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Almost Sparkles
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The land was quiet, wrapped in the morning fog as the sun dimly illuminated the forest from behind rain clouds. The vapor drifted in between the pines, curling its tendrils around the branches before settling on the forest floor, enveloping the fallen leaves and rotting wood that lay there. All sound was swallowed, consumed by the fog as it gently covered the land. The air was moist, unpleasant to most, as it stuck to skin and dampened fur.
A single area was pardoned from the fog however, as the embers of a small fire managed to keep the creeping tendrils away, evaporating them before they could touch the figure lying by the coals. The saber, cleaning her fur with long licks of her tongue, watched the border where the fog suddenly cleared, making a small ring around her and the fire pit. She continued cleaning her peach colored fur for a few minutes, her ears flicking back and forth, trying to hear anything through the fog. She was unsuccessful, however, and soon stood, stretching her back legs as the honey brindling of her washed fur caught the meager light provided by the embers. She shook out her pelt before grabbing a leather knapsack that lay beside her, throwing it onto her back and securing it with a strap around her neck. The slaver then padded off into the forest, her head lowered towards the ground as she sniffed the forest floor, guiding herself by smell rather than sight. As she inhaled the scent of mostly moisture and rot, she also picked up the fainter scents, scents of the animals that had passed there days before. But the saber was looking for her own smell and she let in guide her when she found it, moving through the trees like a ghost a she followed the scent trail. She quickly found what she was looking for: a spring snare, made from a young pine, two carved trigger sticks and hand made rope. The trap would normally have been bent back, the sapling curved into a arch as two trigger sticks held it in place, and the rope placed in a loop near the ground, waiting for something to fall into its grasp so it could snap it up. This trap had been successful and it dangled a dead rabbit off of the ground, gently swinging in the draft that moved through the forest. The slaver chuckled, taking the rabbit down from the ropes grasp, and tucking it into her sack along with the rope and the two trigger sticks. She slung her pack onto her back once again, and she continued walking. The saber thought as she moved, mostly of what other prey she might have in her two other traps. The next two were bigger, just the right size to snap and hold a medium sized wolf a foot of the ground, and she again chuckled to herself at the thought of having a slave or two to sell for profit. She didn't need any supplies, but the saber had been toying with the thought of getting another earring, just to show off to the other slavers that she had made a profit. She flicked her right ear then, barely feeling the brass loop that hung there, and her heart ached a little at the memory that it brought up. But the saber quickly pushed her feelings out of her mind and pulled her face into a neutral expression as she started to come upon her second trap. |
Almost Sparkles
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Movement caught the young wolf’s eyes. Something...peachy? He didn’t know and certainly didn’t understand. He took a step forward and the forest floor bertrayed him brutally. The twig he had stepped on snapped in half causing a sharp echo to rummage through the forest. His eyes widen, Dominix knew that most of the animals had heard that.
“Well,crap...” Dominix took a few more steps and gradually got closer. He sniffed the air constantly and was careful to steer clear of anymore twig. He jumped onto the rock the hung over a valley. Crows flocked upward into the sky, cawing and squawking. He wrinkled his nose and closed his eyes. Dominix finally got a good glimpse of the creature, a peachy colored she wolf. Dominix slid down the mountain as he stood on the middle of the rock with his chest puffed out.He stepped onto at the edge rock that hung on a ledge as if it were going to fall. This was it. This was the his sister and bother, came to lay there weary eyes to rest. The rock had holes and crack big enough for animals to fit in and hide or nest down or die.He could still smell the familiar scent of them. Sweet but tangy. After a few moments he lifted her head, and let out a deep and bellowing howl, It rung in his ears. He let his ears and tail drop, Dominix’s tail slid off of the rock. When he heard his own echo, the howling ceased. His upper lip caught on his tooth, the derpyest look a wolf could have. Pfft, he didn’t care. Well actually, he didn’t notice. |