Mandatory Thread  Funeral Pyre (Mass Ranking-Deadline 3/23/18)
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Almost Sparkles
Posts: 32

All Accounts Posts: 398
(This post was last modified: April 03, 2018, 08:08:26 PM by Makoshark.)

The sweet surrender of silence forces me to live alone
Locked and loaded, where the hell is peace of mind?
I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue sea
I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue

"speech" | thoughts
Command them to come, Mako thought, repeating the words of Desdemonda in his head as he took a place on high ground. Their home was gone, destroyed by wind and water as their last home had been ravaged by fire. It seemed they were cursed to wander the earth forever and in the back of the young prince's mind, he wondered why they were plauged by misfortune. They would have to move on once more and he wondered if he was strong enough to lead them.

But there was something else; a nagging sense of pride that would not let him give the pack to anyone else. His siblings were missing, Hebe lost, and Raikov.... Mako had seen his father with his own two eyes and the thought of him caught the boy's heart in his throat. His aunt, Baal, was missing as well. He didn't want to forget them so he had Aysu make a simple necklace with feathers representing his lost loved ones. It hung loosely around his neck, fluttering in a gentle breeze as he waited for those loyal to his father to light the great pyre that would consume the bodies of their loved ones and send them of to.... wherever it was they went after death.

Mako drew in a deep breath and let his eyes scan those that were working on the pyre, stacking fallen limbs, or prepaing the bodies. He knew a few of them. The purple girl, Aysu, cried quietly as she painted the bodies with odd patterns. Some were unrecognizable but he knew she was mourning Raikov. He was her adopted father after all. The Surgeon Vashe walked along the dead and tried to identify them, but he seemed to be having a hard time. He and Raikov had been friends since they were pups... Mako sighed. His father meant to much to so many. There were a few around that Mako didn't know; a hellion with long black hair, a white male with yellow eyes, and some Torches, ready to start the fire.

It was time. Mako called out, commanding the attention of the surviving Tortugans. He would watch them as they filed in, taking mental note of who had survived. When the last of them arrived he spoke, trying his best to sound confident, "Tortugans. Again we survive disaster, but we can't stay here any longer. The hurricane took a lot from us, but I'm sure we'll rebuild our empire wherever we go. As long as we stick together, we can do anything. However, first there are some things we need to do. I need everyone to state their names and ranks, and if you don't have one already, claim one. I need to know who is here, who is dead, and who is lost incase we need to send out search parties," he inhaled sharply, "Also, I'm changing some things around. From now on, Kraken is a alpha rank and I'll be it, in memory of my aunt. Desdemonda will be our new Captain but don't confuse this as sole leadership. We are alphas together, as equals," he stated. He didn't want anyone to think he had given the pack to an outsider, but they also didn't understand his reasoning for this decision either. He was young and still injured from the storm. He needed someone to help him lead and she.... well she had a lot to offer them.

His eyes slid over to her and he moved to allow her to stand beside him. "Desdemonda will be our new Captain and I hope that all of you that respected my father, will come to respect this decision. Now, mourn your dead. We leave for our new lands soon." He hoped that was it. They deserved to grieve, and while they did, he had someone to seek out...

-This is a mandatory IC check to see who is here, state who is officially dead or missing, and to mourn those lost before the move to our new island. Mako and Des will be announcing their new leadership roles IC and then we'll be "burning" the bodies of the dead. Feel free to make side RPs as if this was a regular bonfire to mourn the lost, find loved ones after the hurricane, whatever you want.

-If you are a slave or AA character, feel free to take this opportunity to claim yourself a rank. If you want to come in as a slave, we'll be having a seperate thread soon so keep an eye out for that.

-If you're super busy and just can't post for whatever reason, just PM one of us or post in bullet points. This is mostly to build up our rank list along with the OOC check. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM Ilunga or BlackRabbit.

-If you have a thread that you would like to continue from before, please include a link to it in your post. Everything else will be archived after the meeting.

[Image: makosharkplush1_by_arkyls-dak9646.png]

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[align=center][size=x-small][b][i]The sweet surrender of silence forces me to live alone
Locked and loaded, where the hell is peace of mind?
I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue sea
I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue[/i][/b][/size][/align]
[customsoftbox300=#61a7e0 solid; margin-right:350px; margin-top:75px; background: rgba(1, 10, 18,90); color:#c0cfdb; height:350px; overflow:auto]
[align=center][color=#3366ff][b]"speech"[/b][/color] | [color=#ccccff][i]thoughts[/i][/color][/align]


Quote:Fic Trash Rabbit: Baal picks Mako up and pets him aggressively "I shall call him... Mini Me"
Winchester: OMFG
Winchester: DR. EVIL AND MINI ME
Warning, this character suffers Bermuda Syndrome. His actions in no way reflect my personal opinions. If you have any concerns, feel free to PM me*
[-] Likes: akante, DustyForgotten
Cider She/Her
Posts: 9
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: Tortuga
Rank [IC]: Cutlass
Played By: Jess

All Accounts Posts: 193

[Image: MrdnkKw.png]

Hey, young blood, doesn’t it feel
Like our time is running out?
I’m going to change you like a remix
Then I’ll raise you like a phoenix
Wearing our vintage misery
No, I think it looked a little better on me
I’m going to change you like a remix
Then I’ll raise you like a phoenix

actions - “speech” - thoughts

There was no need to summon the Cutlass, she'd been there the entire time, offering comfort to her brothers and Aysu, offering aid to those who were in need, offering her blood, sweat, and tears to a pack that was again in a shift of leadership. Mako was young, he had large prints to fill in and many holes in hearts and souls to mend. She couldn't say she had complete faith in the Outsider and Mako but, she couldn't deny that there was faith in them as well. For the time being the Cutlass was pushing aside some rather devious thoughts.

She could do it easily enough and those around wouldn't know what hit them and even if they did the effects would already strike down those weak or old or even too young.

Dried Oleander.

The fumes should she add the dried flower to the pyre would be positively toxic.


However, Cider would never do such a thing, oh no, it would be too easily blamed on her, no... Rather the Cutlass had been doing her best to gather herbs that when burned would bring forth softer scents, soothing scents, something to make this final farewell one to be remembered. The tri-colored wolf would seek out Vashe and aim to embrace him with her neck over his, holding him for a moment should he allow it, they were all tired.

Barbados wasn't sure how to help Aysu, he did something a dumb boy would and offered her some pretty flowers that smelled good, going as far as tucking a pretty one into the thicker fur behind her ear. He didn't have words for her, he didn't know what words he could say to make things better. The Gunner went back to the grim task of gathering the lost to add to the pyre.

Cookie was as much a wreck as Aysu though, the Siren was a bit better at holding things in. Of course, even Cookie could only hold things back for so long. Raikov had raised her. He'd taken her in as his adopted child. Cookie broke and leaned against Aysu after Barbados left, sobbing against the purple wolf.

Zyaxe was quiet, the old Hound was surprised he'd survived the storm but, he'd been lucky, Cider had collected him when things were getting bad.... The pack itself was lucky the Cutlass opened her roomy cave up to those in need that could get there in time, it was on higher ground and survived the flooding that had happened in some areas from the surge. The old male lay out of the way, offering himself to those in need, being a passive shoulder of comfort if any needed.

Mako's call alerted Cider and the others, Cider nodded to her brothers and strode forward toward Mako, listening as he spoke.

"Tortugans. Again we survive disaster, but we can't stay here any longer. The hurricane took a lot from us, but I'm sure we'll rebuild our empire wherever we go. As long as we stick together, we can do anything. However, first there are some things we need to do. I need everyone to state their names and ranks, and if you don't have one already, claim one. I need to know who is here, who is dead, and who is lost incase we need to send out search parties," he inhaled sharply, "Also, I'm changing some things around. From now on, Kraken is a alpha rank and I'll be it, in memory of my aunt. Desdemonda will be our new Captain but don't confuse this as sole leadership. We are alphas together, as equals, Desdemonda will be our new Captain and I hope that all of you that respected my father, will come to respect this decision. Now, mourn your dead. We leave for our new lands soon."

Cider felt her hackles rise, her blue gaze narrowing toward MAko as he spoke of Desdemonda being equal. No... She would never be equal to those born into Tortuga. She would never be equal to the Cutlass but, the Cutlass knew better than to disrespect one in power.

“You can assume where my personal thoughts lie in this situation, Mako,” She would speak calmly as if speaking for everyone with any doubts. Trusting an Outsider..... “I, however, know better as do many others I am sure. I will continue my work as Cutlass should you have me. Barbados is still able bodied as a Gunner, Cookie will make a stunning Siren once more and the old hound Zyaxe, I have seen how he handles himself, might I recommend the rank of Watchman for him.”

Cider would sigh and look out over those gathered. She had no place to give a speech but, she felt like addressing her friends and family all the same.

“Tortuga, to echo out Krakken, we are strong. We built our empire from the soggy sludge of the swamps, we have survived again and again what was thrown at us. We will not coward. We will not give in and roll belly up. We will take our place in the world again and we will rise as we have each time before, stronger, smarter, more cunning than ever and by the light of the flames we hold so dear, we will again be a force to be reckoned with.”

Cider would sigh and shake her head some, calming herself a bit. “For those who wish, I have gathered herbs that may be set onto the pyre as a last token of respect to those we lost. Let us send their spirits away on high note! Let us sing of their lives and drink to their names!”

The Cutlass again addressed those gathered and nodded toward where a few large crafted troughs were, filled with different boozes, some stronger some weaker and of course there was one of just water for those who did not wish to drink. Cider would move off to sit by the piles of herbs and proceed to offer a comforting smile to those who wished to add something to the pyre.


coding © vixxie's codes

I feel my heart beating
I feel my heart beneath my skin
Oh, I can feel my heart beating
'Cause you make me feel
Like I'm alive again
Alive again
Oh, you make me feel
Like I'm alive again

Turn your magic on, to me she'd say
Everything you want's a dream away
Under this pressure, under this weight
We are diamonds taking shape
We are diamonds taking shape

If we've only got this life
This adventure oh then I
If we've only got this life
You'll get me through, oh
If we've only got this life
And this adventure, oh then I
Wanna share it with you
With you, with you
Sing it, oh, say yeah!
[Image: LsfTlml.png]
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Dixie her/she
Posts: 24
Pronouns: her/she

All Accounts Posts: 446

If the storm had taken more for her, she didn’t know. Maybe it had come as a gift. It ruined the Tortuga she had grown to know, but was that truly for the worse? Dixie had somehow lived, not really wishing to but unable to admit to anyone else how she was feeling. If someone needed help, she could not turn away. She wasn’t even sure if days had passed, but the remaining of the pack had gathered together. It would have been the perfect time to leave. She could have left it all behind, like she had planned to. Her life as a Tortugan would have been over. But alas, she had stayed. As much as she felt suffering from this place, she couldn’t let the innocent suffer. So she had been apart of helping find other pack members. At the end, she watched as the pack got bodies ready to send off after their death. The only body Dixie had needed to see was Raikov. It pained her to not like him - hate was too strong of a word -, but she felt pain towards him. He had been apart of the first litter she had raised in Tortuga. She shook her head, not wanting to remember.

   The ones who stepped up as alphas were Raikov’s son, and someone that had been accepted into the pack. At first she felt an angry itch against the outsider, but then she realized maybe it’s what was best. Maybe they needed someone else to help lead, someone not raised in Tortuga. Mako, on the other hand, she was not sure how to feel about him. She didn’t hate him, but he was the son of what she considered her disappointment. She had decided to sit back from everything, everyone. Dixie watched as her packmates cried, offered comfort, and got bodies ready for the pyre. Dixie could barely watch. No tears came from her - she didn’t even truly know who all they had lost. The only time she looked at the pack was when Mako spoke. "Tortugans. Again we survive disaster, but we can't stay here any longer. The hurricane took a lot from us, but I'm sure we'll rebuild our empire wherever we go. As long as we stick together, we can do anything. However, first there are some things we need to do. I need everyone to state their names and ranks, and if you don't have one already, claim one. I need to know who is here, who is dead, and who is lost incase we need to send out search parties," She was not willing to be on a search party. It was too much of temptation. If she went, she wasn’t sure she’d come back.

   "Also, I'm changing some things around. From now on, Kraken is a alpha rank and I'll be it, in memory of my aunt. Desdemonda will be our new Captain but don't confuse this as sole leadership. We are alphas together, as equals," She just gave a small nod, if anyone looked at her to see if she was paying attention. She was, but she felt so disconnected from what was happening. "Desdemonda will be our new Captain and I hope that all of you that respected my father, will come to respect this decision. Now, mourn your dead. We leave for our new lands soon." She didn’t know if there was anyone for her to mourn. She had honestly already gone through accepting that if she didn’t kill herself, that she would leave. And yet here she was, unsure on how to feel. But she kept her mind as numb as she could, while listening to Cider speak. “You can assume where my personal thoughts lie in this situation, Mako. I, however, know better as do many others I am sure. I will continue my work as Cutlass should you have me. Barbados is still able bodied as a Gunner, Cookie will make a stunning Siren once more and the old hound Zyaxe, I have seen how he handles himself, might I recommend the rank of Watchman for him.” Hadn’t she assigned Cider to Mako’s litter when she was still Keeper? She couldn’t recall. “Tortuga, to echo out Krakken, we are strong. We built our empire from the soggy sludge of the swamps, we have survived again and again what was thrown at us. We will not coward. We will not give in and roll belly up. We will take our place in the world again and we will rise as we have each time before, stronger, smarter, more cunning than ever and by the light of the flames we hold so dear, we will again be a force to be reckoned with.” She said nothing, just watched as everyone worked or listened.

   When it was ever her time to speak, to claim her rank, she had actually put some thought into what she wanted to claim. There was no way she was going to claim to the rank she had held for years, but she would remind who she was. “I’m Dixie, former Keeper. I’m a navigator. I’d like to be a brewer, too. Something to do when I’m not being a navigator.” It seemed like a simpler job. She wouldn’t have to keep track of litters, wouldn’t have to assign them to stewards, and wouldn’t have to raise the pack anymore. It hurt her heart - she had put so much of her life into this - but she could no longer raise the young of the pack. No one had asked her why. Maybe they assumed it was her age, as she was coming on in the years. But she wouldn’t make it obvious for anyone. She’d keep a straight, emotionless face the entire time. If she felt the need to cry, she could do it another time, in privacy. Right now, Dixie was just a consumer, watching the pack as if watching a show unfold before her.

[Image: zs6JXbt.png]
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Pack Alpha
Pack Alpha
Posts: 267

All Accounts Posts: 398

Bump for added deadline. I'll delete this later))

Richter he/him
Posts: 5
Pronouns: he/him
Location [IC]: Tortuga
Rank [IC]: Wielder
Played By: Puffin

All Accounts Posts: 811

He sat by the pyre, supervising. He had set the wood just so, wordlessly losing himself in the work, thinking of nothing, and everything; and now with his part done, his ears were full of white noise. The fire crackled and danced, and as the bodies were put on, he felt numb. Even for one who had isolated himself so, he recognized faces and pelts. Another age of their once mighty pack went up in smoke and flame. Another Captain. His Captain. Even after everything, his chest ached. I could have been here to protect you, he thought. I would have. I would have done anything for you. And instead he had left. In more ways than one.

Nardir had been good to him. Too good, one might say. So many smiles, such kind words, and sooner than he thought his paws itched to be away. He and Scylla had finally made their return, only to find their home a field of debris. He was glad to have missed the carnage, especially considering the high likelihood he would have died in it, but survivor's guilt welled up and threatened to smother him as he looked at the pyre, now. He shouldn't be alive, he thought. Not with so many dead. Why did he deserve to still be here, when so many were not? But Dixie was the first one he searched for, and the first one he found. There were no words for the relief he felt that she had made it, against all odds. She and Scylla were all he had left.


Richter looked up and took in the speech, blinking slowly at the wolf who spoke, one whom he had never formally met. Mako. A blue wolf, like his father, all twisted up in orange. Richter studied the boy as he spoke, wheels turning and scales weighing in his head. The hurricane had indeed torn open a vacuum of power, and he had wondered who would try to seize it. He hadn't pictured one of Raikov's whelps taking the plunge, but perhaps continuing to think of them as whelps was what had led him to miscalculate. Raikov had been about Mako's age when he'd started taking more power for himself. Like father like son, Richter supposed. He ignored the glares directed at Desdemona - ignored Desdemona herself, even - and turned to look at Dixie and Scylla, a question on his tongue.

But then Cider stepped up, and he listened to her speech next. Cider was a true Tortugan, right to the core; he would have supported her if she'd claimed the Captain's wheel for herself. She'd been there through every one of Tortuga's tragedies, fixing wolves right up again even as she helped take care of the dead. And she had lost so, so much. He nodded as she spoke, nodded to Barbados and Cookie by her side - he was glad to see both of them as well, though he felt his heart rip right about in half at the sight of Cookie, who he knew had to be feeling some kind of way about Raikov - and briefly considered shoving his whole head in the trough of the strongest rum she had brewed. He fought the urge.

He took a moment to think of what he would say. Dixie named herself navigator and brewer. Scylla named herself phantom. He stood up next and stepped forward, head held high. His gaze met Mako's. "I'm Richter, Wielder and Crafter." He stepped into the vacuum of power and claimed a piece for himself, the piece that had always been destined to be his.

[Image: 5eEvVMG.png] Well the truth is the stars are falling, babe
And I never ever thought that I would say
I'm afraid of the life that I have made
I have made

I've been lying to them all
I don't need it anymore
Don't you worry about me
I'll be fine if I can breathe
I've been out here for too long
Taking shit for how I'm wrong
How I'm wrong
Always wrong


played by puffin since 2/24/14
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