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Dali (RP)
page/sentinel of inaria
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His stick-like tail wagging to and fro, Dali trotted through the purple forest with a spring in his step. Hanging from his mouth was a young rabbit. The hound had been on his morning run through the flowerbeds and his skilled nose had picked up the scent of prey. Ibizan hounds were infamous for their high prey drive so Dali had taken off after the rabbit like... well, a rabbit. Even though the creature had tried to throw off its pursuer with some admirable zigzag manoeuvres, Dali's lithe frame and long limbs had quickly helped him match the rabbit's speed and he had quickly dispatched his prey with a swift grab for the neck as it took a jump across the river. Sure, he had screwed up his landing and had got a bit wet but it was a nice warm morning in Inaria and he had a nice breakfast to look forward to. Coming across a high pile of rocks, the Ibizan decided it would be an ideal spot to relax and catch the sun's rays so he naturally made a beeline for it.
Until... "I'm SYBIL THE MIGHTY, QUEEN OF THE ROCK!!" Dali dropped his rabbit in surprised as he spotted the golden girl a good six feet above him. He would not have been so concerned if she were not so young... and if there were not a faint scent of blood in the air. The Ibizan stepped backwards to get a better view. "Man alive," he muttered, wondering how to handle this. "Uh - little girl? Sybil? Not to challenge your authority, O' Majesty but maybe you should come down? You could fall and that would not be enjoyable for either of us!" Putting his front paws on the nearest rocks, the dog whimpered with more than a little concern. Whether or not the girl refused to come down - which seemed more than likely, she was having a ball - Dali would frown and begin to climb up the rocks to retrieve her. "C'mon now, this isn't funny," he would scold the pup. "You should do as you're told and come down right this minute before I tell your mummy and daddy... Once I find out who they are, anyway." After all, he had only met Queen Haven once before and his memory and intelligence were not refined to the point where he could match the pup's own coat to his Queen's. Perhaps the realisation would have come to him if his back leg had not fallen upon a loose rock, causing it to slip out from underneath him. With a yelp, the hound fell backwards and landed on the ground in a painful and undignified way. Looking up at Sybil with more than a little irritation, Dali would shake off the brown dust in his fur and would attempt to climb again. "Best two out of three!" he would grumble. "Just stay where you are, Sybil, I'll get you down... eventually." He normally built up energy before hurling himself into potentially dangerous situations. Trying to ignore his rumbling stomach as he continued to climb, Dali would resume his efforts to reach Sybil, "Queen of the Rock". More like "Queen of Leading Poor Dali into Pain and Embarrassment". |
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The large white wolf had been in the middle of swimming, as he did like to do very often. Large white paws paddling methodically through the water, swimming in circles, singing to himself as he did so. Trying to sing in tune with the birds, but it wasn't working out as nicely as he thought, he was most certainly not a soprano, he was more of a baritone, but he still could harmonize quite nicely. The water was cool, and the weather was beginning to warm, so naturally Murdock had to go for a swim. He plunged underneath the water once more and was able to catch a large trout, before coming back up to the surface. Grinning with the fish in between his fangs, he pulled himself onto shore and shook the excess water out of his fur. Wagging his very damp tail, he made his way away from the lake, and into the forest where he'd find a place to eat his fishy meal.
Leaving a trail of water as he walked, his tail wagged slightly behind him, and his eyes drifted from the ground, to the tree line, to boulders, to little critters running around. It was a nice day so it was only a matter of time before the omega was to stumble across some of the other Inarians, lucky for him, today he was gonna run into a Baby Miss Goldie- and another he didn't know, but he'd make a nick name for later. "I am SYBIL, MIGHTY QUEEN OF THE ROCK!" Murdock's ears perked, and his tail doubled in the speed of the wag, and immediately he traveled in the direction of the mighty queen, and came upon a scene of a very small queen perched on a very large rock, and another small - uh not queen. When the not queen, slipped and fell to the ground, Murdock dropped his fish to the ground and ran over to the two, looking up to the QUEEN OF THE ROCK. "OH MIGHTY QUEEN!! HELLO I AM MURDOCK, A LOYAL SUBJECT TO YOU AND YOUR ROCKY KINGDOM!" He bowed very low, to the ground, before springing back up and addressed the other, "Friend, Hello, what can I do to help you!" Murdock was a bit taller then Dali, and was a fantastic leaper and climber, but he didn't also want to get in the new friends way. "I will collect things for your cuts and bruises," He told the small friend in a normal tone, and then to the small Queen, a little louder and more evident, "AND FOR YOUR MAJESTY, I ASK PERMISSION TO DRESS YOUR BATTLE WOUND!" Because every wound that puppies endured was a battle wound. The world as a great big adventure after all, and every encounter was indeed a battle! |