Open The Moon, The Stars and the Wind that blows | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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To birds on a wire
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The wind tugged at her pelts and her ears were held erect. Her green eyes soon adjusted to the dark and she moved quickly through the river bank. A clear night was an advantage for her and her dark fur. The moon wasn't going to rise until tomorrow night, and she still needed to see Dominix and Tabitha. They were a odd group, but then again they were odd because they were controlled by Zephis. But the only problem was is that she didn't know were they were. Some where near... an old Oak Crow? Hopefully no wolf or bear was near. She might need help, but then again she might not. She reached the river and set one paw in. Wishingwind soon took it out because the water was ice cold. She sat down and thought for a while.
Woah I'm So Confused
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Whipping winds and chilly temperatures were not too new to this Mastiff. Being covered in tons of packed in fluff, Allivant was usually quite hot. And that he was, even when freezing air came creeping through his fur. But once it hit him, it turned into a sharp, warm feeling. Thankful the sun held fled back into the horizon, allowing him to escape the pounding heat and fire for tonight. He felt almost weightless has he bounced around looking across the vast river bank beside him. So many possibilities ran through his head has the winds continued to pick up speed and drop in temperature. All made the experience all the more therapeutic. Taking a minute to get everything in his head, he sat down panting, trying to clear his mind a little and not burst into excitement. It had been a while since he felt such a freeing feeling like this. It all felt so comfortable and welcoming. His joy only grew larger has he sat there and started to think more and more. He could hear the gentle rush of the river, giving a nice rhyme for his ears to hear. ‘Wouldn’t it be nice… If i could just-’ He began to ponder softly in his head. But then, he looked up and his eyes widened at a sight right in front of his very eyes. ’Another…’ He thought, jumping up from his spot. With tailing wagging furiously and panting slowly down, he looked across the river bank to see a wolf, dipping her paw into the water and jerking it out immediately. He took note of this and nodded. It seems he had found his first mission for that night, help this fellow cross the river. With no time to spare, Allivant made a silent dash for her. So focused on his pursuit, without thinking about precautions, Alli ran straight into river and felt the crashing cold against his paws. He froze in place for a second, and gave a small gasp. The wrist high water came raging down and splashed him with ice cold chills. He almost lost focus… almost… but he regained his sense of relational and tried to focus back on his goal. He trudged, trying to fight the current that scratched has his wrist. His paws felt a burning sensation that felt more like fire then ice. Once he finally reached the other side, he pulled his heavy body onto the shoreline, collapsing foolishly and panting slightly. He then looked up towards the wolf who looked deep in thought, a look he had seen all too often. But yet he still felt a bit awkward, lying there on the ground. He quickly got up and trotted slowly to her with a slight smile crossing his face, holding back a nervous giggle. “H-hey uh...” Alli squeaked out, making an effort to sound deeper, but a voice crack ruined his efforts. “You alright there?” He took a pause and looked to her face, but then looked away, wanting to see less creepy and less awkward and more… confident… “I saw you stick you paw in the river. So, uh, d-do you need some help … to cross?” His voice cracked uncontrollably, his face started burning like his ice cold paws and his tail shook a little. The chilly air started to get to him, he could feel the strong strong breeze skate across his damp fur. But he felt like it was his duty to help someone, anyone. He felt as though he was tough enough to brace the cold winters and the freezing waters. Especially to help another out... |
To birds on a wire
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March 28, 2018, 11:44:54 AM
(This post was last modified: March 28, 2018, 11:45:41 AM by WishingWind.)
Her green eyes shot open when he heard his gruff voice. She jumped up from her spot and her tail fell down from the high spot. Her ear fell back and she let out a small whimper. "i, um... Hi. No i dont need help...". She then noticed that a mastiff was out in wolf land "wait.... whats a Mastiff like your self doing in wolf land?" Wishingwind didnt want to sound mean so she backed away in obedience and showing that she wasnt a threat. She then perked her ears up when she noticed that she was soon laying down in the dirt.
-OOC: srry to cut it short i had too many things to do- |
Woah I'm So Confused
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When she jumped, Allivant jumped too, standing there motionless, staring blankly. But only for a second, once he realized what he was doing. Giving a deep breath into the air, which became sharp and heavy, he could feel the current swoosh by him. It felt has though all the space around him started to rest, making him focus on being tranquil. Looking up at the green eyes ahead of him, Allivant put his head down to show that he was in no shape to fight or wanted to harm. To lighten up the mood, he gave a nervous smile and chuckled a bit. A Good sense of humor felt important at this moment, because if the odds were against him, Allivant would get back up by choosing to joke about his situation. And this was definitely something to look back at and laugh about. He didn’t realize just how much he would frighten her, even though he should have seen it coming. What Stranger goes running up to others in the middle of the night? A very odd one, of course. But, Alli was no odd creature, no, he was a happy one, a helpful one, someone who never turns a blind eye to any possibility. So, of course, he wanted to act like a gentleman in front of this new face. Staying calm and level headed, he listen to the wolf in front of him, intently. ”I, um...Hi. No I don’t need help...” After she spoke, the winds pick up and the river’s noise became more disruptive. The wind and water, it all combined to create extra noise in his ears that he couldn’t shake off, only increasing the uncomfortablness of the situation. He didn’t want her to be nervous around him, something he really wanted to fix, but Alli new it would take some time. But yet, a phrase rang in his ears... ’No I don’t need help...’ his eyes sank and he let out a sigh, he hadn’t prepared for the previous response, but he certainly didn’t prepare for this one. It looked has though he wouldn’t be the hero for this night. But, he continued to show respect by nodding and agreeing. An assumption was made, of course, so he should of expected this kind of reply. A gloomy feeling started to build up in the back of his head, but he tried to ignore this part of him but just simply listening to her words... ”...What’s a Mastiff like your self doing in wolf land?” Allivant’s eyes flickered and his head titled at that thought. ’A Mastiff?’ He questioned himself. He had never met a ‘Mastiff’, let alone being one himself. He knew he was different then the other wolves... but didn’t think he’d be a different species. He’d probably know a Mastiff if he had seen one though. ”I’m sorry, but I don’t really know what a ‘Mastiff’ is. I-I am a wolf... I think? Just like you... I believe?” Part of him didn’t feel right. Now that he thought about, his parents had never told him who or what he was. His father was noticeably different then most wolves, but he still called himself a wolf. Even his mother was odd and strange looking. Being around strange lookers seemed to normalize it all for him. Not even a second thought carried through him all these years. Except for now, where a simple question seemed to catch him off guard and really made him think. The thundering sound of the river now seemed to help drown away of the negative feelings. It still was loud and disruptive though, and this constant of noise made him forget a very important detail... ’Wolf land?’ He thought for a second, running the words though his head, trying to interpret the meaning. His mind came to the conclusion that he must in fact be in a packland. And with that thought he looked around cautiously, trying to see if any other wolves were near. Hoping that he wasn’t at the border of another pack, he lifted his big muzzle into the air and sniffed around, trying to pick up the scent of a nearby boundary. Only the scents from the trees, the river, and the plains of grass could catch his nose. With a concerned tone of voice, he looked to the green eyes in front of him again and whispered, ”Wolf-Wolf lands? W-What pack are we near? I didn’t mean to intrude, I-I...” He then noticed how she got down, laying on the ground, with her ears perked up in the air. He wasn’t aware of this wolf’s customs, but in order to not seem rude, he mimicked her. Getting done on the ground, resting his head as well, he looked up a the stars for a quick second trying to calm himself and clear his mind once more. He then looked back to the wolf again, with a more calm expression. (( OCC )) Don’t worry! It’s okay! I’m sorry for my very late response!
To birds on a wire
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While a wolf... mastiff canine was talking her attention was fixed on a brown moving object. Her eyes widen an bear looking creature was grunt and walking towards them and it didn't seem happy. She lunged forwards to protect the Mastiff wolf mix. She was roughly larger than he and was the bigger breed in her litter. It was odd to her. The bear creature swung a paw and it crushed her left rib. She hit the ground hard and was out cold. She didn't get up but the only thing she saw before she blacked out was the bear standing on its back legs roaring at them with foam falling from the corners of its mouth. Her eyes closed as her vision blurred. A small wind tugged at her pelt softly and she looked lifeless. It was up ti him. She hoped that he would make it and the bear would run off. She hoped they weren't both killed.