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Him, He, Himself
Lord of the Body
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"Lord of the Body."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
It's time. The hellion hummed as he thought to himself, how fun it was going to be to introduce his fellow pack members to his wares, to his goods, to his services. He was chewing his favorite green herb, the mellow high soothing his mind as he re-positioned some newly acquired mushrooms. The pack lands had been abundant with exactly the arsenal he was trained in. After all, a lord of the body must know how things will affect their patients. A flurry of different 'medicinal' herbs were thriving in his newly found home, and Vadish had collected and tried them all himself. "These shrinking mushrooms are going to be a real hit!" He mused out loud to himself. Giving a grin as he reminisced the antics of the dancing hallucinations that had played before him and made him lick a rock painting. The usual salty breeze whipped around the hellion and his wares. He breathed it in deeply. So refreshing and invigorating. What an unbelievable day this shall be. Who would he meet today? What secrets were they keeping? What medications would be best to soothe these poor, tired souls of Tortuga? So many questions that Vadish was keen to answer, he had wanted nothing more than to assimilate seamlessly into the pack-life around him. The blue and white hellion had made no efforts to hide himself while he had been crossing the Tortuga pack lands, looking for his wares to provide to needy kinsman. Some of these herbs and mushrooms were highly addictive, some caused psychosis and if the higher ups deemed it so - a well placed dose would cause death. For unknown to his kin, the Surgeon also doubled as a Phantom, and was keen to prove his worth by ensuring Tortuga stayed.. as Tortuga should. He had no intention of losing his new home due to any underlying plots or schemes from traitors or infiltrators. He would be a friend to all, the ear that would listen - the one who always had a remedy for any situation. The hellion wagged his long tail with joy, spun around on his heel and howled into the sky. "COME AND LET ME CURE WHAT AILS YA'!" Surely they would all come flocking to try this new medicine, and he would cure them all - in any way he had to. coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
Navigator of Tortuga
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A lithe figure trotted through Tortugas jungle, weaving it's way between the thick bushes and vine covered trees. The sighthound kept his eyes glued to the ground as he carefully stepped over a fallen log, and then adjusted a small satchel he had on his back. The bag contained large dried leaves, berries, and a few feathers that the dog carefully moved around before continuing in his way. He seemed to be in a cheerful mood, humming a small tune as he moved through the forest.
Stanco was wandering in the jungle because he insistent on mapping Tortuga, claiming that a detailed map would be useful in case of emergency. While he usually rested during daylight hours, he had been unable to consistently sleep for the past few weeks, opting to instead fully explore the packs new island. He felt it was his duty as a Navigator to help his packmates navigate their new home, along with keeping foreign relations positive. And as long as Tortuga wasn't dealing with any foreign empires at the moment, why shouldn't he be helping his pack?
Stanco had been successful in finishing mapping a small area on the main island that day which, had made him quite happy, seeing that it had mostly been difficult terrain. But the exhaustion of staying up for multiple days was starting to take its toll, and the dogs pace started to lag. But as he slowed to a walk, Stanco heard a loud howl coming from a little ways off. He stopped, tilting his head to the side as he listened to the message.
While Stanco didn't recognize the voice, he was intrigued by the offer that was being shouted to the island. It seemed like someone was calling people to them to help with whatever illness they had. But weren't people supposed to look for doctors themselves, and not have the doctor look for them? The dog was curious however, and he started to make his way to the source of the sound, looking for whoever had called out.
Stanco finally stumbled upon the person responsible for howling as he stepped out of the jungle. As he looked at the stranger, he was first taken back by how abnormal the canines appearance was. Stanco was no stranger to hellions, but this one with his blue fur, white mohawk and long tail certainly took the cake for most unusual look. And with fatigue clouding his mind,Stanco must have looked weird just standing and staring. After giving the hellion a once over, Stanco realised he was staring and quickly smiled, trying to appear friendlier. He didn't want to seem rude, or make the hellion feel uncomfortable in any way.
Stanco took a step forward, glancing down at the piles of organized herbs. His mind in its state of fatigue couldn't process the use for such plants, and he gave the hellion a confused smile. “Excuse me for my bluntness, but you're a Surgeon, correct?” Stanco said, trying to start a conversation. “Do any of these plants help with insomnia, per chance?”
Him, He, Himself
Lord of the Body
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"Lord of the Body."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
A bush near the forest area began to rustle and the approaching gentle pitter patter of paws was music to the hellions elongated ears. He didn't have to wait long for his call to be answered. When Vadish glimpsed the arrival he almost mistook the brown and black creature for a large rabbit. It took a quick shake of the head, a few blinks and a flare of nostrils to confirm that this was indeed a small member of the Tortuga pack. The dog that approached was short in size and seemed to have an agile frame, yet the hellion could tell at a glance that this canine was tired. Habitually he began to look over the creature as it also stood and... stared? It was hard to tell if the dog was staring back or sleeping. His eyes were drawn shut into slits and the medical side of Vadish pondered if this was an issue in itself and also whether the dog could see at all. His eyes are barely open, large bags forming under the sockets .. muscles stiff, smells a bit wiffy too. The surgeons nose crinkled at the smell of musty sweat, he had gone into auto-pilot now and was starting a diagnosis in his mind while also thinking about what would best help his pack mate feel ... alleviated from his symptoms. The dog seemed mostly healthy, just worn down and stiff.. it was clear to Vadish that he traveled a lot based on the dirt smeared paws and tensed muscles. The newcomer smiled and Vadish returned the gesture, flashing a dazzling grin that put anyone around him at ease. He would be a friend to all in order to accomplish his role as a Phantom. The brown and black dog finally approached, he already looked more out of it than many of the drunken or drugged pirate-wolves in these lands. Yet Vadish couldn't smell any substances wafting from his new client so he knew the behaviors had another underlying cause. “Welcome, welcome! You're very lucky to be the first one here today - My name's Vadish, pleasure to meet you!” He was buzzing from the euphoria of the green herb he had been chewing, his body was relaxed and he was happy to have something new to stimulate him. The hellion swayed his head happily to the beat of the music in his head and watched with patience as the new arrival sniffed at the assortment of herbs around him. “Excuse me for my bluntness, but you're a Surgeon, correct? Do any of these plants help with insomnia, per chance?” Vadish nodded in response to the query, his long tail swishing in a slow wagging motion. He continued grinning as he began to step between his wares and thought about the options. He needed some more information before he could choose the right remedy his new friend. Else it may impact on the dogs ability to service the pack. “Certainly am and certainly do! Although is it definitely insomnia that's the issue? I can give you something, guaranteed to knock you out flat! However you'll be groggy when you wake, not to mention maybe a little slow to move.... ” He trailed off with this sentence as he vaguely gestured to some purple, dried flowers that had been crushed to a powder. Vadish glanced back to see if the little dog was still with him or if he had zoned out again. “Now, if you just need extra energy and alertness then I have another option that would suit perfectly!” The blue and white hellion bounded over to a pile of brown beans, nudging them with his nose. They certainly would give a boost of energy, but were addictive and would make for restless sleep. These smell great! So refreshing. He picked one up in his teeth and crunched down, allowing the bitter flavour to rush through his mouth. He swallowed the crushed up bean and licked his jowls. A great little treat to help keep him going for any other potential patients who may appear. Vadish moved towards another section of odds he had collected, settling near a white-ish powder resting in a coconut shell. He tapped a toe gently on the rim of the husk, making sure not to spill any of the special mixture. “This one is great if you ever do any long journeys or need to be awake for a few days at a time! Course' that's only if you have a need for such things.... What does your position in the pack call for little friend?” He looked over at the brown-black dog with another coy smile. It was an innocent question that would give Vadish a fair idea on where this canines loyalties lay. coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
Navigator of Tortuga
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The hellion seemed to stare back at Stanco, taking in his appearance the same way the dog had been doing. Stanco was a little put off at first with this canine, with his red eyes and large stance. But the dogs mind was soon put at ease as the hellion reciprocated his smile and introduced himself.
“Welcome, welcome! You're very lucky to be the first one here today - My name's Vadish, pleasure to meet you!”
“My name is Stanco,” he said, slightly nodding his head in greeting. “It's nice to meet you as well.” While the Stanco didn't do anything except tiredly smile at Vadish and take a few steps forward to close some distance between them, he was actually quite excited. Meeting new people and making connections was always fun, even if you were extremely tired.
Stanco listened as Vadish explained the uses and effects of his medicines, quietly following him and sniffing once or twice at the strange substances. The crushed flowers smelled weird, and the idea of being groggy and sluggish didn't really appeal to him, although it would be nice to be able to immediately fall asleep. The brown beans that Vadish snacked on seemed interesting, and smelled pleasant, with a clean and rich fragrance. He watched as Vadish gently tapped the edge of a coconut shell, the dog sitting down and removing his pack a he listened to the hellion explain the properties of the powder.
“This one is great if you ever do any long journeys or need to be awake for a few days at a time! Course' that's only if you have a need for such things.... What does your position in the pack call for little friend?”
“Oh, me?” Stanco said, tucking the bag in between his front legs as he looked at the smiling canine. “I'm just a navigator. I was actually out-" The dog interrupted himself with a large yawn, letting out a little noise as he closed his mouth. He quickly shook his head before giving Vadish a apologetic grin.
“Excuse me. What I was going to say was that I was actually just out mapping a section of the island. I can lose track of time when I'm out mapping.” Stanco let out a small laugh, ducking his head. “Which in turn makes me lose track of sleep. And the ability to fall asleep regularly afterwards.”
The dog raised his head, looking at Vadish’s face and observing it as he waited for a response. Stanco felt weird talking about his problems to people, even if he was talking to a Surgeon. He waited for a response, nervously shuffling his paws and playing with the strings on his bag.
Him, He, Himself
Lord of the Body
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"You're going to like this..."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
So his name is Stanco and he is a Navigator? Vadish flicked through his memory archives and had remembered seeing the little dog around when he had been out looking to top up his apothecary supplies. Mapping out the island would definitely be useful information for the pack, and the canine had made no effort to try to hide his intentions of doing so. Vadish nodded, continuing to smile as he listened to Stanco. The dog was nervously toying with bits of the bag he carried and shuffling his paws awkwardly. The hellhound was not entirely convinced about whether this canine was telling the entire truth.. Many animals started to fidget when they lied. However if he is as tired as he says... and from what I've observed, then it is also likely he is on edge from senses strung too tight for too long. The hellhounds red eyes started to glint in excitement and he snapped his long tail in the air, as if suddenly coming to some brilliant deduction. He had the perfect remedy for his little friend, one that was virtually side-effect free. “Stanco, I have the PERFECT solution for you!” The hellion winked at the dog and wandered back into his favorite section out of all the herbs and tid bits he collected. A pungent green leafy substance lay around them. It was neatly organised and sectioned into piles inside of carved stone dishes. This was Vadishs' cure all, the remedy of all remedies! To the untrained eye and nose, all the separated piles of herb would seem almost identical to one another. Yet to one with a trained mind... “There are different strains...” He began explaining to his client while sniffing excitedly between the piles. There was a certain scent he was looking for to identify the one he knew would be a sure fire solution for the navigator. Vadishs' large ears perked up and the fluffy tip of his long blue tail began waving wildly in excitement. A strong and heavy scent permeated his nostrils and he knew he had found it. The hellion looked through the different sized pieces - ranging from the size of an egg, to a small pebble. Gently he used the tips of his teeth to grab the stem and pick out a small leafy bud, it was no bigger than the size of a puppies claw. He placed the little piece of greenery at the feet of the smaller dog and crouched down so he remained at an equal eye level with his client. Making direct eye contact always ensured the patients were listening to the instructions given. “Now it looks like you're pretty much all done with your mapping for the day, and if you're not - then as your surgeon I advise you will rest for the remainder of the day!” He gave a stern, yet very playful, look at Stanco before continuing. “Now when you eat this it will take a little while to kick in. I recommend starting with half this amount first and if you can't feel anything after a while, then you can have the next half. I'm starting you on this dose just to see how you find it..” Vadish had deliberately ensured he gave the dog a much smaller amount than he would normally provide to a wolf - size made a huge difference when it came to the dosing of his remedies. One small mistake could lead to an overdose, which could possibly lead to death. The surgeon didn't bother disclosing this information to Stanco, the dose provided was far too low to cause death in any situation and letting him know these facts would only stress him out all the more at taking a random substance from a stranger. “I call this strain the lazy lullaby. It is very good at making you fall into a blissful sleep by days end. I assure you, you will wake up feeling refreshed and alert. It does have the side affect of making you a little peckish... not to mention a feeling of euphoria, bliss and relaxation. Though I hardly count those as side effects. ” He laughed to help ease his little patients tension. To show him it was fine, Vadish grabbed a larger bud from the pile. He showed it to the canine and then threw it up into the air before snapping it into his mouth and beginning to chew. The taste was florally, earthy, rich and unparalleled in comparison to other vegetation normally consumed by carnivores. The hell hound watched Stanco with a smile, still continuing to chew the herb while waiting to see what the dog would do. coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
Navigator of Tortuga
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Stanco watched as Vadish nodded and intently listened to the dog, a relaxed smile on his face. Stanco’s paws settled down and eventually stopped moving as the navigator began to relax in the presence of the surgeon. Vadish seemed the type to just let people speak without interruption, and Stanco appreciated that, seeing that many pack mates were usually not interested in long conversations. He found most pirates would rather be off adventuring instead of talking about little things, like how their day was or of they had a good meal last night.
The small canines head snapped up when the hellions tail did, startled by the movement. Stanco watched as Vadish winked at him and said he had the perfect remedy for the dog, walking over to his piles herbs and other greenery. The navigator started playing with his bags strings again, looking out at the forest as the surgeon mumbled something about different strains. While he wasn't scared of Vadish, Stanco had heard stories of surgeons giving wolves the wrong medicine and accidently getting them sick. He had never been seriously injured enough to go to doctors, and was slightly paranoid from lack of sleep, wondering what the hellion was going to do.
So the dog was surprised when Vadish placed such a tiny piece of greenery in front of him. Stanco listened as the surgeon crouched and advised the navigator to stop mapping for the day, sniffing the small plant bud. It didn't smell bad but the scent made Stanco crinkle his nose as he looked back up when Vadish gave him his instructions.
“Now when you eat this it will take a little while to kick in. I recommend starting with half this amount first and if you can't feel anything after a while, then you can have the next half. I'm starting you on this dose just to see how you find it..”
“Half of this? But it's so tiny.”
Stanco thought, poking the bud with his paw. He half-listened as the surgeon rambled on, mind wandering to instead wonder how powerful this plant might be if effects would hit with only half of such a tiny plant. What would a larger amount do? Kill him? The dog squeezed the strings of his bag, paranoia clouding his judgment.
Stanco snapped out of his thoughts when Vadish laughed, watching the hellion snap up and chew a much larger piece of the same plant, smiling at Stanco as he did so. “Well, if he can do it…”
The dog gently picked up the little plant, biting it in half and spitting one end out. He started chewing the herb, slightly frowning as he became accustomed to the taste. Again, it wasn't bad, but Stanco wasn't crazy about it, chewing it only to please the surgeon sitting in front of him, and not seem rude.
“So, when should the effects start?” The small canine said, looking up at Vadish, and giving a small grin as he chewed the herb and started putting his bag back onto his back. “I wouldn't want to fall asleep before I reach my den.”
(OOC: Sorry this is late and rushed! I got caught up in school work.)
Him, He, Himself
Lord of the Body
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"Cause and Effect."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
Vadish nodded approvingly while Stanco took the medication as directed. There was nothing better than natures gift working it's magic on the body. The surgeon watched with interest as the smaller canine tried to make sense of the new and unique flavor while chewing the herb. It definitely wasn't the worst tasting remedy that Vadish had at his disposal for clients. “So, when should the effects start? I wouldn't want to fall asleep before I reach my den.” The hellion tilted his head and gave a small frown of confusement at the dog. He had already advised Stanco that sleep would come just at days end? Vadish swallowed the herb he had been chewing and looked towards the sky, inspecting the angle of the sun. It was a short way from touching the tips of the trees that spread out around the area. The blue male knew this meant that light would slip away within a few hours, and that by the time the sun touched the tree tips the dog would definitely be feeling the other effects of lazy lullaby. As this is Stanco's first time on medication I should keep an eye on him to see how it affects his body... He might start freaking out if he leaves here alone and starts feeling high by himself with the dark approaching. Vadish pondered the paranoia side effects that he had once seen exhibited by another patient, they had been positive that the shadows in the woods held dark creatures ready to kill her. Thankfully he had soothed the she-wolf and she had been a return client every day since then. Yet if she had been left alone with her thoughts, there is no telling what might have happened. Certain that it was best to at least escort his client home, Vadish began covering and packing his remedies up while replying to the dogs question. “The overall effects should start very shortly.. You'll begin to feel a little bit different, calmer and more relaxed. Your experience of the world around you will change a little depending how you react to the herb.” Vadish picked up his own little pouch and nudged a few different herbs into it. He brought along some more the lazy lullaby in case the dog needed a higher dose. The other herbs were further remedies and just some basic supplies that were always handy in an emergency. Satisfied he had what he needed, he slipped the large leaf parcel around his neck and continued to finish the packing. The hell hound used his nose to nudge a final coconut shell of his wares into the den that had been selected to be the apothecary. He turned around and looked back at his new little friend with a playful grin. Vadish himself was beginning to feel a small buzz already and he welcomed the euphoria as it spread through his body like the warmth of seeing an old friend. “I'll escort you home for the day, it's important I make sure to monitor how the dose affects you the first time so we know if you will need more or less and if this is the right solution for you.” Vadish scanned the area one final time to make sure nothing had been missed and that there were no other patients who had approached for assistance. The day hadn't been the booming success he had hoped for, but even helping one pack mate was a satisfying feeling for the hellion. It was a start at the very least. Finishing his observation, he nodded to the dog and padded a short distance to stand beside Stanco. The hell-wolf gestured ahead in a general direction with his white-tipped paw encouragingly. “I uhh.. don't know the way so I'll let you lead!” He gave an awkward laugh, flicked his mohawk to the side and waited expectantly, tail wagging low and slow so as not to threaten or intimidate the smaller dog. This was probably a bit bizarre for the little canine, but Vadish was thorough and diligent when it came to the welfare of his pack mates. Unless they showed ill intent for the pack, he had a duty to them and their care. This navigator was no exception. The hellion readjusted his pack of medicines to sit a little to his left, nestling them into his thicker neck fur to keep them safe on their walk. "Let the fun begin... The blue hellion giggled in his mind, knowing that popping cherries was always fun. Drugs affected creatures in so many different ways, you were never too sure what you would get each time a remedy was administered. coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia