Open Furrowed Existence | |||||||||||
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They, Them
Almost Sparkles
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Life was an evolutionary constant in a world of temporary existence. Although things seemed to hold a theory of permanence, nothing remained as it was for an eternity. Carefully crafted inside of the niche of temporary permanence, life etched a solidified fortress. It carved a uniquely constant notion of ever evolving theories of changes. Inside of this warped sense of continuance, everything that breathed existed.
Immortal found themselves trapped within the temporary existence of a constant cognitive reality. A limber, lithe furry white wolf whose circadian preference crafted a nocturnal existence, shaped wholly by their albinism. Tossed into the fray of existence and pushed beyond their familial bonds, Immortal wandered in repetitive isolation. Friendships formed and dissolved all too easily in this wavering sense of reality.
Currently, Immortal stretched. Reaching both of their forelimbs out to claw at the earthen ground beneath, Immortal dug their long, sharp claws into the dirt and grass. They tugged at the underground roots, pulling long tendrils and snapping the underground vines apart. A heavy yawn tugged at Immortal’s frame, snatching their lips up in a tight curl. They shook their head, righting themselves easily so.
Immortal crawled out from within their daily nest – a hole dug into the ground. The hole exposed packed dirt, and had a depth nearly deep enough to hide inside of. Still, Immortal dug at it periodically during the worst parts of the day, turning up colder spots of earthen ground to help them expose the coolest parts of Earth. Tonight is… Immortal tried to think of an adjective, but drew a blank. There remained an open vacancy for today’s antics. Still, they paused in mild consideration.
Tonight will shape itself. Immortal studied the large evergreen oak tree, whose bulging limbs crawled out in various directions like a bad case of bed head. The heavy branches overgrown with leaves in thick foliage provided most of the comfort for the wearing day. Today seemed unnecessary for Immortal to dictate and structure its unforeseen activities. Perhaps it was Immortal’s rush for a sense of ‘achievement’, and their unwavering desire to return to their old pack – whole and new.
Who knew? |
Almost Sparkles
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ooc;; sorry it's late n a bit messy! lifes been weird lately
![]() the day had been warm, the sun casting down its heat onto daevi's dark coat and baking her insides like an oven. it was only after a few hours of meaningless wandering that she had to find herself some shade beneath a large tree, a welcome respite from the sun that beat down mercilessly on the land. it probably wasn't all that hot, but the girl was used to feet of snow, cold rain on her nose, icy mud under her toes. she wasn't used to the clouds of mosquitos and flies that stalked her from the air, or the thirst that overtook her after just an hour of walking. and the heat would probably only get worse as the days went on (she didn't quite know what part of the year they were in, but it seemed to be getting hotter.) huddled beneath the tree, the girl panted, hoping to cool herself down a bit. the shade of the tree was pleasant, but not quite enough to stop the burning in her dark pelt. what she really wanted now was to take a dip in a pool of cool water. the days leading up to today had been relatively mild, so she knew the water wouldn't have heated up quite yet. still, she hadn't passed nor smelled any water nearby in the past few hours. so that was her next mission. padding along through the trees so as to stay out of the heat (she'd made it a game to try and not touch the sunlight, skipping and hopping along the shadows of the trees like a weird form of hop scotch), daevi made her way in a direction that "felt" right. in reality, she had no idea where she was or where she was going, but she quite liked it that way. besides, there was no way she wouldn't run into some form of water eventually. as far as she knew, all places ended in water. at least, that's what she'd been told by her family in old stories. the world was surrounded by water, as far as the eye can see, and there was nothing beyond it. no wolves or trees or beaches or birds. just endless waves and fish and seaweed. she'd always wanted to see it, though. it was hard to imagine that the world just dropped off into water, that the sun at the end of the day would be swallowed by the sea, only to rise again on the other side. surely it couldn't be true, could it? daevi was so invested in her thoughts, that she scarcely saw the other wolf ahead, tucked away under a big oak tree that blocked the dying sunlight. the scent of the other had grazed her senses earlier, and she nearly looked over it without a second thought, having not thought to look for anything but the smell of water. but then the wolf was before her, and she stopped, her lips lifting in a polite smile. "sorry, i hadn't noticed you there," she said, apologizing for barging in on what looked like their den, a hole dug into the ground. they'd probably been avoiding the heat much like she had been. she examined them more closely. they were smaller than she (she rarely saw wolves smaller than her, being of a rather petite frame herself) and totally and perfectly white, save for their eyes and nose. nothing like most wolves she had seen, but they certainly smelled of wolf and not fox or dog or anything. "would you happen to know if there's a stream or lake nearby? i'd like to wash the heat of the day off," said daevi with a friendly smile and small wag of her tail. |