Open a stranger in a strange land | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Almost Sparkles
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no reason to stay is a good reason to go
Aching limbs stumbled, heavily plodding along the dew-wet earth beneath her with each footfall. The rust-colored she-wolf wove through the trees and brush of the forest absentmindedly, in a sort of auto-pilot state.
Her situation wasn’t a necessarily complicated one - in fact, she’d hardly put any real thought into what she was doing, really. She’d just started walking one day, and her wandering hadn’t stopped since. What exactly she was trying to locate - if anything - was a mystery even to herself, be it some physical place or some feeling. But something drove her on, farther and farther from her home, far into what was completely and totally alien to her. It probably didn’t help that she hadn’t seen anyone in quite some time, either. The youth honestly wasn’t sure if it was the product of dumb luck or some sort of misfortune. The glint of light playing distantly on water broke whatever numbing spell her wanderlust had over her for a moment, and Copper became suddenly aware of her own thirst and protesting muscles. A short rest couldn’t hurt, she thought as she shifted her attention toward the small pond she’d spotted by chance between the trees. Her head dropped low, giving the surface a tentative sniff before she began to drink, watching the ripples of water distort her reflection. Something for her was out there, she knew. The question for now was - was it here? ooc // sorry for this rambling lol. im very out of practice |
Almost Sparkles
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"Now where did I leave it..." Eldr was muttering aimlessly aloud, the lion keeping their own company as they searched for a particular plant know to grow near water. Problem was... most plants grew near water because it was water and exceptionally important to the ecosystem. And that wasn't even mentioning the benefits of fish poop! Was the plant ultimately that important? No. But Eldr had felt the need for it that morning when they awoke, and random urges were something they did not ignore. It could be a sign from a deity, after all.
With more muttering, Eldr continued onward toward the water source, pawing at the leaf litter and pushing aside fallen branches to hunt for this foretold plant. They let out a huff when they were disappointed again. Nevertheless, Eldr continued onward toward the smell of water and agae to the pond. The lion was almost startled when they spotted another creature at the edge of the water, raising their head rapidly to peer at the guest. (Guest, as if Eldr belonged to this land, where they were just as lost and alone as this other creature.) "What-" They started suddenly, manners catching on with a delay. "I mean, hello. You haven't spotted a small, dark colored plant with tooth-edged leaves and alternating veins, have you?" Eldr stuck their head close to the water, peering across the pond at the bank where the stranger stood. Their claws dug into the soil to prevent slippage. Last thing Eldr needed was a damp paw to accentuate their failure. |
she, her, girl, woman, etc
the super serious saber
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Oh what a good old party it would become when a second feline mosied on over. The tan and red and black huntress had become accustomed to the sightings of strangers, never bothering to think too deeply about them. Ailani blinked her green eyes in the sun before looking uninterestedly at the brute, sniffing to clear her nose Ailani walked to the waters edge. She was sharing the side of the wolf and decided to not invade space.
Some wolves were sensitive, or so she had learned. The large sabertooth opened her maw and stretched it before sitting down at the edge, bending down to lap up the water with her pink tongue. "..You haven't spotted a small, dark colored plant with tooth-edged leaves and alternating veins, have you?" inquired the feline across the river, whose gender she didn't bother to figure out. The quiet feline noticed how strained the creature's muscles went, surely to keep from falling in. Funny, water wasn't her favorite thing but it certainly wasn't something she despised and allowed to ruin her mood. Water was water. It quenched thirst and was alway somewhere. Flicking her ear the tigress finished drinking before raising her head to look at the lion. "Why would you be looking for a plant?", she asked with mild interest. She knew some creatures crafted with their hands, and even had piercings. Something she had always wanted. But lacked the extreme dexterity to achieve such creations. But she never heard of picking plants! The lioness tilted her head, her stubborn red mane's tips flopping sideways a little. |
To birds on a wire
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“small, dark colored plant with tooth-edged leaves and alternating veins, have you?”
She heard someone say, she perked her head up with a mouth full of Yarrow. Wishingwind padded up to the creature. “I’m sorry to intrude, but I heard you were looking for English Ivy?” She tilted her head downward. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have interrupted…” She took a few steps backwards, regretting her decision greatly… “I-I should go…” She began to turn around. |