Private Roleplay  Eight little hatchlings [fam thread]
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Cockatrice is not a creature for whom love has ever come simply. Loyalty is as easy as breathing; he is more familiar with fidelity and brotherhood than he is the strange stirring in his chest that rises when he looks upon his children -- at once so similar to his stalwart fondness for their mother, and yet entirely different. He had never prepared or expected to be a father. It has been a long time since he thought of his own, and the youth he had spent in Inaria, as they do now; there is much that has changed, but he supposes they are innocent of that.

For now. For the moment.

There are butterflies in the meadow, and crickets to catch -- there are four wayward children in tow, whom Cockatrice regards with a wary eye as they stray from him and return, following in his footsteps to the shallow, still water of the lake.

"Today," he begins, settling himself with a lazy air that belies how his working ear rotates, how he is well aware of their surroundings and where each of his children sits, "I'm not going to show you anything. Not yet." No practiced snarl, no posture for the hunt -- no fish caught in the river. His mouth opens in a toothy smile. "Today, why don't you bring something to me."

Let your old man sit by the water and watch -- it's as close to idle relaxation as the grizzled guard might ever come.


Prosper ambled through the valley at the heels of her father, four or five hopping strides for each of the guard's. She smiled absently the whole way, since she had no reason not to, and when he sat, she curved around him to look up at him, blue eyes as big as dinner plates. Her small yellow tail was puffed up around her feet. "What do you want us to bring you?" She asked, sincere in that way that only children can be. "If you could have us bring you anything in the whole entire kingdom? I bet we could find it, maybe."


There was rarely an opportunity to be alone, what with seven siblings and two parents, and Hell, whoever else ogled them- that small nonwolf made Azrael weary. Like those ears could detect what they’re all up to before his beady eyes could see it. A quick shiver ran up Az’s spine and he looked behind them all, just in case Kashmir was looming in the distance and his radars could hear thoughts, too.

“I think it’s our choice, Prosper, ah.. I hope so.. well..” the boy sat for a moment to scratch an itch that wasn’t there, like pretending to glance anywhere but at who you were speaking to to avoid more conversation. “Okay well, bye,” the boy nervously rasped out before turning around to disappear into the meadow and do as their father instructed.

Anything. Azrael assumes there is no time limit, no wrong answer, and determines a peaceful retreat away from his siblings is a gift to them all anyway. He’ll be back, though. Probably.


The chimera boy licked tufts of the mottled fur on his chest only ceasing when his father assigned them a task. What would Cockatrice want? What kind of item would impress him the most? Besides his mother and maybe his siblings, Yale hadn’t been around long enough to know what kind of things his father liked. The boy invaded his sire’s space affectionately, rubbing his side against him and for a minute burying his face in Trice’s fur.  “I am going to find you the best thing Papa!”

He bounded past his sister, nearly running into her with nothing but a “…watch out Prosper! I’m on a mission.” Like a whirlwind, he raced past his quiet brown brother. “Don’t follow me Az! I don’t want no one seein’ what I’m doin’. He didn’t want anyone copying his ideas, his surprise would have to be original. It would have to be different than whatever his siblings founds, so he could show Papa how clever he was, and then maybe Papa would tell Mama.


Pareidolia in many ways was such a puppy, at that special age where even the royal ones behave in a most... unroyal way. She had walked early, testing her mother’s nerves when she tried again and again to toddle out of the den in search of wonder!! and adventure!! She had talked as well, though she seemed to save the bulk of that for when another sibling was getting a lot of attention for doing the same. Yes — it’s hard to avoid some rivalry in a litter of eight. Poor Haven. Who’s side of the family had that come from?

“Papa!” she yelped happily, bounding over in clumsy but enthusiastic leaps. “Papa papa papa~” Pareidolia came close, rubbing against Trice like a cat rather than the wolf she was, then flopped backwards into him, right against chest and trunklike front limbs. “I brought you me, your favoritest princess Doli!”

So much for that idle relaxation, eh? Maybe with her brothers and sisters busy, she could have dad all to herself for a while! Right?


He followed dutifully after his father, golden head raised proudly and his speckled tail pointed skyward like a banner. Cassian was a proud boy, a bullheaded one from the moment he opened his eyes. When Doli had walked early, Cassian was struggling right at her heels, refusing to be left behind (in the end he had been the last to properly walk, but running and bounding came in quick procession soon after. He'd never allow anyone to show him up for long!).

Today, Cassian only took a moment to frown at his father's word -- he wanted to learn things after all, he always did. "Next time will you teach us something?" He questioned loudly, not quite at the age where he could (or think to) completely wipe the pout from his face. But the golden boy was always one to follow directions, he wouldn't be stupid like Doli, and he would be sure to tell her so. "I bet you're just scared you won't actually be able to catch anything, huh Doli?" Grinning, Cassian would turn and bound clumsily away. He'd catch the biggest most impressive thing for his father!  Crickets and bugs just wouldn't do...

AHA! Bright blue eyes locked in on Azrael as the quiet boy made his retreat from loud siblings (so you thought!!). Making his decision, Cassian leaped at his brother, aiming to tackle him to the ground and grab a mouthful of fluffy puppy hair. "MMF VA ZRAEL TCHER!!" I'M THE AZRAEL CATCHER He'd cry in a muffled shout.


Basilisk followed her father with a nervous sort of anticipation, her tail raised high behind her. The forest was so big compared to their den, crammed tight with eight siblings, and she wondered how far it went. It seemed to go on forever. The trees stretched impossibly high, and below the sounds her siblings made as they traveled, she could hear birdsong. She squinted into the trees, barely able to make out a crimson cardinal amidst the branches. As they came upon the lake, she padded right up to the edge of the water and stuck her paw in, wrinkling her nose at the cold temperature.

Looking up at her father, she contemplated his instructions for all of half a second before her siblings responded. Basilisk rolled her eyes at Doli, and then again at Cassian as he moved to pounce on Azrael. But what would she bring for their father? She took another look around, surveying the new world around her. What sort of prize would he want? What sort of treasure was worth keeping? What would make her stand out? Her ear twitched with irritation at the open-ended nature of this test, as though there could be a wrong answer. Ignoring her siblings, she began to trot along the sand where water met land, following the outline of the lake. Unsure of what she was looking for, feeling that she would know it when she saw it, she scanned the ground as she walked.


He looks to Prosper, first, his wide-eyed little girl, and presses his large muzzle to the side of her small face affectionately. "I have everything I need here, save your mother." He tips his head to one side. "That is not permission for any of you to go find her. Go, bring me something you like." Trice watches Azrael carefully, somewhat relieved to have Yale scamper after him - or in front of him - or at least they're together. He huffs a gentle sigh, his good ear rolling forward to track them.

"Stay nearby,"  the guard reminds, more of a command than a request. "Cassian. Today you can learn to mind your brothers." He nods after the pair skittering off, turning his head to track silent Basilisk by herself along the shore. There's so many of them, and this with two still back in the den. He suspects, within the week, he will need more help monitoring their outings. Moons would've been nice, the old wolf thinks. Good company, good heart. Shame.

He blinks down to Doli, lifting his head. "My favoritest, are you?" he asks, but with such a brightness to his eyes that he does not seem to dissuade her. "Does a princess lead by saying she is the best, or by showing it to her people?"


Prosper smiled distantly as her siblings scrambled around her, chaotic and loud. Azrael plopped down by her, scratching his ear and telling her that it was their choice to pick something to bring to their father. The blue-eyed girl tilted her head curiously at him before he hopped back to his feet to scamper away. Cassian bolted after him and Basilisk made her way down to the water’s edge,  impossibly energetic even for children of their age. Prosper just watched them thoughtfully before Trice nuzzled her face. She looked back to him, smiling sweetly, as he elaborated.

He had everything he needed, he said, but he wanted them to bring him something they liked. Prosper furrowed her brow. ”Oh. Well. There's so many things….” She answered, indecisive. Frowning pensively, she considered the matter while the other pups scampered around. Was this supposed to say something about her? A representation of what she liked and how she thought? Oh, surely she was thinking too deeply into this. It was just a game.

She knew her siblings well enough, they'd want to impress Trice with their gifts. But Prosper was stuck on his instructions, what was something she liked? Inaria was full of things to like, after all. It was nice here. Everything was pretty good. She barely even saw Yale coming when he nearly collided with her, screaming I'M ON A MISSION.


”Good luck..” She replied to him, not bothered at all by his clumsiness, barely paying attention, clearly distracted in her own head. Meanwhile Pareidolia flopped on her father, yipping and providing her own company as her gift. If she thought she was going to have time alone with Trice, she was mistaken, but not because Prosper was vying for attention. She was still just sitting in front of the royal guard, stumped as to what to do. She just felt like she should decide something before she started wandering aimlessly looking for it, right? Or maybe she was just getting behind because she was bad at this? Huh.

“Okay….” She muttered. “Okay. I think I have something for you dad! I will wait on everyone to get back though.” Glancing over at Pareidolia, after Trice’s question, she added. “I think you’re a really okay princess.”


"I wasn't.. gonna.. you were following me.. you idi-" but before Azrael could continue that potential grunt of disapproval from his father, he was AMBUSHED!!!! "No-" he struggles beneath the weight of Cassian, claws reaching out to try and drag him away from the larger sibling. "Stop it-" he wheezes, contemplating if this is how he dies already. Life is so cruel, he is SO YOUNG.

"I'm not a thing-" he manages- with the help of his father's words, no doubt- to come away from Cassian and brush the dirt away from his fur. "Why don't you go.. go.. go chase.. Yale.." he begins, but drifts off into a quiet mumble that he could only hear. "Idiot," he gurgles below his breath before rushing away, as not to be trampled again by any of those still lollygaggin.

It wasn't long before he was alone- really alone- but still within puppy wailing distance of their father. He comes across a hole, or really, several holes, and finds a rather ominous scene. At first, those golden eyes just take it all in, letting his little brain process the entire thing, but before long he comes across his gift. A gift for his father, a gift for the Earth. Gently, Azrael wraps it in a large leaf and carries it ever so delicately in his mouth back towards the group. Prosper had already returned, and so he finds himself sitting.. kind of.. near her, maybe in her general direction? But not within reaching distance.

"I like mine," he says quietly after placing it down and resting a paw on it. It wiggled though, which startled him enough to 'eep' and then settle again. "I hope everyone hurries up."


"Huh?" Childishly outraged, Doli looked toward Cassian and stuck her tongue out through her baby teeth. "Am not! You -- you can just --" Oh, witty retort, where art thou? "-- go catch a COLD!" Sick burn. Give yourself a pat on the back, kiddo. He'll never recover from that gem.

Rolling over, flicking up her tail haughtily, she made a big show of getting even comfier on her father's lap of-sorts, snuggling up and sighing loudly, missing Basil's (justified) eyeroll. She had Trice's eyes, foresty green, and they expressed smugness. I'll stay right here, thank you very much!

"A princess is always the best," replied Doli importantly. "That's why she's the princess." Oops, we're a little entitled. Would they nip that in the bud? "When I'm a queen like mama, everyone'll hafta bring stuff to ME!"

Prosper was talking, saying she had something for dad, but it had to wait. Was it something extra special, then? Doli frowned a little, masking her curiosity poorly. "What is it, Pros?" She wriggled her way down from Trice's lap, padding over to her mottled sister. "Tell meeee... you can whisper it in my ear so it's a secret, okay?" She did so love secrets, after all.


He laughed loudly at Doli's response, giving her a cocky grin. "I'll make sure to catch one and give it to you, favoritest sister!" Cassian shot back, preening with pride at his retort. He totally won, take that Doli. He wouldn't stick his tongue out like Doli had done, because that was childish. So Cassian gloatingly pointed his nose in the air (yeah way better), and went on to hunt Azrael.

It didn't go as planned, but it wasn't entirely unexpected. He frowned as Trice called out to them, pouting as he reluctantly eased off of his smaller brother so the boy could make his escape. Chasing Yale sounded like a better idea anyways, or it would have, if he hadn't just barely heard Azrael's little insult. "HEY!! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE AZRAEL!!!" Cassian shouted righteously after his brother. Huffing, the golden boy kicked at the dirt. He just wanted to play and see who was the best wrestler. But fine.

Stomping off, the boy wandered into the trees, sniffing around and poking his nose into anything he could until -- oh, what's that? White and pointed, it kind of looked like a bone, but he'd never seen a bone shaped like that before. Curiously, Cassian plopped down and gnawed at it, releasing a pleased grunt as it felt amazing to chew. The prince spent a few moments gnawing, and he was half tempted to just stay there and have his new toy all to himself, but Father had said to bring something back... It would be proper to share with his siblings too. Grunting with effort, the large puppy began to drag his find (a small antler, likely from a young stag) back to his father.  "Dad, look at this cool thing!! Is it a kind of bone? What is it? Doli, come chew on this, try it."


Her gaze focused on the ground, the voices of her family faded into background noise. Only the tone of command in her father's "Stay nearby" registered, and Basilisk flicked an ear in acknowledgment without looking up. Along the shoreline, there wouldn't be much foliage to block her father's line of sight to her, so perhaps she could go a little farther. There was something not too far away...what was it? A piece of debris caught her attention, disrupting the otherwise clean line where water met sand. She broke into a trot, curiosity driving away all thought of being careful.

Closer examination revealed the object to be a stick, but one unlike any she had seen in her long two months of life. She bent down to grasp it in her jaws, dragging it out of the water to get a better look. The wood was smooth and almost white, all of the bark removed by the water. But etched into the surface were branching lines, almost like the way ivy climbs up a tree. Who or what could have carved the wood in this way? She traced the grooves with one paw, feeling the channels flow down the stick like empty streambeds. She didn't know what value such a stick could have, but it sure looked cool. Gently, she closed her jaws on a spot in the middle and lifted the stick into the air, where she struggled to balance it.

Her trek back was a picture of hilarity, her head tilted to one side with the heavier end of the waterlogged stick trailing along the sandy beach and the lighter end pointed towards the sky.  Now facing her family, she counted those who had made it back already. Doli and Prosper were there, though they probably hadn't left, but Azrael and Cassian had returned. As she got closer, she was able to see Cassian's prize-- another mysterious stick-looking object. Basilisk trotted up to the group and placed her stick gently on the ground, proud as can be. She eyed Azrael's leaf curiously for a moment before giving Cassian's prize a closer look. "Where'd you find it?"


He’d continued running, leaving behind the dark brother and the gold one. He was glad they didn’t follow him, they would have distracted him, or tried to copy him. The latter more likely, he was just so sure his siblings wanted to emulate him. The boy walked towards the shoreline, there is where he would look for something to show Papa. The water was clear today, and Yale liked how the sun was so bright it would create almost bright white spots on the surface. Oh it was so pretty, he wished he could hold it between his teeth and take it to show everyone.

He slowly crept closer to the edge of the water, keeping his feet planted as he slowly peered closer. He could see a distorted wolf looking back at him,  one that matched any movement Yale did. “Oh…that’s me.” He whispered as he took a minute to study himself. He was split down the middle, half bronze like Griffin or Cassian, the other half dark like Azrael. But his eyes….they weren’t like Mama or Papa’s, they were green like Papa’s but bright, bright like Sybil’s and no one else’s…..he was so handsome.  He took a minute to continue studying his reflection, before his attention snapped back to the task at hand: find something pretty.

With urgency he placed his head closer to the ground and began moving around the sand and gravel with no clear sense of direction. His eyes diligently scanning the area for just one thing to catch his eye-


He  quickly grabbed the item in his mouth and sprinted back towards his father, only inhaling and hacking up his prize once.  As he got closer he pushed past Basil and Azrael and spat out  a spit covered quartz like rock at Cockatrice’s feet. He took a minute to admire it once more, before lifting his head to turn and look at his siblings.

“ This is a fine rock, a nice shiny rock for Papa and maybe me. AZRAEL LOOK AT THIS THING”


There's so... many of them. Cockatrice watches them as best he can, already sorting them into neat compartments, into pairs, making certain they stay within his line of sight and make haste to return; Doli and Prosper to their best to distract him, intentionally or not, but it's not until the other four are waddling back that he turns his attention to them again.

"Doli," the old guard says curtly, frowning. Do they grow out of this, eventually? Had he and Basilisk -- ah, and there's Basil, trudging up the bank with a stick twice her size in tow -- had he and Basilisk sounded like this, when they were young? He watches them gather again, patient, silent until they've placed their gathered items at his feet.

It look less time than he was expecting. Maybe he should've talked them into hide-and-seek.

"An antler, Cassian. Good for chewing," he agrees, then turns his great head so squint down at Azrael's wriggling leaf, and up at the boy. "A fine rock," he sighs to Yale instead. "No shouting. Now -- tell everyone why you picked what you did." He noses against Prosper, then Doli, nudging the latter over enough that he can rest his head on a paw. "And pick something to bring back for your mother."
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