Visitor - you have arrived at your final destination [bacchus visit!!!!] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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the brave
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![]() It had been a challenge for Sveyn, traveling with a pup. But a lesson that he would come to appreciate. Being with Reath taught him the virtues of patience. Of nurturing. It helped his conscience, though, to know the boy was with him rather than alone. Sveyn had to remind himself he was doing a good thing, even if it was slowing him down. Curiosity led him to wonder if the boy was enjoying himself, if Sveyn's tough-love was too much for him. He hasn't disappeared, yet. That must have been a good sign. It'd been only days since they left Inaria, but Sveyn felt as if they'd been walking for weeks. He was sure he'd gone off track, as any sign of life had been sparse between Inaria and their current path. But it was a mile or so away from the wall that was in his view that he'd picked up a scent. Many scents. And an unfamiliar one at that, something salty that tainted the air. The wall was an addition to that curiosity, as he'd never seen anything like these man-made fixtures outside of Bacchus. This didn't seem quite as sophisticated to be man-made, though. He also noted the skulls that adorned it, which made him raise his paw to interfere with Reath taking any step closer. "Wait," He began, sound unintentionally harsh. "This place isn't sitting well with me, Reath... I think it'd be best if we turned around." Frustration was overcoming him, as he'd told the boy that they were close hours before hand. That they'd be able to rest for awhile before having to retreat back to Bacchus. Sveyn also felt that after all this time he'd wasted it on only achieving relations [ooc: will edit if somehow the inarian visit goes south!!!] with just a single pack. Rainer would surely disapprove of this. The thought of upsetting his King is what caused him to change his mind, against his better judgement. He released a deep bellow allowing his presence to be known to those beyond the wall. He hoped they were pleasant, and if they weren't, he took a protective step over Reath. If they had to, they'd run. ▌note: SOMEONE aka port convinced me to get my shit done in Gemini, too! I recycled 90% of this post do not judge me.
please wait for @Reath to post. Requesting someone higher up on the hierarchy here. And anybody else that would like to join. If you want another RP with Sveyn while he is in Gemini please lemme know! |
Advertiser Extraordinaire
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Pack Alpha
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February 16, 2018, 12:45:49 AM
(This post was last modified: February 16, 2018, 01:55:14 AM by Rhiow.)
god fine I delete
edit: this is an excellent place for whispers who would like to perhaps be on the forefront of a future diplomat program.......... just.... saying................ |
Orphan pup
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February 16, 2018, 01:07:42 PM
(This post was last modified: February 16, 2018, 01:20:55 PM by Reath.)
This journey was TORTURE!!!!
Reath had been following Sveyn for a long while but all this walking was loosing his interest. His throat was dry, his paws hurt and his legs felt like the bones in them had dissolved leaving behind limp noodles that strugged to keep him upright. Oh how he wished he was back around Inarias borders. The soft grass, cool climate and spritely woodland critters. Sadly he was not in fact he didn't know where they were heading. His large companion had told him that they were close to their destination but Sveyn didn't offer any other information. It was becoming a norm for the pup to find out things on his own. Blue eyes glanced around the landscape which was beautiful yet terrifying and the absence of sound kept Reath on Sveyns tail out of his own unease. Inaria and Nadir were both lively and bright places but this....this seemed...cursed? Reaths limited vocabulary kept him from giving justice to the overwhelming feeling of unrest that snake through his blood and taunted his senses. A small whimper escaped his dry throat making it sound more like a faint sigh. He wondered if Sveyn was scared. So far he had never seen his constant protector so much as flinch. Reaths curious gaze traveled up to the pale wolf's face. There he found only calm determination but no trace of anxiety. This eased the pups troubled mind for everything was fine as long as Sveyn was calm. Innocent beliefs that kept the dark fear of reality at bay. Then he saw something that brought his newly found peace crumbling into smithereens. A large structure that seemed unnatural and crude but his attention was focused on what was hanging from the jagged surface...skulls...wolf skulls. Reath attempted to get a closer look at the terrifying discovery but was blocked by Sveyns massive paw and a stern "Wait!" The sudden roar breaking the silence that they had been engulfed in and caused the pup to flinch back. Ears and tail now hidden against his scared figure. "This place isn't sitting well with me, Reath...I think it would be best to turn around." The said pup couldn't find his voice to tell Sveyn that he couldn't walk anymore. He was thirsty and tired from their long journey his body's energy had been spent up to this point. "I can't walk anymore," he rasped. The silver pup sat where he stood and looked at the underside of his paws. The soft pads were littered with various cuts and debris from the trek and tender to the touch. He carefully licked the ailing pad but quickly retracted his tongue back into his mouth. It hurt like monkeyfudge! He wasn't allowed to swear. Another heartattack soon followed when Sveyn let out the same deep howl as he had done at the borders of Inaria and Nadir. "What's going on," Reath asked; his voice quivering from stress about the unknown danger. Reath had never seen Sveyn scared...but when he looked up to Sveyn now he saw anxiety etched into the lines of his face. What was going to happen to them? What kind of wolves lived beyond the wall and would he ever get to see Sveyns homeland like he had promised Reath? All they could do was wait and the pup leaned on Sveyns thick legs to keep himself grounded and hopefully not wet himself. (Sorry it's short but I have to go to bed DX) |
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ooc| since Sveyn's call doesn't specify he's a diplomat, Iaera only calls a Ranger or Vanguard for backup.
She was starting to feel like a ghost staking out an old haunt. Drifting with the wind, ripples forming in her cloak; as if she didn't have any restraint in herself to do anything else. A sigh heaved out from a heavy chest and she felt something dull in her purple eyes. Pearly teeth clicked together, small snaggle-tooth poking from behind her furry lips. Tiny paws stepped near silently across the top of the spackle and stone of the wall. A faint memory of having been terrified of the staggering height of the wall danced around in her head. She somewhat missed that Iaera, that Iaera felt more like a real person than the one she was now. Iaera knew nothing of the waves of depression, and the listlessness sat unwell with her. Like her soul was empty, like her eyes were blank, but she didn't want to lay down and give up. Work made her feel better, gave her a semblance of purpose. And the longer she walked the better she seemed to feel, exercise was beneficial it seemed. Before she realized it, she was feeling better; though her eyes still were dull. The patrols on the wall were often boring and uneventful. Though today it seemed a moving snowfall would bring something to the table. Trespassers. Her expression came alert and Iaera was already in motion to intercept when the white beast stopped and let out a weird call. Cloaked in black, his polar opposite she halted at the wall, near the skulls, hood hiding her face and expressions when she called out menacingly, "You stop NOW. Come past the wall and our warriors will intercept, you are already trespassing." Iaera would pause for a moment and then move to walk down the stairs, before coming out of the shadow of the wall to stand in the choke point, letting out a short call for reinforcements, but her body language was passive under the cloak. He had a child with him, and had called out, it's likely he had simply missed what she could only imagine were horribly vague scent markers in the low lands. "I'm certain you simply missed our lowlands markers, and you called out politely so I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt..." The woman shifted and slipped her hood of her head, studying Sveyn and the boy with a calm expression. Before looking up at the skulls with somber eyes, "I hope you don't think me hostile, simply put, too many trespassers that have came this deep have brought us great agony. Let us discuss why you are here and sort all this out yes? I am Iaera, a Ranger and Whisper. Border guard and diplomat-slash-teacher. I do not wish you any ill will." Violet eyes would shift sympathetically towards the child, who looked tired and a little frightened at the skulls. The Whisper grinned softly hoping to dissipate his fear, "Don't worry, we only do that to really bad guys. You'll be okay." ![]() |
resident daydreamer
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February 17, 2018, 09:51:04 AM
(This post was last modified: September 02, 2018, 04:06:34 PM by Harriette.)
![]() ooc: Harriette believes that the two skulls at the wall are Kariya and Tauro - she doesn't know that they are actually the skulls of Cancer and Lilith - just as a note!
Harriette thought she could notice the days getting longer, but perhaps it was a trick on her eyes, a mere game her mind was playing with her. Spring was a ways away yet, and Harriette knew this, deep down, but she couldn’t help but long for the warmer weather and the beautiful flowers. The smell of spring was something she loved and cherished, something that brought her peace and calm, something that made her dreams flourish and her heart flutter. She missed the warm weather, and she missed the sun. Everyone at the tree was dealt with and medicated for today. Things were actually slowing down for the time being. The next rush would be when the seasons turned again and the weather wreaked havoc on everyone’s immune systems. Taking a deep breath, she decided to go for a walk, shrugging her deer pelt off her back and onto the ground until she came back. She’d been feeling a weight on her heart the past few days. A weight she’d thought she had shaken in her emotional epiphany when she finally came to terms with her brothers’ deaths. A darkness was gripping her soul, sneaking in the shadows of her mind. She feared she might have another nightmare tonight, if she didn’t try to face these feelings now. Heaving a sigh, she peered around her. It wasn’t like her, to feel this way. She didn’t want anyone to see her sulking, to see her hurting. Because she was fine. She honestly was, and she knew it. She just … Needed this, right now. Just a moment. A second. To remember Kariya and Tauro. And so she walked. She wanted to go to the wall, where she knew her brothers’ skulls lie. She missed them, and she wanted to say hello to them, see how they were. See if they missed her like she missed them. She couldn’t handle another dream, not when they’d been feeling so realistic these days. It was hard on her, and she was beginning to feel tired. She hoped this would help. As she made her way to the wall, she heard a strange call ringing through the air, piercing her ears. Eyes widening, she lifted her head. It seemed to be coming from the direction she was headed, and so she quickened her pace to a trot. She wondered who it was – they seemed to be calling for someone. She hoped they’d be okay with her arrival. The wall was close, and she saw a cloaked figure standing in the choke point. Harriette’s heart beat a little faster, as she did not recognize this hooded person, and their proximity to her brothers was making her feel oddly protective. She swallowed, and neared the scene. Looking between the wall and the unknown creature, she saw that past the wall was the abominable snowman and his small gray companion. Her tail wagged cautiously, ears falling back against her skull. The hooded creature was speaking to the supposed trespassers, stating that she was giving them the benefit of the doubt for sounding unthreatening. She then shucked the hood off her head and Harriette noticed that it was a wolf, and her fur patterns actually seemed familiar to Harriette. She crept closer and sniffed the girl. It seemed she was a fellow packmate, and so Harriette could relax. Harriette listened as her packmate spoke to the big white beast and his pup. She recognized the voice, and then she finally introduced herself, and Harrette felt as though she could breathe again. It was Iaera – she met her upon her return from Inaria. She didn’t need to worry about Iaera being so close to her brothers, and now she felt silly. “Iaera,” she said with a smile, coming closer, hoping the girl would allow Harriette room to come through the choke point so that she could see the strangers on the other side. “Good to see you.” She said with a nod of the head. If Iaera allowed, she’d come through and glance quickly at the skulls that lie on the other side, nodding her head lightly at each, her heart jumping at their presence. She’d then focus her gaze on the strangers, her eyes falling on the giant white male, meeting his navy gaze. He was like nothing she’d ever seen before – he was different from a regular wolf, and it intrigued her. She then glanced down at the poor pup at his feet, who seemed exhausted, sore, hungry. Harriette’s expression softened. “Hi there,” she said, her eyes fixated on the pup. “I’m Harriette – I’m an Acolyte here. If I’d had known, I would have brought some supplies with me from the healer’s tree.” She frowned softly. All common sense put aside, as it usually seemed to be with Harriette, she approached the strangers, and went toward the gray pup. She wanted to see if he was hurt, if he needed medical assistance. She nosed him here and there, poking and prodding gently, waiting to see if he’d yelp at a tender spot. He looked so tired. “Are you okay, little one?” She’d ask, pulling back slightly. Her eyes were soft, her head tilting slightly. She looked up at the white male, unafraid and simply curious. “Where did you two come from? He looks exhausted.” Her voice was simply concern, not ridicule. She hoped she could help the duo.. |
in your heart shall burn an unquenchable flame
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“Well! Isn’t this a cheery little welcoming party?” Gaven chirped from his position on top of the wall. “I see you’re admiring our décor. We don’t generally let outsiders see it, as my little friend explained, but today is your lucky day.” Gaven stood over them like an exceptionally cheerful scarecrow, face covered by the black wolf-mask with the many eyes painted on the front, and his bear cloak whipping dramatically in a breeze that threatened to drag him off the stones. The mask turned down to consider the skull mounted on the wall. One of the skulls was massive and the other was clearly spirit-touched; a bizarre facsimile of a wolf skull if it had also been crossed with a crocodilian. “Hm. It’s a bit morbid. I could think of cheerier things to put here, but I suppose it sends a message if nothing else,” he said, offering the group a carefree shrug. “We should set our new friends up, clearly they need a place to rest. After all, we have a child to consider, and we’re in agreement that you aren’t here to start a fight. The least we could do is offer our hospitality. What say you, Ranger-Whisper?” His voice was light, almost playful, but inoffensive and his question seemed genuine; if she was one of his he wanted to know her opinion. They could learn something from one another. Of course, Gaven knew the pup could be bait, a tool for more nefarious purposes. People who wanted to fly under the radar always had the means and it was doubly so when you knew absolutely nothing about the person you were allowing into your life. Even if that was the case, Gaven liked to think all parties here hated the idea of a Gemini that was needlessly cruel and the pup looked exhausted, as Harriette said. It paid to take care of guests. |
the brave
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February 20, 2018, 05:57:16 PM
(This post was last modified: February 20, 2018, 06:00:59 PM by Sveyn.)
![]() Attention to his call didn't take long to arrive, but it felt like ages. As much as Sveyn tried to be fearless for the boy, the overall tension he felt about this place was overwhelming and turned out to be too much to shield him from. But that was okay, he decided, it was good to show the boy that it wasn't cowardly to have fear. To fear meant you had something to lose, and in this case Sveyn was not worried for his own life, but Reath's. The ghost wondered if he'd have the same feeling of panic had he been alone. Probably not. The first arrival was draped in a cloak, which may have been unusual to most but Sveyn found some comfort in it. Many of his kin in Bacchus wore additional layers of warm skin that they'd crafted on their own to defend against the brisk cold in the mountains. This cloaked figure approaching them didn't seem to be very cold, though, as the winter days here were comparable to an early spring in Bacchus. Warmer. Much less frigid. Perhaps she wore it for her own mysterious aesthetic, though Sveyn would never be sure because he wasn't too keen on asking. He seemed to upset her, the way she'd began shouting at first. "You stop NOW." And so he did, though he hadn't moved from the position she'd spotted him in to begin with. His defensive stance over Reath made him feel very close to stone. But, as she wished. This was her territory, and he would not argue. "Come past the wall and our warriors will intercept, you are already trespassing." As Sveyn considered his response, the much smaller female came forward. The contrasting heights were more apparent now, and as she unveiled he immediately noticed her striking lavender gaze. Before he could speak, she replicated his response with her next reply. "I'm certain you simply missed our lowlands markers, and you called out politely so I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt..." Her demeanor certainly seemed to have dwindled in a short span of time, perhaps it doesn't take much for such a small body to relax. Sveyn himself is incapable of such quick switches of emotion, anger suppresses within him -- he is innately calm and collected so he finds the sporadic behaviors of others quite extraordinary and unusual. Just the way he does, Sveyn answered back coolly, "I apologize for missing the markers," No excuses there, not necessary. Besides, he didn't want to upset the cloaked woman again. The more blatant he could be the faster he could set back for Bacchus. For home. He listened as this stranger, Iaera he'd learned, explained her hostility and informed him of her expertise in the pack. Admittedly it was hard to focus on what she was saying, as another dainty girl appeared behind him. A white so similar to his own, save for her dark-oak colored face. He watched her as she approached with caution, made herself known to Iaera, and then unashamedly approached him. The hesitation she'd previously had nowhere to be seen now. Sveyn's face contorted, and he took a step back as she nudged Reath beneath him. The relationship women had with pups was astonishing, even if it was not their own. Feeling as though he may be coming off as incoherent or rude to Iaera, he met her gaze again quickly. "I'm Sveyn of Bacchus. I, too, serve diplomatic purposes. I could tell you why I was here if you could explain where exactly we are?" This place was not on his itinerary, so it seemed. It got more absurd by the minute, and to top it off a much stranger (but surprisingly, much more pleasurable) creature made himself known from the top of the wall. Sveyn looked closely at the speaker, noting his peculiar attire. The mask? more-so. This one didn't seem very wolf-like, but after meeting Mikerra he had no reservations for how a wolf should look. Sveyn could recognize he was a little strange looking himself. Wallman seemed very confident, somewhat disapproving and critiquing the way the Ranger-Whisperer was handling her business. He'd choose to stay out of that one. "A message it sends, indeed." He glanced towards the skulls, then back to the man-on-the-wall, the only one who did not introduce himself. "I am grateful for your hospitality, we do not mean any harm. More so, I'm curious about your culture. I'd also like to share about mine, with anyone who could grant alliances. Furthermore, Bacchus has services that we are offering if you'd be interested." Sveyn was very pleased that this strange man appeared, as it seemed he was similar to Sveyn in that he's all about getting to the point - forget the formalities. ▌note: more are welcome to join at this point! rip says she'd bring akira in, too.
Orphan pup
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February 22, 2018, 10:30:34 AM
(This post was last modified: February 22, 2018, 10:33:16 AM by Reath.)
Reath flinched as an unknown voice shouted out above them. To say he was shocked would be putting it lightly. A figure stood proudly on the top of the jagged structure covered in a cloak of animal fur which made them seem broader than they were. The stranger spoke a warning to Sveyn as they decended the wall disappearing from sight for only a moment only to reappear right in front of them. Reath swallowed the nonexistent saliva that clogged his throat. Making a loud gulp sound. Now that they were up close Reath was glad that he was being supported by Sveyns strong legs because Reath had just lost the feeling in his. The pup thought the cloak was creepy enough but, now that she was in front of them, it was nothing compared to the hood that shrouded her face in darkness. It would have looked cool if Reath wasn't so anxious.
Then something happened. The hood fell and the face of a wolf appeared. This made Reath feel better for now there was a person to talk to and not some scary gate monster that would smother them both in its black cloak and add their skulls to the wall. Plus she was tiny compared to Sveyn. Dark tipped ears perked up at the explanation about the skulls and before Sveyn could stop him, because he had apologized about something a moment before, Reath asked, "How did you get them up that high?" The silver pup then saw another wolf join the cloaked female. They spoke then the creme colored fea looked directly at Reath with really pretty blue eyes. A gentle smile glided across her soft features as she greeted the tiny dire pup. She said her name was Harriette and she was something...he couldn't recall the big word she used nor did he know what it meant. But she had the same kind feeling that his mother had which won him over; it totally wasn'the because he thought she was cute. No sir. "Hi, my name is Reath," he said proudly. Then she was right up on him touching him in random places but he couldn't speak because he had just swallowed his tongue as her face was right in front of his own. Thank gods for fur because his face was flaming. Then she called him 'little one' and Reath pouted. He was a big boy not a he shook his head and grinned widely, " I'm OK because I'm a big boy," his chest kinda puffed out as he waited for the pretty lady to answer but another voiced echoed in the air. Curious the pup glanced at the newcomer but he wished he hadn't because what he saw rendered him speechless for a different reason than Harriettes pretty appearance. Chills ran through thee pups tiny body as he took in the strangers appearance. Reath didn't like the way he spoke indifferently about the skulls hanging from the facing or the numerous eyes staring at him as the dark stranger turned their attention directly to him. Once again Reath pressed himself against Sveyns leg and let out a hiss of pain as he applied too much pressure to his tender paws. This guy was a wierdo....a scary weirdo. Sveyn exchanged words with the creepy thing with too many eyes and Reath didn't even bother to interrupt them. He instead turned his attention to the kind female that had spoken to him before and began to strike up his own conversation, "what was it that you did," he asked curiously, "I don't understand the big word." He waited patiently for her responseyes but he secretly hoped that she would be quick...he didn't want to get drawn into a conversation with the creeper guy...he'did rather talk with the two girls. Speaking of which he turned his blue eyes toward the other lady and asked, "how did you climb that big thing," he gestured towards the wall , "do you have super powers," he whispered excitedly. |
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She'd been busy, or so she told herself, inside a fog that turned everything grey and tasteless. Running this way and that on paths that had been fresh and new just a year ago—now worn down by the kingdom, their kingdom, her kingdom, ever growing—Akira found herself confused by the new scents. She didn't recognize them. A lot of them! Unacceptable!!! What would Jonas say about her inattentive nose? Something something about assassins probably. And her mother? Oh wolfgod her mother. She wouldn't say anything at all, just gaze at her daughter with that sad, patient expression while a cool breeze picked up off the sea and blew her mane dramatically. A dour tune would pluck in the background. The audience would reach for their tissues.
Well fricklefrackle that, she was going to learn every single new person in Gemini and she was going to do it before lunch time, which was whenever she decided to eat, and she had plenty of time because Akira had forgotten to eat for the past, what, three days? Five? What are days anyway? Time is meaningless when you have responsibilities and wait no that's the exact opposite of— Well either way, she took the initiative to find a proper vantage point and spy on unknown fellows who infiltrated her home without her knowhow. While patrolling the wall and eyeing the highlands, Akira plucked out as many denizen as she could. Several times she mistook familiar bodies for new ones, though: Scaring Ki Tisa into an absolutely absurd amount of heartattacks. Startling Kekkai into clocking her right in the nose which should have earned him a good kingly smacking but instead just made her laugh really hard. Dropping down on her new fresh baby sister Alice who requested three more periodic ambushes with increasing threat of annilalation (direct quote?). Scream howling at the goat stealing motherfucking wolverine that she knew wasn't a recent recruit but goddamn she just couldn't help herself that goat was REALLY GOING TO BE GOOD. Alpha rolling a really convincingly wolf shaped rock. Scaring herself because she tried to sneak up on Echo but suddenly couldn't find him? How does he blend in so well? Was he a ghost all along?? She would have to investigate this later. Despite the setbacks she thought the tactic had been overall moderately successful maybe. Clicking her tongue over her sharp scary wolf teeth, she marched her long, growing, adult-basically legs along the cobbled stone and looked out over the grasslands beyond. The sun bled out over the fields, all red and gold and shining fire on dew. They had never really given the lowlands a name, but she thought of one then, and she'd ask for her mom's opinion later: sun's nest. A ranger's howl tore her away, and with her heart pounding, realized that oh my god there might be real actual new people at the borders and she could get to know them IMMEDIATELY instead of FOUR WOLF MONTHS LATER. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH," she roared, racing along top the wall. "YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" She skidded to a precarious stop at the ledge of the choke point—across the gap sat Gaven looking fabulous as usual, and down below was hard working Iaera and her sweet hard working sister Harriette who she loved very much with her entire SOUL. HOW HER LOVED FOR FAMILY BURNED. She had to express it right that second and as loudly as possible. "AWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" she boomed, throwing back her head and then squinting down at the... wait there were TWO. One was just a little cute baby. Aww. "WHO COMES TO OUR DOMAIN?!" Ears perked forwards, she tried to catch a response. But it was pretty high up there? And hard to hear? She was pretty sure he said something about a cultural exchange, and mention of a healer? Shit. Where were the. Stairs?? "ONE MOMENT," she said. Yes. Stalling scored. Excellent. Scrambling down the inner staircase, she rounded the choke point and burst out of it, head high along with her tail tip. "Gaven, Iaera, Harriette," she nodded to each of them before meeting the big white guy's eyes and holding her stare. "Hail! Welcome to Gemini. I'm Akira, King. You have business with us?" She glanced at the pup for a moment. "Perhaps you'd like to discuss it over lunch." I just did a whole lot of nonsense and I'm starving. |
And sparkled keen with frost against the hilt...
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March 01, 2018, 10:48:06 AM
(This post was last modified: March 01, 2018, 10:49:32 AM by Excalibur.)
OOC: Kind of a pointless post in that she did nothing with anyone else but she is hella jelly of Akira and going to meet Sveyn (I haven't forgtten our thread! I am just slow!) so I thought why not have a character moment?
What was all this then? Attracted by the noise and commotion Excalibur peered over the top of the wall at the scene below. Words drifted up to her, half lost in the wind and distance but she got most of the gist of what was said. So the big white fellow was from a place called Bacchus? Interesting, what brought him here then? She narrowed her golden eyes trying to see him more clearly as he seemed different somehow to a normal wolf, certainly large, even at this distance she could tell he was a clear foot bigger than her, but also bulkier? Hellion blood perhaps? She placed her paws on the wall top and leaned out to hear better but made no move to go down and interact with any of those assembled. She had no place in such a gathering anyway, she knew having no rank or standing in the pack she would have been little more than a gawking bystander. At least from here she could gawk in an imposing fashion. A new player entered the stage. Akira. The first and only time Excalibur had seen her monarch had been in this very spot too, at the announcement of this wall’s completion. As to if the wall was imprisoning or protecting she still was undecided. Did Akira exist only here she mused, a spirit that haunted the gates? Perhaps hers was one of the skulls they draped the entrance with, protectors not warnings? Gemini held too many mysteries for her and though she tried to embrace them, it was hard. She had had her own sort of epiphany when she saw the ghost but despite the evidence of her own eyes and Razi’s confirmation, doubt still assailed her. In the crisp white of the falling snow she had been so sure: she had seen him, it was Arthur, but by morning it could all have been dreams and cobwebs again. She watched Akira approach the strangers, to her eyes Akira was enrobed in the poise and confidence of a King in her Kingdom, and Excalibur felt the same pang of jealousy she had before too. Akira was the broken mirror in which Excalibur hated her reflection. Excalibur turned away, dropping back from the walls edge, not wanting to look anymore; if she did she would cut herself on the jagged pieces of her thoughts. Why not me? I could have been all that and more. I should have been a Queen. I was born to it. I should be more. Not in this time and place, she knew that, but before and far away… She looked back once and felt the sting of it before slipping down the nearest flight of uneven stairs and slinking away. It was not Akira or Gemini that were truly the root of her discomfort; it was the echo that followed her, those two terrible words. What if? |
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The giant stayed still and it helped her tension to release a bit, the hackles on her neck were slowly drifting back into a resting position. He apologized for missing the markers and the little wolfdog nodded softly to him. Iaera hated being cruel, and chances are this stranger and this child were simply foolish but the Ranger was afraid to be wrong. And whatever kindness was typically there was somewhat overshadowed by the looming emotion that was weighing her down with invisible bricks. But reinforcements had arrived, despite them not being burly, she felt better as Harriette came and greeted her. The Ranger smiled gently, though if Hariette was astute she would see that Iaera was somewhat distressed still. When the snowy Acolyte moved to go check on the child, the Ranger's violet eyes switched cautiously to Reath and then to Sveyn, but she made no motion to block the other woman. If Harriette ended up needing help, Iaera would move, but she wasn't sure she wanted to instigate any more than her having to stop them at the choke point might be considered instigation.
The silver boy asked Iaera how the skulls were gotten up so high-- thankfully not about how they were ornately carved because she didn't know-- and the woman smiled meekly at him. "We have stairs on the other side of the wall, they lead up so we can get on top." The Ranger wasn't interested in showing him just yet, but her words were well intentioned to answer his question. The Ranger sighed softly and looked apologetically at Sveyn but verbalized nothing, watching out of the corner of her eye as Harriette checked over the child. It was not her intention to come across so callously to the boy and him. So when Sveyn introduced himself, and explained who he was the woman grinned. "You are in Gemini. Gemini is a sanctuary that accepts all. We fiercely protect our own, but if you mean us no ill-will you'll find we are exceptionally friendly." Unfortunately for her Gaven arrived, and her expression when looking at the human was anything but pleasant. Iaera all but scowled, trying to retain some control over her face as she watched the dreadful beast come nearer. Loathing boiled up in her when he called her a little friend, exercising a massive amount of control to keep from letting her little snaggle-tooth pop out further. Most of her attention was now focused on now making a horrible face at Gaven in front of these strangers. She didn't care about being little, but she couldn't help but feel it was just him being belittling to her to call her that and so she was silent for a moment. He commented on the skulls and her expression was still quiet, he commented and the diplomat replied and she remained quiet before she looked at Gaven calmly. Violet eyes were almost expressionless, "Someone must protect our borders. Now that they've explained their presence, I don't see why not." Her tone was borderline terse, Iaera did not appreciate this stranger-- a human no less-- trying to criticize her handling of business. But she wasn't sure who this human was and who he thought he was and she heard the approach of Akira, so she kept her energy focused on remaining stoic. The Ranger was a little surprised at the incredulous level of absurdity the King was displaying in her greeting of the Bacchus diplomat and child. But she remained silent, nodded back and simply watched her introduce herself and offer them lunch. Eyes would dart back to Gaven, studying him calmly and keeping her obvious distance from him. Vaguely she was aware of the presence of another but they did not linger and so Iaera let it go. Instead she sat disgruntled, getting more and more into her head. Wondering what this human thought he was so funny for, and why he thought he could talk down at her and why it seemed the diplomat was more comfortable with him. Could the man not see she was protecting her home? Did he not care? The wolfdog could feel her hackles raising again and Iaera shifted her cloak to cover up her rising anger. She wasn't very hungry but she wanted to stay to see diplomatic things occur. ![]() |
resident daydreamer
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March 06, 2018, 03:25:02 PM
(This post was last modified: September 02, 2018, 04:07:15 PM by Harriette.)
![]() The large white male spoke, introducing himself as Sveyn from Bacchus – names Harriette had never heard before that moment. He continued to speak, after apologizing for missing their scent markers, and noted that he was here for strictly business purposes. Somewhere within Harriette, she already knew these two were not here to cause harm. Perhaps that was her blissful ignorance, or perhaps their auras spoke to the pale girl in a way she couldn’t explain.
Both of the outsiders seemed very intrigued by the skulls hanging from their wall. Something Harriette was not willing to go in depth about, but thankfully, she wouldn’t have to. Iaera tackled the question herself, with a very basic explanation. Harriette hoped they didn’t ask who the skulls belonged to. Next, the pup introduced himself as Reath, and Harriette smiled down at the boy. He was quick to tell her that he was fine and that he was a big boy, and Harriette bit her tongue lightly at the realization that she may have bruised the young boy’s pride just slightly. He was precious – feisty even in his wounded state. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, noble Reath.” She said, nodding her head toward the pup. Iaera went on to explain where the two outsiders were, and Harriette took a step back, sitting before the pair, but situating herself to the side slightly so as not to block the Ranger-Whisper’s view of the two in question. Harriette understood that it was Iaera’s job to question them, to have a certain amount of doubt within her at any given time. And perhaps Harriette should, too. Suddenly, a familiar voice rang from behind her. Turning her head, her eyes laid upon the lanky figure of Gaven – their resident elf, the Starreaver. He was wearing a mask which disturbed her slightly, but she learned to not be afraid. As the male rambled on, Harriette turned back to face the strangers, shaking her head in a playful manner as a smile spread across her maw. He sure liked to talk. Noticing that Reath was put off by Gaven, Harriette softened. The pup purposefully directed his attention to Harriette, asking her credentials again since he forgot. Putting Gaven’s words on the back burner, Harriette focused her attention to Reath. “It’s called ‘Acolyte’, but basically it’s just a fancy name for someone who takes the role of healing packmates and those in need.” She explained to him, hoping he understood better. She opened her mouth to speak again, but a shrieking voice pierced the air, causing the hair on the back of Harriette’s neck to raise and her mouth to snap shut. Atop the wall stood her glorious King, her beloved sister. Her mentor, in a sense. Harriette beamed, her body relaxing immediately. She should have known – Akira was never one to make a quiet entrance. She threw herself down the stairs and approached the strangers, as well as Harriette. Akira greeted her three underlings and Harriette bowed her head to her King. “Akira, I’ve missed you.” She said in a small voice, a sincere one. She wasn’t sure if her sister would hear her, but Harriette listened intently to the words that fell from her sister’s mouth. As Akira offered up the idea of lunch, Harriette nodded. “I think that would be a great idea. I’m sure these two-” she swiveled her head to look at Reath, then Sveyn “-could use a good meal after their travels.” Her head then turned to Gaven and Iaera. “Perhaps our Ranger and our Starreaver could go hunt something for you and our visitors while I tend to Reath’s paws and you speak with Mr Sveyn?” A suggestion, hopefully one that would not be taken with ill-temper. Harriette turned her head as her icy hot eyes drank up the image of her King Sister, desperately hoping that the two siblings could perhaps get a chance to speak in all of this as well. She missed her, she longed for her presence. She wished she could turn back time, to when they were all together sun up to sun down, and even nestling into each other as the moon ruled the sky amongst the stars. To when they were all together. “I’m sure you’ve been very busy lately, and haven’t had much time to find yourself something to eat, either, Akira.” But now here they were, only finding time to meet with each other when formal business was at hand. Oh, how they grew. |
in your heart shall burn an unquenchable flame
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The glittering eyes of the mask met the twisting wolf-dog’s face with blank indifference; underneath the elf’s lips curled into a smile. She said nothing for the moment, letting the ambassador of Bacchus make his introductions to the Lorekeeper, but her face contorted with barely contained disgust. Her reaction was barely noteworthy amongst all his first-meetings since arriving in Gemini, but her failing fight to be subtle was hilarious. It was difficult for the Lorekeeper to peel his attention away from her and back to the waiting fellow from Bacchus. The wolf-dog’s gaze burned into him when he did look away. “A cultural exchange could be a good thing. Trade does keep civilized societies at peace,” Gaven piped in response to the white-furred ambassador. “We are certainly interested in hearing what services Bacchus is offering up. I’m Gaven, the Lorekeeper of Gemini, a pretty self-exclamatory title, not sure I can secure an alliance singlehandedly but I can nudge things in the right direction if the royals find you and your ‘Bacchus’ acceptable.” Halfway through his warm introduction to the ambassador Gaven felt himself inwardly reeling at what he was saying, his eyes becoming unfocused as he considered the fact that he was playing diplomat for royalty like some human servant. Back home he often managed trade, for he was friendly and could go several minutes without making disparaging (well-deserved) remarks towards the humans, but even then, he knew that nobility was inherently corrupt. Was it here? The royals of Gemini were his closest friends, he couldn’t see if what they were doing was good and couldn’t tell if he was playing pet to them. Damn. This was…something. The wolf-dog’s words snapped him out of his trance as the muzzle of his mask turned to face her. She was agreeing with him, even though her tone of voice was questionable. It was no matter, he liked being agreed with. This was clearly the sign of a budding friendship. Maybe one-sided friendship. Close enough. Before he could say much else he was interrupted by a shouting, howling young King, and any attempt at words were immediately drown out. Akira had grown in his absence, but he recognized her. A strange mix of sorrowful curiosity ached in his chest and her current silliness did not manage to entirely wash away that feeling; he was glad for the mask as it hid many things. After her howling and scrambling down to meet the others Gaven did the same but with significantly less noise and vibrant energy. Surely Ieara would be pleased to have the Starreaver at ‘face-level’. He would remember not to come within biting distance of her, she seemed feisty. “Your Majesty, these are our visitors from Bacchus,” Gaven explained the situation in a humorous tone. “Here for diplomacy and trade. I’m not sure what we’re trading yet. We haven’t gotten that far.” “Perhaps our Ranger and our Starreaver could go hunt something for you and our visitors while I tend to Reath’s paws and you speak with Mr Sveyn?” Gaven visibly hesitated, mask pointed towards Harriette for a second before it wandered back to the skulls on the wall. Sveyn seemed like a fine gentleman and he was probably even trustworthy, but Gaven wouldn’t leave these two young wolves alone with him, not yet. Serrate didn’t need more of her children’s bones hanging from a tree in her lifetime. “I am very good at that whole hunting business,” Gaven admitted, acting as if he was embarrassed of his amazing skills, “but I feel I’m needed here, at least until we get our new friends settled. Then I will happily get out of everyone’s fur.” |
the brave
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![]() A short moment after mentioning his request for discussing matters of alliances, the person in question seemed to have arrived. He wouldn't have guessed it judging by her lack of eloquence and grace, but her confidence and beauty was hair raising. He watched her closely as she announced her presence and trapezed along the wall, and then down before him. He took note of her voluminous, thick fur. The banded horns. The genetics of the girl must be strong, and it made his fur stand. First, she'd greeted her companions, her citizens. Then she deemed him worthy. "Hail! Welcome to Gemini. I'm Akira, King. You have business with us? Perhaps you'd like to discuss it over lunch?" King, he thought. Gemini was becoming more intriguing by the seconds. He allowed a comforting paw to Reath, unsure of how the pup would react to the sudden burst of energy that Akira offered. After doing so, he nodded, "I hope to have business with you, yes. I am Sveyn, I am from Bacchus. This is Reath." He motioned towards the pup, "It's a pleasure, King Akira." A deeper nod now, respectfully. He preserved time for the others to greet their superior, leaning an ear towards the girl who took more of an interest in Reath. She seemed the most overjoyed by Akira's arrival. A relative, he learned through context. As they devised courteous plans to care for them, Sveyn glanced towards the young boy for a third time, "We will rest here for awhile, and then set off for home." Regret pulled him both ways; one way for dedicating more time than he'd allocated here in Gemini and the other for putting the boy through a neverending trek that he didn't ask for. Feeling a sort of responsibility for the health of the boy may have swayed his decision making. When it seemed the plan was settled, Sveyn spoke up again, "Lunch would be lovely." ▌note: SHAME SHAME SHAMe ON ME. this was really hard for me lol
Orphan pup
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Will post tomorrow!
Orphan pup
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It should have been obvious that these wolves didn't live by 'normal' standards but talking with the healer lady had distracted the pup from the....other...things that weren't quite right. For one had never seen, or heard, of a creature that looked like the tall cloaked figure that spoke with Sveyn. Yet he thought that if Sveyn was ok with the....thing then so was Reath. After all he could trust Sveyn. In that brief moment of relative peace the silver dire pup began to actually enjoy the bizarre nature of this foreign land. The soft spoken healer had called him noble and of course Reath puffed himself up as large as he could which was for naught since he yelped like a startled duck when someone came barreling into the small gathering.
With record breaking speed the pup to nearly tripped over himself as he darted back to the safety of Sveyns massive bulk. His little heart hammered in his ears as he peeked out from under his HUGE protector to take in the sight of the newcomer. It sounded like a girls but she called herself 'King'??? But what really got his attention was the newcomers appearance. She looked like another hellion fea that they had met in the neutral lands. He wondered if they were related. He couldn't bring himself to speak to the babbling lady but he felt Sveyns large paw on his back and he felt a little braver with the white giant looking after him. He saw how the strangers gathered around the 'king' with affection and smiles but the pup was just highly confused. If he had behaved like she had he would have likely gotten a good smack on the nose or a swift bite to his sensitive rear but she was coddled and welcomed like she had just given them the best news ever. That was sooooooo not fair. Luckily he didn't have to introduce himself to the over excited 'King' as Sveyn did the introductions himself yet he sounded a bit off just now. Reath gave the pale giant a curious head tilt but quickly turned his attention back to the group of wolves that were seeming to grow in numbers the longer they stayed. Just how many wolves did this single lady have in her pack or had he not yet seen the other King...or would it be Queen? Could the alpha male be called 'Queen'? Why would he be ok with that...or was there just the 'King' ruling over this whole place? Reath gave up on this line of thought....this place was just too confusing. Yet Reath was surprised that Sveyn agreed to stay here for longer than what he had told Reath. The pup felt torn between horror and relief. The horror came from the realization that he would have to stay in this strange pack in which everything he had been taught to be fact was no longer fact. On the other hand he was glad to be off of his feet. "Pssst," he hissed at Sveyn to get his attention. If successful he would signal the large male to lower his head so he could whisper a question meant only for his companions ears, "Do you think they have pups I could play with?" After traveling to so many places Reath didn't meet any wolf pups within his age range to play with and Reath was starting to feel a little lonely with no one to run around with while the adults spoke about confusing things. Then again Reath wondered if he would be allowed to play with anyone while in this place, "....if its ok for me to play with them." He didn't really understand why Sveyn had brought Reath with him to these new lands other than bringing him to Bacchus after everything was said and done but it seemed that Sveyn often looked at Reath as if he was expecting him to remember or do something. Sveyn had taught him proper manners for meeting wolves of high ranks but had shared little else and the small dire pup felt as if his larger companion was expecting him to learn something from this experience. Reath wanted to make Sveyn proud and didn't expect Sveyn to share much information with him so he learned from hints that were subtly given but come on he was still a pup and wanted to play with someone instead of constantly thinking....and walking...he definitely didn't want to do anymore walking for a while. |
Advertiser Extraordinaire
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Just wanted to let everyone else know that Rip and I talked about concluding this thread! You will see Reath and Sveyn around Bacchus for a bit as they come to terms about whether or not to create an alliance!!! :O
Lemme know if anyone wants to RP with Sveyn! |
poutine goddess
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You mean Gemini?
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kissed by the moon
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We are all Bacchus on this blessed day