Private Roleplay  How now, O noble maiden fair? [Alanis]
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Ira She/Her
Posts: 4
Pronouns: She/Her
Location [IC]: Tortuga
Rank [IC]: Siren & Navigator
Played By: TranquilTempest

All Accounts Posts: 336

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#E41B17 * profile

"AHOY! Storm's a'brewin' from the west out to sea! Make fer cover 'less yeh wanna go BELLY-UP!"

The young female grinned to herself as she made the demand to no one in particular. Actually, no one was around, which is precisely why she let her inner child out to play. Obviously, there weren't any dark, menacing clouds threatening to unleash their fury upon the land. In fact, it was a clear blue day with the sun beating down on the earth below. But, this is why some excitement needed to be made. What fun was a clear day? There weren't any blustering winds trying to knock you flying or giant blades of electricity shooting down from the sky to zap you to a crisp. Nope, the sun was all that remained, trying to melt you into a sad puddle on the ground. Boooriiiing.

The red girl needed to keep her mind preoccupied somehow while she did navigator duties, though. If not, it could get rather dull if it only consisted of exploring the territory. By now, she's seen most of Tortuga's empire, but that didn't stop her from having her own little adventures.

Chuckling, she turned from the open sea and headed back into the jungle, a streak of red among green. Her streamlined body easily zipped and zigzagged through the dense foliage, her heart pumping adrenaline through her blood as the greenery turned into a blur. This is what she lived for, that feeling of pure energy coursing through her veins, a sense of danger and excitement around every corner. Speaking of which....

Bright green eyes widened as she skidded to a halt. "OI! We got a great beastie in our midst!" Before her stood a great, lumbering bear, jaws salivating, eyes blazing with fury as it charged towards her. Ira leaped sideways, narrowly dodging contact with those slavering canines. Once her paws connected with the earth again, she spun around, facing the bear again. It turned to meet her, red eyes aglow with a ferocious fire. The red girl grinned as she leaped away and charged towards a tree. Kicking off with her hind-legs, she jumped at the tree, four paws greeting the bark before pushing off, whirling her body around as she launched herself at the bear. A mighty roar erupted from the bear's throat as Ira landed on its head. She aimed her jaws toward an ear, and her aim was true. Sharp canines clasped around one of the bear's round ears and pulled until a satisfying glint of red spurt forth, the ear having been relieved of the giant's head as the lass ripped it away. The monster bellowed in pain and fury, tossing its head to try and rid itself of the attacker. Oh, but it wouldn't do. The attacker was just too strong!

"Yeh shall RUE the day yeh messed with me, Beastie!" With another well aimed strike, a forepaw came down on one of the bear's eyes. Claws sliced, and that eye was diced. Another guttural roar issued from that mighty throat, and the bear was off, Ira riding atop its back.

"AHA! WHAT A RIGHT FIX YEH GOT YERSELF INTO, BEASTIE! NOW, ONWARD TOWARD YER DOOM!" The girl hooped, hollered, and cackled in pure joy as she was carried forth by the monster, the forest a huge green blur as they whizzed by. It was a wonder they didn't crash into anythi-

...Uh oh.

Ira leapt forth, throwing herself sideways off the burly beast before the big oaf charged headlong into a tree, knocking itself stupid. It turned slowly on the spot, head lulling as its world spun around it, drool stringing from its agape mouth. Finally, it succumbed to its fate and collapsed with a thud, dust billowing up in its wake. The red female got to her feet, having tumbled and slid across the ground from her rapid exit atop the monster, and with yet another grin upon her maw, she trotted forward with a skip in her step. She climbed onto the downed bear, head held high.

"On this day, the mighty beastie has been thwarted! The empire remains impregnable from its hell-bent fury!" Jumping down from the bear, she gave another hearty chuckle as she turned to gaze upon her handy-work.

Alas, no bear was there to be seen.

The land was once again safe from Ira's crazy imaginings.

Shaking the dust and grime from her pelt, she cleared her throat and looked around. Yes, the task at hand. It was always rejuvenating to take a break now and then, but now it was time to get back to work. She still needed to explore and learn all she could about the territory.

Right, carry on.

ooc: ~

[Image: ira_character_shaded_reference_by_cryzta...ca16lc.png]
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Alanis she/her
Posts: 3
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 264

It was moments like these that caused Alanis to feel old. The fur around her stomach fanned out over the surface of the water as she stood in the shallow part of the ocean, soaking her hip. The gentle rocking of the waves often helped any arthritis or stiffness dissipate so Alanis turned to this remedy quite often. Usually, she did it alone, feeling as if it were a blow to her youthful pride to be seen tending to a stiff joint. Part of her cut herself some slack, understanding that the whole thing had been an unfortunate accident and could have happened to anyone. Another part of her, perhaps the larger part of her, lacked such an understanding approach.

Alanis closed her eyes and crouched comfortably in the water, the waves hitting her neck ever so lightly. The feeling was relaxing and therapeutic for sure; as she aged, she appreciated silence all the more. However, it didn't last much longer, for her ears pricked in the direction of a familiar voice barking nonsense not too far away. Prying one eye open, Alanis couldn't help but feel a flare of irritation, but at the same time a brief concern; did she hear something about a 'beastie'? With a small huff, the brown she-wolf stood and walked to shore in a few stiff strides. Alanis recognized the voice as Ira's, and knowing the pup's imagination, she reserved any serious worry for when she laid eyes on the situation herself.

With a limp in her step, Alanis trudged up the hill and into the thicket of trees that surrounded the secluded beach area. Her nose lifted to the air, trying to detect any true danger that may lurk nearby. Ira's voice continued to ring out through the trees, so Alanis simply followed the racket. She sounded much too happy to really be fighting anything. Anything huge, anyway.

Alanis turned the corner to see the red kiddo shaking dust from her pelt. Arching a brow, Alanis stiffly sat down a few feet away.

Taking your job seriously today, I see? she asked dryly, still a little grumpy from her stiff hip.

[Image: CAsqBdL.png]
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Ira She/Her
Posts: 4
Pronouns: She/Her
Location [IC]: Tortuga
Rank [IC]: Siren & Navigator
Played By: TranquilTempest

All Accounts Posts: 336

I  r  a

#E41B17 * profile

"Taking your job seriously today, I see?"

The lass started at the voice, whisking her head around to locate the source, then relaxed once she saw who it was. A playful smile graced her maw as she trotted towards the older female, red hued tail wagging in greeting.

"Ello, Mum! Fancy day fer a stroll, eh?" The red girl leaped onto a nearby boulder, her energy still not yet spent. That was one thing about her; she constantly had to be on the move or fidget, even during conversation. This constant movement had a way of potentially ticking off the more grumpier individuals, and Alanis was one of those grumpy grumps. Ira was aware of how much she fidgeted, but she couldn't help herself. Besides, some of the reactions she got were priceless.

Laying herself down, she splayed out on the rock, stretching her lanky legs and rolling onto her back. "Eh, the job gets borin' sometimes. Gotta make it interesting somehow, ya know?" Turning over to get a better look at the golden female, she sighed whimsically. "I would love teh explore outside the borders; facin' ferocious enemies, survivin' death defying affairs, not knowin' what'll happen next or what you'll find...or what will find you!" She winked. Mum will love that. With another huff, she continued. "The territory has pretty much been mapped by now. Us navigators have done a pretty swell job. Just waitin' for something interesting teh happen."

She slid off the rock, straightening herself once she landed and shook out her pelt again. The red lass approached Alanis, her face softer than what it was previously. She craned her neck towards the gold female, reaching out to give her adopted mother a nuzzle. "It's good teh see ya though, Mum." Alanis was not her birth mother, but she was the closest maternal figure Ira had in the pack. Not too long ago, she had said goodbye to her biological family as she answered the call of adventure elsewhere. It was time to move on and make a life of her own, and the band of pirates she came across seemed like just the type to give her the life she dreamed of since puphood.

Don't worry about what her parents would think. They would definitely approve of her pirating activities.

ooc: ~

[Image: ira_character_shaded_reference_by_cryzta...ca16lc.png]
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