhere. Through his own hunting or thievery, she did not know. As a Ranger, these were things she had to find out. Of course, the boy soon earned brownie points by actually obeying her command and introducing himself.

"I am named Lithan. I am here looking for a pack, my family has passed and I am wise enough to know that my chances on my own are few and far between." 

Livid raised an eyebrow at the last part of the boy's sentence. It smelt like a hint. "So, you're looking for a wet nurse, huh?" she sneered. "Somebody to look after poor little Lithan because Mummy and Daddy aren't around anymore?" 

As she said this, she circled Lithan and allowed her eyes to drift over his sleek, healthy body. Now, she did not want to appear heartless or insensitive but he was not the first and last orphan to step foot on Gemini's lands. No pack was a charity case. You either rose above who you once were, learn the ropes and get with the programme. Or you get the fuck out with your tail between your legs. With her tail raised high, she concluded her inspection with a snort. "Or are you actually going to impress me today?" she asked.

"You said that this was your packs land?"

"Why do you ask?" Livid retorted, walking around and placing herself between the boy and the entrance to Gemini. "Want to play with the grown-ups and join? Hope your parents taught you how to hunt and fight before they bit the dust, Lithan, or these packlands are going to remain mine and mine alone." 

It was a sad reality but, as far as Livid was concerned, nobody got a gift certificate into Gemini. Everything in life had to be earned and Lithan was going to be jumping through some hoops before Livid was going to do him any favours.

         profile • bin • played by rj
She wants the silence but fears the solitude
She wants to be alone and together with you
So she ran to the lighthouse, hoped that it would help her see
She saw that the lighthouse had been washed out to sea
vixxie's codes
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